©Kirton News 2025

Advertising Rates

To advertise in the magazine please contact: advertising@kirtonnews.co.uk

The 2023/24 season advertising rates are as follows:-

Small Advert:
Size: 41mm wide x 45mm tall
Price: £100 per year / £11 per issue

Medium Advert:
Portrait Size: 41mm wide x 91.5mm tall
Landscape Size: 88mm wide x 45mm tall
Price: £132 per year / £15 per issue

Large Advert:
Size: 64mm wide x 69mm tall
Price £168 per year / £19 per issue

Third Page Advert:
Size: 132mm wide x 69mm tall
Price £273 per year / £32 per issue

Half Page Advert:
Size: 132mm wide x 92mm tall
Price £330 per year / £37 per issue

Full Page Advert:
Size: 132mm wide x 190mm tall
Price £662 per year / £74 per issue

Classified Advert:
Lineage, 35 words maximum
Price £78 per year / £9 per issue

Adverts spaces are limited as we try to maintain a 50/50 ad to editorial mix.

A free design service is available or artwork can be provided in high resolution pdf or jpeg format of 300 dpi or above.

Website Advertsing:

All advertisers taking a yearly subscription with Kirton News are eligable for a free small mono version of their advert on the Kirton News Website.

A Medium sized Colour advert and direct link to your own website
can be provided for an additional £27.


Kirton News is delivered free to over 2,600 homes in Kirton, Kirton End and Kirton Skeldyke. Copies are also available in local shops.