©Kirton News 2025

April 2016

The Editor's Letter

Well, get yer pomegranates out; Persephone has done it again! Spring has sprung and everything is alright with the world for another few months. And if you’re wondering what I’m talking about then why not get down to the local library and look up some Greek myths. They had it all sorted out years ago; but, obviously, went wrong somewhere later with their economics!!

Our cover this month is to remind you all of the continuance of an excellent Library service in Kirton. We made much of it’s forecasted closure a while ago and - because of the valiant efforts of volunteers and members of the New Life Fellowship - we still have an excellent Library service to hand.

It opens on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm and Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm at the moment but plans are in place to extend that to Saturdays bringing it back in line with the original Station Road service.

All that’s needed is a few more volunteers to make this possible so if you feel you can give a couple of hours of your time call 724542 - the New Life switchboard - and get involved. They will pass you on to the relevant folks on the Library committee.

April also sees the chance to celebrate Her Maj’s 90th birthday. As mentioned in later pages there will be a lighting of the beacon at Kirton Holme on 21st April at 7:30p.m. next to Kirton Holme golf club. There are other events planned for later in the year but this should kick things off nicely. Wrap up and get down there - it will be a great community event, if the ‘community’ turns up!

We’ve had a request from a chap trying to contact a local lady, Joyce Williams. As follows:-

“I don't know if you can help me but I am trying to contact a Joyce Williams of Kirton. I saw her mentioned in one of your earlier posts, I believe she had broken her hip.

I saw a message she left on a genealogy website about an ancestor, we, or more accurately her late husband, may have shared.

On a recent trip to Wiltshire I managed to trace my family back to a Gideon Williams of Baydon. In her comment Joyce talks of having the family tree of Gideon going back into the 17th century.

If I have the right Joyce can you give her this message and she can contact me if she feels that is appropriate. Regards, Alex Williams.”

If this rings any bells with anyone out there then please let me know and I’ll gladly pass on Alex’s contact details.

It would be nice to get them in touch.

We at Kirton News (like to think we) exist as a service to ALL of you out there and, if we can be of help please let us know.

For now, enjoy the read and get out and get involved. But remember, drink sensibly; only one pint at once!


The Queens Official Birthday
12th June 2016

The organisations in the village who give valuable service to our community all year round, have suggested that we have a big picnic celebration on the Queens official birthday on 12 June at the Town Hall and on the recreation ground behind; for the benefit of all in the village.

Lots of planning has already taken place and entertainment booked. So folks, put it in your diaries and come along to support all the hard work put in by lots of people who want to make it a memorable day. Organisations involved are Scouts, cubs, beavers, Guides, Brownies and rainbows. Army cadets, New Life Church, Monday Club, British Legion, Curling Club and including The Town Hall Management Committee.

If you would like to help, do contact us. You will be very welcome. More information will be available nearer the time. Flyers will be distributed and look out for posters around the village.

It would be very much appreciated if all dog walkers who use the recreation ground by the Town Hall, pick up after their pets as it will save us a lot of work on the day. Also of course, the Law requires that we all 'poop-scoop' after our dogs have pooped!

Paula Davies.
Secretary of Kirton Town Hall Management Committee
and the sub -committee for the Picnic.
Tel: 01205 722757


The Kirton Church Fund

The March draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.

The April draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine

Well would you believe it? For two months running we have first and second prize winners who have not long joined the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. Well done those four people! How about joining us and seeing if we can make it a hat trick of new winners for our next draw? You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win. Anyone over 18 may take part.

We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

February 2016 Winners

1st PRIZE - £38.01 - TICKET NUMBER: 62
2nd PRIZE - £12.67 - TICKET NUMBER: 61


Kirton Kids Club

The club is a hive of noisy activity and laugher each day.It is a joy to see children being ‘children’ – playing, making up games, socialising and mixing with each other.

They learn so much through a simple activity like playing.

We have had some lovely extra activities including Mother’s Day and a very funny Easter egg hunt. The children also made lots of lovely Easter themed arts and crafts to take home.

There is an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of toys, equipment and activities for them to choose from each morning and after school session.

When the weather improves the sessions will move outside where the club has a lovely covered area with tables and benches, astro turf and a climbing wall, slide and play tower for the children to use.

As well as a large grassed area for foot ball and sport, games and play.

They will help set up the flowers and raised beds here too soon. This provides the children with lots of nice things to ‘nibble at’ in the summer.

Sessions start before school at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45 pm.
Breakfast is included in the price and an afternoon ‘high tea’. If you would like a free taster session for you child/children – where you stay to see how they mix and settle in – please pop in to the Kids Club at the Youth Centre next to the village Church.

Morning sessions are now very busy but there are place afterschool should you require these. Phone 07583 762072 or email us at kkc09@live.co.uk. We will be very happy to see you.


Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club welcomed Colin Young auctioneer from Bourne to their march meeting.  He turned out to be an extremely lively and entertaining s peaker,  many members had seen him on television programmes such as Flog It and Bargain Hunt. 

It was all action as he gave us many insights into the way the programmes are put together,  including a demonstration with members looking at whether or not a certain item i.e. a kilner water bottle from the table would be worth putting in the auction.

Members of the public participating in the show are given £300 and 1 hour to  buy what they think will be worthy items, and those people by what they choose can make or break the show.

Away from television he has been involved in selling some wonderful pieces of furniture from local homes,  such as a long case Grandfather clock for £7000,  and an amazing early 19th century Thomas Hope regency sideboard,  which after some restoration work made well over £100,000 in a London sale room. He also came across a James Campbell painting from a house in Grantham worth £15,000 which now resides in the Tate collection.Grace was said by Evelyn Castle and Ann Pilbeam gave the vote of thanks.  A raffle made a very healthy £75 for club funds and after winning a prize himself Colin treated us to a show of his amazing skill by auctioning it off for a very good price.


The Royal British Legion
Kirton and District Branch

Hello Readers, just a short letter from the Royal British Legion Kirton and district Branch to let you all know what the activities are for the coming year.

For those of you who may not beware Lincoln castle will be staging the poppy wave from May to September. This is part of the ocean of ceramic poppies that were on display at the tower of London last year which are now touring the country.

We are organising a coach trip to see the display on Thursday 2nd June 2016 leaving Kirton at 10am and arriving back about 3pm. The cost will be £7.50. If we have a full coach this will reduce to £5. Anyone wishing to go please contact me, Roland Reece as soon as possible on 01205 722501 or roland.reece@btinternet.com

Entry to the castle to see the poppy wave is free of charge but if you wish to visit the other attractions around the castle or the cathedral there is the standard entry fee. To find out more on what to see at Lincoln go to www.visitlincoln.com.

For future activities that the branch are hoping to organise are a Race Night, a coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum, the annual fishing match which is arranged for Friday 15th July, we are also having a stall at the Classic Car Rally at Graves Park on Sunday 14th August we will also be supporting the ladies section at the Church Flower Festival in June. If we have any surplus revenue from any of these activities it will be going towards the Poppy appeal.

On Sunday 26th June there is also a service for Armed Forces Day and this will take place at the Methodist Chapel in Kirton.

Thank you all for your support, best regards

Parish Council News

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- January 2016

Public Forum

Darren Bisby-Boyd of the Youth Development Team attended. The team support youth groups across Boston and South Holland. The Kirton Youth Centre is struggling with volunteers – 2 ladies are taking up the challenge, but they do need help. The younger group is doing well with attendance figures, but the older group (13+) is struggling.

Members were asked whether they could think of ways to engage with the youngsters in the village. The members asked Mr Bisby-Boyd to leave that thought with them and they would consider ways and get the Clerk to contact him after February’s meeting. Mr Bisby-Boyd left the meeting.

Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman thanked Cllrs Carter and Hannay for removing the Christmas tree lights and the lights at the War Memorial.

He had been approached by Skeldyke residents who believe that the Ripe Now appeal has been dropped – Cllr Brookes commented that this is positive in showing that the planning system works when residents get involved.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs Austin, Rylott Fitzgerald, gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council. Cllr Austin was at Frampton’s meeting, Cllr Rylott on holiday and Cllr Fitzgerald felt unable to come after a bad week.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllrs Hannay and Carter declared an interest in item 12 on the Agenda (Town Hall) as they are both on the committee.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Lee which was seconded by Cllr Danby and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 17th December, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

No Police attended, however, PCSO Corssen-Davies provided a report of crimes since the last meeting: Burglary - ongoing investigation, Criminal damage – undetected x3, Theft – 1 arrest made.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

Members will consider ways that can be used to engage with the youth of the village.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a) Pavement trip hazard (tree roots growing through the pavement) outside Nursery, Willington Road – ref 101000068241.

b) Pavement trip hazard (tree roots growing through the pavement) outside War Memorial – ref 101000068239.

c) Man hole cover in centre of road lifting every time a vehicle goes over it – cycle/motorcycle hazard – Boston Road – ref 101000068243.

d) 100+ lorries over the last month has made the surface on Sykemouth Drove even worse. This has been reported numerous times over the past 18 months – ref 101000069003.

e) Potholes outside Walnut Grange, Tuckers Barn, Beck Cottage, Sands Cottage and between Jubilee Farm and Sunnyside Farm – Kirton Holme – ref 101000069001.

f) Unresolved highway matter – still not carried out the topping promised in March 2015 outside the Croft – Kirton Holme – ref 101000069002.

g) Surface collapsing at edges and also surface really poor on Skeldyke Road, Kirton – 10100072173.

h) Letter of thanks sent to N Mugglestone for the New Life Fellowship taking on the library in the village.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1) Request from Town Hall Committee to use the grass to the rear of the Town Hall for 12 June 2016 to celebrate Queen’s Official 90th birthday.

2) The Local Government Boundary Commission for England – draft recommendations – draft recommendations show boundaries moving for Kirton – resulting in being half of the parish is Holland Fen and Sutterton and the other half in Wyberton & Marshes.

It was resolved that the Clerk should write to the

3) South East Lincolnshire Local Plan – consultation runs 8th January to 19th February.

4) Thank you received from the Church Warden for the support shown/given to the Christmas Tree Festival 2015. Event raised £2082

5) Since April 2015 no longer an Audit Commission – and now a Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointment Ltd – Parish Council has the option of opting out of this arrangement and set up our own External Audit Panel.

It was resolved not to opt for the independent option.

6) Lincolnshire County Council – LCC Youth and Community development Restructure – wishes to attend January meeting. See public forum

7) Garden waste now will only be collected if householders pay £30 for a single bin and an additional £15 for additional bins – householders must sign up from 23rd February to be in the new scheme otherwise their brown bin will not be emptied.

8) Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Service – request for funding.

Members were mindful that the Parish Council funds are not infinite and therefore resolved to only donations for local causes.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors
/Boston Borough Councillors

a) It was reported that the 30mph sign at the corner of A52/Kirton Holme Road has been flattened and is laying on the ground – Clerk to report to highways.

b) Cllr Brookes reported that Highways have jetted the drains on Station Road where the flooding is still occurring. One direction jetted water moves as it should, however, the other direction it does not. The plan is to dig up the road to find out why this is happening/not happening. It is likely that this will happen in the Summer.

Accounts for payment

It was proposed by Cllr Ransome, seconded by Cllr Brotherton and agreed by the remainder that the accounts as per payment sheet 10 of 12 dated January 2015/16 should be paid.


Cllr Foster will bring a trailer down to the cemetery to allow the disposal of Christmas Wreaths and tributes. Clerk to put sign up on gates at the Cemetery advising of this. Cllrs will carry this out on 12/13th February.

Reports for Various Bodies

Potholes were reported at the bend of Woodside Avenue/Church Lane – Clerk to report to Highways.

A Freezer has been dumped about half way down Dances Bank – Clerk to report to Fly Tipping team.

It was reported that the roads and footpaths are in dire need of sweeping. The roads have not been swept for over a year and no member could remember the last time the footpaths were done. Clerk to request schedule from Highways and also to request that the roads/paths are swept asap. (Cllr Brookes and Brotherton will also make enquiries).

It was also reported that the street signs (not road name signs) are in need of cleaning. Many of the signs are very green. Clerk to request that this is done.

Clerk to ask Alistair Humphries at LCC to arrange for a rubbish clean-up of the Industrial Site off Wash Road. Also she is to report that there are many man hole covers missing again.

It was reported to Councillors that the application to appeal for Ripe Now to expand has been withdrawn. Clerk to make enquiries from the Planning Department of this.

The beacon in Kirton Holme will be lit to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday on 21st April. It was resolved to contribute £100 towards refreshments. It was resolved to change the Parish council meeting to either the week before or the week after. Clerk to enquired with booking at Kirton Holme. It was reported that a meeting will be held to discuss future Precept/finances due to Government cuts – this will be held at the Borough Council in April.

Parish matters

Inspection Rota: Nothing to report. The Clerk showed members a form which could be used as a checklist when on inspection duties in the park with what the member must check. It was resolved to begin using the forms. Clerk will print them up and ensure the next councillor on inspection duties will have them.

Consider whether to apply for funding for a defibrillator: consider formal request to Town Hall Committee for contribution.

Clerk to contact Chairman of the Town Hall Committee and ask whether the committee would be prepared to pay 50% of the costs for a defibrillator.

Parish Plan: consider when to hold meeting to discuss revised plan.

Cllr Danby will join the committee. Meeting to be held in March. Clerk to check availability of Town Hall.

Street Furniture: consider whether to have it repainted again this year.

It was resolved that the Clerk should contact the contractor who did it last time and ask him to repaint the street furniture this year.


Frampton Pre-School Village Hall, Frampton
Enrol your child in a Good Pre-School

Here at Frampton,we pride ourselves on being a friendly Pre-school where the child is at the centre of everything we do. We provide fun and stimulating activities and resources in a safe, caring and stimulating envirnoment, both inside and outside.

Like most other pre-schools and nurserys we use the Early Years Foundation Stage as a guide to track your childs learning and development and we record this in your childs very own learning journey. It is full of photos, observations and examples of your childs creations. We enrol children from the age of 2 years and they can stay with us until they are ready to go off to “big” school.

All 3 year old children are entitled to 15 hours of free education from the term after they turn 3. Some 2 year old children are entitled to the same, but if not, we charge a competive cost of £10.00 per 3 hour session. We feel it is important that the children have lots of adult support, so we offer a high ratio of highly quailified staff to children, most days this means at least 5 staff members are here.

In the term before your child goes off to school, we do lots of activites in preparation, such as getting changed into PE clothes,understanding what healthy eating is and eating a packed lunch, phonics, writing their own name to name just a few.

We also invite your childs school to send in your childs teacher to Pre-school so they can meet them, we also have a chat to inform them about your childs likes and dislikes and anything that we feel will help your child transtion into their new school.

If you would like to come and see what we do, please give us a call on 07939 266154 to arrange to have a look round.


Frampton W.I.

Last Thursday saw ladies of varying ages sit down and share a fish and chip supper. There was pudding and it wasn’t just any pudding it was.... from a famous high street store...... The event we were marking was our AGM. We listened to the Treasurer, The Secretary and The Presidents Report. We voted to keep the committee and two members joined so we are now back to a good working number.

A secret ballot saw our President Ann re- elected and we are now all set to start our new year. The competition was something beginning with ‘K’. I confess I could not think of anything to take, there were koalas, kangaroos and knitted items, ladies you surpassed yourselves. I didn’t win the raffle – but Pat, you left your tickets with me and you won! I also bought two books from our book stall, fifty pence a book, such a bargain.

At our next meeting Thursday 14 April 2016 the competition will be something beginning with ‘L’, (I’m sort of thinking lemons..) there will be a raffle, the supper I am sure will be delicious and we will say hello to Mr Stephen Dransfield who will tell us all about the art of Hypnotherapy, what it is and how it is used and I understand he will offer a demonstration! Ladies he has assured me this is not a Paul McKenna show, no one will be clucking like a chicken or skipping without a rope. Why not come along and see for yourselves.

April, the time of new beginnings, why not come and join us. We meet at 7:30pm the second Thursday of the month, Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton. Your first taster visit is free. If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call: Ann (President) on 01205 366020 or Carol (Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: carolpattrick@gmail.com


Frampton Gardening Club

Our February 25th meeting saw our popular plantsman Tom Holland giving a colourful display of perennial plants, shrubs and bulbs suitable for planting now to kick start our gardening year.

Tom has been a regular speaker at Frampton Gardening Club and continually raises a wide variety of garden-ready plants for showing at talks in February, March or April.

As many of these early flowerers needed ericaceous (acidic) compost Tom was happy to explain the pros and cons of the different types of compost and the pressing need to cut down on peat usage.

Many normal commercial composts comprise fifty percent or less of peat in the mix, and the balance is sometimes with very disappointing materials that lose their structure over time. Ericaceous plants such as Azaleas and Camellias will benefit from controlled-release fertilizer pellets or organic fertilizers such as fish, blood and bone.

Our NEXT meeting on Thursday March 31st will welcome back an excellent speaker of previous years, Stuart Dixon, who will be revealing the history of “Jersey Royals”, that famously early potato variety.

New members are always welcome to our meetings in Frampton Village Hall (free entry for first-timers) at 7-30pm, on the last Thursday of the month.

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

15th Nov - Maressa Grace Fyson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

No Weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Nov 20th - Johnathan Hardy ( Bill )
Dec 1st - Mrs Bertha Lion
Dec 2nd - Angela Scarborough - At The Methodist Church
Dec 4th - Mrs Joan