©Kirton News 2025

April 2010

Another month gone by too quickly!!

The days seem to be flying by, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get done what needs to be done. Do you feel the same?

I still want to feature local businesses and people. So please get in touch.

Good luck to those of you who entered last month’s competition the lucky winner will be notified on the 7th April.



Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people live full and independent lives - Great British Fish and Chip Supper

Friday 21st May 2010

Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 21st May 2010 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services.

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre.SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

Last year we had over 80 suppers taking part in England and Wales. In 2010 we want to double that figure and ensure we can provide more support to spinal cord injured people.

The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives.

Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.

Community Fundraising Officer, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group.

Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people gain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live full and independent lives.”

For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 678 6633 xtn 229 or email fishandchips@spinal.co.uk or visit www.spinal.co.uk

An invitation from Frampton W.I.

Are you a woman looking for something a bit different - a chance to get out without the children - interesting conversation with likeminded ladies? Have you ever read our reports in The Spires and thought ‘I wouldn’t mind seeing what Frampton WI is all about’? Were you put off by thinking we still sing Jerusalem and make jam? Do you think we are a lot of fuddy duddies? Why not come along to join us, and prove yourself very wrong!

Our meetings, which are very friendly and informal, are held on the second Thursday in the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Usually the format of the meeting starts with a short session of business, followed by a speaker, refreshments and ends with the raffle and competition. We have around 50 members, from varied backgrounds with different interests and skills, and we all enjoy the varied speakers, outings and events that are arranged throughout the year. We are able to invite friends and partners to some of these, and this helps out with the funding. Food features highly at our meetings, from the refreshments provided by members each month, to our Birthday Party, a meal at our AGM and our annual visit to Boston College Restaurant, any excuse!

In addition to our own meetings, we receive invitations to attend events and outings organised by the National and Lincolnshire South Federations. We are also members of two groups of local WIs which organise meetings with more expensive speakers.

We are affiliated to National WI, and are proud of the fact that the WI has a collective voice for the women of this country. We vote on national resolutions which are then taken forward to the National AGM which, in some cases have brought about changes in the law.. Locally we frequently lobby MPs on things we feel strongly about. Parliament do recognise that WI members have a strong, informed insight into women’s and family issues, and few forget the hard time that Tony Blair received at one of our National AGMs.
The membership subscription for this year is £29.50, which works out at less than £3 per month, very little for a night out with good company, an interesting speaker and refreshments. This subscription also includes a very readable National magazine, WI Life, delivered to your door.

Membership can mean as much or as little as you want it to be. If you like the sound of us, then come along to a couple of meetings as a visitor. For more details please contact me on Boston 723579. I look forward to hearing from you.

Val Halgarth - (President Frampton WI)

Letters to the Editor

Hi Catrina

As a resident of Church Lane I wanted to bring to your attention the devastating effect the building development is having to the trees in Church lane. All the trees lining the road at the top half of Church Lane have been destroyed to make access to the new site.
Our rural village is becoming a concrete jungle where privacy and aesthetics take a back seat to property developers.

There is a second run of trees lining the bottom half of Church Lane which I want to ensure get preserved when this part of the development gets underway. I have contacted Alan Flintham, Senior Forward Planning Officer at Boston County Council to get his assurances that the trees will remain, but have had no response.
I believe that the people of Kirton Village should be aware of this destruction and we should urge the Council to preserve what is left of the countryside in Kirton!


N Mullard

Woodlands Organic Farm: Publication of Treasure Ground by Clare Best

On Sunday March 7th 2010, Treasure Ground, the collection of poems written by Clare Best whilst she was writer in residence at Woodlands Organic Farm, will be launched at Woodlands with a celebration walk at 2pm (optional) and readings by the poet at 3.30pm, followed by tea. Admission will be free.

The idea for this collection of poems originated during Clare’s two-year residency at Woodlands Farm, an organic farm on the Lincolnshire fens – a landscape of wide spaces and colossal skies. The silt fields were reclaimed from the sea by the monks of Crowland Abbey 900 years ago. Today this land is some of the most fertile and vulnerable in Britain.

The residency, during which the poet devised a range of community writing activities, proved an extraordinary experience, inspirational in every sense. Best herself wrote more than forty poems, which were distributed in the vegetable and fruit boxes delivered to 2,000 Woodlands customers. The resulting sequence threads its way across the seasons. It is a rich harvest, in which even the farm machinery is mysteriously and magically alive.

Clare Best has always lived closely with words: she has been a bookbinder, a bookseller and an editor. Her poetry has appeared in a variety of publications, including several anthologies. She teaches Creative Writing for the Open University and Brighton University.

Treasure Ground (ISBN 978-1-905939-37-4) is published by HappenStance, an independent press based in Fife. Helena Nelson, the publisher, says of Treasure Ground:
‘This is a most beautiful set, starting and ending with prose descriptions of the landscape. It’s nourishing, somehow. I don’t think you have to be ‘into’ poetry to enjoy this one. Woodlands is
a magical place and that magic has found its way into poems in which the poet examines the seasons with loving particularity. Readers enter a world in which a Romanesco cauliflower is a mysterious “ancient galaxy”, a corn dryer is the harbinger of silence, and Lincoln red cattle “look right into the core of you,/know what you think”.’

For more information about HappenStance Press see www.happenstancepress.com
Treasure Ground is available from Woodlands Farm, or from the HappenStance website, price £4.00. For more information about Woodlands Organic Farm visit the farm’s website: www.woodlandsfarm.co.uk.

Kirton Kids Club

The Kids’ Club opened its doors for the February half term holidays. The children who attended had a wonderful time with all the visits, trips, cooking, making and arts and crafts.
Kirton Kids’ Club offers parents’ the chance to send their children to a facility that offers them a huge range of activities – with fully trained and qualified staff who have years of experience between them.

We don’t just let them watch from the side lines – we get them involved! They are kept occupied, busy and happy from the time they walk into the club to the moment they walk out.

The choice of activities your children are offered are versatile, fun, worthwhile, enjoyable and help the children to feel a sense of achievement, satisfaction and pride in the ‘treasures’ they are able to take home.

The next holiday sessions are the first four days of the Easter holidays and the last three weeks of the school summer holidays.

If you are interested in any of these dates – or you would like before or after school sessions for you child/children – please either pop into the club (housed in the Youth Centre next to Kirton Church) or phone 722426 for more information.

We are always pleased to show parents and children around the club. We are particularly pleased to boast that it is our eleventh birthday this year!

Obviously myself and staff are very proud of this fact and we hope to celebrate it with a party (never need an excuse for one of these mind lol). So watch this space I’m sure there will pictures and a write up to follow that.

Kirton Kids’ club runs from 7.30am to school and after school to 5.45pm every day the school is open. Holiday sessions run from 8.30am to 3.30pm inclusive of all trips, activities, workshops and arts n crafts.

The Mothers Union

The April meeting will be on Wednesday 21st at 7.15pm in the Methodist hall. This will be a Members’ Evening and, we will look at ideas for compiling our recipe book which we hope to have in print for later this year.

Saturday 17th is our day to serve refreshments at St.Benedict’s centre in Lincoln. ‘Easter Light, Easter Joy, You bring the promise of the sunlight, the resurgence of hope, for in you all has been conquered. You are Easter Light and Easter Joy’.

Helen Airey

“On stage in Frampton” are delighted to announce that they will be hosting ratatat theatres production of this well known story.

It promises to be a delightfully entertaining show for all the family. It will be on Thursday 20th May at 7.30pm. Tickets are £7 and will be available from scout aid and Fossit and Thorne the green Kirton.

Light refreshments will be available. Contact Keith and Myra Scott on 01205 722013 for further details.

Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

Meets on the second Tuesday of the month at The Merry Monk Restaurant, Kirton for a three course lunch, afternoon speaker and making friends. The lunch costs £11 and we meet in the upper dining room 12.00 for 12.30pm.

We welcome anyone to join us (but please ring Mrs. Loraine Harding 01205 723181 on the Monday morning previous to the Tuesday so numbers can be given to the merry monk) and if you like us membership is £6 annually.


Welcome Father Gary Morgan

On the 21st January this year, the induction of a new vicar, Father Gary Morgan, took place at Kirton parish church.

As with Father David Carney, who retired last year Father Gary had been appointed priest in charge of kirton with special responsibility for the parishes of Algarkirk and Fosdyke.

At his induction conducted by Bishop Tim from Grantham, the church was full. After the service refreshments were served and Father Gary and his wife Paula were able to meet members of the congregation. We hope that his time with us will be long and fruitful.

Parish Council News

As a Parish Council we are going to start updating Council matters in the Kirton News on a regular basis to help keep parishioners informed regarding issues that involve everyone.

In November we had a successful Quiz night in the Town Hall; winners were ‘The Peacock’, Kirton.  Thanks go to the quiz masters George and Paula Davies and local businesses who donated raffle prizes.  A profit of £167 was made and this was donated to the Kirton Youth Brass Band.

We have some outstanding Highways issues:

1) The problem of flooding around the War Memorial/Station Road – work is to begin imminently (may have already started by the time this goes to print).

2) Traffic lights on the zebra crossing on High Street – we have asked for these lights and are waiting for the reply

3) The footpath at Kirton Home needs urgent restoration – Highways are fully aware of the problems.

The Parish Council is working closely with the new Beat Manager PC Martin Appleby and his new PCSOs in trying to reduce anti-social behaviour. Litter problems are being tackled by the community cleaner, Barbara and by the Friday Morning Community Group, but this continues to be an ongoing issue.  Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Should any parishioners have any issues please contact the Chairman (Councillor Alan Lee) or any Parish Councillor or visit the Clerk at the Council Office in the Town Hall on Tuesday mornings (9.00 – 12.00).

The Chairman, Alan Lee would like to thank all of the Councillors for their continued help and support during his first year in office as Chairman. The Parish Council is pursuing quotations to renew the roadway in the Cemetery.  It is anticipated that this work will commence later on this year. 

The Clerk has completed the Grant Application to Lincolnshire County Council to replace the Town Hall Roof.  This work, should the grant application be successful, should be completed by the end of the year.

The Annual Parish General Meeting of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 20th May.  Members of the public are welcome to attend and speak informally to the Parish Council regarding any issues that are outstanding in the village or any new ones.

The Town Hall can be booked through the new Booking Clerk Rachel Goodman on 01205 722601 (not the Parish Clerk). The Council Office in the Town Hall is now open from 9.00 – 12.00 every Tuesday morning (except August when it is closed).  Councillors contact details can be found on the notice board in the village.

Rocky Road Bites

It couldn’t be easier to make this treat. Just melt chocolate chips, stir in peanuts & marshmallows.

Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: 5 mins
Extra time: 2 hours Serves: 24

350g chocolate chips
30g butter
1 (397g) tin condensed sweetened
365g dry-roasted peanuts
500g white marshmallows, chopped
Rocky road tray bake
Chocolate Mice
Rocky Road Ice Cream
Chocolate Fudge
Halloween Eyeballs

Line a 23x33cm (9x13 in) tin with greaseproof paper. In a microwave-safe bowl, microwave chocolate and butter until melted. Stir occasionally until chocolate is smooth. Stir in condensed milk. Combine peanuts and marshmallows; stir into chocolate mixture. Pour into prepared tin and chill until firm. Cut into squares.
Variations: Instead of chocolate chips, use chopped plain chocolate.
Also, use mini marshmallows if you’re able to find them.

Poem by Gladys Seabrook

Here is the tale of Nellie Stone,
Who was afraid to bath alone.
So every time she took a bath,
She always asked her better half

To wash her back with soap and sponge.
Until one night he took the plunge
And shyly asked, “Please let me Nell,
Wash all the rest of you as well”.

But Nell replied as she undressed,
“You wash my back, I’ll do the rest.”
Then clutching soap of fragrant pine,
She sank beneath the water line.

As she sat blushing in the bath,
He thought, I’ll do it for a laugh
Then quick as a flash removed his clothes
While Nell was playing with her toes.

He jumped and landed with a splash,
Bubbles flying round his moustache.
With fright Nell screamed, “I’m sure I never,
Agreed for us to bath together.”

Then with her fist lathered in soap,
She dashed away his dearest hope.
Next night he pleaded all in vain
To share the bath with her again

Said she, secure behind locked door,
“I’ll never let you anymore.”
Then reaching sponge from off the shelf,
She bravely bathed all by herself.

Local Policing

Dear Kirton residents.

During the period of 5th February 2010 and the 3rd March 2010 there have been 2 reports Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) in the Kirton area.

Since the 1st January 2010 and the 3rd March 4x arrests have been made of individuals being drunk and disorderly, and causing anti social behaviour in the Kirton area.

Approximately 30 youths have been stopped and details taken if seen in the ‘hotspot’ areas of Kirton, which were mentioned in the March Kirton News. All youths have received letters regarding their behaviour, which were hand delivered to parents/guardians of the youths involved.

With the support of the response and patrol officers and PCSO’s from Boston, patrolling in Kirton and the Anti social behaviour officers from the Boston Borough Council, the number of ASB incidents have decreased over the past month.

If you or you know of anyone who is suffering from Anti Social Behaviour in the Kirton area please call Boston police station on the new number: 0300 333 0300 to create an incident. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call on the number below, where we are able to help you.

Local shops have been spoken to by Sgt Joynes and PCSO Nicola Stuchfield, about selling alcohol and cigarettes to underage children, also adults who are buying alcohol and cigarettes for the underage children. Shops are aware of certain individuals who are buying alcohol for the underage youths and have now put a limit on how much they can buy in one day.

Boston Borough Council CCTV are monitoring in the area, especially around the church and church grounds, for youths behaving in an anti social manor and/or drinking.

PC Martin Appleby has started his new role as the Community Beat Manager for the South Rural beats of Boston and will be out in the community. If you wish to speak to PC Appleby he can be contacted at Kirton Police Station (01205) 722002.

Kirton village has also had the presence of Traffic Warden McPhearson out and about in the community. He will be in Kirton on a regular basis, targeting vehicles parked inconsiderately and/or illegally. The main areas of concern are: Limited waiting around the war memorial, outside the Kebab shop Station Rd, vehicles parked on the junction of Skeldyke Rd and Horseshoe Lane, and obstruction on Wellington Road.

If any other areas need addressing please contact Traffic Warden McPherson on (01205) 312375 or the Neighbourhood Policing Team on the number below.

The Kirton Neighbourhood Panel still have spaces for new faces. If you wish to be a panel member and help your community by discussing local issues, setting local priorities and listening to community concerns please call myself on the number below.

I have been informed that the new intake for PCSO’s will be on the 31st March 2010. The PCSO’s will have 8 weeks of training and then will be out in the community. 2 new PCSO’s will be based at Kirton and the South Rural will be back to a full team.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter and eat lots of Easter eggs!!


PCSO Nicole Page
Kirton Police Station (01205) 722002

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

February 14th - Aaron Thomas
February 14th - Paiton Mia Mc Allister
February 28th - Sophie Louise Morrow

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no Weddings listed this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

February 4th - Harold Sydney King
February 10th - Mrs Doris Feary



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Kirton Mother’s Union..............£5

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.