©Kirton News 2024

Knitting up a storm for Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance

As part of the 30th Anniversary celebrations due to start later in the year, Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance (LNAA) are calling all nifty knitters to join together to create the largest yarn bomb ever seen!

The charity’s aim is to cover the whole of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire with hundreds of yellow helicopters and spread the message about their life-saving work. And they need knitters and crocheters to help create this mammoth masterpiece.

There are three ways people can take part. Individual knitters can create a single mini helicopter and display it in a local shop, pub, church, or other community space. More adventurous knitters are being asked to let your imagination soar and design a unique, eye-catching postbox topper, just make sure it includes a yellow knitted helicopter!

Or the ultimate challenge is to yarn bomb your community and join forces with fellow knitters to create a cornucopia of colour.

LNAA’s Volunteer Manager, Kate Kerrigan said: “This is a fabulous way to support the life-saving work of Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance from the comfort of your own home. With your help, we are looking to colour the counties of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire yellow with thousands of miniature helicopters.

It is so easy to get involved. Just grab your knitting needles and some yellow yarn and register your interest with Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance at ambucopter.org.uk/knitting  We will then send you your knitting pattern which designer Amanda Berry has kindly allowed us use as well as lots of information to help you get involved.”

Thoughts from Abroad

Anthony Bowen emailed this photograph to me during his recent travels. Have any of our readers come across anything to remind them of home when abroad?

Weekly Coffee Morning Sponsored
by Kirton Parish Council

Join us every Friday from 9:30 AM to 11:15 AM at the Town Hall for a delightful coffee morning. Enjoy coffee, biscuits, and friendly chatter for just 70p. You’ll be served by a wonderful group of local ladies who are both friendly and interesting. All proceeds go to support local charities.

Come and be part of our community gathering!

Feel free to spread the word and bring along friends and neighbours. We look forward to seeing you there!

Volunteers are needed

As everyone in Kirton is probably aware, Kirton Town Hall was built over 100 years ago. Money was raised by the villagers and by a significant contribution from William Dennis, whose statue stands proudly on the edge of the Town Hall car park. (We have an archive in the Town Hall which explains it all)

The building belongs to the people of Kirton and is looked after by our Parish Council. For several years now, the day to day running of the Hall has been managed by the Town Hall Management Committee, a charity set up at the time in cooperation with the Parish council. We have staged events at the Hall over the years. From Parties in the Park, the Queen’s Jubilee, Memorabilia days, children’s parties, Last Night of the Proms by Kirton Brass band (which remains popular), photographic competitions, quizzes, and of course the ever popular lunch club once a month. (I’m sure I have missed some things) All the money raised by the charity is for the internal upkeep and maintenance of the Hall.

The Hall and Upsall Room are hired out at a very reasonable price for all kinds of events, to groups and individuals from Kirton and the surrounding area. There is a licensed bar that can be booked for events if needed, (provided by the Black Bull in Kirton). WIFI is available

Volunteers have come and gone over the years, some retired people and some just wanting to lend a hand.

We now need volunteers, perhaps recently retired, who may have some experience of organising events or have fundraising ideas, who would like to join us. Of course we will also always welcome anyone who would like to join our committee and help in small ways at events, all for the benefit of the people of Kirton.

If you think you can help please contact: Ann Booth on 01205 723345 or Paula Davies on 01205 722757. You can also find us on facebook.

New Footpath for Kirton Town Hall

The Parish Council had been discussing the Town Hall footpath for some time. It was uneven, and was brought to the attention of the Parish Council when a young lad ended up with wet shoes on a rainy day as he couldn’t walk on the grass to miss the puddles!

The Parish Council completed the exercise of footfall surveys and following a suggestion from a member of the public, it was agreed to make good the original path. They put in a new diagonal footpath to try and encourage people to walk towards the zebra crossing. The Parish Council would like to thank LAC Ground works as the work was completed in a few days. A mini ‘opening ceremony’ saw Lewis Stephenson cut the ribbon! The Parish Council would also like to thank High Up Drone for the aerial photography.