©Kirton News 2024

Letters to the Editor

A Message from Claire Rylott

I can not believe I have now been elected a year, doesn’t time fly! I have just become a member of Kirton Parish Council and I am looking forward to getting involved after a 5 year break.

As a borough councillor I am always available if any resident has any local issues that they think I may be able to help with, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Back in 2021 Boston secured £21.9M in Town deal funding from the government to deliver an ambitious vision that will level up Boston and bring transformational improvements.

£14.8M of the funding was to revitalise the area called the PE21 project, situated around the bus station in Boston. The Borough Council announced recently that they had finally managed to purchase the old B & M site and car park. Hopefully now owning this missing piece in the jigsaw will mean we can finally see this project move forward.

Significant investment has been made in the town from the monies granted in the Levelling up Fund – including the transformation of Blenkin Memorial Hall, the rejuvenation of Dolphin Lane, transformation of Boston Railway Station, and the demolition of the former Ingelow Centre ready for the new Mayflower building, part of Boston College.

I was delighted to be asked to be Chair of Environment and Performance after the elections last year. I have recently been pushing for a Joint Scrutiny meeting regarding the pylons, a consultation sent out by Nationa Grid clearly shows the route will be through our ward. Many residents are clearly very unhappy with the consultation that was received. Perhaps some residents will come along to the scrutiny meeting. These pylons will be a blot on our beautiful landscape forever and I will fight the proposal. The second proposal from National Grid is for more cables underground running through our County. We should of realised when a Sub-Station arrived at Bicker we would have everything thrown at us!

Kirton and Frampton ward is a fantastic ward to represent, and covers a large area. As I said earlier I am always available should you require any help with issues in the ward.