©Kirton News 2024

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- June 2024

Present: Councillors:     

Cllr D Jarvis, Chair, Cllr P Watson Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr A Bowen, Cllr M Elston, Cllr Pryke, Cllr C Rylott,  Cllr Sohail and Cllr S Watson.Also Present: Clerk D. Fairweather. Borough: Cllr Middleton. County: Cllr Brookes. Not Present: County Cllr Austin

Public Forum

Resident of Kirton End, following discussions with some other residents, they realised there is no defibrillator in the village, and they would like one and are asking if the Parish Council can help. Details passed to clerk.

JH asking if the pedestrian crossing could be made into a pelican crossing. There have been times where drivers to not stop automatically and perhaps lights would help. Clerk to investigate with Highways.

PB – Question whilst the Borough and County Councillors are present. Inconsiderate parking at the junction of London Road, Boston Road and Kings Street is causing poor vision for vehicles wanting to join the main road from King Street. Due to the parking, vehicles must inch out to the middle of the road to see properly, and it is awaiting an accident to happen. Cllr P Watson advised there are no double yellow lines opposite the Black Bull public house.

Reports From Elected County And Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes – pedestrian road crossing. It is not in his area but advises we should approach Cllr Austin regarding this. King Street – again approach Cllr Austin. 

Reduction of speed limit in Kirton End down to 30 mph. Still waiting for result. There is a meeting in July which Cllr Brookes will attend.

Highways are to be resurfacing the junction at King Street, London Road, Boston Road. Work to commence on 2nd July in the evenings from 8pm to 6am apart from election day, to try and alleviate some of the problems with previous works in Boston Road. Notifications of closure and diversion to be issued shortly. There will be no parking whilst work is going on. Cllr Baillie asked what happens if there is a funeral. Cllr Brookes will check and advise clerk.

Cllr Astill asking of survey on Bungley Lane, as Boston Road end is still flooding badly. Cllr Brookes advised unfortunately with so much rain priority must be given to properties.

Cllr Middleton – planning application for Wash Road which he believes Cllr Pryke has called in, will be discussed before the Planning Committee towards the end of July.

Cllr Rylott – Residents north of the village and others will be aware of the pylons threatening to come through our village. Cllr Rylott has been successful in organising a Joint Scrutiny Meeting arranged to discuss on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 at 6.30pm. If we do not make our objections known, it will go ahead.

Cllr Pryke – another company re wanting to put another route of underground cables, information available in time for next meeting. National Grid Stage III and IV Eastern Green Link had been delayed due to the elections.

To Receive Apologies For Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllrs O’Connor and Stevenson. 

All resolved to accept reasons given. Cllr Stevenson had attended an interview and was successful. The post takes him away from Kirton and a letter of resignation from the Council had been received. 

To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011

Cllr Rylott of planning and will take no part in any planning discussions.

To Approve Notes Of Previous Meeting On 7th May 2024.

Proposed Cllr S Watson seconded Cllr Baillie that these be accepted as a true copy to be called minutes. Unanimous.

To Receive Updates From Clerk

Other than agenda items: Zebra crossing railings – request made to Highways.

own Hall broadband – a couple of quotations received but Cllr Stevenson has suggested another method which he is prepared to collate information for me.

PCC – meeting arrange for 11th June with Chair, Clerk and Cllr Baillie.

Request for support for Carl Sharp’s youth group. He is to have further details for PC to discuss in July.

CSW – received details from six interested people, Clerk to organise a training session.

Boston Borough Council play inspections – continual correspondence regarding the lack of these being received by the PC. Three different members of staff have advised they will have the officer to call me with no success. Clerk has cancelled the direct debit for these inspections awaiting an answer. We receive no reports of if they have been carried out or when. If they have been or any defaults to report. Cllr Elston is of the opinion that some of the equipment is not safe, and the PC would be liable if anyone were injured. This was disputed by the Chair. Cllr P Watson advised that if reports were carried out and being paid for the insurance company would have to agree to any liability claim made. Cllr Elston feels very strongly on this matter and asked why it was not an agenda item as he had requested. Has request on numerous occasions information from the clerk which had not been forthcoming and reminded Councillors of the Tower Hamlet claim of £335,000. Cllr P Watson advised that if this was a complaint against the Clerk then it should be taken to the HR panel. There was at this point no information to be able to discuss and agree a way forward. Clerk to continue pursuing BBC. Cllr Elston feels we should be at least having a full RoSPA inspection to see the way forward. Cllr Sohail made the point if we have not been receiving any reports should we in fact be due a refund. Cllr Pryke felt that Borough Councillors may have more effect with BBC officers than Clerk. Cllr Middleton suggested it was not worth the three of them looking into this and someone should be nominated. Cllr Pryke said he would take it forward as there had been many issues with BBC. Cllr S Watson and Bowen agreed Cllr Pryke to take this forward.

Cllr Astill suggested if the PC has concerns should the gates to the park be locked to alleviate any potential hazards?

Cllr Elstons overruling concern is that the Parish Council has no risk assessments or policies in situ should a piece of equipment be deemed unsafe.

Cllr Jarvis suggested that the PC should call and extra ordinary meeting to discuss this alone once the information is to hand.

Cllr Elston asked if a deadline could be set as LALC can give discounted rates with RoSPA but must.

 be booked by end of July. There was also a Play Equipment Inspections courses run by LALC.

To Amend Standing Orders To 4 Members Of The Human Resources Committee.

This initially was brought from Annual Parish Council Meeting as it was felt there should be four members on the HR Committee. Cllr Rylott was initially nominated but did not wish to stand now.

Agreed to keep HR Committee as three members. Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr P Watson. Unanimous.

To Nominate A Fourth Representative Of Hr Committee

Not now relevant.

To Discuss The Need Of A Cemetery Committee

At the request of Cllr Pryke as updates regarding burials, maintenance etc were never submitted by the Clerk. He felt there had been some confusion in the past which had spent time discussing whereas if there was a cemetery committee they could report to Council and save time in discussions of the full Council. Cllr Elston felt Clerk reported anything that PC required to know and there is no need for a separate committee. Cllr Astill advised he walks through there regularly and would be aware of any problems. Cllr P Watson suggested the cemetery finance be separate in order to be able to analyse these figures when preparing budgets for precept figures. Clerk agreed to set a separate tab on the finance sheet.

To Discuss The Social Media Officer Post

At the request of Cllr Pryke as was not discussed at Annual Parish Meeting. Chair thought this had been resolved in that Clerk and Cllr Sohail to all social media. It works and has no need to be changed. Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Astill

Cllr S Watson asked why the Facebook page is not updated as regularly as usual with road closures etc. and why there were pending applications awaiting approval for long periods. Clerk did not approve applications that had not agreed the policy. 

To Discuss Public Car Park At Town Hall

After a meeting with the Town Hall Management Committee, they had asked that the car park reverts to its original status and they would police events for the Town Hall themselves, with no official restrictions in place. New signs saying only ‘Town Hall Car Park’ to be erected on the building. 

This discussion was only the PC car park that decisions needed to be made. Once again long discussions took place regarding the future of the public car park. Cllr Bowen had previously submitted detailed figures regarding the movement of traffic. Cllr Astill felt Cllr Bowen should give the presentation of these details. Cllr Bowen would be prepared to do this but the decision regarding the public car park still has to be made. Cllr Pryke advised months ago it was agreed there would be a public meeting allowing the people of Kirton to have their say. Council must be prepared with their options for the public. Cllr Rylott was under the impression a joint meeting between the Town Hall Management Committee and the whole Council was to take place only to hear the Chair and Clerk had met with the three PC representatives of the THMC prior to their AGM. Cllr Bowen suggested maybe there should be a representative of the Council monitoring the car park and reporting back to the PC and he would be prepared to do that. Cllr Elston agreed this to be a solution for the immediate future. Cllr S Watson suggested that there should be more than one person to take on this responsibility. 

Cllr Pryke still advised we should hold a public meeting. Cllr Rylott asked if the Parish Council had views on what should happen with parking in the public area.

Cllr Elston suggested we hold a PC meeting to discuss what is required regarding the parking before a meeting of the public, all on the same evening.

To Receive Updates Of Events

Village Art Trail – Cllr Sohail had arranged this at a previous Council which had been successful. Details had been distributed to Council. People submit their artwork for viewing locally. If Council agrees, all that has to be agreed is date for the trail to run and the cost of entry. Cllr Sohail had approached the College and Schools to be involved. Local businesses to be asked if they are prepared to show the pictures in their windows. After discussion it was agreed the third week in September and £5 entry fee with £1 for children.

Picnic in the Park – Cllrs Sohail and Elston organising. Numerous contacts for ice cream van, bouncing castles, face painting, etc have been approached. Just need to agree a date. Town Hall Committee have agreed to be able to use Hall without charge.

Senior Citizens Christmas Meal. Date, caterers and entertainment booked. Cllr S Watson asked why entertainment was not as usual. An alternative had been suggested by a couple of residents who Clerk approached. They are more expensive but there are five of them. Tickets to be £1 as of days of old. Cllr S Watson asked why cost was being reduced as was not a lot to pay for a three-course meal. 

Although charged more in the last few years, previously been free of charge but records show £1 charge, which was used for numbers for catering. Proposed Cllr Astill, seconded Cllr P Watson cost be £1. 

Cllr S Watson advised we should advise nursing homes and get posters out to advise people in good time. Cllr P Watson asked cost of caterers, advised would be nominal. Cllr Elston asked if the caterer would be offended if the PC contributed vegetable etc.

Bingo – Clerk had asked other organisations regarding theirs and had presented details to the PC. Fridays are a good night. Clerk to check dates Kirton Holme run. Agreed to give it a go to see if successful and a fund raiser. Proposed Cllr Baillie, seconded Cllr Sohail. 

To Discuss Street Lights

Due to time, the item to be carried forward to a further meeting.


To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule proposed Cllr S Watson seconded Cllr P Watson, unanimous. Substantial payment for trees in Dame Sarah Swift. Cllr Rylott suggested tree works need to be reviewed for annual precept again on a maintenance programme.


To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting

Claremont Cottage, Donington Road, proposed detached dormer dwelling and garage. No objections

Willington Road, proposed annexe located on site of previously demolished Nissen hut.

Willington Road, first floor extension over garage and single storey extension. Erection of side and rear fence. (2.5m) Council felt this quite high fencing.

Littleberry Hall, /station Road – proposed conversion, alterations, and extension of existing commercial workshop to form self-contained dwelling. 

The Flower Shop, Station Road, change of shopfront.

TPO’s on six trees at Woodlands Court.

Development on Wash Road, Planning Meeting 12th July. Cllr Pryke suggested facts be collated for next meeting to have arguments to take to that meeting.

To Receive Members Reports

CA – Digi-hub posters, printed by BBC have been delivered by him and Cllr Elston to the whole village businesses right the way to Sutterton. Roofs and gutters have been repaired on own Hall. Claremont Chase has been cut with many thanks from residents. Dropped kerb opposite vets requires attention. Will forward pictures to Clerk for Highways. Lady Bex fast food outlet parks outside of the Cod Father. It is a hazard when it is park and has to reverse the wrong way onto a one-way street. Residents complaining of the noise and fumes. Residents can complain to Environmental but it is on private land and the owner has given permission so PC can do nothing to assist.

No updates from LCC regarding damaged shed in Hemington Way.

AB – confirming the parking situation at the top of King Street is an act of the Highway Code. Has also been advised the car park cannot be closed.

FB – approached regarding an overhanging hedge on road from Churchyard pathway through to Penny Gardens.

ME – RBL have asked questions regarding the shrubbery in the War Memorial and are awaiting an answer.

RP – Concerns of PCC regarding the state of trees and footpaths in the churchyard. A meeting has been arranged for Monday 10th with Cllr Baillie, Chair, Clerk, and a member of PCC.  Has noticed Estate Agents are attaching to streetlights which Cllr Brookes advised us last meeting that this is against the law. Councillor had approached the Estate Agents. 

Pylon meetings have been postponed but have been re-arranged. BBC carrying surveys on town spending. Boston Town has received large amounts of money from the UKSP fund, and funds are where available for local villages.  

Government has now announced this is to be scrapped to spend money on the National Conscription Funding. May not receive any further funding.

Campaign instigated against lithium battery operated machines. Cllr Pryke would like PC to support any such campaign. Cllr P Watson believed some problem was standard of battery.

Heritage Lincolnshire to visit Kirton on 24th June regarding progress on the High Street. Cllr Elston invited, Cllr Baillie attending as representative of PCC.

Middlecott House nursery to commence again in September.

PC has received application to extend the speed limit to 30 mph in London Road which Cllr Pryke wishes the PC to support.

Residents requesting another speed limit to the South of the roundabout. PC are interested as there has been several deaths on that road. Cllr Pryke to gather information to justify a request.

Digi Hub posters around the village which Cllr Pryke was unaware of.

CR - Lighting of beacon in Kirton Holme asking if everyone is to attend. Asking what is happening regarding the planting around the village. Plants are to be collected this week and distributed to various volunteers for planting.

MS – updates and accounts from Town Hall Management Committee available, will forward to clerk.

PW - dangerous drain in Green Lane. Clerk has attempted to call gentleman who reported it to no avail. Has walked the Lane but cannot identify the problem. Cllr Watson reiterated it is a manhole cover which is not fixed with a ten-foot drop below which a child could fall down, and it is imperative Clerk deals with imminently.

Meeting closed 9.15.

Date of next meeting

July 2nd, 2024.



Contact details for your local Councillors:

Kirton Parish Council:

Website: https://kirton.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/

Acting Clerk to the parish:
Mrs Diane Fairweather                     
Email: kirtonparishcouncil@hotmail.com
Tel: 07983 893011

Responsible Financial Officer:
Mrs Diane Fairweather
Email: kirtonpc@gmail.com

Chairman: Cllr Peter Watson
Email: pmfwatson@talktalk.net
Tel: 07746 556789

Vice Chairman: Cllr David Jarvis
Email: dh.jarvis@btinternet.com
Tel: 07920 447896

Cllr Chris Astill
Email: paychris2215@outlook.com
Tel: 07592 395555

Cllr Mark Elston
Email: markelstonservices19@gmail.com
Tel: 07340 526961

Cllr Myriam Sohail
Email: myriamsohail@yahoo.com

Cllr Faye Baillie
Email: fayngeoff@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 723529

Cllr Ralph Pryke     
Email: ralphprykekirton@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 722693


Boston Borough Council:

Website: https://Boston.gov.uk

Cllr David Middleton
Email: david.middleton@boston.gov.uk

Cllr Claire Rylott
Email: claire.rylott@boston.gov.uk
Tel: 07534 433218

Cllr Ralph Pryke      
Email: ralphprykekirton@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 722693

For reporting of Flytipping, Dog Fouling and other local issues https://www.fixmystreet.com/

Lincolnshire County Council:

Website: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk

Cllr Michael Brookes (County)
Email: cllrm.brookes@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01205 820616

Cllr Alison Austin (County)
Email: cllra.austin@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01205 368351 or 07731 690034


The Parish Council meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Upsall Rooms at the Town Hall, apart from April and August when they meet in the Chapel at Kirton Holme.


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