Netball Team Sponsorship
We have done something a bit different for 2025 and have sponsored a local netball team! We always offer to help in the Community and this was a way of supporting a newly formed team while promoting Kirton News at the same time.
We think you’ll agree the uniforms look really lovely and are an eye-catching green. We wish the Tulips White all the very best for their next season! Photograph shows myself presenting the uniform to two of the team members, Jo and Vicki.

Calling Prize Winner
There is a lucky winner in the village who has won this beautiful painting of the inside of Kirton Church by Graham Timbrell.
Unfortunately Mrs Davies does not have your phone number so is unable to contact you. We will print the winner’s name in the next edition, hopefully with a photo of them receiving their wonderful prize!
Kirton Church Tree Festival
Although the weather was dreadful with very high winds due to the storm, over the weekend of Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival, a much needed £1000 for the roof appeal was raised..
Father Paul, the churchwardens, PCC and the fund raising committee would like to thank everyone who visited and all those who helped, took part, donated raffle prizes and/or sponsored the event.
Local clubs, societies, schools, organisations and businesses all taking part and supporting the Festival 2024:-
Tree providers were: Allen, Briggs and Turner; British Legion; Frampton WI; the Gardening Club; Guides, Brownies and Rainbows; Heritage Lincolnshire; Kirton Church choir; Kirton Fire Station; Kirton Footcare; Kirton Kids Club; Kirton News; Kirton Parish Council; Kirton Primary School; Kirton Town Hall; Methodist Church; Mothers Union; Scouts, Cubs and Beavers Thomas Middlecott Academy; The Salon; White Gables; Woodlands Court; Wyberton Wombles.
Sponsors: Allen, Briggs and Turner; FT Auto Centre; Kirton Fire Station; Kirton Pizza and Kebab House and Chilli Hut; Woodlands Farm.
Raffle prize donors: The Barber Shoppe; The Black Bull; The Coop; Evelyn’s Bakery; The Flower Shop; The Golden Fryer; J.Hays; Keshco; Paula’s Gifts; Scouts Shop; The Salon; Tesco, Many thanks again from Kirton Parish Church.
Kirton Scout Aid Charity Shop
This will be our 32nd year of trading within the lovely village of Kirton and what a busy 32 years it has been! We have moved premises, now being located on London Road sporting a brand-new sign written shop front, and have helped raise funds for the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of 4th Boston (Kirton) Scouting Group.
If you would like to donate the shop is manned by a wonderful group of volunteers who will be happy to accept items such as clothing, bric-a-brac, bedding, toys, baby items and small pieces of furniture during our opening times, which are Monday – Friday 9am-4pm, and Saturdays 9am-1pm. We are happy to say that we can now also accept electrical equipment. If you are donating clothes or bedding, please ensure these are washed and not ripped or damaged.
Please do ensure any donations are not left outside on the footpath as this could create a hazard for pedestrians, as well as being classed as fly tipping.
Through your generous donations the monies raised over the years have helped provide the children with a more affordable scouting experience. This would include assisting towards trips, camping equipment, activities and the minibuses.
The shop is looking for volunteers to assist on a Thursday if you feel this would be of interest please do contact Maria, Lead Volunteer at:
We also have vacancies for a committee Chair and Leaders/volunteers for the Beaver Section on a Thursday evening. If you are interested in knowing more about these positions or if you have a child aged between 6-14 and would like to know more on any of the sections, please do contact Maria on the e-mail given above.

Budgeting from Citizens Advice
I’ve really struggled with my money this year and I spent too much over Christmas. I also recently got caught out by a free trial on an app that rolled into a paid subscription. Even without this though, it feels like every month I end up in my overdraft. How can I keep track of my spending better?
Lots of people will be feeling this way right now, and it can be difficult to stay on top of things like online subscriptions. But there are steps you can take to be more in control of your money.
Firstly, draw up a budget. Remember to include all of your general spending, and any other bills you have to pay. Be realistic about what you’ll need for essentials like food and travel. If your income fluctuates, use bank statements, benefit award letters and Universal Credit journals to plan your budget each month.
Your bank should be able to tell you what regular payments you have. If you find subscriptions you don’t want, contact the company in question to cancel them. In future, before signing up to anything, make sure you know what you’ll get, for how long and what it’ll cost. If you do use any free trials, set a reminder a week before the free period ends so you have time to cancel it if you want to. Keep evidence of any subscription cancellations in case you need it in the future.
If you’ve been relying on your overdraft lots this year, or turned to credit cards or Buy-NowPay-Later, it’s understandable if this worries you. Always prioritise paying your rent, mortgage, plus energy bills and Council Tax first though, because not paying these has the most serious consequences. If you’re having trouble managing your debts and paying bills, contact Citizens Advice for support.
Our website has an income checker where you can see if you’re getting all you are entitled to, such as benefits or government grants.
Everyone’s circumstances are different, particularly when it comes to managing personal finances. We’re here to help you find a way forward.
If you need support or advice, you can contact Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire on 08082787942. Alternatively, you can email your query to: or attend one of our face to face drop in sessions.
For information about our service, drop in opening times and how we can help you, please take a look at our website
If you would like to support Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire, you can do so by scanning the QR code. Your donations will allow us to continue to help more people within our community.