©Kirton News 2025

June 2012

The Editors Letter

I don’t like computers. Even though they are basically simple they seem to have the talent to confuse. Computers enable me (and my brilliant team) to bring this to you. Computers keep me in touch with our contributors. Computers provide me with the means to exchange ideas and thoughts with others. But they are frustrating and limiting in so many other ways. I still prefer the personal contact (and it's that contact that has prompted this month's moan).

Don’t feel undervalued if you find technology difficult. The people who are asking you to use these machines (in the majority of cases) don’t know what they are doing either. And, in most cases, they are getting paid for it!! But they are only a power-cut away from disaster.... Hah!

This comes on the back of a recent ‘blip’ as I try to compose this rant!
Anyway... to continue. Moan of the Month!

Grass cutting. Is it so difficult? I’ve had several residents of Dennis and Hardwick approach me to highlight how disgusted they have been at the standard of grass cutting in their area recently (see pics).
Any of us with a lawn - myself included - know how difficult it has been over the last weeks to get a good cut on a constantly saturated grassland.

PICK YOUR TIME. Cut it with a high setting on the mower. Come back a few days later and cut again. Once cut, how about using a good old sprung tyne rake to clear the residue? If you are employed to cut the stuff, at least do your best to make it presentable. And not only the estates; the church yard suffered from the same shoddy treatment. It looks a mess - and creates a mess when ‘paddled’ into peoples homes.
But it's the usual thing.

This sort of attitude is reflective of what is so bad about the country today! Do enough to get away with... don’t be bothered to put yourself out - to put yourself under any undue ‘stress’ or make an effort. Even though a few minutes might make all the difference. Spend too long doing what you're employed to do and you might not have enough time to finish reading the ‘Mirror’ in the company’s time!

Comments invited! And they will be published!

Apart from that we have another great issue. Looking forward to the Jubillee celebrations may I wish you all an enjoyable and entertaining June. I don’t know about you but I’m busting out all over!
New trousers, then!


'The Last ' reflection
from the Methodist Minister

Adieu, auf wiedersehn, ciao, all ways of saying farewell. This will be my last letter to you as I will be leaving at the start of July to live and work in the Vale of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. So, the last few months have been laced with the ‘last time’ doing many things and making preparations for my move. That can be very sad, but also a reminder of all the good times I have enjoyed living in Boston. I have loved the open spaces and Lincolnshire culture and people and will miss the sense of humour and many of the friends I have made during the last three years. There are indeed many ways of saying good-bye and my hope is that I leave something of ‘me’ behind; I hope that some may have found a new life in knowing Jesus, and some will have grown a deeper faith.

When Jesus left his disciples, he tried to reassure them that what he had taught them would help them in the future, that the lessons they had learned would give them courage to stand up for what they believed and encourage others to discover that God offered them a new way of life.

My prayer is that you may discover the love of God, and if you have already done so, that you may continue to grow in faith and share that love with others.
Jesus said, ‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid’. (John 14 verse 27)

May God bless you


Please help save your church!

Irena moves on but the work at SS Peter & Paul continues at a pace! Following the "News" article of October 2011 (Kirton Church in Crisis!) The desperate race to raise funds for roof repairs is still on-going but showing a massive shortfall. At Kirton Church there are a small band of people who do an awful amount of work to fund-raise to increase the pitifully low income. Unfortunately, for them, it is the same small group of people who turn out most of the time attempts are made to raise money. Local attendance at some recent functions has been disappointing for a village the size of Kirton.

Some - car boots especially - have been more encouraging. But, Kirton Church is YOUR church, practicing Christian or not.

It's for YOUR entertainment (C&W, classical, choral concerts, etc.) for YOUR family occasions (weddings, baptisms, funerals) and it brings tourist income into YOUR village. It is, as all churches have traditionally been, the centre of the community - culturally as well as geographically - along with Post Office, Pub and Corner Shop. It's GOT to be worth saving!

Unable to attend fund raising events to give support? Father Gary and the team have come up with a way to do it from your own home and with a chance of winning money for yourselves at the same time - A monthly prize draw.


The parting of the ways

As you will no doubt have read in this issue of Kirton News, our Methodist Minister, Irena Byron is moving to pastures new. Myself, the PCC, and the congregation of Kirton Church would like to wish her all the best for the future.

The two Churches have a historic tradition of working together for the benefit of the community of Kirton Village. Irena has worked very hard in her time here to maintain that tradition. This is not an easy task as she has oversight over another Church in Boston and this has brought its own demands on her time, a responsibility I know only too well. These, coupled with the many other typical demands on a Minister has meant that she has been very busy here.

I am sure that her new post will be equally active and demanding: our thoughts and prayers go with her. Please keep her in your prayers as moving to a new area and taking up a new post and meeting and working with new people is always exigent and stressful.
Yours in Christ

Fr Gary

The Royal British Legion
Kirton and District Branch

Hello Readers, just an update on the districts poppy appeal, to date the district has raised £3,536.72 which is an increase on the total for last year which was £3,393.65.
The Poppy Appeal for 2011/2012 does not end until August, so what can we do to increase this? Is there anyone who is willing to sponsor the legion in a charity event, or could we organiser a day out in the Derbyshire Peak District say a 4 mile walk or a 9 mile bike ride, individuals would need to collect sponsorship to cover the transport cost plus a small donation to the poppy appeal fund something of this nature would be a good way of keeping fit and healthy and help The Royal British Legion in their support of all the serving and ex service personnel and the families of our armed forces, anyone interested my contact details are below.

Members may be interested to know of a project that Boston Wood Trust has set up in Jenny’s Wood in Wyberton. They have sited some Veterans Memory Stone Plaques, to the Royal British Legion, Royal British Legion Women Section, Royal Army Service Corp, Grenadier Guards, Royal Air Force Association and the Normandy Veterans Association. Also, in this wood the Trust have allowed the Nation Health Service Trust to set up exercise beams around the area to encourage people to take more exercise. So for those who like a walk but do not want to go to the Peak District here is a nice walk on our own door step.

In June we have arranged a coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, the coach is now full and I have a waiting list. We are hoping for the weather to be kind to us, I will write and let you know how the day went in my next letter.

Branch membership is getting very low so we are going to have a membership drive this year, starting on June 4th at the Graves Park Jubilee Day. We are looking for anyone whether they have been in the Armed Forces or not. We need members or volunteer to help in this vital support of our Armed Forces and their families, Ex-service personal who have just left the service sometimes do not know how we can be of help to them. So this recruiting drive is partly to tell people what we are all about and how we can help them
Please call in to our stall to have a chat, take away any of the books or leaflets and have a free cup of tea or coffee on us

The Royal British Legion. Kirton and District Branch are invited by the Kirton Methodist Church to celebrate Armed Forces day on Sunday 24th June at 1030hrs. Everyone is invited to the service to show our support for Her Majesty’s Armed Forces


Ralphlands Care Home ~ one year on

Ralphlands purpose-built care home on Ralph’s Lane, Frampton opened its doors just over a year ago.

Since March 2011 Dr. Paul Leong (NHS medical consultant) and his dedicated staff have gained an excellent reputation offering specialist respite, nursing and residential care for older people and those suffering from demetia. The home has been very successful, achieving 60% occupancy and continues to improve and extend its capabilities. They have opened a second lounge and have new day-case and respite facilities.

But Ralphlands isn’t just about medical care: they also promote independence and positive experiences and support individuals, helping them manage and learn to live with whatever life has dealt them.

One resident has celebrated their hundreth birthday, prompting a feature in the Boston Standard and the Christmas celebrations were memorable for all with an invited choir and bell ringers providing excellent entertainment.

This Easter saw more celebrations with home-made Easter Bonnets and a celebrity visit from a local football hero. Needless to say, preparations are in full swing for our Jubilee celebrations with hats made and posters designed.

From a professional point of view the team have achieved full CQC (Care Quality Commission) compliance and have introduced facilities for care at home. As for the building itself an extension is planned and a garden lounge will soon be opened to make the most of our forthcoming glorious Summer(!!!).

But the final comment should come from one of the guests themselves. Ralphlands is simply this:-

'Its a pleasure to be in Ralphland Care home. All the care and the love that is shown. Always ready to do a kind act. Good carers and that's a fact!'


Teddies Tunes
Pre-school Music & Craft Activity Groups


Teddies’ Tunes meets in Kirton every Monday during term time at the Methodist Church Hall, London Road. We are a small, but enthusiastic, friendly group of mums, grandparents and child minders who enjoy a variety of musical activities with our children. The children who currently attend the Kirton group range in age from a few months to three years.
The Monday session starts at 9.30am with 45 minutes of structured musical activities followed by a simple craft activity, toys and refreshments. The session ends around 11.00am.

Since Easter we have been learning songs about rail and road transport. Some of these will be performed in our end of term concert at be held on 7th July at Zion Methodist Church, Boston. Craft activities have included a Chugga chugga choo choo! train modelled on a child’s arm, a collage with vehicle puppets and a set of traffic lights to accompany the song ‘Twinkle, twinkle traffic light’.

Many people are not aware of the importance of music to a child’s early development. A recent article in the Times Educational Supplement summarised research findings which showed that:
• Making music in a child’s early years
• Increases listening and concentration skills
• Enhances a child’s ability to discriminate between sounds
• Improves phonetic awareness
• Helps to develop language and literacy skills
• Improves physical co-ordination
• Enhances confidence through performance
• Music making in small groups
• Promotes teamwork
• Develops leadership skills
• Is extremely enjoyable

By sharing music experiences with your child at an early age you will help to develop a confident and creative child. Schools report that many children start school with little knowledge of traditional nursery rhymes, songs and games. This is especially worrying given the benefits of making music to listening skills and language development.
Hundreds of children and their families have enjoyed Teddies’ Tunes since it started in 2001. Why not join them? Reservations are now being taken for September, but if you want to start before then we will be very pleased to see you.

One mum recently described Teddies’ Tunes as ‘the best thing she ever did with her two boys’. Her children are now enjoying music at school and have the confidence to perform in front of others. Many others are singing in school choirs and taking part in theatrical and dancing performances at Blackfriars theatre and at schools.

A 12 week term at Teddies’ Tunes costs a maximum of £51.00. Fees can be paid weekly over 10 weeks or in advance at the start of each term or in smaller blocks. There are discounts for children under 18 months and for all siblings.

Summer Celebration

Please join us on Monday July 16th from 9.30am – 11.00am for a special end of term session.Summer crafts and songs as we look forward to the holidays and FREE refreshments. Places must be pre-booked. We look forward to meeting you.

Contact Rosemary Brown on 01205 367004 for more information or to book a place. Mention ‘Kirton News’ and receive your first session FREE!


Kirton Sports News

Sport in School

At the end of the current school term, Kirton Primary will be doing a sponsored walk around the field to raise money for charity. Fingers crossed the weather will hold out, a report will be published in next month’s edition !

Pub Sports

The pool league has started again with Black Bull entering a team captained by Luto. Also Kirton Leisure has entered a team captained by Liam Carpmail. Best of luck to both teams throughout the league season and in all competitions.

The Darts league will so be under way again as well and I’m sure the Black Bull in Kirton will be challenging for the league again. All the best to them.


Going into the final month of the season Kirton Town under 12’s came of a brilliant run of form and hoped to close the gap on Holbeach and claim the league. They started the month in prime position and had the perfect opportunity to close the gap when they travelled to Holbeach. Unfortunately things did not go as planned and Kirton got thumped 7 -0. This loss gave Holbeach the league. On the final game of the season Kirton travelled to

Birchwood Colt Boys, this trip saw the boys end the season winning 2 -1.
Well done to Kirton Town under 12’s for finishing 2nd in the league everyone in the village is extremely proud of you and we know you will be challenging for the title again next season.

In the final 2 games of this season FC Kirton played Pointon Reserves at home and away. The first game they travelled to Pointon and unfortunately lost 4 -2. The week after they entertained Pointon at home and finished the season losing 4 – 0. These results and a poor season meant FC Kirton finished the season bottom of the league; hopefully they can put this season behind them and make a charge up the table for next season.

Kirton Town Reserves were making their own charge for the league, going into the final 2 games of the season they were 3rd a point behind the teams in first and second. The penultimate game was again Old Don Reserves. When the final whistle blew their title hopes were dented as it ended 3 – 3. Going into the final game of the season Kirton Town knew they needed to win to have any hope of winning the league. They entertained Friskney at home and the match ended 3 – 2.

The results of their final games meant Kirton Town Reserves finished the league in 3rd place. Well done boys I’m sure they will fight all the way for the league title again. Of course I will be here to report all the results and effects on the league table from next season.

Finally a little bit of fun:

Last month’s anagram was – See millions. The clue was a football player who doesn’t do it for the money and the answer of course was the magician Lionel Messi.
This month’s anagram – Hydro Goons: The weight of the country is on his shoulders.

Remember, if you want to feature in the next edition of the newsletter contact me on shaun_paul2007@hotmail.co.uk


Kirton Kids Club

What a wonderful Easter Holiday session we had at the club!
We were busy each day and the children got involved in so many activities it is hard to remember them all.

Of course yoau can’t have Easter with out plenty of chocolate and goodies to eat and the children certainly had those and as the saying goes ‘ a little bit of what you fancy does you good’.

There was definitely some very ‘smiley’ faces during the sessions.
They made lovely Easter Lambs out of white chocolate and marsh mellows. There were also cupcake lollies which the children decorated and the ‘must have’ chocolate Easter egg hunt in the grounds of the Youth Centre.

We also made animal key rings out of Fimo and these were given as presents to parents and carers.

The children also make Easter rabbits/ducks out of recycled CD’s and once decorated filled with mini cupcakes too.
We also got the children involved in portrait making and their artwork on the puzzle picture frames was second to none.

It is always great to make something that involves pictures of the children themselves – with a date on the back so their adults can see what the children were doing at the particular date and how much they have grown and changed.
There were trips and outings during the week which was rounded off by another ‘Kids Club Café’ meal.

The children love to prepare and make food and this time we chose an Italian themed menu that made sure everyone got something they liked to eat.
The children made a tomato, pepper, mushroom, garlic and basil sauce to go with bucatini pasta, cheese and garlic bread.

For their sweet they all helped make a huge fruit salad that was topped off with Neapolitan ice cream.

It really was a lovely meal and the children were proud of their efforts. They set the tables and enjoyed fruit cocktails with their food.
As soon as the new school term started the children threw themselves into setting up their raised bed gardens with many different varieties of vegetables, herbs and fruit plants.

We definitely have not had to water these but they do look lovely and the children take such an interest in what they are growing and we all look forward again this year to eating or including the ‘fruits of our labour’ in sessions snack times and menus.
The club has been serving the parents and children of Kirton and the surrounding villages for the last thirteen years! We pride ourselves in being some of the best but most affordable childcare in the area and as a registered charity we are non profit making and put every penny we take into continuing to provide the high standard of childcare for parents and carers in the area.

If you would like a look around of have a ‘taster’ session for your child/children – please take a look at our website www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or phone 07583 762072. We provide before and after school sessions term time and advertised holidays. All details and prices are on our website. Or, simply pop in during sessions times.


Lincoln to Boston ~ on a PEDALO!!!

Sounds daft... and, IT IS! But it’s all for a very good cause. I’ll let one of the organizers explain - and some of you may know him of old, he’s a local boy after all.

“My name is Steve Slater and I am a Store Manager for Homebase, currently in Stamford.
Gareth Wilkins, a fellow Manager from Sleaford, four of my friends and I are embarking on a charity fund-raising challenge on Saturday 16th June 2012. We would like to ask for support to raise £5,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Both stores at Stamford and Sleaford have a strong track record in charity fund-raising. In the last two years alone we’ve raised over £15,000 doing the usual walks, bike rides, marathons, and so on but, this year, we wanted something different. So, we’re travelling 35 miles along the River Witham, starting in Lincoln and finishing in Boston using an ordinary, un-customized PEDALO! Just like you get in the Balearics!!!

Our corporate nominated charity this year is the Teenage Cancer Trust. As it says ‘on the tin’, they support young people across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Money raised helps build and maintain specialist units within hospitals designed to feel like a hone-from-home and give the kids the very best chance of a positive outcome.

Clare, 15, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at only 14 years of age. She said: “The Teenage Cancer Trust units are absolutely amazing and make such a difference to how you are feeling whilst in hospital. They are well thought-out and perfect for teenagers, just like me. When I wanted to be around others I could hang out in the social area but I also had my own space when I needed it. Being treated on the unit made a huge difference to my experience!”

If any of you feel able to make a donation to support the crew and I in our epic voyage you can do so by calling in at the Homebase stores at Stamford, Sleaford or Boston or call Gareth or myself - our details are below. Also listed are the crew members in case any of you know them personally and would like to give your support. And why not come down to the river bank and cheer us on!! Can’t guarantee what time we’ll be any where, but, what I can promise is that we will complete the journey - come rain, shine and saddle sores - on Saturday June 16th. Please help!”
Steve Slater: 01780 482966 or 01205 369181; Gareth Wilkins: 01529 410271; Crewmates: Dick Creasey; Keith Motley; Phil Pell; Nigel Blakey.

The Thomas Cowley High School

We are embarking upon another exciting development. Six years ago we became a Specialist Technology College. This helped us to improve the curriculum offer which we could give to our students. We are proud of the fact that all our GCSEs have been genuine ones, developed in response to the needs and aspirations of our students and not simply to jump up the latest league tables.

Our results continue to improve year on year and we want to ensure that this is maintained. Consequently we are looking at the possibility of becoming an Academy. At the time of writing we are engaged in a consultation process which will culminate in a final decision by the Governing Body on June 12th.

Becoming an Academy is something thrust upon us by the Education Authority’s decision to effectively wash its hands of secondary school provision. It will mean that we will become essentially an independent school, financed directly by the government. The really exciting part for us is that it will be possible for us to revise our provision in years 7 and 8. It will offer us a tremendous opportunity to introduce innovative ways to further develop our teaching and learning.

What will not change is our core principle of ensuring that every student becomes the best that they can be. We will still be rooted in the community which we serve and continue to ensure that students of all abilities will be made able to develop in a safe, secure and happy environment.

We have made available an email address: consultation@thomascowley.lincs.sch.uk  where  you  can  leave  a  comment, opinion  or  raise  specific  concerns.

On a final note I am pleased to report that we still have some places available in Year 7 for September 2012. The smaller student numbers in our area has meant that we are not over–subscribed as we have been for the past six years. It might also be of interest to note that we continue to support parents with transport costs where this is an issue preventing them from seeking a place at the school.

Any enquiries about admissions should be directed to the School Office - 01775 820254.


Special Friends for Special Needs
Support Group

The Special Friends for Special Needs Support Group tackles behavior & development disorders such as ASD, ADHA and Asperger's Syndrome.

The groups works in partnership with Lincoln ADHD and provide support sessions at the newly annouced venue of The Sure Start Children Centre at Norfolk Lodge in Boston. These sessions are held on every second Tuesday of the month between 12.30pn and 2.30pm and provide training courses and information.

The dates are as follows: 15th May, 19th June, 17th July, 21st August, 18th September, 16th October, 20th November & 18th December.

They believe that supporting each other matters and provides this much needed support in the day and evening.

This is one of the reasons we do what we do. We have a daughter with Autism.
Autism is a serious, lifelong and disabling condition affecting over half a million people in the UK. If you include their families, autism touches the lives of over two million people every day. With your help we can make information on autism & special needs services and support available to those who need it.

Monthly bowling social nights are also held at Playtowers at at cost of £6.00 per child, begining from 6pm.

A support session is held before the bowling begins from 5pm until 6pm.
The dates for these sessions are: 5th July, 2nd August, 6th September, 4th October, 1st November and 6th December.

For more information please telephone Sharon or Neil on 07570 441731 or email: Kirton.autism@btinternet.com.


Local Baker helps light up Lincolnshire!

As reported in last month’s ‘News’, local Baker and Businessman, Martin Jessop, has been chosen as one of the bearers of the Olympic flame on its circuitous route around the country as it makes its way to the Capital for the opening ceremony on July 27th.

By no means a life-long athelete, Martin only began his quest for fitness in 2004 with a year of work-outs, circuit training and spinning (routines on an excercise bike in the gym), finishing by road running with a fellow gym member and instructor.

“I found I really enjoyed it”, says Martin. “I got hooked and entered a 5 mile race in July ‘05. Then came more and longer runs - I even entered Triathalons.

“Looking for a bigger challenge, in 2008 I applied for, and (to my great surprise, at my first attempt) was entered into, the London Marathon.” Martin chose Cancer Research UK as his charity in memory of his sister Heather who fell victim to the disease in 2001 aged just 35.

A second marathon followed in 2009 and The Great North Run in 2010.
Martin has also completed many other runs for charity and has been a volunteer at “Race For Life” events in Boston and Lincoln.

“My wife Jo nominated me to be a Torchbearer. The day I carry the Flame will be Wednesday, 27th June (day 40 - Grimsby to Lincoln) in Wainfleet All Saints at about 1.37pm shortly before it passes through Boston.

“It’s a fantastic honour; I feel very proud and privileged to have been selected for this once in a lifetime opportunity. I’ll continue to enter races and triathlons and look forward to raising more funds for good causes in the future.” Good luck to Martin, and all those involved in this historic journey.


What’s on at Kirton Library

You are all welcome to our 45th Birthday party. We’re having tea/coffee and cake on Tuesday 17th July plus a week long celebration, with an exhibition of photos of Kirton from the 1800s to 21st Century.

Story & Rhyme Timefor Under 5s:
Tuesdays 19th June & 17th July at 10.30am-11am

Authors of the month :
Lyn Andrews is one of the UK's top one hundred paperback bestselling authors. She is one of the most popular storytellers in the North of England, and her books are always set in Liverpool. Her latest book Beyond a Misty shore is in stock and her next book Border Lord is out September 2012.

Want a machine gun punching thriller then check out the Gideon series by Preston and Child. Summoned to his dying mother's bedside, Gideon learns the truth of his father’s death; his father was framed and deliberately slaughtered. With her last breath, she begs her son to avenge him. Gideon’s sword and Gideon’s corpse are in Kirton Library now.

Library Opening Hours:
Tuesday 10-5pm, Thursday 1-7pm, Saturday 10-1pm
Contact: Tel: 01522 782010 or Email kirton.library@lincolnshire.gov.uk


Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club

Can we please remind members whose subscriptions are due for the JUNE DRAW to please pay by the first week in June to avoid your unpaid valuable ticket being sold to a new member from the waiting list. It would really assist us with collection of monies if members could possibly pay 3 months or more subscriptions in advance.

For Non Members there is a waiting list to join our 200 Club names can be added
to this list in the Surgery Reception. Once again A BIG THANK YOU to all memners of the 200 club for your support!

April 2012 Winners

Kirton News incorrectly titled March's winners as Februarys in last months edition
We're therefore re-printing March's winning numbers this month and would like to apologie for any confusion caused.

March 2012 Winners


Sign up for garden waste collection
and you could WIN your BIN!

Did you know that Boston Borough Council is planning to introduce a service to collect your garden waste from your property, fortnightly during the growing season?
The council is unable to offer this to you for free, but it will ask for just a one-off contribution of £20 for each brown garden waste wheelie bin that you require and its emptying. This is exceptional value for money. In addition you could WIN your BIN and get your £20 refunded.

The service is optional and there is no obligation to receive it – you can still home compost or take your garden waste to the tip – but this home-collection service would save you the job and the expense. Once this scheme begins you will no longer be allowed to put garden waste in your green bin.
Please sign up for the new service and pay as soon as possible in one of the following ways:

Tel 01205 314200 (debit and credit card payments accepted); Call in at the council offices at Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, with your details (name, address, email address, mobile and landline telephone numbers and how many bins you would like) and payment; Pay online at: www.boston.gov.uk

A one-off direct debit facility is also available. For more information telephone 01205 314200. Bins cannot be delivered until payment has been received.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 the borough council has a statutory responsibility to collect household waste which does not include garden waste.

Andrew Malkin,Communications Manager,
Boston Borough Council
Tel: 01205 314308


Frampton Playgroup

Here at Frampton Playgroup, we have been busy, as always, playing and learning both inside and outdoors.

We are now preparing to do some extra special activities to celebrate the Queens Jubilee along with the Olympics in the summer.
We will be joining in the Frampton celebrations at their Jubilee fete, feel free to come and have a chat.

If you are not aware as a group we follow the Early years foundation stage framework, which commences at birth and goes through to the end of reception year. We track the children throughout their time with us, and any observations and photos are put in the children’s special book, which is yours to keep when they leave us. It’s such a lovely keepsake of your Childs time with us.

All activities that the children take part in, are tailored to each individual Childs interest, this is done by each child having their own key person, who observes what the child is interested in and is the Childs own “special lady”.

Some of our children will be leaving us in July, moving on to “big school”. Its always sad to see them leave. But we look forward to meeting our new children and their families.
If you feel you would like to see more of what we do, please feel free to come and have a visit. Or call 07939 266154 for more information. We cater for children from 2 to 4 years, and offer free places, for 3 year olds of 15 hours per week.


How to call the Police when you're old
and don't move fast anymore!

Phillip Hewitson, an elderly man, from Norwich UK, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. Phillip opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.

He phoned the police, who asked "Is someone in your house?"

He said "No," but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me. 
Then the police dispatcher said "All patrols are busy. You should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one is available." Phillip said, "Okay."

He hung up the phone and counted to 30. Then he phoned the police again.
"Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well you don't have to worry about them now because I just shot them." and he hung up.

Within five minutes, Six Police Cars, a SWAT Team, a Helicopter, two Fire Trucks, a Paramedic, and an Ambulance showed up at the Hewitson`s' residence, and caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the Policemen said to Phillip, "I thought you said that you'd shot them!" Phillip said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

(True Story) I LOVE IT! Don't mess with old people.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

April 15th - Kacie May Greenfield
April 22nd - Jayden Stephen Matson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

April 14th - Paul Hewson and Lisa Simpson - at the Methodist Church

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

no funerals this month



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Richard & Nicky Foster.. £25

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.