©Kirton News 2025

April 2011

Already we are into April, where does the time go? It is a busy time in the garden, seedlings to sew, tomatoes etc to plant. An exciting time, so much to look forward to “new beginnings” as my mother used to say.
April 3rd is Mothers Day and 3 weeks later on 24th is Easter Day, a joyous month for family and friends to get together.

There are even more new features in the magazine for you this month; I do hope you enjoy reading them. Please write in and keep us informed.

I am sure there is something for everyone in the forthcoming attractions. There seems to be so much going on in Kirton and Frampton.

The lighter nights make it so much easier for getting about. I have enjoyed some lovely walks this past month, even the weather is beginning to warm up a bit, and it is a joy to be out and about.

See you next month


Poppy Sponsorships

Can you do something amazing for your Royal British Legion Branch in our 90th year we are looking at ways to raise extra funds for the Poppy Appeal Battle Back Campaign.
This campaign is for centres and programmes to help injured troops to get back to a normal life.

We are looking for volunteers to perform some type of sponsorship, perhaps a marathon, Woodhall Spa 10K road race or 3k fun race on Sunday 11th June 2011 or 29th Annual Novartis 10K or 2 mile run in Lincoln on Saturday 9th April.

What about the Coast to Coast Bike Ride or the Lincoln to Boston Bike Ride. There are many activities which you can get involved in and be sponsored for.
How about planning your own football knockout tournament, tennis or swimming tournament, kids or adults any age just get involved.

What Can You Do: Contact Roland Reece – Poppy Appeal Organiser on 01205 722501 / 07771 615 423 for more details.

Out and about with The Editor
3 course lunch at Kirton Town Hall

This month I went for a three course meal at Kirton Town Hall put on by Willoughby Foods Ltd on Wednesday 23rd February which was well attended.

We all sat down to beautifully laid tables and were served warmed rolls and soup, followed by roast pork with all the trimmings and a choice of rice pudding or syrup sponge and custard, all rounded off with tea or coffee.

After the meal the staff were introduced to the diners – Allison, Stuart, Vicky, Brendan and Adam. Stuart explained who Willoughby Foods are, and a bit about the business. Willoughby Foods are farmers and caterers and use locally produced meat and vegetables whenever possible. They cater for a large number of the local schools. The proceeds of the raffle went to the MacMillan charity.

Thought for Today

“Everything is farther away now than it used to be. It is twice as far to the corner shop - and they’ve added a hill, I’ve noticed!

I have given up running for the bus; it leaves faster than it used to. It seems to me that they are making steps steeper than in the ‘Old Days’, and there is no sense in asking people to read aloud. Everyone nowadays speaks in such a low, quiet voice that I can hardly hear them.

And have you noticed the smaller print they use in the newspapers and telephone directories? The material in dresses is getting skimpy - especially around the waist and hips.

Even people are changing! They are much younger than they used to be when I was their age. On the other hand, people of MY age are so much older than I am!
I ran into a former friend the other day - she had aged so much that she didn’t recognize me.

I got to thinking about the poor thing when I was combing my hair; in doing so, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and - would you believe it! They don’t make good mirrors like they used to.”

Jackie Burton

A reflection from the Methodist Minister

Greetings - Snowdrops almost over, daffodils beginning to bloom, the small pink cherry blossom will soon be ablaze in our gardens and along the side of roads, all full of the promise of Spring. Just what we need after one of the coldest winters any of us can remember and amongst the troubled news from around the world together with the economic struggle that we are all experiencing.

But all that beauty is transient as we mark the changing seasons by the changing colour in nature around us.

On a spiritual level we journey through Lent with our minds firmly on Easter, a celebration filled with the Hope promised in Jesus’ resurrection. The contrast during those few days couldn’t be more stark; on Good Friday we remember the death of Jesus, the perfect person taking on the cost of sin on our behalf; then there is the dark time of wondering through to Sunday and we declare that ‘Christ is risen’. For the women who went to the tomb to finish the preparations of the body, they felt devastated when their beloved Jesus had apparently been stolen from His resting place.

But there was a messenger from God who told them not to look for a physical body but for the living Jesus. What did this mean for them? It took time for them to understand all that was happening and it was the next few weeks of Jesus’ reappearances that taught them to hope, trust and believe in the future. Even through the time of the coming of the Holy Spirit, they were shown that Jesus had not completed His ministry but would continue to work with them, that they would continue to grow in faith.

What does this mean for you? Do you see Easter as the end of something or the beginning and continuing of God’s work in you? God should not be left behind in history; God is the breath of life within us and around us and brings a lasting Hope into the world if we let Him.

Ralphlands Care Home

Ralphlands, a purpose built Care Home on Ralphs Lane, held an open day on Saturday 12th March 2011. I went along with my husband Tony in his wheelchair and 2 friends.
We were warmly welcomed by Paul Leong at the entrance, shown into a light airy lounge with very comfortable armchairs and introduced to Claire the house manager, Jan senior care manager and Mike maintenance manager. Claire and Paul showed us round, Mike taking charge of the wheelchair and Tony.

The bedrooms on the ground floor were all spacious with en-suite facilities, three with wet rooms, all beautifully decorated and having a lovely warm atmosphere and colour co-ordinated fixtures. There was also a sensory room on this floor with fibre optic lighting and a hairdressing / barbers room.

Upstairs, again the rooms were beautifully fitted out, the majority with en-suite facilities. This floor housed a reading room / library and a hydro spa bath. There were 2 mini flatlets and also 2 double rooms at the front with beautiful bay windows.

Ralphlands is run by Hope Healthcare, a company set up by Dr Paul Leong, a NHS medical consultant. It is one of the nicest Residential Care Homes I have been inside, every detail has been well planned and thought out with lots of attention to detail.
They are focused on care while promoting independence and positive experiences and aim to support people to manage and learn to live with their disability and to understand how it affects them as individuals.

Ralphlands provides residential care for older people, nursing care and extra care living for people with dementia. The home is beautifully set in open fields with a continual changing picturesque agricultural landscape.

The Editor.

Kirton Kids Club

Finally we have some signs of the spring waking up after the long winter break. The children at the club however, have been in ‘spring mode’ for weeks. One of this term's themes has been ‘Garden wildlife’ and they have been very busy decorating a ‘garden’ board with animals, birds, insects and foot prints of animals you might find in your garden.
They have also taken a lot of their art home.

The half term holiday club was a resounding success in the eyes of the children attending.
For me – one of the best days was our ‘Little Chef’ day when children baked scones, chocolate mad cakes and doughnuts! They received chef’s hats, a mixing bowl, measuring jug, wooden spoon and the recipes to take home and practice with. It is amazing what good cooks children are when given the chance.

The next holiday club will be the first week of the school Easter holidays. Not only will there be lots of Easter arts'n crafts, but Easter egg hunts and recipes for the children to bake and take home.

There are also trips and outings included in the price of £12.00 per day! Now that is amazing value for money. The club runs from 8.30am to 3.30pm – please phone 07583 762072 for more details or pop into Kids’ Club at the Youth Centre (next to the church).
Recently the club was invited to take part in a model making day at the town hall – organised by the Holgarth family.

We took many construction kits including Lego, Duplo and Stickle bricks for the children to make models with while they were visiting. It did make me smile though to see how many ‘adults’ tried their hand at building with these. There was even one that said ‘are Stickle bricks still on the go?!’ Well actually – yes they are!

The club is a non profit making charity and relies not just on the club fees (which are kept low to allow more children access to the facility) but grants and donations are a very important part of our yearly finances. We have a few organisations that help us with donations each year and I thank them inadvance for their continued support.
However if you have any ideas that would help us financially or you would like to donate to the club – we would be extremely grateful.

Kirton Kids’ Club is open for breakfast 7.30am to school and after school to 5.45pm. Children are escorted to and from school. If you would like to contact us please pop in or phone the above number.

All set to bowl ‘em over!

LOCAL boy, David Bristow is all ready to make his mark on the National Bowling scene. The 16-year old has a Summer of intensive competition ahead of him, both locally and nationally.

At just 11 years of age, David was inspired to take up the outdoor sport by his grandfather, Aubrey Bristow, and has proved to be a special find, improving year on year.

Having recognised David’s burgeoning talent five years ago, Aubrey (President of Donington Bowls Club) has driven his grandson all over the County, teaching him his craft and being rewarded with one win after another in the Junior sections. This year he became under 16 Junior Champion in the singles - and the pairs, winning both on the same day. The first player ever to do so.

In fact, David has proved to be so great a talent that, last season he was invited to play for the Lincolnshire Under 25 team on three occasions; winning his matches at every attempt. He is now a regular squad member, his next major tournament being at Northampton in the beginning of April.

The last two years have also seen him trying his hand at indoor bowling with similar success. His next inside-outing is at Stamford in mid-April.

Proud parents, Rob and Alison support their son wholeheartedly and turn up to matches whenever they can.
“It’s brilliant to see a lad doing something postitive with his time, rather than hanging around aimlessly on the streets”, says Rob.
“Of course, I’m biased, but he is a bit special; we’re all really proud of his achievements. He’ll go far”.
And there’s so much further to go. It means alot of dedication and hard work but David’s not shy of that.

Next stop is the Lincolnshire Men’s County team and after that, he has his sights set on England trials. And if it ever makes the Olympics, who knows? In a few year’s time it could be a Bristow Gold for Kirton!
Follow David’s progress throughout the Summer; there’ll be regular reports in the Spalding Guardian and Free Press - and we at Kirton News might pop the odd report in too!

Good luck David.

Platinum award
for Kirton kids

KIRTON Primary School has been named as a Platinum Singing School as part of The Sing Up Awards, which recognise, celebrate and promote schools that put singing at the heart of school life.

Youngsters from 11 of the county’s primary schools came together at Lincolnshire Showground’s EPIC Centre last November for a day of fine-voiced festivities. It marked the culmination of four years of Sing Up, a £40 million programme which has aimed to make group singing part of daily life for primary school pupils.

The school has now been presented with it’s Sing Up Platinum Award as part of a special singing assembly to showcase the school's talent.
Kirton is one of only 62 schools in England to receive the award, due to its outstanding dedication to singing.

The Award was endorsed by Kate Witney, Vocal Co-ordinator from Lincolnshire Music Service, who praised the school's commitment to singing:
"Singing opportunities at Kirton are planned both within the curriculum and outside it, working with other schools and the wider community.

"Singing is at the heart of the school, amongst pupils as well as staff, who play a full part in all singing assemblies. All children are engaged and their enjoyment of singing is clear."


Middlecott 5 mile Road Race

The first Middlecott 5 Mile Road Race organised by FOMSKA (Friends of Middlecott School Kirton Association) is now set for Sunday 22nd May 2011. The race starts at 11am from the school field taking a route along the old London road towards Sutterton, and then returning by the same route.

Open to anyone over the age of 15 on the day.The race has been approved, and will be held under UK Athletics Rules for Competition, in accordance with the Licence Requirements. The course has been officially measured, and has been issued with a Certificate of Course Accuracy.

Entry forms are available to download from ww.middlecott.lincs.sch.uk or further information is available via roadrace@middlecott.lincs.sch.uk or Paul Walker 075888 66300.

If you feel that you can help in any way whether through sponsorship, or marshalling, please contact the named above.


Please can your readers help? We live in what was the Boat and Gun pub in Skeldyke (now named Charton House)  I am trying to find pictures and information about the property especially what the old pub sign looked like.  I would love to recreate the sign and add it back to the house. I have very little information only what the internet has given me in an article or two but no pub sign. 

Charity Open Gardens

Charity Open Garden at Old White House, Holbeach Hurn,  Lincolnshire PE12 8JP with homemade teas on Sunday 22 May 2011; 1 – 5pm   Admission £3, children under 16 free.

A Laburnum walk, roses, herbaceous borders, patterned garden, herb and walled kitchen garden, all feature in this mature garden of 1½ acres.
Browse the stalls: AC Wrought Iron; Gift wrap and decorations by Britain’s guru Jane Means; Annabella Beads; J & J Pearls; Frog Hall Plants; Bespoke Illustrations; The Cedar Tree with old garden tools, antiquities & paraphernalia.
Charity stalls: bric-a-brac, cake & produce, plants & tombola.

Charity Open Garden at Windrush, Main Road, East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4BB with homemade teas on Sunday 19 June 2011: 1 – 5pm   Admission £3, children under 16 free

Opening for the first time since development of the garden began in 1996, a large informal garden of nearly 4 acres, on a south facing site on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Visitors can enjoy their afternoon tea, pimms, wine and beer whilst taking in the wonderful views over the Fenlands.

The garden comprises woodland with many native species; small newly planted orchard with Lincolnshire varieties of apple; herbaceous borders; many climbing and shrub roses; three ponds and a well stocked vegetable garden.

Browse the stalls: Belleau Bridge Trout Farm & Smokery, serving hot fishcakes - smoked trout, haddock & parsley; fresh produce - hot and cold smoked trout, smoked eel, pates, fishcakes and smoked garlic; Fiona Sciolti Botanical chocolates; Neal’s Yard organic skincare; J & J Pearls;

Annabella Beads; Bespoke Illustrations; Jamie at Home; The Cedar Tree with old garden tools, antiquities & paraphernalia; Frog Hall Plants; Forever Living Aloe Vera products; Charity stalls: bric-a-brac, cake & produce, plants & tombola.

Parish Council Elections

Last year, 2010, Kirton were runners-up in the Community Lincs ‘Best Kept Village’ competition. This should be credited to the hard work of many people including our Village Warden, the Friday Community Group, and members of the public; as well as the efforts of local businesses.

I feel with a little more help and effort we could achieve more in this competition. Judging for 2011 starts in June and ends at the end of August so please, could everyone keep their frontages clean and litter free; this would be a big help in achieving our target of being 'Number One' next year!

When I became Chairman it was one of my aims to be successful in this competition. I am so pleased with everyone's contribution and we should all feel proud of our Village.
Many thanks to everyone for their help and support in getting the proposed Waste Transfer Station on the Wash Road site overturned. It is now going to be constructed on land well away from Kirton. A result, and well worth all the time and effort over the past 8 months.
My best regards to you all.

Alan Lee - Chairman; Parish Council


Not on the list

by Gladys Seabrook

I have not been invited to THE WEDDING,
At the moment I am feeling quite upset
When they did not write my name upon their guest list,
Did they overlook me or forget?

I have not been invited to THE WEDDING,
Even though I’ve bought myself a brand new frock.
I know I might not look as smart as some folk,
But to be left out has given me quite a shock.

Will some-one sympathise with my dilemma?
I feel so disappointed I could die.
I guess I’ll have to watch the ceremony
At home on television,and I’ll cry



Cheats Chicken Curry

Chicken pieces
Red Onions
(nearly same quantity as chicken) cut in 1/6th
1 tbp fennel seeds (aniseeds)
1- 2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 jar Pataks Rogan Josh paste
1 tsp garam masala
Large punnet of cherry tomatoes (keep whole)
Fresh green coriander
Fresh Green chillies (optional)
1tsp Turmeric powder

Heat oil in pan.

Add fennel seeds (let them sizzle but not burn) add cinnamon powder and immediately add chicken and onions. Stir. Brown the meat.

Add all the spices and paste (except cherry toms and coriander). Simmer until cooked. Just before serving, add toms and coriander and re-heat, so the toms are a bit singed but not cooked through.

Serve with Naan Bread, Basmati Rice, yoghurt dip and salad.

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

27/03/11 - Ethan Young
27/03/11 - Matthew Hocking

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

03/02/11 - Mrs Val Wilkinson
07/02/11 - Mrs Doris May Traves
01/03/11 - Mr Paul James Menzies



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Community Coffee Shop.......£100

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.