All are very welcome at all of our services.
Sunday 2nd March
11.15 - Sunday Mass and Junior Church
Wednesday 5th March
10.00 Ash Wednesday Service
Thursday 6th March
9.30 - Morning Prayer and Mass
Friday 7th March
17.30 - Stations of the cross and Mass
Sunday 9th March
11.15 - Sunday Mass
Thursday 13th March
9.30 - Morning Prayer and Mass
Friday 14th March
17.30 - Stations of the Cross and Mass
Sunday 16th March
11.15 - Sunday Mass and Junior Church
Thursday 20th March
9.30 - Morning Prayer and Mass
Friday 21st March
17.30 - Stations of the cross and Mass
Sunday 22nd March
11.15 - Sunday Mass
Thursday 27th March
9.30 - Morning prayer and Mass
Friday 28th March
17.30 -Stations of the cross and Mass
Tea/coffee and biscuits is served after Mass on Thursdays and Sundays. Everyone is welcome to join us.
For any enquiries please ring Father Paul Norwood on: 07886 276467 or Email: or Churchwarden: Fay Baillie: 01205 723529.
Please leave you name and number if no answer and we will get back to you.
Sunday worship: weekly at 10:30am apart from 9th March followed by tea and coffee. Everyone welcome.
Bible Heroes: crafts and games for primary-aged children from 10:15 until 11:45 am on Sundays 2nd March, 6th April and 4th May.
Join us for our coffee morning on Saturdays 8th March and 12th April from 10am until 12 noon. There will be quality second-hand books and jigsaws to buy or swap’.
Contact Minister: Rev. Dr. Val Ogden
Tel: 01205 837270 or 07884 413595
Families’ worker: Jackie Wood
Tel 07907 865919
Senior Steward: Rob Haresign 722316
Find us on Facebook: 'Kirton Methodist’
New Life
You are most welcome to join us every Sunday for our family service at 10.30am, for lively worship and communion
Please visit for more info, mid-week activities and for access to our Sunday service online
The Junction, 1 Wash Road, Kirton, PE20 1QJ
Every Sunday at 10.30am
Main meeting including children's activities.
Wyberton Parish Hall, London Road
Tel: Paul on 07733 658 320 for details.