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©Kirton News 2025 |
April 2014
Well...... what a great start to 2014! All sorts of stuff going on that you all should be aware of, but probably aren’t. As an update on last month’s report, the initial expression of interest to keep the library (as it is situated) as a going concern has been refused. But, do not despair bibliophiles, there may well be good news coming your way - Kirton News is on the case! It’s sad, though, to see the opening hours already proposing to be cut [from May] by FOUR HOURS on a Tuesday and two hours on a Thursday Not sure what’s happening about the proposed mini-mart - but objections have been made, for all the right reasons (and I make no apologies for that), those being to preserve and encourage what we have; not to spread things so thin that all fade into memory. I had a reaction to the “sense of Community” thing, from some of our more senior residents. I can’t help but think that the Seniors and Juniors tend to make waves in this Village but, there’s a distinct lack of energy coming through from the mid range. It’s you that have enjoyed the (by no means meagre) advantages that your forbears have worked for. The facilities are excellent, and growing. It’s you that should be continuing the effort to benefit your offspring. There was a distinct lack of you (none) volunteering to help run a possible Library service for instance. And no one seems bothered about helping with the Town Hall Committee. To make a success EVERYONE has to be involved. It takes no time - just a litle effort. Let’s go down a positive route. It’s just about a year since Ryan Williams wrote:- “We (the youth of the Village) are getting really fed up now,I think it’s about time we have a Skatepark built in Kirton.This would have a lot of advantages e.g keeping the children in Kirton and surrounding areas out of trouble.” And it’s looking more and more as if the Skate Park will become a reality on the Dame Sarah Swift Memorial Park on Church Lane. Planning consent has been sorted and applications for funding made. There is a fund already in place - though more donations would be gratefully received. Already, some local businesses have been very generous but the project is a living and progressive thing so, if any more of you out there wish to give a few bob to further maintain and build leisure facilities for the Village then come through me or the Parish Council. There’s been a bit of come back from you for last month but, keep the comments coming in. We want to publish what you want (and ought) to hear about; and to that end, Kirton News will be undergoing a minor design change as from May. To try to create mor space for you to advertise and to give you more news our large advertisements will be slightly reduced in size. Apologies, but I hope those of you who take those ads will understand and stay with us. You’ll be getting personal notification - if you haven’t already! Finally, Happy Easter. Get down to The Leisure for a pint and enjoy the holiday. Look after each other, and Kirton - for the future. Sam A History Digest We are nothing without our history” someone once said. And it makes us what we are. Although you might think nothing much happens in Kirton it has a great history and, at least one resident knows an awful lot of it. By way of an introduction to what, I hope, will be a regular feature these are Ken Pearson’s own words:- “I believe that many readers of KIRTON NEWS, both long-term residents and recent arrivals, would be interested to know more about the history of the place. As a native and life-long resident I have learned a little of Kirton’s past but, as many might avoid reading what looked like a dry history ‘essay’ I have devised a way of expressing historic information in an easily digested form: that of a ‘newspaper report’ or ‘stop press’ type news bite supposedly printed at the period of its happening. Perhaps they might encourage some to further investigation...” When William the First conquered Britain he declared himself to be owner of all the land, and he distributed it among his family and friends. Walter D’Eyncourt was the lucky recipient of Kirton Meeres, and he built himself a mansion complete with moat and drawbridge. The latest D’Eyncourt Hall, built in the early 19th century, lasted until this year, 1977, when it was totally demolished together with attendant outbuildings. People living in the thriving settlement at Church End, now commonly called Cherchetune, will have noticed large quantities of limestone blocks being unloaded from boats in the Seadyke and brought into the circle containing their church. These came from Barnack via the Welland, and will be the material of a mighty new church which will, by the middle of the twelfth century, dominate the town. Mr. Samuel Knight, the Gosberton stonemason, stated that the extensive alterations to Kirton church should be completed by next year, 1804. The work has included demolition of the central tower and trancepts, which has been condemned as unsafe, and the construction of a similar tower from new foundations at the Willington Road end. The four elderly ladies living in the ancient Bedehouses opposite the Grammar School will, it is hoped by 1821, have a place of worship right on their doorsteps. An Independent (Congregational) Chapel is to be built there complete with a fine Entrance Porch and iron railings across the front. Attendance at the new Church End Board School in King Street began with 170 pupils when it opened last year. Mr. Bellamy, the Headmaster who now occupies the house included in the building, stated that the cost up to 1880 had been £1,800, and that it was designed to accommodate up to 240 children. The new Balaclava Bridge over Kirton Drain, giving east access to Beacon Hill Lane, was named to commemorate the famous Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. The keystone bears the inscription: ‘R. Tunnard and A. Briggs 1882.’ After more than thirty years of operation, Kirton Station on the Great Northern Railway is to have its own station hotel. To be known as The Great Northern Hotel, it will provide accommodation for overnight guests as well as the usual ‘town tavern’ public rooms. There will be stables for use by those arriving on horseback or by coach, and it will be fully operational by 1886. It is reported that the Kirton firm of farmers and produce merchants, Messers. W. Dennis & Sons Ltd., exported vast quantities of potatoes to The United States of America during last year, 1902. They were packed in locally made wooden barrels, and the Export Duty paid amounted to £14,000. The Governors of Kirton Grammar School decided that, due to withdrawal of support from Holland County Education Authority, the school will be closed at the end of this school year, 1917. It was established in 1624 by Sir Thomas Middlecott; the present schoolhouse erected in 1853, and the Science Building in 1905. A loud bang was heard near Mill Hill on 4th April 1933, followed by the screams of injured and dying women. A lorry taking casual farm workers to work that morning left the road and hit a telephone pole, killing four and injuring twenty. Kirton’s representatives this year, 1955, on Boston Rural District Council, have between them a wide variety of background experience. They are Councillors Albert Fyson, a railway clerk; Ernest Sellars, a builder’s manager; Albert Sentance, a schoolmaster, and Arthur Walker, a sub-postmaster. The Lincolnshire Health Authority stated that when the new mega-hospital, to be called the Pilgrim Hospital, is completed at Boston in the early 1970s, all the smaller hospitals in the area will be closed. This includes our local hospital in Boston Road, Woodlands Court.
Beth goes for gold! Local girl, Beth Freeman-Burdass, has won a place in the semi-final of Miss Teen Great Britain 2013/14. Beth, from Kirton has beaten off competition from across Great Britain to be named as one of the semi-finalists. 15 year old Bethany plays local gigs in her band Acoustic Fusion, She is a drummer / percussionist and is also Head Girl at Middlecott School Kirton, ‘Beth says, I am so excited to have made it to the semi final, it is a great achievement!’ Teenagers from across Great Britain will compete for the crown in a spectacular grand final. The winner of Miss Teen Great Britain will walk away with some incredible prizes – including £1000! The grand final of Miss Teen Great Britain will be held in August 2014 at The Globe in Blackpool. The weekend of Miss Teen Great Britain is set to be full of fun, with the finalists enjoying a day at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, a pyjama diva party and much more! ‘Making it to the grand final would be a dream come true – fingers crossed I will be able to represent my village & School and win the Miss Teen Great Britain crown! More details about Miss Teen GB available from Holly Ikin; Dircetor, by calling 01925767884 or by emailing: info@missteengreatbritain.co.uk
The Kirton Church Fund Again , this month we have winners who have won before! You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage. The March draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine. The April draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529 February 2014 Winners Found, folks who DO like Mondays! Ever heard of “The Monday Club” ? It’s a group of our more senior villagers who get together at The Chestnuts on Hardwick Estate. Every other Monday they meet from 2pm to chat; make friends; swop gossip; sometimes inviting speakers on various topics; go on coach trips; generally being “communal”. It’s an example of that “Community” thing I keep banging on about most months. I was invited to the March 10th assembly and was humbled by the energy, enthusiasm and downright love and affection that I experienced there. These folks might be on scooters (the three and four wheeled motorised kind) and walking frames; they might wince a bit when getting out of their chairs but, the whole experience was so positive that it would put most of us - certainly the 30s to mid 50s - to deserved shame. I don’t have the space to say a fraction of what I wish to about these Crinkly Crusaders, but they gave me a list of suggestions for events and tasks to get people together to make more of their own time (and benefit the community) whilst having a good time. See what you think:- 1) A family litter pick around the Village (I’m sure Barbara would appreciate a hand now and again). 2) Village Treasure Hunt 3) Pre-School and Junior School Fancy Dress 4) Family Pic-Nic and Sports Day 5) Teen Disco 6) Autumn Fair 7) Family Harvest Thanks Giving 8) Remembrance Campfire and Fireworks (not sure about the old H&S with that one!) 9) Village Christmas Party And a suggestion I do think shows insight and an appreciation that, to survive, communities have to evolve and accept change: “The Schools could speak to immigrant families and encourage them to join in”. As a personal foot note to that last item, and if any of you ‘non-locals’ are reading this, how about getting together and putting on an exhibition of your cultures? Show us what it’s like to party European style. We have the Town Hall and field available; how about a Summer Ethnic Fayre. Show us your music; your food; an insight into your cultures. Show us what we might be missing out on. It could break down some more “walls”. Anyway, The Monday Club have offered any assistance they can give if some of you out there want to take up this baton. They’ll even fund-raise with raffles; tombolas and bingo sessions. Any response? Any more suggestions? Just come through me and I’ll put you in touch. Or go down to The Monday Club yourselves. 2:00pm, every other Monday at The Chestnuts. Sam
Kirton Kids ClubWhat a delight to be able to let the children play outside for the whole afternoon sessions now the weather is getting better. We have a good amount of astro’ turf at the kids club, ideal to play on even when the real grass is wet and the ground a bit squishy. It is amazing the difference it makes having such a big outside space with climbing/sliding equipment, astro turf and covered over area. Children can make up so many games or sports and enjoy playing with their friends and school mates. We will soon be working on the growing area too – setting plants and flowers and tending our fruit trees. This month we have celebrated our fifteenth birthday! Quite a ‘mile stone’ for us and something we are extremely proud of. The children chose a ‘onesie’ themed party. They played games, won prizes and danced all afternoon. They also enjoyed a buffet style meal with a big birthday cake to follow. Kirton Kids Club opens its doors each day term time at 7.30am for breakfast club. Children are then escorted to school by club staff after a choice of breakfast and a play with their friends. The younger children are taken to their classrooms by club staff while older children enjoy a run around in the playground with friends. After school children are picked up from school by club staff and escorted to the Youth Centre where they enjoy a snack and drink and an afternoon of play, activities, equipment and sports. They also enjoy themed and multi cultural weeks with arts and food related activities. Older children have their own room with play stations, xbox, sofas and equipment. Breakfast club is now very busy but there are still a few places for the afternoon sessions. You are welcome to come and bring your child/children for a FREE taster session while you stay and see how they get on. Kirton Kids Club frees your time each side of the school day term time and should you need holiday sessions too we can give you ideas and information related to holiday clubs. Let us take the worry out of before and afterschool times for you – just give us a call on 07583 762072 or contact us via email at kkc09@live.co.uk . Alternatively follow the link via the school website. If you would like to see more please go to our web page at www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or contact us via email at kkc09@live.co.uk or phone 07583 762072.
Martin Jessop will be running
This charity gives support to men affected by providing specialist information and services. They also fund research into better tests and treatments to fight against the disease and work to increase awareness in various ways like their current TV campaign.” Prostate cancer kills around 10,000 men a year and 40,000 men are diagnosed with the disease. It is predicted to become the most common cancer by 2030. Any sponsorship would really be appreciated and will help to spur me on, especially during the difficult stages in the race! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks also if you have decided to sponsor me. Finally, could I say thanks to everyone that helped me raise £1,705.00 for the Stroke Association in last years’ London Marathon. If you need further information about prostate cancer go to ww.prostatecanceruk.org If you would like to sponsor Martin you can text MJES80 + £(specify amount here) to 70070 or go to www.justgiving.com/martinjessop-vlm1 Or you can use a traditional sponsorship form available in Jessop's shops in Kirton, Boston, Donington and Swineshead.
Poppy Appeal Planting Hi Readers, I would like to update you on how the poppy seed planting is going for the 100th anniversary of the Great War – WW1. First of all I would like to thank everyone who has sponsored this project so far, it is going very well. Kirton Parish Council are buying the seeds for Kirton Primary School who in the spring will be planting their seeds in the War Memorial Garden borders in the centre of the village. The council are also arranging for a border to be prepared in front of the wall at the cemetery on London Road and they are also buying the seeds for Middlecott School to plant in this border. The sponsorship donations will pay for seeds packs for the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers and also the Girl Guides, Brownies and Rainbows and they are planting their seeds in two areas at Westgate Wood. This will take place in late spring as we have to wait for the contractor to landscape the chosen area. We are also hoping that the Army Cadets will also plant seed in Westgate Jenny’s Woods in an area were the stone tablets of the Regimental Badges are located. Sutterton Fourfield Primary School are also taking part in this project, with the help of Sutterton Parish Council who are arranging for a border to be made in the front of the wall of Sutterton cemetery, the school will be able to plant their seeds in this border and this should give both cemeteries a nice display of red poppies in the summer mouths. We are waiting on Fosdyke Parish Church to see if they have a youth group who will be able plant poppy seeds somewhere in Fosdyke. If they are able to do this we will have red poppy’s growing from one end of the district to the other. If you would like more information on this project or would like to contribute please contact me on roland.reece@btinternet.com. Thank you for now,
Day trip to London The coach will depart from Kirton Town Hall at 7.30 am on Wednesday 30 April with the London drop-off point being the British Museum, which should be reached before midday. We leave from the Museum at 5.30pm. There will be a short stop at the Baldock Services on both journeys. For those not wishing to go shopping or meet friends, the major exhibition 'The Vikings' will be open at the Museum and tickets can be bought online beforehand. There is also a free gallery talk 'MedievalCeltic Lands' in room 41 as well as the daily eye-opening tours (free) which last 30-40 mins. So no need to go outside if you don`t want to! This is a non-profitmaking trip so the cost of the coach and the driver`s tip is divided between the number of people travelling, but hopefully the cost per person will be no more than £20. A £5 deposit books a seat. Please contact Joan Deane (722744).
Quiz Question We've been asked to pass on a question by the Parish Council. For the last couple of years the Kirton PC have been organising the Annual Parish Quiz; traditionally taking place towards the year's end (late November). The 2013 turn-out was substantially down on previous years so the Council would like to ask; are there sufficient numbers of you out there who would like it to continue? Do you have any other suggestions? Perhaps move it to an earlier date? Or do away with it in favour of something else. If so, what? Responses please to me, Sam Chapman at the usual address or Belinda Buttery, Clerk to the KPC on belindabuttery@hotmail.com
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
DonationsThe magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-
Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),