4th Boston Scout Group Needs You!
Are you who we’re looking for? Do you want excitement in your life, with the opportunity to be part of a team and learn new skills, and help young people become the best they can?
Try Volunteering with the Scouts; 4th Boston (Kirton) Scout Group are looking for people over the age of 18 who would like to volunteer as assistant scout leaders or section assistants. Meetings are Thursday evenings 7-9pm during term time at Kirton Youth Centre; and not forgetting the fun camps and trips throughout the year.
As you will be working with young people, those wishing to join will be required to undergo a relevant DBS check, which will be provided by the group. Don’t think you have the skills? Don’t worry, enthusiasm is the key skill we’re after, anything else can be learnt through training which will be provided.
Still Interested? for further information please contact the Group Scout Leader, Maria Elderfield on 07500 558269 or email 4thbostoncubs@gmail.com, you’ve nothing to lose, but everything to gain!
