©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2008

Dear readers, The festive season is upon us and it should be an enjoyable time for us. Spare a thought for the elderly and lonely who perhaps don’t have relatives or friends to be happy with.

Did you know that originally the winter solstice (the shortest day) fell on the 25th December under the earlier Julian calendar and this was celebrated by many different cultures around the world? Early Christians originally denounced the celebration as pagan before adopting this date. I recollect working in Pembrokeshire some years ago and in some remote valleys of the Prescelli Hills they still celebrate two New Year holidays due to the calendar change – lucky people!

Speaking of trivia the annual Kirton Quiz is taking place in the Town Hall on the 25th January. Get a team of four together for a really enjoyable night.

On the 22nd December following the success of the Youth Club disco there will be a family Christmas disco, also at the Town Hall.

From Kirton News we wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Roger Booth

The World's Largest Christmas Stocking!

The Kirton Craft Club has been busy knitting squares for this year's big knit. We meet every Friday afternoon and even though we do more nattering than knitting and have, along with friends from the village managed to complete 110 squares. We hope that our contribution helps the Children's Society reach its target of 7,500 squares and get into the record books by creating the world's largest Christmas stocking.

The current record stands at 19.25 X 8.23 metres. The stocking will be filled with gifts donated by some of the Society's corporate donors and after the world record verification the presents will be distributed to needy children. After that the stocking will be cut up and made into blankets for premature baby units around the country.

The craft club would like to congratulate the Children's Society on all the work done for children across the UK and wish all your members a Happy Christmas.

Sandra Davies

A Christmas message from the Parish & Methodist Churches

John Betjeman, a well-known poet, who died in 1984, wrote a much enjoyed poem called ‘Christmas’. The sixth verse is as follows:

And is it true? And is it true,
This most tremendous
tale of all,
Seen in a stained-glass window’s hue,
A Baby in an ox’s stall?
The Maker of the stars and sea
Become a Child
on earth for me?

Do you ever ask yourself the same question? So is it true? Was God’s own precious son born in a stable in Bethlehem?

Christmas can be frantic. There seem so many things to do. Yet more people than ever find the time to go to Church to hear the story re-told again. For some it is a tradition, part and parcel of Christmas, like the pudding and crackers. Others bring their children. Are you one of the people who come, and almost without realising, find yourself asking – so is it true?

Christmas is a magical time when the darkness is pierced by the colour of fairy lights on trees and in windows. The Bible tells us that Jesus said He is the light for the World (John 8, verse 12). How appropriate then that He should come at this the darkest time of the year. When Jesus spoke about darkness however He was really talking about the things we struggle with in our lives. Worries, poor health, sadness, bereavement, guilt and debt. He came to help us with these troubles.

When the magic and fairy lights fade in January and we return to the reality of daily life with its ups and downs Christians believe that Jesus continues to shine as a beacon of hope. He is there for each of us when there is darkness and difficulty in our lives, day or night. We just need to ask him for His help and then, as many of us can tell you, amazing things happen. - So is it true?

With love and best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and the New Year.

From the Churches in Kirton Bible Study Group
www.rejesus.co.uk www.methodist.org.uk www.cofe.anglican.org

Fairies in London Road?

Well not quite! The staff of 'The Hair Studio' dressed up and raised over £500 for the Breast Cancer Campaign.

Editor's note: Personally speaking one of them looks more like one of the Ugly Sisters but well done anyway





Memories of a Marine Engineer - Part 2

Nineteen years old, never been abroad except for a school camping trip to Ireland and about to visit Australia for six weeks! In the early sixties most people couldn't afford to fly so the majority went by sea on passenger ships.

Our itinerary was Melbourne, Sidney, Newcastle, Brisbane then Sidney before returning to the UK, but it didn't quite work out as planned.

Our first call was at Melbourne which is a fine city full of grand looking buildings but my first idea was to get ashore and have a beer. It may sound strange but when you have been cooped up on a ship for a couple of weeks a seafarer's first thought is to get feet on dry land and I was no different. Buying a couple of beers in a pub was awkward since in the state of Victoria the legal age for drinking was twenty-one. I managed to find a bar that would serve me schooners or midis (local beer glass measures) only to be accosted by a gent who loudly informed me 'I hate the Queen'. He repeated this three times but went off in a huff when I agreed with his sentiments. A sure fire way to get rid of obstreperous individuals is to agree with them whatever your private feelings.

I'm happy to say this was not a typical Aussie and I had my first experience of the 'Flying Angel' in Melbourne. Together with the catholic sister organisation 'Apostolate of the Sea' they do an incredible job worldwide in running missions to seamen. In these clubs you would get beer and a simple but good meal at reasonable prices, availability of cheap phone calls but most of all social contact - friendly faces with no catches.

The 'Flying Angel' sent a small bus to the ship and we visited the Dandenongs, low hills north of Melbourne for a picnic - very enjoyable. I noted several very large Italian passenger ships in the port: the 'Michaelangelo' and the 'Leonardo da Vinci'. These were carrying immigrants and we were to see them in other Aussie ports.

Next to Sydney where we discharged the Jaguar cars. The stevedores known as 'wharfies' were very militant in Australia and would strike for almost no reason. We were using our gear (cargo derricks) for the Jaguars and the blocks (also known as sheaves) had wooden protection plates on the outside to minimise personal injury if hit by one. The 'wharfies' hadn't seen this type before and went on strike. Accordingly the local ship's agent arranged for a spare block to be cut in two using a mechanical hacksaw in a nearby workshop. A day later the 'wharfies' resumed work and it transpired that the famous horse race the Melbourne Gold Cup was run on the strike day: you can draw your own conclusions.

It was a common practice to phone the local nurses home and invite them to a party on board. I was designated to accompany them and in the returning taxi I informed the young Australian lady on the back seat that she had a bum cockney accent. Needless to say she didn't speak to me after that!

I cannot remember much about Newcastle but Brisbane was amazing and the friendliest people. It was very hot and humid but I was fascinated by railway locomotives equipped with cow catchers crossing main streets seemingly in the middle of town.
The local seaman's mission took a group of us to the 'Lone Pine Koala Bear Sanctuary' which was a great day out.

The ship then rushed off at full speed to load the first of the wool cargo available in Sydney. Apparently the first such wool of the season to arrive in UK commanded high prices. The ship was full of wool and even loaded on temporary wooden structures constructed on top of the hatch covers - no space was wasted.

We also loaded frozen peas into our refrigerated hold which was somewhat ironic since we brought frozen peas to Australia but it seems that the growing season separation in each country made it possible.

We left Sydney in high spirits - sailing home as quickly as possible. That was the plan but it didn't quite work out that way! More in the February issue.

Roger Booth

Kirton Fire Brigade 1939

The first photo taken in 1939 shows the fire engine registration JL7022 stationed at Kirton from 1939 until the 70s outside the old fire station in Willington Road. The chassis and cab were supplied by Whites of Sleaford (the site of the present supermarket there).It is thought that the seated individuals were dignitaries from the fire brigade top brass. The second photo is a recent picture - the engine is in the hands of a private collector.

Editor's note: Does anyone recollect the names of the firemen? Let me know if you have any ideas.


Frampton Gardening Club

Our speaker for the October meeting was Harold Leach, one of the really good horticultural speakers; he was a lecturer at Riseholme College before retirement.
His subject was ‘Winter colour in the garden’. He showed beautiful slides with a winter background, some with snow or frost but mostly of those lovely winter days with bare trees showing up against a cool blue sky and the golds, browns and reds of the fallen leaves. We saw brilliant Acers, vivid stems of Dogwoods and shrubs and hollies with brightly coloured berries. Harold told us how and when to prune the shrubs which was very useful information since pruning can be a stumbling block. I for one have never got the hang of pruning fruit trees.

Over the years we have seen a lot of herbaceous borders in full summer flower so it made a pleasant change to see gardens in winter. Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge and Hodsock Hall are two gardens that look beautiful in winter.
Hodsock Hall is noted for the snowdrops and hellebores and is open for six weeks in winter. Harold explained when and where the photos were taken, pruning, shrub and tree heights, small garden plants and mulching. It was a very entertaining and informative evening enjoyed by all.

Pauline Chubb


Methodist Church News - Children’s Workshop

Saturday 12th January from 10am until 2pm there will be a children’s workshop organised by the Churches in Kirton. It will be at the Methodist Church.

Admission is free for children between the ages of 4 and 11, although they must bring a packed lunch. Come along for fun, crafts, games, songs and a chance to learn about God. More details from Jonathan, 725055.

Coffee Morning

Saturday 1st December: 10 am – 12 noon.
A seasonal coffee morning at the Methodist Church, London Road.

Kirton Kids Club

What a busy few weeks once again! The build up to the half term holiday was good, including all those conkers! We took the children into the churchyard next to the club – which is full of horse chestnut trees. They filled bags with bright shiny conkers for our ‘who can get the most’ competition. It’s surprising just how many conkers little ones can put into a bag in just ten minutes!

We also held a conker ‘scrap’ – when numerous conkers were strung and the children paired up to see who would be the outright winner. Unfortunately no one really did take much notice of the result, everyone was laughing too much at all the broken conkers and staff and children alike left with just a piece of string!

When the parents came to collect their children though, we were given advice on how to harden the conkers – soak in vinegar, bake in the oven for numerous hours or leave in the airing cupboard for a year! (And they say children are competitive!).
The half term ‘Halloween’ week was a huge success and the children made an abundance of themed goodies. These included ghost hand puppets (which they sewed themselves), spookier biscuits, ‘bug’ jellies, witches capes, Halloween pizzas, bat hats, eyeball cakes they also scooped out and decorated their own pumpkins – to name a few.

They also managed to fit in a trip to Play Towers and a walk to the Woodlands nursing home to hand over the last of the bird boxes the children had made in the summer holiday club. These were then put onto some of the trees around the home to encourage birds to nest.

The week was rounded off with a fun fancy dress party with plenty of food, tradition party games and lots of prizes.

If you are interested in booking a place for your child/children or just wish to have a look around the club – please phone 722426 or pop in during club hours.

The Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

There was quite a bit of laughter at the ‘Merry Monk’ during our meeting on the 11th. October as we had a very good speaker who took us through ‘Growing up in the sixties’. Sue Stephenson told us how her father rode his bike up and down the lane when she was saying good night to her boyfriend. She also described her experiences as a Cadet Nurse in Lincoln and shared with us the memories of getting ready to go out in the evening: the pan stick make up, the Dusty Springfield look with eye liner and mascara, the back combed beehive hair style (the higher the better), mini skirts, wide belts and dancing round your handbag trying to catch the eye of the best looking boy.

Those of us who were already too old for the mini skirt, etc, could remember those days and the younger lady members who participated in all the fun of the 60’s enjoyed memories of their youthful past. Sue did catch the eye of the best looking boy and brought him with her for lunch to save cooking later. Sue and Brian run Puddle Paddock Nursery and are a delightful couple who made this meeting a real pleasure.

Pauline Chubb

Editor’s note: My principal claim to fame (probably my only one!) is that I went to the same school as Dusty Springfield: Sands Primary School near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire. She was in a year higher than me but never mind I am still famous!

The Mother’s Union

Our meeting in December is on Wednesday the 12th at 7.15pm in the Parish Church. This is our annual advent service of carols, readings and reflections for the advent season to which everyone is welcome.

The January meeting will be on Wednesday the 10th at 7.15pm in the Methodist Hall. We hope that Father David will introduce and speak to us on our 2008 theme ‘Time for Relationship’. If you receive a special Christmas card or gift bring it along to this meeting and tell us why it means so much to you.

‘In our watching and in our waiting come Lord Jesus, bless and surprise us as we await your birthday.’ Have a very happy Christmas.

Helen Airey


Kirton Youth Club News

Kirton youth club held a Halloween disco at the town hall on Friday 26th October. We had approximately 40 young teenagers there wearing a variety of costumes, some of them very spooky indeed! The winner of the competition was Ashley Stubbs who was wearing a fantastic witch's outfit. Ashley from Edinburgh drive was very pleased to win the cd micro system and said she had asked for one on her Xmas wish list this year.

Kirton youth club reopened in September and since then the youths have enjoyed pool, basketball, table tennis, table football, and football. The tuck shop is open for drinks and snacks. In the near future we plan to hold various competitions. We are open every Wednesday from 7pm till 9pm admission is 50p. All 11-16 years olds welcome. We are still looking for volunteers so if you would like to see a different side to the youths of today please phone Trina on 7225660.

Catrina Morley.

King's Church Kirton

We meet in the Town Hall, Station Road, Kirton every Sunday evening at 6.30pm for songs, prayers, healing, learning, friendship, laughter and light refreshments. We usually finish around 8.30pm. Our main purpose is to offer a public place where villagers and locals can come to find out more about the Christian faith with no strings attached.

On Sunday 23rd December at 6.30pm we have a Carol service planned. Kirton Methodist Church are having their Carol service at 10.30am and the Parish Church will be having their Carol service at 6pm. You will be warmly welcomed wherever you choose.

Any enquiries for King's Church Kirton can be made to Martin Lonsdale 01205 723844.


Kirton News Christmas Calendar

The solution to your Christmas gift dilemmas has arrived in the shape of KIRTON NEWS CALENDAR!! You can find them for sale in Fossit & Thorne, Beesons Family Butchers, Costcutters, Rainbows Landscaping Centre, Angelinas Curtains & Blinds, and The Merry Monk. Kirton News hopes that you will be pleased; this calendar features your village and that you will want to send them to your family and friends, especially as so many families live many miles apart these days.

Tricia Mortimer

Editor's note: Thanks Tricia for your splendid effort!


Advertising Rates

Regrettably we have to increase our rates for 2008 to enable us to survive but we remain much cheaper than the local newspapers. Some of the advertisers will be aware that their ads also appear on the website www.kirtonnews.co.uk and up to now this has been free. In order to defray our internet costs we will have to charge for this if the advertiser requires it.

The 2008 annual rates will be as follows:

Large box ad: £100
Medium box ad: £80
Small box ad : £55
Small ads: One year £45
Single/multiple ads: £5 each
Boxed ads in the magazine for internet entry additional £20.
If a link to their own site is required then additional £40.

For advertisers who want an internet ad only the cost is £50, and if a link required the cost is £7.For classified advertisements already in the magazine for a year add £10 and for single/multiple classifieds add £2 each.


Sutterton Parent & Toddler Group

In Sutterton in the village hall, the parent & toddler group are desperately looking for new families to join the small but very friendly playgroup. It runs every Monday from 9.30am until 11.00am, with tea and coffee available, with juice and biscuits for the children.

Due to the recent new school year, the numbers attending have dropped alarmingly, and so Norma, who runs the meetings, is appealing for anyone with pre-school kids to come along and have a look. All are welcome, and no pre-booking required. It only costs £1 to cover the cost of the drinks, so is reasonably priced too! Hope to see you there.

Calendar Competition

If anyone would like the chance to win a Kirton News Calendar, there are 5 up for grabs!! To win,
you must answer this easy question. Does Santa live in:

a) Iceland
b) Lapland
c) Tesco

Answers on a postcard please to: Calendar Competition, 51 Thomas Middlecott Drive, Kirton, Lincs, PE20 1HU. The closing date for the competition is Saturday 15 December. Winners will be picked at random. Please state your name and address with your competition entry. Good luck!

Kirton Town Hall

Hire the Town Hall for your party, wedding reception, club meetings, etc. There is a large hall with seating/tables for more than 120, a lecture type room with tables seating about 40, a kitchen and toilets. We have a licensed bar if required and hold a license for live or recorded music.

Presently the facilities are used by art classes, Mondays and Tuesdays, dancing Tuesday evenings, fitness classes Wednesday mornings, coffee mornings and a craft group on Fridays, childrens' music club Saturdays, youth club discos and many more.

For more information contact the Booking Secretary Elsie Booth on 01205 722230.

Frampton Playgroup

This month at playgroup we have been very busy with a variety of activities. After the October half term the children bought in photos or an item from home to show us what they got up to. They shared stories at news time and we heard some very interesting and funny stories. We have enjoyed being creative making rockets to celebrate the 5th November, we had rockets of all shapes sizes and colours. Some of them were out of this world! At song time we used some of them to help us sing one of our favourite songs ‘zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon.’

We have also been tickling our taste buds with some new tastes and flavours by having food tasting sessions. Some tastes went down better than others and the children in their own ways definitely let us know which ones they did and didn’t like! We have been fortunate enough to be able to get aboard the library van and choose some new books for playgroup and we are enjoying the new stories at story time.

It has been interesting and exciting for us to celebrate the Hindu festival Diwali, the festival of light. Everybody has enjoyed learning about something different and new. As the season is getting closer, we are all looking forward to Christmas and everything it brings. So we will soon be making shiny and glittery decorations that we can take home and be proud of, and we can’t wait to decorate the village hall tree!

If you would like to be involved in the fun we have at playgroup in anyway please call Sue our playgroup manager on 07939 266154.


Christmas Morning by Enid Pearson

Beautiful Christmas morning
With sunlight gold in the sky,
Churchbells are ringing their message
For the Christ child, a lullaby.
We don't mind gentle snowflakes,
We are happy if blue skies abound,
As we sing our timeless carols,
Filling the heavens with sound.
For His gift is with us forever,
God's love in each heart entwines;
Light in the midst of our darkness,
Hope that eternally shines.




Neighbourhood Policing - Antisocial Behaviour

During September there were 15 reports of Antisocial Behaviour, these include:
6 x Reports of Inconsiderate Behaviour
1 x Reports of Shouting
8 x Reports of Vehicle Nuisance

During October there were 23 reports of Antisocial Behaviour, these include:
17 x Reports of Inconsiderate Behaviour
1 x Report of Throwing Things
3 x Reports of Vehicle Nuisance

During September & October the neighbourhood policing team have been monitoring the parking issues outside Middlecott School. This operation was to help reduce the amount of children killed or seriously hurt on the roads; this is an ongoing operation within Lincolnshire. All Parents/Guardians were given a letter advising them of the parking issues.

Enforcement was then carried out in two stages as follows:

First Stage – Warning notices given to offending vehicles

Second Stage – Penalty Notices were then issued to offending vehicles.
The Neighbourhood Policing Team in partnership with a local Fire Safety Officer visited Middlecott School to carry out firework safety talks to pupils. This covered all aspects of firework safety and the law.

Can all residents please dispose of their rubbish correctly? If there are any issues with the collection of rubbish or fly tipping please contact Boston Borough Council.
As the festive period is now fast approaching below is some advice to help prevent crime and to make sure that Christmas is enjoyed by all.

Always remember to lock everything away in the boot of your car. Remember that it might not be valuable but how does a potential thief know that?
Remember that thieves will be on the look out for presents so don’t leave these under the Christmas tree in view of windows.

If you are at home or you are away, remember to keep back doors locked and use your window locks.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Kirton Police Station, Station Road – 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden

The Registers

Funerals - We commend to God's keeping:

9th October - Lily Louise Taylor
10th October - Jane Elizabeth Lakin


The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated.

Anonymous - £25
Frampton Townlands & United Charities - £25

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.