©Kirton News 2025

Frampton Gardening Club

We had a different, but interesting take on gardening, when our speaker for the April meeting of Frampton gardening club, was Hannah Sylvester, who is a medical herbalist.

Hannah trained in Western Herbal Medicine at Lincoln University and graduated with a BSc (Honours) in 2010. Hannah has been in practice for 13+ years, helping people with her individually tailored herbal prescriptions, and has helped people with a range of illnesses, including, skin conditions, neurological, muscular- skeletal and reproductive health.

We learned about herbalists through the ages, and talked about connecting with plants and how to use them safely, explaining how herbs work.

Hannah also brought a selection of dried herbs and tinctures with her, which were passed around for us to see, along with empty t-bags, which are used to put the herb of choice in to make a tea.

Certainly the list of plants which could help us if used safely, would include some that many of us already have in our gardens. A very interesting and informative talk.

Our next meeting is the AGM on May 30th. All are welcome to attend, especially anyone who would like to join us on our committee.

On June 27th our secretary, Maggie Welberry has kindly offered to host an ‘open garden’ at her home.

In July we are joining Phil Haines coaches for an outing to Cambridge Botanical Gardens, so our next meeting at Frampton Village Hall will be on August 29th, when the speaker is talking about Lincolnshire cheese. (Annual subscriptions are also due in August)

For more details about the club, contact Ray Harding on 01205 723181 or Maggie Welberry on 01205 722382