April 2021
The Editors Letter
Hello! Now, I don’t know about you but I’m definitely feeling cautiously optimistic. Anyone else joining me? It feels like we’re not really allowed to say it, but don’t worry, I won’t tell…….. The ‘roadmap’ towards 21st June is hopefully realistic and although things will take a long time to get to normal, I am so looking forward to the little things again, like a trip to the coast or even just having coffee with a friend.
As soon as the restrictions lift, we will try and get the magazines delivered out to you all again. I’m hoping all our distributors will be willing to get back on board to help. You’ve all been so supportive in collecting from our local shops and I do hope that’s not been too much of an inconvenience. We pride ourselves in delivering to 2300 homes in Kirton and we really want this to resume soon!
The Front Cover this month sees a rising star in our local area, Uncle Bulgaria himself, head of the Wyberton Wombles! I’m sure many of you will have seen them around Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton recently. They’re constantly growing their band of volunteers and what an absolutely fantastic difference they’re making to our communities! All the information you need to join them is on page 12!
In this month’s Meet The Locals feature, we’re talking to Zoe Ealham who is the Manager of Sylvia’s Salon! If you would like to feature or know anyone who would, please email me! It’s a fab way to promote your business or to tell your story if you are connected to the village!
I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. Take care of yourselves.
Meet The Locals
This issue we’re talking to Zoe Ealham who
is the Manager at Sylvia’s salon in Kirton!
1) How long has Sylvia’s been open now?
We first opened in August 2011.
2) How has it expanded over the years (did you offer just a few things when you opened and now offer a wider variety?)
It started off as just a sunbed shop with just one therapist and our opening hours at the time were more evening appointments opening 4-9pm. Over the 10 years of Sylvia’s we now open longer hours, 6 days a week with two full time therapists and offer a wider variety of different beauty treatments such as massage, nail and eyelash extensions, eyebrow lamination and loads more! The beauty industry is evolving all the time and our therapists like to keep up to date on this to offer the best variety of treatments for our clients.
3) What’s your most popular treatment?
We have a number of popular treatments, massage, pedicure, nails and eyebrow treatments are definitely our most popular.
4) Any regular special offers available?
We offer loyalty cards to our clients, they get a stamp each time they come to the salon for treatments and on their 6th visit to the salon they get one treatment half price.
5) What can customers find in Sylvia’s other than beauty treatments?
Not only do we offer beauty treatments, we sell handbags and also offer two stand up sunbeds.
6. How can people get hold of you if they wish to book an appointment?
There are so many ways to get hold of us! We have a Facebook and Instagram page - Sylvias Salon Kirton. Our contact phone number is 01205 722012.
Our therapists at Sylvia’s offer a very friendly and professional service to customers at all times.

Kirton Church Fund
The March draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.
The April draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the June magazine
Having received the books back after their annual audit I have again checked through them to update you on the winning streaks as promised in my report last month.
In all, this last year we have had 22 different numbers winning, with two numbers winning twice and one winning 3 times! We have paid out almost £5130 in prize money since we started the draw in June 2012 and had a total of 63 different winners with nearly all of those winning more than once. Our luckiest two winners having won 8 times each! Currently we have only 34 members playing 43 numbers and very few of them are yet to have a win. Of our February winners, both have had previous wins. Congratulations to both of them.
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. It’s only £5 a number each month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
February 2021 Winners
1st PRIZE - £40.31 - TICKET NUMBER: 90
2nd PRIZE - £13.44 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Kirton Library
We hope to reopen the library from 13th April, subject to government restrictions. The revised opening hours will be: Tuesday 10.00 am to 12 noon, Thursday 2.00pm to 4.00pm, Saturday 10.00am to 12 noon
All books have been renewed automatically and there are no fines due. We expect to be able to offer full library service, and use of the computers BUT
We would welcome some more volunteers.
If you could help, even one session a month, it would help us to keep the library open.
No experience necessary as full training will be given.
Contact Frances on 07845 481621 or
f_brooks@sky.com for further information.
Located opposite the Jaguar dealership on the A16 In the New Life Community Church, The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton. PE20 1QJ.
The Wonderful Wombles
We've been speaking to Steve Slater, the driving force behind the litter picking phenomenon that is The Wyberton Wombles. What a cheery and welcome sight they all are!
The name Wyberton Wombles was chosen because it had a bit of a ring to it, and to be honest we thought we might get 20 or 30 members but never thought we would get the interest we have (now over 620 members)! We want people from all over the area to join and my dream would be that Wyberton Wombles cover every village within a 20 mile radius of Boston. We already have Wyberton Wombles collecting litter in Chapel Hill, Lincoln and we are expanding daily.
We all know that the centre of Boston is a major issue but until lockdown is over and we can have a massive spring clean in Boston as a group we just keep doing our bit in these smaller areas.
Other groups have sprung up in Swineshead, Donington and we will soon be in Fishtoft.
The beauty of the group is Wombles go where they want, when they want, and do what they want. All I ask is that every week as a member you do something that improves your local environment. This could be litter picking, cutting over grown hedges back, clearing footpaths, saying hello and helping your neighbour (maybe it might be putting their bin out for them). Say hello to more people (I'm showing my age but I have old fashioned morals, things we took for granted when i was growing up).
We want people to join our group, but people need to go onto the Boston Borough Council and register as a litter picking champion (we are trying to get the council to change the name to a Womble). They will give you a reference number, make a note of this number, this gives you some cover for 3rd party insurance, also read the 'do's and dont's' on the website, then contact Steph Leyland and she will sort out equipment for you. We try and provide gloves, litter pickers, hi-vis vests and the now famous red bags.
Steph can be contacted via Facebook on the group page (Wyberton Wombles), or send me a message to my phone 07595635891 and I will pass your details to Steph. If you can purchase your own equipment then that is a great help.
Local businesses have been and continue to be so supportive sponsoring the group by purchasing hi-vis vests, pickers, gloves, garden equipment, signage, paint, paying to repair bus stops, cleaning signs, donating planters and plants, it's amazing the support the group are getting.
You can contact us via our Facebook page @Wyberton Wombles or text me Great Uncle Bulgaria on 07595 636891
Please help the wombles improve the environment in the area we live, make new friends, and have fun!

After many years without one, the "Eagle Eyed" out there will have noticed a new addition to our village's landscape.
The new bus shelter was made possible by the Parish Council gaining a grant and despite objections raised now and in the past, we feel it is an asset that will benefit the community in the long term.
David Danby, Kirton Parish Council
How to be charitable
when money is tight
If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us, it’s the power of charitable giving. According to a special giving report from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), support for NHS-linked charities skyrocketed in 2020. It just goes to show what’s possible when collectively we all get behind a cause. Perhaps you want to get involved and give to the causes you care about, but money is already so tight that you don’t see how it’s possible. Good news! There are lots of other ways to support your favourite charity and make a difference.
Make use of social media
Facebook has a feature which allows you to set up a fundraising pot for your friends and family. Why not create one for your birthday and ask people to donate instead of buying gifts? Simply log in to your Facebook page, click to create a post and select ‘Raise money’ to get started.
Raise funds while shopping
Are you a regular Amazon shopper? When you order through Amazon Smile, they’ll donate 0.5% of the amount spent to a charity of your choosing. It won’t cost you anything – other than what you’d be spending on your purchase anyway – and there are loads of eligible charities to choose from. If you’re not convinced 0.5% will go very far, bear in mind that the initiative has raised more than £5.7 million for UK charities since November 2020. Every little really does help. Head to smile.amazon.co.uk to find out more.
Get sponsored
The pandemic has shown that we don’t need to venture far to do something worthy of raising lots of funds. Look at the late Captain Tom who raised millions for the NHS without leaving his garden! There are various websites available that allow you to set up a fundraising pot and gain sponsorship, most of which won’t cost you anything. What activity could you get involved with to help raise vital funds for a worthwhile cause?
Do what you love
Fundraising doesn’t have to be all about athleticism. Maybe running a marathon or skydiving is never going to be your thing. Think about what you enjoy doing or what skills you have – how could you turn these things into fundraisers? If you love video gaming, you could do a sponsored 24-hour game-a-thon. If you’re into crafts, consider if you could make something to share with friends and family to raise funds. Your handiwork could even benefit a charity directly – for example, you can support your local neonatal unit by knitting or crocheting items for premature babies. See bliss.org.uk/support-bliss/volunteer/knit-for-premature-babies to find downloadable patterns. Challenge yourself, have fun, and make a difference in the process.
Volunteer your time
Finding ways to be charitable that fit into your lifestyle is a really easy way to make an impact. You could find out more about volunteering at your local foodbank for one afternoon per week, or support a neighbour by collecting shopping or medicines for them. Your time can prove just as precious as your money – if not more so.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs, life skills groups, and support for people breaking life-controlling dependencies. Visit capuk.org to find out more or contact Hannah on 07947 621899.
The Royal British Legion
Kirton & District Branch
Dear Readers, In May the Royal British Legion are celebrating their 100th Birthday. Since forming in 1921 after the first world war they have helped Servicemen and women from all over the UK and Commonwealth and to commemorate this event.
We at the Kirton and District Branch would like to see a permanent flag pole install in the War Memorial Garden. To do this we need to raise approximately £1500, to cover the cost of a flag pole and installation which will be a challenge during these difficult times. But if we can get the support of residents and business to help raise this amount, we can then talk to the parish council for their permission to go ahead with this project. We would like to dedicate this flag pole in memory of 100 years of past and present members of the Royal British Legion.
“Your Kirton War Memorial needs you”
If you can help or would like to offer your support please get in touch with me Roland Reece at roland.reece@btinternet.com
Roland Reece
Chairman & Poppy Appeal Organiser
Giant Sportive!

Join us on the 27th June at Doddington hall, Lincoln for our second Giant Sportive event and raise money for your local hospice while taking part. We have new routes taking you to some beautiful parts of Lincoln and the surrounding area.
With a choice of 4 set distances, there is a route for everyone:
Mini: 33 miles – Great for your first Sportive.
Short: 50 miles – Stretch those legs a little further! 1 x Feed Station
Medium: 75 miles – Good day out! 1 x Feed Station
Long: 100 miles – Be prepared – practice required! 2 x Feed Stations
*Please note routes are provisional and subject to change*
All routes are well marked, with frequent well stocked feed stations on the two longer routes, to keep riders fuelled for the miles ahead.
Once riders cross the finish line, they will receive a goody bag, the contents of which include a finishers medal. All those riding in support of St Barnabas will also receive a branded St Barnabas reusable water bottle. For friends and family, the Doddington Hall Estate has numerous shops, cafes and activities for all whilst participants are out on the road.
If you wish to take part, you can sign up by following the link below. Its quick and easy and registration fee sits a £10 with a minimum fundraising target of £145!
Or Contact us on: fundraising@stbarnabashospice.co.uk, Tel: 01522 540300
Entries close on Sunday 20th June 2021 or sooner as this is subject to availability.
Why not check out our other challenges; our challenges include Wing Walk, Skydives, our 2022 Mount Toubkal Trek and Berlin Marathon 2021.
Or why not take on your very own at home challenge with Don’t Quit, Get fit!