©Kirton News 2025

July / August 2019

The Editors Letter

Welcome to our double ‘Summer’ issue. You may notice I’ve put Summer in quotes as at the time of writing this, it’s ridiculously cold and wet. What is it doing out there? I have however, kept some shred of positivity by featuring another Summer recipe below, a classic and very easy Pavlova; always a crowd pleaser!

Our ‘Meet The Locals’ feature continues and in this issue we will be chatting to Jason from the Fuddy Duck brewery on Willington Road. I’ve already had one other enquiry from a long standing local business who will feature in the next issue which is great. If anyone else is interested in getting involved, please contact me. I hope to keep this feature going for as many issues as there are businesses!

The Best Pavlova Recipe
taken from Prettysimplesweet.com

Ingredients: 4 large egg whites, 1 cup (200 g/7 oz) granulated or icing sugar, ½ tablespoon cornflour (sifted), 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar or lemon juice, pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract.

Method: Preheat oven to 325F/160C. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and draw an 8-inch or 9-inch circle (you can use your cake pans for that). This will help you later when spreading the meringue. Turn the paper so that the circle is on the reverse side. In a mixer bowl fitted with a whisk attachment or a hand whisk, whisk egg whites on high speed until foamy and soft peaks start to form (about 30-40 seconds). Reduce speed to medium and, while mixer is running, add sugar, one tablespoon at a time. Once done adding sugar, increase speed to high and continue whisking until stiff peaks form, meringue is glossy, and the sugar is fully dissolved. Add cornflour, vinegar, salt, and vanilla and either fold in by hand or whisk on low speed just until combined. Spread meringue onto the baking paper, shaping it into a circle with the help of the circle you drew earlier. Create a border so that edges are slightly higher than the centre. Place in oven and reduce temperature to 230F/110C. Bake for 75-90 minutes, or until creamy in colour and the outside appears dry. Turn off oven and, without removing, let meringue cool completely in the oven. It will crack slightly while cooling. Top with sweetened whipped cream and your favourite fruits!

You may see on the front cover and inside the magazine, we are looking for some distributors to cover a number of areas in the village. As you know, we have a fantastic band of volunteers who cover the entire village, some of whom have been putting the mag through your letterbox for decades. If you can spare an hour or two a month, please contact me!

I will also repeat briefly something I mentioned in my last letter. Please do get in touch by sending me an e-mail if you would like to be considered for a donation from Kirton News. We are always happy to support local causes and events for raffles etc.

Whatever you get up to this Summer, I do hope you have a lovely time. Whether it be a holiday or a staycation, please do at least a few things that make you smile. See you in September!



Meet The Locals: This issue, we’re talking to Jason from the Fuddy Duck Brewery in Kirton End.

1) Who came up with the idea of the brewery/Fuddy Duck name?

I came up with the name, I have had the name from a young age!

2) What products do you currently offer?

We sell a range of beers from Dark beers to pale ales. We also sell 8 flavoured Gins and Vodka. Mango Mayhem is a good         selling beer. It’s made from mango, kiwi and passion fruit.

3) Do you have a bestseller?

Our Toffee vodka and flavoured gins sell well.

4) Any plans for expanding your range in the future?

We are always making new beers and Gins to add to our range.

5) How can people order from you/visit you?

You can buy direct from the Brewery or the Black Sluice Riverside cafe. We are always looking for stockists to sell our Gins and beers. The brewery has a bar where people can drink on the premises. We also do brewery tours by appointment.

If you’re interested in ordering, visit the Fuddy Duck website, their Facebook page or contact Jason directly on 07881 818875 www.thefuddyduckbrewery.co.uk


Kirton Church Fund

The June draw takes place on Sunday 22nd June, the July drawn takes place on Sunday 27th July and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.

Our May winners have both won before. Congratulations to both of them!

June marks the start of our eighth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. (I can’t believe how quickly this year is going, too!)

In this time we have raised over £12,000 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members and especially those who have stayed with us from the beginning.

Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! (Don’t worry I will give you a call if it’s time to renew.)

Sadly two of our members have died during the year and their numbers run out this month which would mean the prize fund going down. The good news however is a new member has signed up for the June draw. Welcome aboard.

Also one member has taken on a second number so that June prize money should remain the same if all those due to renew are happy to continue.

Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish. £5each month for monthly payments or if you wish to sign up for a year £50 and £28 for 6 months.

We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

My apologies to Paula of Paula’s Gifts for giving the incorrect title of her shop in last month’s magazine. Paula has very kindly agreed to have some of our registration forms available in her shop at the bottom of Station Road. So if you do pop in for form, have a look at her lovely selection of cards and gifts. They are very reasonably priced.

Registration forms are also available at the back of church, from Kirton Library or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.

May 2019 Winners

1st PRIZE - £39.98 - TICKET NUMBER:4
2nd PRIZE - £13.34 - TICKET NUMBER:41

Letters to the Editor

Hi Rachael

We held the Fosdyke Tractor Run & Charity Event on 12th May 2019 and now have all the money collected in and would like to let everyone know how much was raised on the day.  This year the event raised a fantastic £4311.86 for local Macmillan Cancer Support.

Thankyou to everyone who supported the event and for all the generous donations.

Russell Nicol

Kirton Kids Club

Here we go ….. Starting the term up to the school summer holidays! It is a long one this time – seven weeks and two days so plenty of time to fit all sorts of wonderful games and activities in before we break up.

The children usually spend most of this time outside and have their snacks ‘al fresco’ at our benches and tables in the lovely outside area at Kids Club.

We have mud and sand kitchens, water play, astro turf, ball/games area and a slide/climbing tower. Plus space for scooters, skateboards and sports equipment.

There are now a few place at both breakfast and after school sessions – these go very quickly (especially the mornings) so if you are interested please give us a ring and we can organise places for you: 07583 762072.

We also have a web page so you can read about us, prices ect. @ kirtonkidsclub.co.uk

Prices are breakfast club £4.00 per child per session and after school £6.00 per child per session with a 10% discount for related siblings attending in the same session.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.


News from Kirton Monday club

We meet alternate Mondays at The Chestnuts at 2pm. January was spent planning our year. In February we had a Valentines lunch at Baythorpe Tea Rooms, which was very enjoyable.

We held a fund raising afternoon in March for the Air Ambulance.

During April the ladies made some pretty Easter bonnets and we also held a quiz. We went to the theatre at Skegness to see a variety show.

During the summer months we had some outings with Haines coaches. We have visited Beccles and Ely and have a trip to St Ives planned in August.

In July we are visiting the Bomber Command memorial in Lincoln, afterwards we are going to Pennellís garden centre for lunch.

We celebrate our birthdays with cake and flowers for the ladies and something suitable for the men.

David Danby came and spent time telling us about the plans for Kirton and he allowed us to ask questions.

By the time this is published we will have had our fete in the Town Hall. We hope you found time to visit us.

Stan Naylor has a birthday on the 3rd of July He will be 97 years old. We all wish him a happy day. We are sure heíll have a good time and have a wee dram to help his day along.

Happy birthday Stan from all of us at the club.

We donít meet in August but will be back at the Chestnuts in September. PLEASE COME AND JOIN US!


If you want to do more for your community, if you want to spend your time productively, and if you can think, listen and act locally then why not apply to become a Parish Councillor.

If you think you have got what it takes to become a Parish Councillor, please contact:

Mrs Belinda Buttery
Clerk to Kirton Parish Council,
Spring Cottage, Asperton Road,
Wigtoft, Boston, PE20 2PS
or Email: kirtonparishcouncil@hotmail.com


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- April 2019

Public Forum

No public attended.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman was pleased to inform members that the Town Hall painting around the windows (external) was underway and should be finished this week.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs A Austin (County) and M Brookes (County) sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item.

Cllr Rylott declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice-Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 21st March 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

Cllr Turner informed members that PCSOs have been given additional powers, in that they are now allowed to stop vehicles for speeding plus tax and insurance matters.

PC Thornton reported that there had been 5 crimes reported since the last meeting: 1) Criminal damage/arson – not detected. 2) Antisocial behaviour – not detected. 3) Burglary – offenders caught. 4) Theft from a motor vehicle – ongoing investigation 5) Antisocial behaviour in the churchyard – offenders caught and antisocial behaviour warning letters sent home. 6) Antisocial behaviour in the Town Hall – not detected.

PC Thornton asked whether there we any reports received on negative issues regarding Brexit. Members were not aware of any.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

No members of the public attended.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Austin gave an update regarding the crossing on Station Road. The officer she has been speaking to has said that they didn’t think there was anything they could do at this time. Cllr Hannay reported that the poles at the crossing had illuminated strips cut out of them but that there was not light on. He will forward a picture he has taken to the Clerk for onward transmission to Cllr Austin to take up with Highways again.

Cllr Brookes had been in touch with the Clerk during the week and informed her that Highways would re look at the white line’s situation on A52 again the following week, but that all outstanding works raised were complete.

Cllr Watson raised the query of having Skeldyke Road made into a 30 mph. He had an email he wished to pass on to Cllr Austin – Clerk to forward Cllr Austin’s email address to Cllr Watson.

Accounts for payment/Finance

It was resolved to accept the payments as per payment sheet dated April 2019 1 of 12.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC. Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Uneven pavement reported onthe pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.

LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further

Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the crossing issues on Station Road, I have asked for their help in enforcing the double yellow lines outside the Kebab shop plus have asked about the possibility of having the columns to the ‘z brites’ changed to illuminated ones.

Road Safety (Accident Investigation) Manager is in talks with Andy Wharf at Highways at the Borough.

He will also ask the parking Enforcement Team to visit the village over the next few months as a priority. Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Potholes on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC ref:343706 – photos which Cllr Smith sent to Cllr Brookes also added to report

Cllr Brookes reported that these should have or are about to be done.

Street light outside 51 King Street reported to streetlighting as not working. Light on alleyway between Thomas Middlecott Drive and Edinburgh Drive not working reported to LCC ref 348119

Overgrown Hedge into the road on Willington Road outside Old Vicarage reported to LCC ref 348076

Ruts caused by lorries down Skeldyke Road reported to LCC ref 348075

Further report from LCC states they will not be taking any action at this time but continue to monitor as part of their safety inspections and works programmes.

Email received regarding excessive speeds on Donington Road. Offered resident to become part of the Community Speed Watch Team – she declined, but asked that we ask Road Safety Partnership to monitor.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1) The Chairman read the note from Cllr Foster who has been a Parish Councillor for 47 years but will not be standing for election again. The Council thanked Cllr Foster for all his hard work over the years and the Chairman said that he will be missed.

2) Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary traffic restrictions:

7.05.19-06-09.19 – Church Lane, Hill Lane, Holmes Road, Princess Road, Thorne Way, Washdike Road, Woodside Road, Whitebread Road, Willington Road

3) An email had been received by the Clerk from Michelle Sacks (Deputy Chief Executive) at Boston Borough Council. She had devised a skills template for when Parish Councils are looking to co-opt new members by highlighting what skills the existing council has and where it is lacking. The Council resolved not to go down this route as they felt that the current method of asking prospective members to write in with what they can offer (through skills and experience) to enhance the council covers this already.

Town Hall

Cllr Sharp had attended a recent meeting of the Town Hall Management Committee. He updated members on the progress/situation the committee is in regarding improvements to the building and bookings.


Two quotations had been received for the improvement/extension works to the footpath/roadway in the cemetery. It was resolved that due to the type of works needed it was sensible to get quotations from two companies rather than get others to quote who are not experts in this field. The quotations were discussed and a vote taken. The vote was tied and the Chairman made the casting vote. Clerk to inform contractors and request a start date.

Parish matters

1) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

Community speed watch has generated another volunteer.

2) Update on Park Inspections

Nothing to report.

Cllr Bemrose asked if it would be possible to put a bench or two in the small play area for parents to sit on when they bring their children to the Park. Cllr Smith still has two picnic benches at his house which were donated to the council a while ago. It was resolved that Cllr Smith should arrange for these to be put in the park as soon as possible. Cllr Turner volunteered to paint the benches when they are in situ.

Reports for Various Bodies

Issues regarding parking in the village are ongoing with parking outside Ben’s Chinese becoming a real issue. It was resolved that the Enforcement team should be contacted to patrol.

Planning applications:

B/19/0074 – Erection of 5 dwellings following demolition of existing outbuildings at land to the rear of 7-15 Station Road, Kirton – ENTRANCE TO DEVELOPMENT TOO NARROW FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES, OTHERWISE NO OBJECTIONS (already informed Planning department following on from planning committee meeting)

B/19/0092 – two storey rear extension and internal alterations at 54 Willington Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B/19/0121 – Approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) for the erection of 4 dwellings approved under application B/17/0491 at Land to the rear of 84 Boston Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B/19/0016 – Office building with workshop at Murlec Electrical Contractors, Eden Business Park, Avalon Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS.


Frampton Gardening Club

Frampton Garden Club starts its new club year on Thursday 30th May 2019, with our AGM held, as usual, at Frampton Village Hall at 7.30pm. During the meeting the members have a chance to review last years speakers and events, and plan for the coming season.

The Pauline Chubb Award will be presented to the member displaying the best flower from their garden, as judged by fellow members. The varieties and colours are always a treat at this lovely time of year, and having been encouraged by Tom Holland at our March meeting to introduce more colour into our gardens, we can expect even better flowers this year. The members bring sharing plates of savouries and sweets and will round off avery enjoyable evening with a “Mystery Event”.

The April meeting brought another speaker, Harry Leach, to explain the best techniques for planting tubs, hanging baskets and other containers [ none of which need be expensive ]. Not everyone has a garden, but so much pleasure is gained by family, friends and even passers-by from pots filled with colourful plants and flowers, we have all paused to admire a lovely display in someone’s front garden that has brought a smile to our faces and lifted our mood.

The Chelsea Flowers Show will once again be on our screens in May, with beautiful gardens filled with celebrities. This year The Duchess of Cambridge has collaborated with garden designers Andree Davies and Adam White for the RHS Back to Nature Garden, which is intended to encourage parents and children to spend more time outdoors to help improve their mental and physical well-being.

This sentiment is endorsed by all gardening clubs, although the carefree days of our childhood spent exploring the lanes and dykes, making dens and playing with friends, unsupervised by parents, is largely gone.

The Garden Club takes too the road for June and July meetings, so please don’t come to the Village Hall, we shall be at Peter Beal Roses near Norwich in June and Amber Hill Butterfly and Wildlife garden in July, all followed by afternoon tea.

We return to Frampton Village Hall on Thursday 29th August for our annual Produce Show, when members proudly display their flowers, vegetables, fruit and conserves for 2019. Please come and join us at 7.30pm, when you can be assured of a warm welcome and more tea/coffee, cakes and biscuits.

The View from the Vicarage

The months of July and August traditionally marks the heart of British summertime and brings with it not only a change in the weather, but also a change in the way we experience the world around us. The summer season I believe gives us a wonderful opportunity to discover new and revitalizing things about ourselves, if we use summer for relaxation.

The liturgical life of the church has always been firmly governed by a sense of times and seasons.  One of the most disconcerting things about modern travel is the way that it can transport us from one season and climate to another within so short a space of time that our own bodies and inner sense of rhythm become completely disorientated.  One day I am in a British midsummer, the next I am in an Australian midwinter, we know this as one of our sons lives in Australia. The Church and her liturgy tells us that times and seasons do matter.  Our bodies are attuned to the onset and passing of seasons of the year, our whole cycle of life as Christians is dominated by liturgy and sacrament – the embodied signs of what it means to be worshippers of the God made flesh. 

One of the great delights of an English summer lies in being able to shed layers of clothing and get rid of waterproof clothes. In my experience when its warm and sunny even our behaviour changes: people sit in parks picnicking over lunch breaks, we even drink our morning coffee outside, sit at pavement cafes instead of huddling indoors.  Summer becomes a time for reconnecting with the the natural light, the greater opportunities for communal living afforded by being able to sit out of doors for longer, watching children playing and people talking outside instead of sitting enclosed.  There is a sense of a general relaxing into the present, a willingness to linger longer over meals or even chance meetings with friends. Summer takes us into holiday time, when in families the rhythms of work change, children and adults may spend more time together, positively or negatively as such an experience may be.  Holidays can take us into different environments, give opportunities for exploration and expansion of horizons. 

But if our pale and white bodies come alive in summer they can also become problematic.  One of the interesting themes in many women’s magazines, as soon as Easter is over, is the offer of radical diets to enable us to look good in swimming costumes and more revealing clothing.  If summer signals the liberation from woollies and heavy winter clothing, it also signals the threat of being seen with the bulk of winter still upon us – all the extra pounds we out on over the winter.  Every aspect of our winter body becomes a potential fashion threat.  I ask then, what does it mean to have a spiritual approach to summer that copes with and challenges the advertising power of the fashion and diet industries, filled as they are with the  message that our bodies are only acceptable if they conform to a standard of beauty achieved by a few! Perhaps summer might be a time to relax and learn to thank God just for what is, here and now, for the flowering and fruition of our own bodies and lives, whatever their stage and shape.

The God I worship day by day is a God who is with us always to the end of time and is certainly not limited to any season.  I know and believe that God is both within and beyond our times and seasons, but invites us in the summer, perhaps more than at other times, to really enjoy what summer brings in a deeply spiritual sense.  This includes our total selves, the other person, whether family, friend or stranger and the earth in full flower and fruit as the power of the risen Christ liberates all creation from bondage. It may even be a time to try Church on a delightful summer Sunday morning!


 Fr Paul