©Kirton News 2025 |
Frampton Gardening Club
Our final meeting at the Gardening club for 2024 was in November, when we had the ‘Bread and Cheese’ man come to give us a very interesting talk. He told us how his business started, from learning to bake bread in lockdown, to having work experience with a bakery, getting a job with them, and finally starting his own mobile business, with the cheese element added afterwards. We got to sample and buy on the night – something that always goes down well!
We start 2025 with our Annual lunch at the Thatched Cottage in Sutterton, where they always look after us very well.
On March 27th, we are back in Frampton Village Hall and our speaker will be Janette Merillion, with a talk entitled ‘Spring Fever’, something we gardeners tend to get when we eagerly look forward to tending our plants again! Further meetings include a talk on Bardney Manor and Gardens in April, our AGM in May, a planned outing by coach, our produce show and others. We have a refreshment break, raffle and a bring and buy table.
As always, if you would like to join, please do come along to Frampton Village hall on the last Thursday of the month. The meetings start at 7.30pm, and your first meeting is free – after that £1.00 at the door. The yearly membership is £15.00. For further details, Contact our Chairman Ray Harding on 012050723181 or Secretary Maggie Welberry on 07711 131971.
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