April 2022
The Editors Letter
A VERY warm welcome to April! As I’m writing this on the 20th March, it marks two years since the start of the Covid pandemic and the UK going into its first lockdown. Doesn’t it make you think of what we’ve been through in that time? Now, more than ever, especially with the Ukraine crisis, I feel incredibly lucky to have a roof over my head and relative safety. I hope that by the time this magazine comes through your letterbox the people of that poor country are one step nearer to living in peace again.

Some of you may recognise the face of this very smart young man! Isaac Bemrose is our youngest distributor and every month he helps his Nanny, Ann Booth deliver many of our magazines throughout the village. In fact, he doesn’t even let his Nanny deliver any, she just walks along to keep him company! Thank you for all your hard work Isaac, you’re a superstar!
Thank you so much to Kim Hughes who snapped our wonderful front cover photograph while out on an evening walk! I’m sure you’ll agree how lovely it looks in full colour…..we do like to treat you every now and again!
I’m very excited to say that we have our first regular columnist in the form of our gardening expert, Tim Hewett. Tim has very kindly offered to write for us every month and will be covering all your gardening queries. Please send in any questions you may have and he can answer them in his next feature! In ‘Meet the Locals’ this month on Page 4 we’re talking to Donna Dixon, a local crafter who makes wonderful accessories from Harris Tweed. We also have an update from the Wyberton Wombles courtesy of Lynne Wheatley. Take a look on Page 14.
The lovely folks at Heritage Lincolnshire are asking if any of you have memories of the Old Kings Head. These can be photos or just memories. They are gathering these for a display which will be included in a Heritage weekend taking place in mid September. If you do have any memories you would like to share, please email Jacky at scottcombes@btinternet.com.
I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. We’re always more than happy to receive letters, book recommendations, recipes, announcements or news articles!
Take care of yourselves and each other -
Meet The Locals
This month we’re talking to Donna Dixon who runs a business from home creating beautiful accessories and gifts using Harris Tweed.
1) What are your best selling items?
My best selling items are usually my bags, covered notebooks and wash/cosmetic bags.
2) If someone wanted a custom order, is that something you could do?
I do lots of custom orders, sometimes someone sees the perfect bag, but would prefer it in a different colour, no problem at all. I’m always happy to help.
3) Do you have any fayres coming up this year?
I have got lots of fairs booked in for this year. I always put a notification on my facebook page of where I will be. I shall be doing a couple of the new farmers markets in Bicker, Revesby Country Fair and several around Lincoln including a large artisan market at The Collection Museum in Lincoln on 11-12th June. I always attend the craft fairs at The Beonna at Benington and Heighington Christmas Market which is a fabulous market. I was so inspired by it that I even joined the committee!! I’ll also be at The Old Kings Head for their Easter Fair on Saturday 16th April.
4) How long have you been making things from Harris Tweed?
I have been a registered Harris Tweed artisan maker for about 2 years. I applied to the Harris Tweed authority as you need to gain their permission to use their cloth to be able to make and sell as the cloth is the only cloth in the UK which is protected by an act of parliament. They supply me with all my labels, tags and branding. I have always had a love of tartan and after making a few bags and gifts for family and friends I decided to try and make a little business from it. I am very passionate about what I do and spend a lot of time making sure everything matches perfectly, from the tweed itself, to the linings, zips, hardware and even the thread, everything I make is my new favourite!
5) How can people contact you if they would like to purchase something or place a custom order?
Anyone can get in touch with me via my Facebook page, 3 Poppy Designs. I am always open to new ideas, and often draft my own patterns from scratch, I do love a challenge!!

Kirton Church Fund
Our February winners have both had previous wins. However it is the first time number 94 has won. (The member has 4 numbers, 2 of which have won previously) Congratulations to both of them.
I haven’t yet received the books back after their annual audit but I will be able to update you on the winning streaks, as I usually do at this time of the year, in my report next month.
If you would like to win the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw it’s very easy to join! Anyone over 18 may take part. We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning.
It’s only £5 a number each month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number as our first prize winner this month does.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church and the roof appeal.
Winning numbers for the draw on 27th March will be in the May magazine and the 24th April draw numbers in the June magazine.
If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring on 01205 723529.
February 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £45.94 - TICKET NUMBER: 94
2nd PRIZE - £15.31 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Kids Club
The Kids Club continues to offer breakfast and after school session to the children of Kirton Primary School.
We have just celebrated our 23rd birthday! Can you really believe it – where has the time gone?
The last two years have been a total struggle for us like many other businesses and we are trying to get back on track now and still offering good affordable childcare to nursery to year six children.
There is a large main hall, dining area and outside space with astro turf, grass and equipment, as well as a big car park at the front of the building.
The children are escorted to and from school by club staff each end of the school day.
I have written to the Highways Department at Lincoln Council to ask them to verify information given to me over the phone about access to the club during the road works over the next three months (starting on the 4th April 22).
I have been assured that we will still have access to the club car park but how does that work if the road is closed? They also told me we will be able to escort the children as we usually do to and from school.
Hopefully my letter will be answered and I will be able to inform parents and carers (and staff) how we will get to and from the club each day during this period.
For more information about booking places please phone 07583 762072 and we will be happy to answer any questions.
Gardening Time with Tim Hewett
With the weather now warming and the last frost dates approaching at the end of April it’s time to start enjoying the garden again.
Spring bulbs should be dead-headed but otherwise left to die back naturally. Where, as is common with daffodils, the plants have failed to flower, most probably due to overcrowding, they should be lifted and replanted.
Spring flowering shrubs, e.g. Forsythia, may need pruning for shape. If so this should be done as soon as the flowers have faded thus allowing for the new growth on which next years’ flowers will form. Hedges should now not be cut until August as the nesting season is here. If you do need to trim a hedge please check carefully for nesting birds first.
Seeds sown under cover should be ready for pricking out now, however outdoor sowing of seeds and planting out of bedding plants should wait until May.
Dahlias and other tender perennials may be started under cover, but again they should await planting out until next month.
Herbaceous perennials that have outgrown their positions may be split and replanted as the soil warms.
Finally make sure the mower should be serviced and blades sharpened in readiness for the summer lawn cutting.
Most importantly though is to make sure not to overdo things straight away, save your back.
The Wyberton Wombles

My womble article with a difference this month. I have chosen to write this particular article for publication in the Parish Magazine as it reaches more households. Many do not use Social Media.
Having been a member of the Wyberton Wombles since March 2021, I have taken part in many Wombles around Kirton and Wyberton, enjoying my time with the Kirton Crew. I first did a Womble with my daughter and two grandsons during lock down as a form of exercise. One of our first clean ups was Dame Sarah Swift Park in Church Lane, Kirton. I remember we collected about 5 bags of rubbish, mainly food wrappers, plastic and glass bottles. At the time my grandsons, then aged 11 and 9, were ashamed of what they found. Both still being Primary age they had taken part in a lot of lessons about protecting our environment and the issues caused by discarded rubbish and in particular, plastic. Whilst we were walking past the skate ramp one of the youths actually tossed a plastic bottle at our feet! Total disrespect. It was clear that the majority of rubbish in the park was left by “teens”.
My husband and I have continued to visit the park regularly. At no time have we gone into the Park and not collected at least one full bag of the usual rubbish. Back in May 2021 we reported the broken fence that had been kicked down, clearly by youths to use as a short cut from Ostler Walk. This took over 5 months to be repaired, again I kept reporting to the Parish Council and even tracked down myself who was responsible for the fence. We have cleared the surrounding dykes so many times too where bottles and cans have been tossed. Back in November I reported a “fly tip” inside the park to the Borough Council using the usual channels. After 3 reports it still hadn’t been collected. Late last month we decided to carry the pile of rubbish to the gate to see if that would encourage the Borough employees to take it away. It consisted of parts of kitchen cupboard fronts, crutches, old cushions, carpet, metal grill from a BBQ and other stuff. We have also hauled numerous pieces of carpet and large tin cans from the surrounding dyke along with other metal work, the Park signs, broken scooters and other peculiar items. At our last visit late last month we collected another two full bags of glass bottles, plastic bottles, crisp wrappers, sweet wrappers, another bent scooter and deodorant cans. We had to negotiate a lot of large broken branches that have come down in the recent gales. I am sure some of you have seen my posts and pictures on Social Media.
Early January it was clear a motorcycle had been ridden across the grass churning up the soil and ruining the grass. Access is also regularly gained from the rear of the park across the field. This surely needs addressing. Dog walkers have come in from that end, walked across the park to Church Road whilst we have been litter picking. The signs (the few that have survived) at the front of the gate clearly state no dogs are allowed. Again, more total disrespect but this time by adults.
We both thought, that’s it, enough is enough. I posted pictures and had a bit of a rant on the Womble and local Kirton Facebook pages. This resulted in quite a bit of interest. We know the Park should be maintained by Kirton Parish Council. It is clear that not much has been happening for quite some time. I expect residents will remember the play equipment being set on fire a few years back. Other equipment has been vandalized and even removed. We found one of the small benches from the enclosed play area in the trees on the perimeter being used as a “den”. The actual skate ramps are filthy and we regularly pick broken glass up from around the edge. We have cleared quite a bit of broken glass from the grass too which is quite alarming should small children want to enjoy playing.
I have been told that residents used to regularly ring 101 to report anti-social behavior without much joy or resolution. It is just awful that a leisure facility like this is treated so badly and basically left to die a slow death. With all the housing going up in the village can we afford to allow this apathy towards Dame Sarah Swift Park to continue? The only thing that will work is CCTV which hopefully would deter the inappropriate use of the park. It is time the whole Kirton community voice their opinions about the park. I urge any residents wishing to complain to do so by emailing the Acting Clerk to the Parish Council on kirtonparishcouncil@hotmail.com (Mrs Diane Fairweather) or call 07983893011. If we do not bring issues to the attention of the appropriate authority nothing will ever be done. We need to keep complaining so that action is finally taken.
At the time of writing, a date has been arranged for me to meet at the park with Steve Slater from Wyberton Wombles and Peter Watson from Kirton Parish Council. Unfortunately, not in time before the Parish Magazine deadline for articles to reach the Editor. I will walk them around the park and show them just how bad things are. This needs sorting and I will do my utmost to see something is done. I would appreciate your support in this matter.
Lynne Wheatley
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- January 2022
P. Watson, Chair, C. Brotherton, Vice-Chair, F. Baillie, D. Brown, D. Jarvis, R. Pryke, S. Watson. Acting Clerk D. Fairweather
no public present
email received from PCSO Neil Williams to advise that Lincolnshire Police have agreed not to attend Parish Council meetings nor to give updates. Crime information is now available at Police.UK.
County Councillor Ashton - Drainage project to start imminently. Details of ‘Fix our Funds, Fix our Roads’ requesting support from Councils to reinstate £12m budget cut from road maintenance in 2021/2022.
Ann Booth – Kirton Management Committee – Jubilee celebrations - they are to hold an afternoon T Party. Quite happy for PC to have an event in Rec. or later in the hall.
The floor in the entrance requires imminent work as it is becoming unsafe. A Competitive quotation of £1900 received for 9 sq metres to be lifted, supports reinforced and relayed. Agreed, due to safety issues no further quotation is required.
Management Committee to have work done. Resolved.
Cllr O’Connor and Borough Cllr Brookes were received and accepted.
Cllr P. Watson declared membership of the Boston Borough Council Planning Committee and advised he would not take part in discussions on planning applications.
Cllr S Watson declared, married to Cllr P Watson who is on the Planning Committee.
21st October 2021, revised minutes, by acting clerk on recommendations from LALC
23rd November 2021. Following a request of amendment by a Cllr that it had been agreed Council and public be advised a meeting can be recorded. Resolved to accept as a true copy.
Extraordinary Meeting 12th January 2022. Resolved to accept as a true record.
RBL flag pole – An original application had been submitted but additional information required. Application together with plans, photographic evidence and support of villagers now completed. Checked with BBC, it will not interfere with CCTV. RBL updated.
A previous request for a bench in the cemetery. Contacted resident and agreed clerk to meet in the cemetery for siting and bench be secured to a concrete base at the residents own cost.
Albeit late in the day for arrangements PC should hold some form of event. It was agreed Clerk liaise with Cllr Baillie as the church wishes to be involved. To be brought to next meeting.
A) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule. Resolved
Clerk had received details of replacement CCTV. Due to poor service and reliability following issues raised by Lincs Police and the PC the long-distance wireless link between Boston and Kirton was to be replaced with a wireless transmitter in Kirton.
This would be a stand-alone service with no loss of service if connection to Boston is disrupted. Total cost of £3981. BBC propose to increase the £2000 annual monitoring and maintenance cost by £500 to help towards the cost. Clerk questioned future annual increases. BBC agreed no further increases for at least five years. Proposed, seconded and resolved to accept.
B) To Discuss and Approve Precept proposals from Finance Committee.
It had been difficult to put together budgets for the coming year with the possibility of unexpected financial commitments.
Investment not reinvested previously, but agreed by Finance Committee to do nothing further at this time until staffing issues had been resolved.
£10000 for tree works was not now showing as a reserve.
Finance Committee had originally felt a £5k increase would be sufficient but bringing to light unexpected expenditure, specifically for trees it was proposed the precept be increased from £75k to £85k. 5 fin favour, 1 against, Resolved.
C) To Discuss subscribing to Annual Training Scheme for Clerk and Councillors. The annual cost is £150 but individual session are £23 per half-day and with new councillors attending, cost-effective to pay a one-off. Any Councillor can then attend any course. Resolved to subscribe.
B/21/0519 33 Princess Road, B/21/0529 Bozen Hall, Wash Road, B/21/0546 Land of London Road, B/21/0434/CD1 Red Brick Barn, Drainside North, B/19/0040/CD1 Land off London Road, B/21/0550 43 Horseshoe Lane, B/21/0552 11 Edinburgh Crescent.
No objections to any of the applications
Following lengthy discussions, Staffing Committee proposed legal advice be sought and an independent audit undertaken. Council agreed unanimously. Resolved to instruct LALC.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 22nd February 2022.