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©Kirton News 2025 |
April 2013
April is the cruellest month; so says T.S. Eliot*. Let’s see what its got to offer! It certainly opens with a hum of discontent moving wraith-like through parts of the Village. Especially in the vicinity of the lately unoccupied Boston Road shop - formerly Lorraine Christine. Some of you may have noticed a notice in the window (especially since Monday March 18th when it was moved from a far top corner - not quite on Alpha Centauri behind the door marked “beware of the leopard” - to a more convenient viewing level). It’s purpose? Informing us of a planned change of trade to an emporium proposing to sell “International Food and Drink” with an application for a licence from 7am to 10pm. Kirton News would never be so bold as to express an opinion on this; or stumble either side of the fence but I have been approached by several good citizens who do have quite strong persuasions in a particular direction. As with many bits of information forthcoming from authority the line of communicatio/reply can sometimes be a little vague. Can we (The Mag) just point out a few salient points that we have gathered which might help any of you who wish to make your opinion heard before April 11th. As we see it, any doubts that are expressed as to the suitability of a particular shop/outlet must relate to any one or more of four basic criteria that may or may not be met or challenged. 1. Prevention of crime and disorder. “Public safety” may include such situations as problems with multiple stationary or illegally parked vehicles for instance. Things are open to interpretation. Remember also that, in the recent past, there have been outlets in Boston that, by the Council’s own admission, have proved to have been “unsuitable” for whatever reason. Any of you who do wish to contact the Borough Council Licensing Department will, I’m sure, be dealt with sympathetically. But time is slipping by towards that Thursday (11th) deadline! Also be comforted by the fact that your Parish Council is also on the case. Representations are being made - as we ‘speak’ - on your behalf, with everyone’s best interests at heart. Anyway, back to stirring those “dull roots with Spring rain.”* What a cultured lot we are! Dialogue between us continues with some excellent letters to the Editor this month. Keep ‘em coming. A couple of worthy causes are asking for your support with charity runs and we continue with interesting articles both current and historical. Speaking of history, I hope you’ll do your best to support the Memorabilia Weekend at the Town Hall, April 13 and 14. That should stir a few “roots” as well. March is going out a bit lion-ish, certainly in some parts but Spring is busting out... all over. Let’s all do our bit to keep those streets clean so we can get out and enjoy it, eh? Keep safe; Sam Marathon Martin
Every year, over 150,000 people in the UK have a stroke: that’s one every 5 minutes, and almost a million people in the UK are living with the effects. There are misconceptions that stroke only affects older people and that there is nothing that can be done once it’s happened. Actually 25% of strokes occur in people under the age of 65 and much can be done. For further information about strokes go to www.stroke.org.uk/about. If you would like to sponsor Martin you can text MJES70 + £(specify amount here) to 70070 or go to www.justgiving.com/martinjessop-vlm. Alternatively add yourself to my traditional sponsorship form Any sponsorship would really be appreciated and will help to spur me on, especially during the difficult stages in the race! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks also if you have decided to sponsor me. Martin Manual Lymph Drainage Described as "One of the best kept secrets on the health and beauty scene." (Jane Alexander, Daily Mail Saturday). What is this secret? Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, circulatory problems like Raynauds disease. Immune deficiency and a multitude of other problems are being treated by this secret, which has slowly been gaining itself a big enough reputation, so that an entire department in St George’s hospital in London has been dedicated to its training and use for patients. So again, what is this secret? Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a massage using the lightest of touch. Developed by Dr Emil Vodder during the 1920’s and 30’s, the technique is renowned in the world of lymphology. It’s effects are wide ranging. Known as "A system which purifies the body and regulates irritation, like inflammation, swelling and oedema." (Thomas Bartholin), it explains how it combats many health conditions as well as pain. The lymphatic system is directly connected with the bodies immune system, helps in preparation for operations, reduces healing time, post operations and because of that, scar tissue, even in the case of some burns, is kept at a minimum. It can also help in breaking down old scar tissue. (Cautionary note- one can never guarantee what degree of change is possible in severely effected skin tissue) MLD is not only therapeutic, it is relaxing and toning, so it is great as a facelift and aids in weight-loss and reduces the appearance of cellulite. It is one of the safest massages during pregnancy. For more information contact the ‘British Lymphology Society’ or the UK body which aims to regulate the therapy, ‘MLD UK’. Or you can contact shehnaz@touchofhealing.co.uk. Get updates by going to www.touchofhealing.co.uk and liking us on facebook. Touch Of Healing is available in your area, call Shehnaz on 07710756771 for more information.
A Lincolnshire Family & The Power Game Part 2 of the continuing history of the Irby Family by John Almond - local historian.
His eldest son, another Anthony, baptised 9 Jan 1577 at Whaplode, followed his fathers footsteps, entering the legal profession at Lincoln’s Inn in Feb 1594. On 23 July 1603 he became the first member of the family to be knighted. This took place at Whitehall, during the early years of King James1 reign. Unfortunately he lived only a short life, dying 17 June 1610. He lies in in his glorious tomb at St Mary’s church Whaplode Now we arrive at his son, yet another Anthony, and we have quite a bit of knowledge about his very interesting life, having lived through some of our country's most troubled periods. He was born in 1605, probably at Whaplode, the eldest son of the aformentioned Sir Anthony and his wife Elizabeth (nee Peyton). He was probably brought up by his grand parents as his father died when he was only five, and his mother remarried in 1614, to Sir George le Hunte of Bradley, Suffolk. He took the usual course of education, Emmanuel College Cambridge, and law at Lincoln’s Inn. His matrimonial life is very interesting, as he was married four times before he was thirty-six. He was eighteen when he married his first wife, Frances Wray, of Glentworth Lincs in 1623, daughter of Sir William and Frances Wray. His second wife was Margaret, daughter of Sir Richard Smith (or Smyth) who at some time lived at Leeds Castle, Kent. His third wife was also named Margaret, she was the daughter of Sir Edward Barkham of Southacre, Norfolk. He was Lord Mayor of London in 1621. His fourth and final wife was Catherine, daughter of William 5th Baron Paget of Beaudesert, Stafford. They had six daughters and finally a son, of course called Anthony. Continued next month.
Running For Mum
Many of you may know my Mum, and know that she was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2008. Initial tests showed it was malign, but malignant cells were later found, meaning that Mum went through major surgery in May 2009. She was in Queen’s Medical for more than a month, transferring to Pilgrim’s Stroke Unit after suffering left-sided paralysis. She was allowed home but continued with radiotherapy. She will continue to have six monthly MRI scans so that any further growth can be treated as quickly as possible. She’s not the same woman many of you may have known - and probably never will be. But she’s amazing. The family’s eternal thanks go to the Nurses and Surgeons; Doctors and Physios who have helped her, and us, get to where we are today. And I want to do my little bit to say “thank you”; so I plan to run the Brighton Marathon on April 14 in aid of Brain Tumor Research. If you’ve read this far, thanks, but I’d love you to make a donation - however big or small - so that children and adults affected by this terrible, and indiscriminate condition can have a brighter future. You can help me out by logging on to my Justgiving page at: www.justgiving.com/Kelly-Slater3. Please, help me help them to help!
Day Tripper As a result of the loss of the daily coach service to London from this area, a day trip to London is being organised on Wednesday 10th April. The coach will depart from Kirton Town Hall at 8 am on Wednesday 10 April with the London drop-off point being the British Museum, which should be reached by midday. We leave from the Museum at 5.30pm. There will be a short stop at the Baldock Services on both journeys. For those not wishing to go shopping or meet friends, the major exhibition 'Life and Death – Pompei and Herculaneum' will be open at the Museum and tickets can be bought online beforehand. This is a non-profitmaking trip so the cost of the coach and the driver's tip is divided between the number of people travelling, but hopefully the cost per person will be no more than £20. A £5 deposit books a seat. Please contact Joan Deane on 722744 for bookings.
Gardening Club Forget the late cold Spring! Look forward to an enjoyable warm season with friendly Frampton Gardening Club. We meet at Frampton Village Hall at 7-30pm on the last Thursday of each month, except June and July, when we run coach outings to famous Gardens/Halls. In June we plan to visit Barnsdale Gardens in Rutland (Tuesday 4th June). These are managed by Nick Hamilton, son of the late great Geoff Hamilton of TV fame. The coach leaves Kirton Town Hall at 11am and the cost is £14-00 pp. (includes garden entry) Our second trip is on Tuesday 2nd July to Burton Agnes Gardens (Yorkshire) costing £17-00, and the coach leaves Kirton Town Hall at 9am. (Cost includes garden entry, but Hall entry would be an optional £3-00 extra) Our Thursday speakers will include the ever-popular Stuart Dixon, describing what makes a romantic garden (March 28th); then B&Q’s own Tom Holland will demonstrate how to achieve colourful Spring plantings. (April 25th) Our Autumn topics include Organic fruit and vegetables (August 29th), then Bee Keeping on September 26th. Our Annual Dinner will be held in early January 2014 at The Barge. New members are always welcome and could attend a couple of ‘taster’ meetings free of charge if they wish. Please contact Ray Harding on 01205 723181 for enquiries.
The Kirton Church Fund
The April draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month.The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.Currently we have 35 members taking part so there is plenty of room for more members ( and a very good chance of winning). You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage. For more information please ring Fay on 01205 723529.
February 2013 Winners What is Alpha?
New Life Fellowship in Kirton is running a new 10 week Alpha Course starting on Friday 19th April 2013. 7.15 pm. At The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton. PE20 1QJ. EVERYONE WELCOME.
Letters to the Editor Rubbish in the gutters? Dear Sam Reading an article in last months magazine, I'm baffled! I have lived on the Hardwick Estate for 37 years. I am also the Village Caretaker. I would like to know where, and I quote, "rubbish in the gutters, especially on Hardwick" is(?) As I see it, Hardwick Estate is no different to any other part of the Village. One thing I do disagree with is people who let their dogs foul on public footpaths and don't have the decency to clean it up! A concerned Villager No seats please! Dear Editor I am sorry to say whilst I agree with the cleaning up of the leaves and the bus shelter - seats are another matter. All they will do is encourage young people to gather near folks' homes 'till late at night etc. I certainly do not want one near my property! Folks will do do what they have always done here; stand and chat. There is absolutly no need for seats on the estates. Yours, S. Featherstone Dog Fouling - Dear Sam I have lived in Kirton for the last 7 years, I have noticed a significant increase in the amount of dog fouling in the village and surrounding areas. Though I know many of us are responsible dog owners and clean up our dog faeces, there are others that may not realise the importance of doing so. Dog faeces are not only an eyesore, extremely irritating when you stand in them but also a serious health risk to other animals and people. One of the worms that dogs can get are roundworms (Toxocara). These worms can be a potential health risk to people especially children and the elderly. It is the responsibility of the dog owner/walker to clear up any mess under the Dog (Fouling of Land) Act 1996. If you don’t you can face a fine of up to £1000. Elwood, Briggs & Turner Veterinary Surgery currently have free poop scoop bags (while stocks last) and can give you more information on worming your pets. Please can all dog owners be responsible and clean up after their dogs to keep Kirton a cleaner place to live in. Claire Allison RVN
Sutterton Surgery
Society 200 Club
May we please remind all members that subscriptions are due before the end of the first week of the current months draw. Subscriptions may be taken into the surgery reception where staff will be pleased to help. If there are difficulties for members getting to the surgery please inform staff and your subscriptions can be collected from your home. February 2013 Winners IMPORTANT NOTICE for patients of Dr's Gray, Hughes and Hill - please protect your surgery dispensary The NHS is introducing an EPS – Electronic Prescription Service, this will have a huge impact on your GP practice dispensary. You will shortly be asked to nominate a place you choose to get your medication from. You may receive a leaflet through the post from an online pharmacy company, describing its service as a “new NHS service working with your doctor to arrange and deliver your medicines” They will ask you to nominate a pharmacy to dispense your medicines. If you choose to “nominate” a pharmacy for your medication, it does not necessarily mean that they will deliver your prescription. Nominating to receive your medicines from a pharmacy, may result in the closure of your surgery dispensary. If you want to continue to receive your medication from your surgery dispensary, please tell us. To protect your right to use the practice dispensary please ask a member of staff to explain the changes to you and if you wish to “nominate” your surgery dispensary, please log-on to the web site below for more details. What using the Electronic Prescription Service means for you: • Dispensing patients may continue to use the practice dispensary as normal. • To arrange this, sign this letter, or ask a member of staff in the surgery for help. • Please understand that if you nominate a pharmacy to receive your electronic prescriptions, the prescription might be sent there for collection. • Nomination is very flexible and can be changed at any time by asking a member of staff at the pharmacy or the surgery. • If you have nominated a pharmacy that you no longer wish to use, just make sure you let the surgery know as soon as possible. • Opting to use the Electronic Prescription Service may result in delays to obtaining your medicines. Sutterton Surgery welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to help us improve our service to you e.g do you feel a delivery service provided by the surgery, would be beneficial to our elderly or housebound patients? Contact us on: 01205 460254 or log-on at: www.suttertonsurgery.nhs.uk
Sutterton Children’s Centre Calendar MON: Child Health Clinic (Drop In), 10am – 12noon TUE: Midwife Clinic, 9am – 1pm by appointment - 9th & 23rd April only WED: Come and Play Together - 0-5 years THU: Music Tots Drop In (Babies) 9.30am - 10.15am FRI: Health Visitor Clinic, Opening 9am-5pm, Monday to Thursday
Good news from Kirton Parish Church!
As many in the Kirton community may know, the roof of Kirton Parish Church has been in need of major repairs for some time now, but the cost of the repairs, estimated at over £200,000, was overwhelming. The church was certainly in need of help. A great deal of gratitude and thanks are owed to so many who came to the aid of the church during this period of need. A substantial grant from The English Heritage Lottery Fund raised the hopes of all. This was followed by donations to the Church Roof Fund from so many kind individuals and organisations within the local community who wanted to show their support of the church. Meanwhile, hardworking members of the church and the community gave unstintingly of their time and energy in organising and supporting innumerable fund-raising initiatives and events. Fr Gary and the members of the Kirton Parochial Church Council would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has supported Kirton Parish Church in any way during this major fund-raising effort. Through the efforts of so many in the local community the future of Kirton Parish Church has been secured. With your support it will continue to serve us for generations to come.
Crossing Success Kirton Parish Council is pleased to be able to announce that it has been agreed by Highways to upgrade the crossing on High Street to a traffic light system.
Kirton Bowls Club
The club welcomes members from all walks of life irrespective of gender, age, colour and physical condition. It is an opportunity to meet people and the club holds social events such as bbq's, quizzes, drives and an annual dinner. The season begins on Saturday afternoon the 13th April and the weekly social bowls commences about Thursday the 25th April at 1pm. As a beginner just turn up on the Saturday opening, on any of the Thursday afternoons or perhaps come to watch a league match in the evenings. For the social bowling give Muriel a call on 722653 who can give you any further information you may need. Membership fees are very reasonable and to start you would need a set of bowls and shoes. Its recommended that beginners should seek members' advice regarding new or secondhand bowls. Lawn bowls has an unfortunate image as being for the 'golden oldies' but nothing could be further from the truth. You may have recently seen the televised world championships at 'Potters' in Norfolk and noted the young age of many of the players. It is a very popular sport in the UK and once hooked you cannot stop! Our members are very friendly and welcoming and be assured there is nothing better than a game of bowls on a Summer's afternoon or early evening. So, if you like good company and want a sport that doesn't need 'superman' muscles give it a try! Roger Booth
Memorabilia Exhibition Kirton Town Hall Management Committee are presenting our second Kirton Memorabilia Exhibition. The event will take place om Saturday 13th April from 11am until 4pm and on Sunday 14th April from at 11am unti 3.30pm and will be held at Kirton Town Hall. An Allotment Issue Calling on all residents in and around Kirton. The Parish Council has so far been unsuccessful in finding land which would be suitable for allotments in/next to the village. If anyone has a piece of land (approx 1 acre) that they own or know who owns and would like to either lease/sell it to the Parish Council please contact the Clerk, Mrs Belinda Buttery on 01205 460618 or belindabuttery@hotmail.com. Volunteer Required Would you give up some of your time during the winter to spread grit on footpaths within the village using a grit spreader? The Parish Council is looking for willing volunteers to undertake this task. If you think you could help, please contact the Parish Clerk on 01205 460618 or belindabuttery@hotmail.com
Extracts from minutes of Kirton Parish Council Meeting - Jan 2013 Police Matters PCSO Williams reported that there have been 11 crimes in the village since the last meeting: • Four house burglaries – on-going investigation Despite a rise in the number of crimes, PCSO Williams informed members that some of the crimes were thought to be linked to the same persons and also arrests have been made and it is likely that the crime figures should be much lower next month. Cllr Turner reported that alcohol bottles/cans are left as litter in the village, and it is likely that this alcohol is being served in Boston rather than locally – he asked whether the same checks are carried out on a regular basis in Boston to ensure that the people buying it are over 18. PCSO Williams confirmed that such matters are also taken seriously in the Town and spot checks are carried out as they are in the village. Report from the minutes of the previous meeting Tree roots in pavement outside nursery on Willington Road reported again to LCC under ref: 1162073 – work now programmed for March 2013. Grass encroaching from verge onto footpath outside Woodlands Court reported to LCC under ref :1162069 Hedges overgrown outside Woodlands Court reported to Woodlands Court who have now cut them back a little Road sign missing from entrance to Marketstead Estate reported to Borough Council Potholes in road outside Mew Lodge, Sykemouth Drove, Kirton Holme reported to LCC under ref: 1162043 – these have now been filled. Potholes in Little Lane, Kirton Holme – reported last year and filled but fill come out again – reported to LCC. The Clerk updated members on Willington Road/Penny Gardens sunken road. The Chairman had asked the Clerk to follow up on the enforcement surround Fossit & Thorne Tyre recycling in the village. She has contacted the enforcement officer by email, but as yet nothing heard back – Clerk to follow up. Town Hall Work has been completed to the exterior of the building. There are numerous activities and events in the Town Hall that have been booked. Cllr Lee reported that the Town Hall committee have asked for some more salt for the grit bin. Clerk to order. He also reported the light over the bin area has stopped working – Clerk to organise contractor. The Mayor, Cllr Brotherton will be donating a tree (plus tree guard) to be planted in the circle area where there has been a tree previously. Cllr Lee thanked Mrs Booth for all her continued work for the Town Hall Committee. Cemetery The wreaths from Christmas are to be removed from the cemetery by the 15th February. Cllr Lee will speak to Cllr Foster and ask him to supply a trailer to remove the old wreaths. All Councillors were asked to, when possible, help in the removal of the wreaths.
Frampton W.I.Our Annual Meeting was held in March, when we enjoyed a fish and chip supper. Members were reminded of our annual outing, this year to Cambridge on Tuesday 6th August. We have a very interesting line-up of speakers for 2013-14, including ‘Wild Life on Ascencion Island’ (April), ‘Alternative Therapies’ (September) and Line Dancing (in December). As always new members are very welcome. Please contact secretary Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879.
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: