April 2017
The Editors Letter
And so, with the strains of the magnificent Pete & Dud ringing in my ears it is time to yield that sigh. It’s been a hoot. Taking on the reigns of a product then in it’s twilight moments I do allow myself a small sweet sherry in celebration of how far Kirton News has come over the last six summers.
I think much has been achieved and several debates confronted; some concluded.
In my very first editorial of October 2011 I banged on about ‘community’. In the years since I wonder now if that community has grown and flourished or declined and been dishonoured.
It has most certainly changed. One of my [currently] hated phrases - ‘Social Media’ - has, I believe, been the most pervasive influence on ‘community’ over recent times, both locally, nationally and world-wide.
Used wisely it can be excellent and beneficent. But abused it can be poisonous and fatal. And abuse it we do - to our collective shame.
Your problem. I’m looking forward to dumping my e-mail address and turning my ‘mobile’ into a coaster when all this is over.
I shall be concentrating even more on (what should be) one of the ventricles at the heart of this village and persuing my Tiresian ideals sat in a corner of the Black Bull. If you see me and feel charitable it’s a Timothy Taylor, or if you’re flush a Laphroaig. If you see me in the gutter, just give me a good kick. Either will suffice.
I was tempted to take the opportunity of a final outing to mention the paucity of our local Parish Council and the inefectiveness of their influence: and of both the Borough and County to sufficiently service, or just recognize, rate payers on the outer limits such as ourselves. Those same Councils who seem insistent on bullying us into having some of the most productive agricultural soil in England given over to ‘Luxury, Executive’ housing don’t seem to be bothered about fixing the odd pothole in a pavement. A few words spring to mind like “furthering” and “interest” - or “piss-up” and “brewery”.
But I’m not going down to that level. So I will simply say.....
THANKS. To all you advertisers who have kept this thing above water and please, please, continue in your support of the new Team.
THANKS. To all those who have contributed stories, articles, thoughts, poems and memories and muses that have kept us all entertained. Please keep them coming in.
THANKS. Most of all to all of the distributors - many of you anonymous to me - because, as I have said before, I could not have done this without you.
Please continue your support for the new regime. Be patient; it’s a big thing to organize and there will be ‘blips’. But stay with it.
I believe in it; I shall, desperately, miss you all.
Most finally, and not with a bang, but a whimper,
I wish you all Good Bye;
Kirton Primary School Receives Letters of Congratulations from Town Government Ministers
Kirton Primary School has received two letters of congratulations from Government Ministers. The first letter came from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards. He wrote: I would like to congratulate you, your staff and your pupils on the very high level of progress that pupils in your school have made in their reading, writing and mathematics… Your school is amongst the top 2% of schools in England in terms of the progress your pupils make.
The second letter came from the Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education. He wrote: I was delighted to read about the school’s achievements and was particularly interested in your Learn and Earn initiative. Extra-curricular activities like this are an excellent way to broaden children’s knowledge and help them develop vital skills in later life.
Learn and Earn Update: Kirton Primary School’s unique Shop and Bank system (Learn and Earn) has been receiving attention, not just locally, but from around the world. The school has appeared on the BBC’s Newsround, Look North and Inside Out programmes, as well as having featured in national and local newspapers and magazines. They have been interviewed by Radio Lincolnshire – and even a radio station in Colombia - and have received visit requests from schools across England. The Welsh Forum also shared the BBC’s video clip with members of the Welsh government.
The school has put a selection of articles and videos on their website under ‘Learn and Earn’ and ‘Recent Successes’ should anyone from the village wish to view them.
The Kirton Church Fund
The March draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.
The April draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine
Well done to both our lucky winners who have both won several times before!
How about joining us and seeing if you are lucky in our next draw?
You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win. Anyone over 18 may take part. We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.
You may have noticed that the prize fund has gone down slightly since the January draw and that is because we have sadly lost two more of our players. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. (That is why the prize money can vary.) The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. (01205 723529).
January 2018 Winners
1st PRIZE - £36.57 - TICKET NUMBER: 27
2nd PRIZE - £12.19 -
Letters to the Editor
I have recently been contacted by several concerned residents of Station Road about the loss of a tree. Please see the stump! It looks as though it is on private property and I’m sure the owner/occupier had been through all the correct procedures but, Kirton News has always, on my watch strived to be a servant of the public so, in my last act as Editor I would like to pose this queery on behalf of said readers as to why a seemingly healthy arboreal specimen should have been sacrificed.
I’m sure the future Publication/Editorial team will be happy to publish any response and engender some suitably lively debate - Job done!

Kids Club
It has been really good to hear the magazine has been thrown a life line and will continue to be published for the village – thank you!
The children at the club took home lovely ‘rabbit’ themed spring potted flowers for Mother’s Day.
They decorated and wrote their own gift cards too – it was nice to see their adults faces when they saw their handy work.
We have been busy doing as much ‘Easter themed’ art as possible in the run up to the holiday. This has included rocking chicks, finger painting, masks and hats, numerous egg art and of course an Easter egg hunt at the end of term.
We have had a couple of really nice afternoons this term and we always know when Spring is ‘waking’ with the beautiful white blanket of snow drops in the Church yard that we can see from the Kids Club windows.
I hope for a few more nice days after Easter so we might again be able to go outside more in our afternoon sessions.
The club is quite full at the moment but please ask for availability, some times we have a place on some nights or breakfast club.
The View from the Vicarage
April 1st - is Easter Day 2018 and April fools day! Many people say that the Easter story as told and preached in the Church is a stretch too far. And who wants to be seen as a fool?
Here is story that might help you re-evaluate the Easter story.
It was just after the second world war at the famous Portsmouth Naval dockyard. One day a Ministry of Defence policeman stopped a worker who was walking out of the dockyard gates pushing a wheelbarrow with a suspicious looking package in it. The policeman opened the package and found it contained nothing but some old bits of rubbish, sawdust and floor-sweepings.
The next day he stopped the same worker who was again pushing a wheelbarrow containing a suspicious looking package. Once more it contained nothing of any value. The same thing happened several days on the trot, until the policeman finally said, ‘OK, I give up. I know you are up to something, but I just can’t tell what. Please, I promise not to arrest you, but put me out of my misery; tell me what you are stealing.” The worker smiled, leaned towards the policeman and whispered: “I’m stealing wheelbarrows.”
Some things in life are almost too obvious to see, and easily missed. There are often different ways to look at and understand the realities of life as we experience them. Remember the wheelbarrows.
We have a tendency, even in the church, to marginalize the resurrection. We spend time in front of the Cross on Good Friday. We do suffering well, perhaps because it resonates so closely with our experiences in life. But we hardly do resurrection at all.
The resurrection is so far beyond our human experience that, of course, we will be uncomfortable with it. Human beings do not, generally speaking, come back to life from the dead. Any of us raised with the critical mindset of western scientific, rational thought will therefore spin a variety of plates in our hands: the early disciples were simple men, there were other explanations for what happened but they took the path of least resistance; the psychology of resurrection is powerful.
Different interpretations of these events got lost as, over the years, a powerful orthodoxy emerged. We are children of our time, programmed to read these events in a particular way. What if that programming is wrong? What if we’ve missed the wheelbarrows disappearing before our eyes?
It is hard to escape the transformation of the first disciples from frightened, uneducated, powerless, ineffectual men to a group of people who changed the world. The resurrection is the key. It is very difficult to explain the change and transformation within these ordinary men, except by virtue of the extraordinary thing they had witnessed. I believe it was the experience of the resurrection that changed them. This is an event that cannot be ignored.
We naturally think the point is that the stone at the entrance of the tomb was rolled away so that Jesus could get out. But we’re wrong. Time and again the gospel writers are at pains to tell us that Jesus after the resurrection inhabits a completely new dimension - he appears through locked doors, jumps alarmingly through time and space completely against the laws of physics, thermo-dynamics and everyday experience. They clearly didn’t think he needed to move the stone to get out of the tomb.
It was not rolled away so that Jesus could get out. It was rolled away so that we could look in. This is for our benefit, not his. The rolled stone is an invitation to all disciples down the ages to come close, and look inside the empty tomb, and ever thereafter see the world differently. We’re not just meant to do this every Easter, but regularly, as part of a pattern in our lives. That’s why we go to church each week and celebrate the Eucharist. It’s a weekly reminder of the resurrection. It alters perspective. C S Lewis once summed up the meaning of Easter like this: “I believe in the resurrection of Jesus, in the same way as I believe the sun rose this morning; not only because I can see it, but because now I see everything else in the light of it.”
This Easter, as we gaze in past the rolled stone to the empty tomb, can we see the wheelbarrows disappearing before our eyes? Can we see past our pre-programmed tendencies and glimpse a new truth. The stone is rolled away for our benefit, inviting us afresh to gaze in, ponder the scene before us, and walk away seeing the world around us with a new vision.
I wish you all a very happy and holy Easter.
Fr Paul Blanch
Boston Lunch Club and Boston Social Club Volunteers needed!
Enhance your life of a visually impaired person by helping out at one of our social clubs. Just a couple of hours on a regular based could mean something to look forward to for an isolated person. We are looking for people who love a good natter and willing to make teas and coffees and join in with card/board games depending on the club and interest of members.
What we mean by a ‘Volunteer’...
* Someone who is enthusiastic and willing to give up as little or as much of their spare time as they can, to get involved in a vital cause!
* Someone who loves to chit-chat over a cup of tea/coffee, with the patience to also listen to others!
* Someone who is trustworthy, reliable, cheerful, punctual and open to building new friendships!
Why Volunteer?
* Who doesn’t want to feel rewarded for making tea, eating biscuits and talking to others!?
* You would be enhancing your CV and be playing a vital role in your community and making that community more accessible to blind/partially sighted people
* You would be provided with training and assistance required to volunteer with those who are blind/partially sighted
Get in touch with us for more information - Contact: Eve Farley, Volunteer Development Officer, email: evef@blind-society.org.uk
Main Office: 01476 592775 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm.
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- January 2018
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman wished all a Happy New Year and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Chairman updated members regarding the upcoming centenary commemoration of the award of a Victoria Cross to Sjt Harold Jackson. This will be marked by a paving stone laid in the War Memorial.
The Chairman informed members that a suggestion had been made to hold a regular farmers market in the village, although interest in whether this would be viable was still not certain.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Foster for providing a trailer to collect the wreaths from the Cemetery. He asked if anyone could give an hour to remove the wreaths on the 19th.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs D Danby and J Edwards sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in item 12. Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.
Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is on the planning committee at the Borough.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 21st December 2017, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Ransome, seconded by Cllr Smith agreed by the remainder.
Police Matters
No Police attended.
Cllr Turner reported that he had received complaints and also experienced youths within the village that are going out on mass and intimidating people. He will catch up with the police when he next sees them in the Police office. Cllr Bemrose also confirmed that she had knowledge of other incidents in the village concerning the same youths.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
No members of the public attended.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
a) Potholes on Station Road reported to LCC ref 10100248307
b) Edge damage on Bungley Lane reported to LCC ref 101000250856
c) Overgrown hedges on Princess Road reported to LCC ref 101000250860
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a) Request from the new Youth Club leader for the Parish Council to begin paying for one session per month again, now that the Youth Club is back up and running.
It was proposed by Cllr Bemrose, seconded by Cllr Smith and agreed by the remainder that the payment should begin again from February.
b) Lincolnshire County Council – temporary road closure on Bungley Lane for 3 days between 4.02.18 and 09.02.18.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr Brookes reported that Sykemouth Drove pot holes will be filled, but they are not deemed as urgent.
Cllr Brookes also reported that the proposed council tax increase is out for consultation now.
Cllr Smith asked whether there was any further progress with the brown tourist sign on the A52 being replaced (it is battered and bent), as it is not a good advert for the visitors coming to Boston. Cllr Rylott updated members informing them that she had been chasing this for 18 months and was recently informed that the hold up now is that approval needs to be given by Network Rail as the sign is within an certain radius of a trainline which means Network Rail need to approve it.
Planning applications:
Change of use to convert existing brick barn into 2-bedroom self-catering accommodation at Manor Farm, Manor Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Outline application for 4 no. dwellings with all matters (layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access) reserved for later consideration at Land to the rear of 84 Boston Road, Kirton – FULLY SUPPORT
Cllr Ransome reported back on the query regarding why Planning Officers don’t wait for comments from the Parish Council. It was resolved that the 2nd Tuesday of the month will be planned for a planning meeting committee in the office from 9am to enable the Council to be fully up to date with any applications not seen at full council. Cllrs Foster, Bemrose, Turner and Smith said they would attend, but other councillors could make up the recommended 4 members of the committee. Clerk to ensure all members not at tonight’s meeting are informed.
Accounts for payment
Cllr Foster proposed that the accounts as per payment sheet 10/12 dated 18th January 2018 be paid, this was seconded by Cllr Smith and agreed by the remainder.
Town Hall
Cllr Bemrose has done a light check with the Chairman of the Town Hall Committee. They have worked out all the switches for the outside lights and which lights don’t work within/out the building.
It was resolved that the Clerk should instruct the Electrician to fix the lamp on the right hand side of the car park. The light to the rear in the grass is also faulty, Clerk to get him to look at that one to.
It was resolved, that when there is a function/halls/building on then all the outside lights should be turned on by the caretaker to ensure the carpark and path is lit up as well as it can be.
Some branches had come down in the Churchyard in the wind, but have been cleared away.
Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Bemrose thanked those members who helped take the Xmas lights and tree down.
Cllr Foster reported a pothole on Donington Road, he will photograph it and send to the Clerk for report to LCC.
He also reported that 2-3 tonnes of black bags have been dumped on the corner area of Dances Bank and Fishmere Lane End – Clerk to report to Fly tipping team.
Cllr Smith reported that the length of the A52 from Hubberts Bridge turning to Tesco has lots of standing water – grips need cutting into the banks to allow the rainwater to flow away.
Cllr Rylott reported that there is standing water on Holme Road too due to where the roads have been swept after mud been put on by farm vehicles. Verges now higher and water has no where to go to. Grips need cutting in the verge.
The dyke on Dame Sarah Swift park has not been cleaned. It was resolved that the Clerk should chase this with Black Sluice.
Parish matters
a) Inspection Rota: Cllr Foster handed Cllr Rylott the book.
b) War Memorial area – consider cleaning prior to VC stone laying: Cllr Bemrose will contact the Army cadets and ask whether they could clean the slabbed area.
c) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting. None held
d) To consider going into closed session to decide contractor for grass cutting/hedge maintenance.