©Kirton News 2025

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- January 2025

Present Councillors

Cllr D Jarvis, Chair, Cllr A Bowen, Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr M Elston, Cllr P Head, Cllr L O’Connor, Cllr Pryke, Cllr C Rylott and Cllr M Sohail. Also Present: Clerk D. Fairweather. Borough Cllr Middleton. County Cllr Brookes & seven members of the public.Not Present: Cllr A Austin

Public Forum

Resident from Thorne Way asking if the 30-m.p.h. speed limit on the Boston Road can be extended further out of the village. The speed of traffic causes difficulty getting out of junctions. Will send details to be passed to Cllr Brookes. Joyce Hall thanked the PC for the Senior citizens Christmas meal which was a tremendous success and enjoyed by everyone.

Library volunteer asking if anything further had progressed regarding Parish Council assisting in the moving premises.

Reports From Elected County Councillors & Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes - Willington Road, Kirton End to Kirton, reduction of speed limit to 40mph. The public consultation has now been completed, and no objections have been received. The works pack for this work will be issued over the next couple of weeks and will be completed along with the work for the new 30mph limit through Kirton End.

Boston Road, Request for a pedestrian crossing near Costcutter. Still awaiting initial assessment.

Boston Road, near junction with West End Road/Middlegate Road. Request from resident for pedestrian crossing. Still awaiting initial assessment.

West End Road, other issues raised by resident, Speeding Traffic, Traffic calming request, HGV’s (requesting weight limit). 

Awaiting further speed survey nearer the junction with Boston Road, the results of first survey further along the road showed an average speed of 27.2mph and 85th percentile speed of 31.8mph (indicating good compliance).

The traffic management policies are currently being reviewed and when this is completed and the updated policies are implemented, these requests will be revisited to determine whether West End Road meets the revised criteria for traffic calming measures or HGV restrictions.

Cllr Rylott – following new housing development at end of Holme Road and installation of footpath, residents are now putting cones on their grassed verge. Lane is narrow and Cllr Brookes is to investigate as this makes the road very narrow and so close to a junction.

Cllr Middleton - As flooding is very rife at moment Boston Borough is trying to advise things to do if you are in flood risk areas. Would the PC like BBC to attend a Hub morning to advise residents on this. All agreed is good idea.

Cllr Pryke – Following on from the flooding, we had previously spoken of an Emergency and is this the time to start again. Cllr O’Connor had previously attended training for a plan for Kirton, but the PC had decided against such a plan. Verge behind houses on Meadowfields. Residents advised verges have not been cut since building completed.

Frampton has a speed indicator advice which is in demand. Installing in West End Road is on the list, but it is due to be placed at another site first.

Complaint received regarding colour of Newsagents external brickwork. Cllr Pryke to check with enforcement.

Complaint of removal of vegetation from War Memorial, too much taken away.

There is to be a Day of Reflection on 23rd March to mark the fifth anniversary of COVID, remembering not only those that died but their families. Can Kirton have some form of Memorial plaque. PCC, who previously had requested a bench, have suggested a dove cote and will discuss at their next meeting.

PC felt plaque should be at the Town Hall, perhaps on a bench.

To Receive Apologies
For Absence


To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011

Cllr Rylott will take no part in planning discussion.

To Approve Notes Of Meeting Held On 3rd December 2024

Proposed Cllr Astill seconded Cllr Baillie these be accepted as a true copy to be called minutes. Unanimous.

To Receive Updates
From Clerk

Replacement Streetlights. – Advised BBC Kirton PC are to replace all the streetlights and can annual invoice therefore be amended accordingly. Asking for confirmation that streetlights are covered by their insurance for liability. Contractor given provisional date to commence work within the first two weeks of January. Are all streetlights a necessity? An exercise when bulbs have been exchanged.

Dame Sarah Swift – BBC have been advised Kirton PC no longer wish to continue with inspections. Have been advised there is obscene graffiti on skate ride again and park should be closed.

Rec litter bin – ordered, awaiting delivery.

Green Lane - faults reported for poor surface, small width, and unsafe drain cover.

UKSP – all purchases have been made for street furniture etc. Planning application for tree removal in war memorial lodged.

Hemington Way – no further updates received.

Cllr Pryke - VE Day – Government not yet agreed if additional bank holiday or to change to VJ Day in August. Has Kirton had any thoughts on marking the event. Thoughts of Picnic in The Park and lighting of the beacon. Cllr Head felt the two events should not be held together. Is it disrespectful? Cllr Baillie did remind all it was a celebration for the victory. Clerk speaking with Royal British Legion and will talk with Kirton Holme organisers of the beacon lighting previously. Agreed the lighting of beacon on VE day 8th May and still hold Picnic in the Park as a single event at a weekend of 10th May.

Cllr Jarvis - The Peacock – poor state of the rear of the property. Environmental have visited site but no action has been taken. Ivy has been cut back but left in back garden. Can more pressure be placed on owners to clear site. Cllr Head suggested we have a Fire Officer attend to report on likelihood of a fire risk. BBC have requested work be done, but only they can enforce it. Cllr Rylott suggested speaking with Alan Watts, from BBC, who has attended site and must therefore now be the person to act.

Anne Dorrian, leader of the Council had called Chair regarding BBC’s disappointment on Kirton exiting the CCTV programme. Advised did not feel Kirton received value for money. There are outstanding invoices, and clerk is checking on date cameras were replaced as it had been agreed to pay for these over a five-year period.

The PC are therefore of the belief they own the cameras. Clerk to check. Cllr Rylott proposed invoices are not paid until clarification is received.

Cllr Jarvis also mentioned BBC protocol for streetlights. BBC own, but if damaged or require replacing it is PC responsibility and cost. Outstanding invoices, which had not been paid due to unsatisfactory feedback from BBC. Also felt not told of funding opportunities. UKSP, Section 106 for example. Cllr Middleton reminded Council there is the opportunity to speak to the Council at the Parish Liaison meetings regarding requirements and needs. Whilst concerns had been made regarding grants Kirton had received the largest figure individually from the UKSP funding scheme. Cllr Astill suggested Kirton representatives should attend. Clerk to advise of next meeting.

To Co-Opt New Councillor

Faith Huggins filled the necessary criteria. Proposed Cllr Rylott, seconded Cllr Elston that

Cllr Faith Huggins be co-opted. Unanimous. Declaration of Acceptance signed. Chair welcomed Fay.

To Receive Event Updates

Art Trail – applications now available to be sent out. To now contact businesses to displaying works. Owners are responsible for their own work, taking to business, insuring if required and collecting again from business. Once entrants are known, map will be available showing all entrants. Application fees will go towards future events.

debrief of Senior Citizen’s Christmas Meal. Cllr Rylott confirmed it had been a remarkably successful event but there are more helpers required. Thoughts for bringing in Guides/Scouts etc to assist with washing up and pay them. Has had an offer of the Coastal Carol Singers, depending on dates, will sing for free. Wednesday 3rd December this year. Cllr Rylott to book if available. All agreed.

Cllr Pryke had been questioned why the charge was so small and was it worth it, i.e. not free. Nominal fee charged in order that numbers known for catering. Difficulty with some residents as Kirton merges into Frampton. There had been a problem with White Gables bookings, it was agreed this would be handled different this year.

It had been agreed previously to have a sub-committee for future events. Agenda item next meeting.


a) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule. Proposed Cllr Astill seconded Cllr Rylott.

b) To Discuss and Agree Financial Budget Spending for 2025/2026. Following previous discussions, figures from BBC had now been received for Base rate figures. Increasing the precept by 10% will cost rate D properties £4.87 per year.

Cllr Astill questioned if tree works could be the responsibility of more than Chair and Clerk as he still felt unacceptable amount of money spent in Thomas Middlecott Drive. Clerk advised would be difficult in some situations. Cllr Pryke proposed to continue as it is, Chair agreed as time is sometimes difficult to wait for comments from Councillors. Proposed Cllr Rylott seconded Cllr Elston.

c) To Review & Approve Asset Register. Good practice to monitor each year. Council advised Council Assets do not depreciate, so figures are as at time of purchase. It was noted Bier Shed and lock up at cemetery not on

d) To Approve Payment methods.

i) Standing Orders for Salaries – good practice to have approval for these to be paid, even if no meeting. Approved.

ii) Direct Debits for PAYE and Utilities. - good practice to have approval for these to be paid, even if no meeting. Approved.

Clerk requested a HR meeting. Date to be arranged.

Clerk preparing tender for approval at next meeting, particularly as there were concerns the current contractors were doing unnecessary tasks in November.

Cllr Rylott asking if Clerk had started the Friday surgery. Will be doing so.

Planning – To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting

B/24/0497 – single storey detached toilet block – Trade Windows, Avalon Road – no objections.

B/24/0507 – single storey rear extensions, Wheelwright Bungalow, Kirton Drove – no objections.

Members Reports

DJ Library project, primarily asking if PC are behind supporting library in moving premises. After intense discussion, as not an agenda item, members were not prepared to vote on anything at this moment in time without data available. Cllr Elston confirmed at the meeting with Chair, Clerk, himself, and volunteer from library the library to put a proposal forward to the Council for consideration.

CA – had attended area local resident had mentioned reduction of speed limit in public forum, to be handed to clerk. Disappointed with Orthodox Church that no bollards had been put out for their Christmas celebrations. Requested a letter be sent to notify them of the PC concerns. Previously mentioned guttering on rear wall of Town Hall and missing tiles. LS Roofing had attended last year and felt should be asked again to do these current works.

FB – requesting update on trees and poor footpaths in Hardwick Estate. Clerk had received update that officer was to attend and inspect.

RP - concern in village of Kings Head. Cllr Baillie confirmed it is to remain open and there are two people interested in taking on business there. Kirton Church bells are some of best in County and there will be a full peel on 9th January at 11.00. Proposal for Kirton bells to be entered into the BBC programme ‘Bells on Sunday’ St Peter & St Pauls day is on a Sunday and could appear on show that day. BBC would visit village before and may wish to speak with PC.

CR – area at junction of Willington Road, Holme Road always look untidy. Unfortunately, a property behind the trees and nothing to be done.

LO – resident that had written to all Councillors complaining of removal of tree, he had planted, also advised that grassed areas at Junctions are cut by both BBC and Malc Firth. Clerk to investigate.


Resident from Kirton End annoyed the tree planted had been removed. Clerk to reply to confirm anything cannot be placed or planted randomly on Highways property.

Request from Mr Tice MP, to meet with Kirton Parish Council, to introduce himself, advise what he has been doing in the first six months of his term and to answer questions. Varying dates available. Advised we are welcome to invite residents if preferred. Agreed

Asda fund open spaces open Thursday. Clerk to submit application.

Steve Welsh requesting that if any new developments in village could a road be named after his father, a prominent figure within the Parish.

Date of next meeting

4th February 2025.


Contact details for your local Councillors:

Kirton Parish Council:

Website: https://kirton.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/

Acting Clerk to the parish:
Mrs Diane Fairweather                     
Email: kirtonparishcouncil@hotmail.com
Tel: 07983 893011

Responsible Financial Officer:
Mrs Diane Fairweather
Email: kirtonpc@gmail.com

Vice Chairman: Cllr David Jarvis
Email: dh.jarvis@btinternet.com
Tel: 07920 447896

Cllr Chris Astill
Email: paychris2215@outlook.com
Tel: 07592 395555

Cllr Mark Elston
Email: markelstonservices19@gmail.com
Tel: 07340 526961

Cllr Myriam Sohail
Email: myriamsohail@yahoo.com

Cllr Faye Baillie
Email: fayngeoff@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 723529

Cllr Ralph Pryke     
Email: ralphprykekirton@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 722693


Boston Borough Council:

Website: https://Boston.gov.uk

Cllr David Middleton
Email: david.middleton@boston.gov.uk

Cllr Claire Rylott
Email: claire.rylott@boston.gov.uk
Tel: 07534 433218

Cllr Ralph Pryke      
Email: ralphprykekirton@gmail.com
Tel: 01205 722693

For reporting of Flytipping, Dog Fouling and other local issues https://www.fixmystreet.com/

Lincolnshire County Council:

Website: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk

Cllr Michael Brookes (County)
Email: cllrm.brookes@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01205 820616

Cllr Alison Austin (County)
Email: cllra.austin@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01205 368351 or 07731 690034


The Parish Council meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Upsall Rooms at the Town Hall, apart from April and August when they meet in the Chapel at Kirton Holme.


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