©Kirton News 2025

April 2007

The Editors Letter

Dear readers, spring has definitely arrived with lots of bright daffodils to bring us some cheer after the February gloom. The media informs us that its both one of the warmest and wettest winters on record. If we have so much water can someone explain why the water companies are putting their prices up – beats me.

On a more cheerful note we are pleased to have a new co-editor in Tricia. She has children at both local schools. Perhaps mums and dads could contact Tricia with any thoughts or ideas about the magazine. Tricia’s details can be found on page 2.
Inside you will find a short article by Tricia about Kirton through the eyes of a relative newcomer. It’s a bit surprising because we take so many things for granted about the village; we tend to forget about the good aspects.

Take a look at forthcoming events; lots of things to do and see.

We are always happy to print readers’ letters provided the writers are willing to have their names printed. We believe that if you have something to say then you ‘should stand up to be counted.

We have had a considerable amount of positive feedback about the Kirton News for which we are very grateful.

We are going live on the internet this month and we can be found on www.kirtonnews.co.uk. Not only is this a good format for those of you with internet access but it should also appeal to those Kirtonians who have left the district and may well be overseas.

Roger Booth

Bygone Kirton

Historians used to say there was no evidence of Roman occupation around Kirton but in the 1920’s a few schoolboys thought differently. They had evidence. Among the coloured ‘ordinary’ marbles and glass ‘alleys’ in their collections were some smaller, heavier ones they called Roman marbles. The value of one was four coloureds or two alleys. The source of supply was along Willington Road past Bungley Lane to where a footpath (now gone) went leftwards across to Drainside. Close to where the path passed by the castle you searched in the soil for the marbles.

The reality was interesting; the ‘castle’ which stood there, so called because of its stonework, was Orme Hall. Occupied by a succession of wealthy land owning families it is thought to have originated in the 14th century. In a sorry state by the 18th, all except the gatehouse was demolished in 1818. The ‘marbles’ were distinctly post-Roman too. Maybe a relic of the threatened Napoleonic invasion, they were musket shot left behind when local people were trained in the use of firearms.
Similar finds have turned up recently, helped by the use of metal detectors, near the site of D’Eyncourt Hall in Kirton Meeres. Of great antiquity the original hall dated back to William the Conqueror’s share out of landed estates to family and friends. The latest D’Eyncourt Hall was demolished in 1971; now only a bump in a field shows where it was.

Another ancient house, Bozon Hall, stood in Wash Road. Like the two mentioned above it had a moat around it. The last remnants were demolished in 1977 after six centuries of continuous occupation.

There is still a lived-in Littlebury Hall, the first having been built in the 14th century. The siting of the original house was unfortunate because 500 years later a railway was built close by and in 1867 a spark from a passing locomotive set fire to its thatch and burnt it down.

I wonder how many centuries today’s newly built homes will last.

Ken Pearson

Kirton Remembered

The story of ‘Kirton Remembered’ began in 1907 when Mrs. Joseph Andrews Tunnard started her scrapbook entitled ‘Titbits’. It contained a selection of stories, jokes and articles of both national importance and local events about the people of Kirton, providing us with an invaluable and fascinating insight to the daily lives of the villagers during her lifetime.

After her death it was given first to Aubrey Woods, then Harold Wander, both former editors of the parish magazine, and finally it came into the possession of Ena Hemington. By this time many people had enjoyed reading the book and it was in a very fragile state. Therefore it was decided by Ena, Betty Pinder and Joy Beecham that it should be sent to the archives in order to preserve it for the future.

Betty asked Andrew Stratton, a local graphic designer if he would make a copy to remain in the village. Sadly she died before completion and Andrew finished it as a personal tribute for her former work as magazine editor and as a Parish and Borough Councillor.

It took him many hours of his spare time to scan and enhance all the pages. He has done an excellent job and we offer him our grateful thanks. Our thanks go also to Mary Bratley, Paula Tunnard and Peter Jessop who provided us with data, details and the loan of the family photographs taken in 1899 at Bucklegate in the Skeldyke, which enabled Andrew to produce the attractive cover for the book.

After such an effort it seemed a shame to print only one volume so we decided to run off a few extra copies to help Andrew recover his expenses. This venture has proved popular with the readers who discovered new and often surprising things about their own families and what went on in the village in the past.

A copy has been donated to the Lincolnshire Archives together with the original book, a further two copies given to the Kirton Reference Library and Lincoln Central Library. These will be available to the public to read and enjoy. An extra copy has been given into the care of Roger Booth, the present editor of Kirton News.

Due to continuing interest further copies have been printed. Anybody interested in obtaining one should contact Roger on 722230.

Ena Hemington and Joy Beecham

Editor’s note: Ena is presently seriously ill in the Pilgrim; we wish her a speedy recovery.

Frampton Gardening Club

There was a very good attendance at the February meeting to hear one of the best local speakers on the circuit at the present time. Kevin Harrison was talking on London Parks and Gardens. This was a first for the subject as I had asked Kevin ages ago to put together something for the gardening club and this was the result. Kevin could make the telephone directory sound interesting and although some of the slides were quite old his knowledge of the history of the Physic garden, Hampton Court garden, Kensington Palace garden, Regents Park, Green Park etc. who planned changed them, bought and sold them.

Through out history to what we see today made for an educational and fascinating evening. The outings for the year have been decided for Thursday June 7th. We are going to Scampton Hall house and garden in Yorkshire; this garden has been called by the Royal Horticultural Society ‘The bench mark for gardens in the 2lst.century’. The half day outing will be to Easton Walled Garden in Grantham the date still to be arranged.

The gardening club meets on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm for 7.30pm at Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road. Everyone is welcome to come as a guest to try us out before joining; you will receive a warm welcome.

Pauline Chubb

News from D’Eyncourt

On the 5th February, ‘Tracey’s Fashions’ visited us with a selection of trousers, shirts, tops, cardies, jackets, etc which we were able to buy at very reasonable prices.About twelve of us joined the Blind Society’s luncheon club at the Angel, Wrangle for a very enjoyable lunch on the 12th February.

We were treated to an interesting slide show on the 15th February by Glyn Simpson of Friskney, and as it was Evelyn’s birthday we had a buffet tea prepared by Audrey before the show. Unfortunately Monica was unwell so could not join us.
Derek and Trixie also had birthdays this month. Two new residents have joined us:

Wendy Austin and Dorothy Barnes.

News from the Chestnuts

On Wednesday we are having a sausage and mash dinner cooked by Trish (the warden). We are gathering quite a big parcel for the Pilgrim hospital and a few things for the Butterfly Trust. Several people have bought bricks for their loved ones at the Butterfly Trust.

Bingo as usual on Tuesday for the residents and on Thursdays for everyone; Monday morning is coffee morning.

Nellie Bamber and Eileen Pearson

Kirton Kids Club

February half term was a fun packed week of activities and laughter. The children made wonderful vegetable soup, with good local produce and buns to take home on the first day! They made jewellery boxes for the name bracelets they designed during the week too.

They enjoyed a ‘grannies baking’ day with traditional fairy cakes and had some fun with ‘Moo’ cakes with paper cases decorated in white and black designs. All the cakes were decorated in lovely gooey chocolate icing. The children also made personalised bags to take their cakes home.

Wednesday was spent at Play Towers, where the children enjoyed hours of fun on the soft play equipment and a cooked lunch half way through.
On Thursday the children helped make and prepare fruit salad. They peeled and cut all different fruits and designed labels for their take away containers. They also made lucky Chinese Moon cakes.

In between all the making and baking the children also enjoyed an afternoon doing workshops with the Children’s Library Service who came to the Club and made all sorts of paper crafts, read books and showed the children all the wonderful books on the Library van itself.

Friday’s party had a very ‘Oriental’ theme to it with a ‘Chinese New Year’ party.
The children played games but also made fantastic Dragon hats and beautiful oriental arts and crafts. They then tucked into Chinese noodles, stir fried vegetables, chicken balls, sweet and sour sauce and prawn crackers! It definitely was a day to remember.

Calling all Grand Parents! Kirton Kids’ Club are looking to ‘adopt’ a Grandparent! We would like to find some who would be interested in coming to the Club once a month or so, to talk to the children about their childhood and what it was like when they were children. We would like to give the children the opportunity to learn more about other generations and how they grew up, the toys they had etc.
If you are interested please ring me on 722426 in Club hours. I will arrange transport if necessary.

The Club is open before and after school and during most of the school holidays. Easter: 16th-20th April, Summer 23rd -27th July, 30th July-3rd Aug, 6th-10th Aug, 13th-17th Aug.

October half term: 22nd-25th. If you would like more information please call the above number between 1-3pm, 3.30-5.45pm. Or if you would like to come and have a look around the Club, the activities we offer the children etc please feel free to pop in, you will always be made to feel welcome.

Carolyn Sharpe, Manager

Letter from a Newcomer

Being a relative new-comer to the village, I thought that I would describe what I see through my eyes. The village is quite small, and on first impressions, you wouldn’t really think there was much that it could have to offer a small family such as mine, but when you actually move in, and take time to look around, it has got just about everything! From the two small ‘supermarkets’, to the corner shop, flower shops, butchers, bakers, there is also a library, youth centre and leisure centre. To some-one who has lived here a long time, these things are taken for granted, but believe me, to find all these facilities within a very short distance is practically unheard of in some of the places I have lived in before.

The schools are a major bonus, as not having to do an arduous, stressful and environmentally unfriendly trip twice a day leaves more time to appreciate the surroundings. There is plenty in Kirton to highly recommend it. There is plenty of green to be seen, and the parish church grounds are lovely. My husband and I took our two youngest daughters for a kick in the leaves at the end of last year, and were very pleased to  note that not only were there some daisies still growing, the snowdrops were thriving, and the ground was lovely and clean, so local dog-walkers, give yourselves a pat on the back! As there are some new housing developments going up in the area, new families may not be aware of just what is available.

There is a playgroup in the youth centre on Friday mornings, as well as numerous activities in the Village Hall, all of which are quite well advertised, and all are welcome and made to feel so. There is even a small community police station, situated just down at the side of the Kirton Primary School.

The school comes personally recommended by me, as I have a little girl there, and the effort they put in, at the younger level, at least, is second to none. I went to the nativity play at Christmas, and to see all the little ones singing their hearts out, and remembering quite difficult songs as well made me flush with pride, not just for my own, but to see them all together, and there is where I reach my conclusion. There is still a strong sense of community here, though it may be evolving to keep up with the times, but to find a nicer place to live, you may have to go a long way!

Tricia Mortimer

Editor’s Note: Its very interesting to hear the comments of a relative newcomer to the district. As a similar ‘immigrant’ I totally agree that although not perfect, (now that would be boring), it’s definitely a good environment here in many ways.


Kirton Brass Band Letter

In the Christmas edition of the magazine there was a photo of the band. In the photo was my dad: Joe Gilbert, he was on the right and he used to play the big drum.
Dad was thirty two when the photo was taken and the following year he married Gladys Porter. They went on to have five children. As children we can remember the summer days out with the band at Hunstanton, Jubilee Park Woodhall Spa, Ayscoughee Gardens, Frampton Hall and Dr.Hardwick’s garden.

In the February magazine is an article about Bozon Hall. This is where my parents started their married life and they lived there with their growing family until the mid fifties. My family and I enjoy reading about Byegone Kirton.

Yours sincerely
Janet Grey

Editor’s Note: We enjoyed Byegone Kirton as well Janet but unfortunately the Author Ken Pearson has hung up his ‘writer’s boots’ or whatever writers do, although we still have one or two of Ken’s articles left. Your comments about the picture are well appreciated.

The Mother’s Union

Our April meeting is on Wednesday the 11th April at 7.15 pm in the Methodist Church hall when Rose Millar will be speaking to us about her ‘Life in the ATS’.

On Wednesday the 25th April at 7.30 pm in St.Michael’s Hall, Frampton West there will be a Deanery Open Evening for anyone who would like to know more about the Mother’s Union and what it has to offer, how it relates to and deals with the ever-changing problems and attitudes in today’s world.

Pam Braithwaite our Diocesan marketing co-ordinator will be there with information and to answer any questions you may have. For instance did you know there are 3,500,000 members worldwide? Also that there are three ways of being a member of the M.U. – by joining a branch in your parish, by being an indoor member if you are sick or housebound, or as a Diocesan member if there is no branch near you.

Helen Airey

Kirton Parish Church

Dear friends, Have you ever thought how many baptisms, weddings and funerals have taken place in Kirton Parish Church over the last 900 or so years.

Imagine for a moment just how many prayers have been said, how many tears shed, how much laughter there has been, love shown, hymns sung, and yes, how many sermons have been preached; and you begin to realise what a truly wonderful gift has been left to us, by past generations of Kirton people.

Time moves on! We now live in the 21st Century. But the need for Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Church still remains: for the use and care of everyone, and to remind us of God’s presence in our village.

Please help us to hand on this precious gift, so that generations not yet born, will also be able to give thanks to God in the church. The cost of maintaining the church continues to rise and without your generosity it will become more difficult to do so.
To this end, we are holding a ‘Gift Day’ on Saturday, 28th April, as part of our ‘Spring Coffee Morning’, from 10 am to 4 pm for you to bring a special gift of money as a thank-offering to God. The church depends almost entirely on the support of the regular congregation and the parish for its continuing work. Your donation will be very welcome.

When you come we hope you will stay for a few minutes to pray as well. Thank you for your support.

Chris Stainton (Church Warden),
Carol Lidgett (Treasurer),
Father David Carney (Parish Priest

Kirton Craft & Hobbies

It has been good to see some new faces at our get togethers. We have some very experienced crafters who are more than willing to help you with your chosen craft. Don’t sit at home feeling lonely, if you like a chat and a laugh the place to be is KIRTON TOWN HALL every Friday 1pm -3pm, any age, male or female.

Call Elsie 722230 or just come along

Methodist Juniors Children’s Workshop
Good Friday, 6th April from 10am to 2pm.

This is for children between the ages of 4 and 11 and will take place at the Methodist Church on London Road.

The children will have the chance to find out about the Easter story through a variety of fun activities, including crafts, drama and games. The workshop is free but the children need a packed lunch, drinks will be provided.

More details from Sheila 722701 or Jonathan 366054.

Tiny Totz

We are a voluntary led Parent & Toddler Group 0-3 years who meet at Kirton Youth Centre Fridays 10am -12pm (term time only). Relax and meet new people, get involved in messy play and sing silly songs and nursery rhymes. Admission £1.50 per adult, children are FREE.

Lisa Sampson, Tel 724029

Indian Cuisine

Recently I was very fortunate to meet an Indian lady, Thankam, who kindly agreed to give some friends and I a few lessons in Indian cookery. She comes from Kerala in southern India where they eat more rice than wheat so not much Nan Bread which is a favourite of most Brits that enjoy curry.

In my younger days I travelled a lot with my husband. Due to the nature of his job I had the opportunity to travel to many foreign places and spent some time in various parts of India. It never failed to amaze me how the curry tastes changed as we travelled from place to place.

This lady has given me a few recipes you might like to try: the first is a chicken curry. Please remember you will need to adjust the seasoning and the spiciness (heat) to suit yourself. I tend to cook a lot more than I need then just pop what is left into the freezer.

Chicken Curry - Ingredients:
500g chicken pieces (preferably thighs)
2 tablespoons yoghourt
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 cardamoms
2 tablespoons ginger
1 tablespoon garlic
2 large onions
3 medium tomatoes roughly chopped
3 tablespoons curry powder
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon garam masala
5 curry leaves
Coriander leaves
2 teaspoons mustard seed
Dried whole chillies to taste

Marinade the chicken in the yoghourt and turmeric for not less than one hour.
Fry onions in the oil until brown add cardamoms, ginger and garlic, cook for several minutes, add a little salt and the tomatoes. Add the curry powder, chilli powder, curry leaves, and the chicken pieces cook until tender and garam masala (but leave this ingredient to the end), add the coriander leaves. In a small pan separately fry the mustard seeds and whole dried chillies adding some more coriander leaves and pour over the chicken.

As condiments chop some raw onion, tomato, cucumber, carrots, green chillies (optional) and serve with rice.

Bon Appetit.

Elsie Booth

Parish Council Matters

Public meetings at Kirton Town Hall - April 2007
Inaugural Meeting of Kirton Town Hall - Wed 18th April at 7pm
This is the first official meeting to formally transfer the management of Kirton Town Hall from the Parish Council to a voluntary management committee, which will then be seeking charitable status.

Kirton Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday 19th April at 7pm
All Kirton based organisations are invited to send their representative(s) who may wish to give a report on their activities over the last year and/or advertise their future plans. The Meeting will be chaired by the Parish Council Chairman, who will give a report from the Parish Council.

Geoff Sharp - Clerk to Kirton Parish Council
Tel:01205 361634

Opening Hours: The Parish Office (Town Hall) is open every Tuesday 
9.30a.m. - 12.30 p.m, (Tel: 01205 723972 during these times).

Website: Log onto the Kirton Parish Council Website for information:

Frampton Community Playgroup

This month at playgroup we have continued the theme ‘down on the farm.’
We started off by learning ‘old MacDonald’s farm’; we sang about all kinds of different animals and had fun making lots of animal noises. One day we even had a crocodile on the farm!!

We really loved playing with the tractors and farm animals in real soil and nobody minded the mess! We enjoyed playing with the toy farmyard and we had farm animals in the sandpit. There were lots of farm puzzles for us to do and we even made farm animals out of play dough!
The most fun we have had this month has been using cartons, card, bottles and boxes to make our own scarecrows, it was such fun. We painted them and put them on display for all to see. We even made a life size scarecrow but he did look a little scary!

We ended the term by celebrating Chinese New Year. We made our own dragons and Chinese lanterns which we hung around the playgroup; it looked very impressive. At snack time we ate noodles, prawn crackers, rice and vegetable spring rolls, yummy!

We have been lucky enough to be able to purchase some new physical equipment for the children to use with money that was kindly donated by the Peacock pub, thank you to them. The children have been having great fun, keeping fit on the miniature exercise bikes and rowing machine.

Everyone is looking forward to next month, the theme being ‘role play.’ If you would like to like to get involved in the fun we have at playgroup, please contact Sue our playgroup supervisor on 07939 266154.

Please note we have a growing list for the September 2007 intake.


Neighbourhood Policing

Local Police & Community Forum
A local police and community formun with be held at Kirton Town Hall, Station Road
at 7.30pm on Wednesday 25th April 2007. All are welcome and the evening will include a presentation and an open forum allowing the opportunity for you to give your views on local policing in your area. Have your say about local policing.
For further details please contact Jemma Peacock, Communications and Consultation Officer on 01522 558717.

Figures for February 2007 are as follows:
1 x Inappropriate use of fireworks
5 x Inconsiderate Behaviour
3 x Throwing things
2 x Vehicle Nuisance

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Kirton Police Station, Station Road – 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden

The Registers

We welcome into God's family:

11th February - Louis Reece Jones
25th February - Victoria Jasmine Molsom

We commend to God's keeping:

5th February - Clara Hancock
12th February - Kathleen Blanche Rawlings
13th February - Mona May Livett
20th February - Jean Augusta Coleman
23rd February - Elizabeth May Fuller
6th March - Doreen Elizabeth Green
7th March - Simon Mark Groombridge


The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations
which are much appreciated.

Anon £50.00

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.


4th Boston (Kirton)
Marks the Centenary of Scouting

Members of the 4th from all three sections, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts along with many parents planted twenty trees native to our area in a new part of Westgate Wood just outside Boston. We couldn’t have asked for a better day in early February and with the sun shining, parents and children set to work digging holes for the trees.
Councillor Richard Austin helped us organise the event and provided stakes and shields to protect the small saplings until they grow big and strong. We owe Richard a great big THANK YOU.

We had the purple Centenary flag flying on the day which looked magnificent and hope to make this a permanent feature. We were all supported with a plentiful supply of hot chocolate, soups, teas and coffees.

This area of trees is now our responsibility, planting more trees and bushes in the future and helping them grow and maintaining those that we have already planted. We will be taking bus loads of children from the group to see, experience and explore our new Centenary Wood from time to time.

A large plaque with the Fleur de Lys and the names of all the children who helped will shortly be put up and later maybe a bench seat too.

The great thing about this event is that it doesn’t stop after the Centenary but will be there for generations, not just members of the Scouting Movement, but for members of the whole community to enjoy and remember.

Lesley Lanfranco - Scouter in Charge