©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2010

The Editors Letter

I am pleased to have been elected the new editor of Kirton News. I am sure both Sam and Sushma share the same sentiments as myself. We look forward to working with the other members of the committee.
Christmas is almost upon us, twinkling lights of decorated trees in our homes, the excitement on children’s faces and the constant round of shopping for food and presents.

It’s a busy time, but please spare a thought for the lonely neighbour along your street. It’s a dark, cold time of year and can be very lonely for those alone. If you know someone who might be having difficulty getting out why not just pop in to see if you can be of any help in any way.

I thank the children from the Methodist Sunday School for designing the front cover of this issue, particulary Luke Thornalley who’s design was chosen.

We are always looking for volunteers to deliver magazines, if you feel you could do this please contact Mary Rayner, magazine secretary.

We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please note this is a double issue this month, your next village magazine will be out for February.


The Minister's Message

Dear Friends, another year is almost at an end – it seems almost to pick up speed as we come into December. I suppose it is because there is so much going on and we are so busy, never seeming to be enough time to complete all the things we want and need to achieve.
Every group wants to do something special for Christmas, time to visit family and spend that special time with them. Lots of parties, fairs and ‘something extra’ to celebrate and lots of opportunities to go shopping for that ‘special’ gift. Often we end up buying just anything because we haven’t the time to trudge round the shops anymore.

Our lives get clogged up with the necessities of preparing for the eating, drinking and travelling that goes on around this time of year. Why? Because somewhere in the midst of it all a birthday is being remembered! Somewhere hidden in amongst all the busyness is a moment of quiet when we reflect on the greatest gift we could ever have.

As a parent, I remember many birthdays, preparing the party food, planning the games and activities, keeping the birthday presents well hidden away so that there would be a wonderful surprise on the day. Then came that moment of quiet at the end of the meal, when the lights would be switched off and all would be dark. Hush! Here comes the cake, lit with candles that would seem so much brighter because they came into a darkened room. Then, after the traditional singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ and the blowing out of the candles, the lights would go on and all the merriment would resume, the noise and the eating would continue. That moment gone, when a little child was remembered as moving on in years, marking the maturing at each birthday until eventually they would be an adult and make their mark on the world.

This Christmas, this birthday of Jesus, will come and go as it always does amongst merriment and celebration; somewhere, at some time during all the Carol singing and parties, the shopping and meals, don’t miss that special moment when you remember what started it all. When the hush comes and the world is dark, hold on to the light of Christ, which always seems so much more precious when we are troubled and in despair; which so often we take for granted when we are joyful and busy and that moment can so easily be lost.

May God bless you and keep you and share a very special time with you this Christmas. In Christ


The Parish Letter

I am approaching my first Christmas as Vicar of Kirton since taking over in late January this year. I have settled in well and made many friends and acquaintances among you wonderful Kirton folk and you have made me very welcome. 

The downside to it all has been the damage inflicted on the Church building in recent months. The litter left behind by gangs of youths is inconvenient and the noise they made disturbing otherwise idyllic summer evenings is annoying but not insurmountable. It's the broken windows and the missing fall pipes that is beyond the pale. Much money, time, and effort has been made to rectify the damage done and much heartache and disbelief has been expressed by many who can't believe that individuals seek to harm God's house. Kirton Church has been a place of worship for more than nine hundred years and is held in many people's hearts as a very special place. Many generations of Kirton folk have been Baptised, Married, and buried there and it is connected to so many families.Thousands have worshipped in it over the centuries so it is not just any building, it is special, special because it is connected to many and special because it is a little piece of heaven on Earth. 

However myself and the PCC and many hardworking voluntary members of the congregation will continue to work hard to fund-raise to maintain this special place so it is here for generations to come. As you walk by pause and consider the beauty of Kirton Church and its special place within the community and the number of years it has stood there as a beacon of faith. It will play an important role in the forthcoming Christmas celebrations, please help us to make sure it will continue to do so for generations to come.  Many Blessings 

FR Gary

Kirton Town Hall (1911 - 2011)

Next year sees the one hundreth anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone for Kirton Town Hall. There are plans to mark the occasion with a weekend of events and celebrations towards the end of June 2011.

The organisation of a children’s Disco, [Kirton] Brass Band concert and an exhibition charting the history of the Hall is already underway; the Management Committee are even dressing as Edwardians for the weekend. Were hoping the whole Village will join in.
As some of you may know, the land for the building was gifted by William Dennis (whose statue graces the front of the site), the cost of actually constructing the Hall being met by the Villagers themselves.

Interestingly, there was a cash shortfall towards the end of the project which was met by the sale of a Recipe Book compiled by local housewives (then priced at 1/-). It is hoped to re-produce this tome (in whole or in part) and have copies on-sale over the weekend to raise funds for local charities.

Kirton Middlecott School have already offered to take part in the celebrations and, over the next few months, the committee is hoping to recruit more local involvement. We want to make it a celebration (by you; FOR you) of YOUR TOWN HALL. If any of you out there have ideas for further events; would like to take part or help in the organisation or running of anything over the weekend please get in touch with:-
Vice-Chair Paula Davies on 01205 722757, email: paulaadavies@btinternet.com or
Sam Chapman on 01205 722466, email: sam.chapman50@btinternet.com.

Let’s try and make this an event the whole village will enjoy and talk about - perhaps for the NEXT 100 years!

Look out for more information over the next few months in the Kirton News, local press and on posters around the Village.

Kirton Kids Club

This half term has definitely been filled with ‘nature’ for the children at the club.
They firstly had fun with conkers, then there were vegetable ‘men’ making and pumpkin scooping and decorating.

The vegetable men were our contribution to the harvest festival theme. The children made some amazing art with carrots, shallots, potatoes, peppers ect. This was then taken home and left out for the birds in celebration of the harvest. Mind you some of them never made it home; hungry children ate carrot arms or legs as they were going out of the club door!

The pumpkins were lovely small ‘child sized’ ones that the children scooped out – some with their hands and the not so brave, with spoons. The children then pricked out the faces they wanted and staff cut them out with knives. Every club child took a pumpkin home that day.

The end of term was a bit of fun on the Halloween theme. The artwork reflected this and on the last day the children were allowed to choose their own ‘Halloween’ costume – amazing what you can get from the pound shop and some bin liners! They all looked amazing with their black capes, masks, ears or tutus and left with a cup of Halloween themed goodies to eat. Now we are back from the half term break we are looking forward to everything Christmas and ‘glitter’.

The children have been asked again to decorate a tree for the church. This year we are going for a very tradition theme – please come and have a look when the trees are in the church. I know the children were very proud of their efforts last year and will, no doubt, be again this year. Breakfast club starts at 7.30am to school and after school sessions run until 5.45pm. - Term time.

If you are interested in any of the above sessions or would like to bring your child/children for a look around the club please feel free or phone 722426 – in club hours.
Alternatively, if you love art and wish to help out with any of the afternoon sessions then please let us know. We have a wonderful band of helpers who get ‘stuck in’ to most things arty and seem to really enjoy themselves – and I know the children enjoy their company too!

Christmas Tree Festival

The 2010 Christmas Tree Festival begins at Kirton Parish Church on Saturday 4th December, between 10am - 4pm. The church is then open from Monday 6th December until Saturday 11th December. The admission times are from 10am - until 4pm daily and entry is free.

The event also features Christmas stalls, a Christmas raffle and refreshments.
Its well worth a visit!



Loss of an old Kirtonian

We have recently been informed of the death of Mrs Joan Isabel Roberts (nee Tyreman) who passed away in October at Dukinfield, Cheshire.  

Her father was Wilson (Old Tom) Tyreman who was chauffeur to William Dennis. Joan spent a happy childhood in Kirton, living in Willington Road and King Street and was a childhood friend of Eileen Thorne.

David and Sylvia.

Quiz Night

The Parish Council quiz night on 12th November was a huge success. 19 teams took part and I would like to thank everyone for their support especially the quiz masters for the event, George and Paula Davis.

They put a lot of effort into the quiz. Thanks also to my wife Jill for her support with the quiz night. Many thanks to Parish Councilors who donated raffle prizes also many other people including local business for there support with raffle donations.
Profits from the quiz night will be given to benefit children in Kirton.

The winning team were PEACOCK 37 with 166 points and they retain the Parish Trophy. Many thanks,

Alan Lee - Chairman

Property to Rent

Kirton Consolidated Charities have a 3-bedroomed vacant property with garage at number 4 Hardwick Estate to let. Any interested parties who are Kirton parishioners, should apply in writing, giving full particulars, to the Clerk (Mrs J Barnes), 21 Sea Lane, Butterwick, Boston, Lincs PE22 0HG by the 6th January 2011. Please call 01205 760452 with any queries.

Extracts from the minutes of
the Kirton Parish Council Meeting


It has been requested by a resident that another bench be put into the cemetery. It was proposed by Cllr Foster and agreed by the remainder that the Clerk should instruct the Cemetery Manager to write to the family concerned to inform them that at the present time, there are sufficient benches in the cemetery, however, should the need for more come about in the future that we would write to the family concerned.

The Cemetery Manager reported via the Chairman, that the application from the Greek and Rumanian Orthodox Church was proceeding well. The Cemetery Manager is concerned re certain trees in the cemetery – he feels they need surgery. It was resolved that the Council should take the arborculturist’s advice from last year and as all of the trees that needed immediate attention have been taken care of that no further action is required at this time.
There are a couple of smaller trees in the old cemetery that Cllr Brotherton will take care of. Cllr Turner requested another member to accompany him to do a physical check of all the headstones during the ½ term week in October – Cllr Carter volunteered.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Brotherton reported the streetlight outside 74 Station Road to be broken. Clerk to report to Highways.

Cllr Ransome reported that the Four Villages Day Care Management Committee is having lots of problems with funding at the moment.

Cllr Rush reported that Highways have carried out a survey on Hubberts Bridge/Station Road – Kirton Holme and found that there is an overuse of HGV’s Tankers using this road. There will be further tests/surveys carried out. Cllr Rush requested that Cllrs consider this issue and consider the possibility of a weight restriction on this road and what possible repercussions this could cause.

Cllr Smith reported that there are issues regarding Frampton Parish Council and RSPB at Frampton Marsh which could affect this parish possibly too. He will keep an eye on proceedings and report any news back to the members.

Cllr Foster reported that he still had some seed left from when the playing field was seeded and he will fill in any bare spots once the contractors move away from the site.

Cllr Lee reported that the anti-skid surfaces on all 3 sites were almost non-existent, especially the one near to the medical centre – Clerk to report to Highways.
Clerk reported that Sutterton PC would like to know whether Kirton would jointly (along with Billingborough PC if they too agree)purchase a laptop computer. It was resolved that members supported this idea as a secondary back up to the Clerk’s PC.
The Chairman thanked the Clerk who has now been in post for 12 months for her support and efforts during her first year.

Recreation Project

Cllr Hannay will call a meeting within the next week for the Committee to visit other sites in the area to compare what other Parishes have done. He also informed members that the committee is now several months behind schedule due to LCC pulling funding and the young people and Tracie Ward now not going to be contributing towards the project. Cllr Hannay has approached business in the village for both physical and financial support.

Inspection Rota

Cllr Hannay agreed that as he was at the recreation site so frequently, he would take over the inspection of the site until further notice.

Audit report from External Auditor

The Clerk reported that she had received the audit back from Clement Keys without any problems. The completion of audit notices will be put up to coincide with the Parish Council Office reopening on the 7th September.

Best Kept Village competition

Kirton is down to the final 3 in this competition. The winner will be notified by letter during September.

Pensioners Xmas Dinner

This will be held on the 15th December – with a maximum of 120 people.

Xmas Fayre

Cllr Carter has agreed to take over the lead for the committee for the Xmas Fayre – he will liaise with Cllr Fitzgerald to get contacts details from last year. Cllr Ransome will organise the tree for the War Memorial area, Cllr Hannay will organised the lighting. It was resolved that the Clerk should organised the solar lighting again for the war memorial area. Cllr Lee informed members that he had been approached by the New Life Fellowship who would like to take part this year.

Recreation Project

Cllr Lee will be meeting with Longhurst to discuss the tree planting on site. Longhurst have also agreed to put up a 6 ft fence along Church Lane to be complementary to the existing fence.

Remembrance Parade

14th November – Clerk to begin organising. Members were reminded to bring in their poppy money to the next meeting.

Pensioners Xmas Dinner Ticket prices for 2010

It was resolved that the ticket price should remain at 50p.

Kirton Quiz

Promotion of quiz: Clerk to print 30 flyers to be handed out to businesses in the village

Kirton in Bloom

Presentation of prizes – this will take place at 10.30 on 24th September at the Coffee Morning in the Town Hall

Xmas Fayre

Decision to be made regarding lights quotation. It was resolved that the quotation re solar lights should be accepted and that they be in place by 3rd December in time for the Xmas Fayre. Clerk to get necessary information regarding electric lights from Cllr Hannay.

Councillors dinner

Final numbers to Clerk.

Last Night of the Proms
This is 16th October and is being promoted by the band members

Town Hall – support grant, insurance

The reduction in the support grant was discussed and it was resolved that this will be reduced from October in line with the recommendations from the Finance Committee. Clerk confirmed that the contents insurance has been paid by the Town Hall Management Committee.

Kirton Church

Request for support for Christmas Tree festival. Cllr Lee will ask Mrs Booth and Mrs Davies if they will do the tree on behalf of the Parish Council as they did last year and it was resolved that the Parish Council pays for any decorations or the tree as necessary.
Resolve whether to go into closed session to discuss the following: No members of the public still at meeting but resolved that the next item be resolved in closed session.

Frampton Playgroup

It has certainly been a long time since you have heard from us and I send my apologies for that. There have been a few changes since the last update. Many children have moved up to their respective schools and we have had continuous new starters. I would like to welcome all the children that started in September. All have settled in well and are enjoying the numerous activities we have on offer. We take children from the age of 2yrs and 3yr olds get funding from the government so their places are free. If you would like more information on days and times or you wish to take a look around please contact the manageress on 07939 266154

All of the staff have gained more qualification ranging from NVQ level, and been on workshops to expand on their knowledge of childcare and development. Children are catered for by their own key worker, organizing activities that will interest them. Such as making cakes, collarging, painting and outdoor play.

The playgroup has a committee of volunteers which help behind the scenes as well as the day to day running of the group. We are rather low on numbers and are looking for some new members. You can be as involved as you wish. We meet between 5 & 6 times a year, usually on a Tuesday evening for a couple of hours. We are in real need of a secretary and a treasurer. You do not need to have a child at the playgroup to join.

We are in the process of trying to sort our Christmas raffle which will be drawn during our Christmas celebration week. At present we are looking for donations of raffle prizes. So far we have a free comprehensive eye examination from Molsom Optometrists in Donington, a free half hour pampering from Steve Stitch at HT Holistic Healthcare and many more. We are also going to do an Easter bingo at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre on Wednesday 13th April 2011. (Full details to follow). We are a non profit making charity so if you feel you could donate a prize no matter how small for either event or want some more information on becoming a committee member please get in contact on any of the numbers below.
Here’s hoping you have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

When Christmas Time Comes
by Gladys Seabrook


You may say many things about Christmas,
Even say you don’t like it and then
You will find that you cannot ignore it,
When Christmas time comes round again.
You vow you will buy no more presents,
Until people start buying for you
Then you dash out the very last moment
And generously buy quite a few.
No Christmas cards will you be sending
‘Til the postman comes round to your door
Then you think of the people you care for
And send more than ever before.
You insist you will eat nothing extra
‘Til someone invites you to tea
Then you tuck in to all that is offered
And then you are full as can be.
You may say many things about Christmas
But when you are put to the test
You will find that you go where it leads you
And you will behave like the rest.


Local Policing

We are pleased to report that both Halloween and Bonfire night passed without serious incident. This could possibly be due to the bad weather, nevertheless, Boston South Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team would like to thank the retail businesses in and around the Kirton area for their support and vigilance in restricting the purchases of eggs, flour and fireworks during this time.

Christmas is a busy time of the year for everyone, including the criminal. However, a high percentage of crime is opportunist in nature and so this Christmas we are seeking your assistance in preventing this type of crime.

Please read and digest the security tips below and DO NOT LET THE CRIMINAL ENJOY CHRISTMAS AT YOUR EXPENSE.

Your House

Ensure all doors and windows are secure. Keep all gifts out of view of anyone walking past.
Never leave car keys and handbags downstairs at night- take them to bed with you.
If you are going away for the holiday, Consider using automatic lights, ask neighbours to keep an eye out on your house, inform you Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator.
BEFORE OPENING YOUR DOOR TO STRANGERS, USE A DOOR CHAIN. If you are not happy, send callers away, if they are from a reputable company they will always call back.


Mark your property with an Ultra Violet pen, with your postcode and house number. Pens will be given free of charge and can be collected from Kirton Police Station, during opening times. Lock all bicycles and make a record of the serial number.
Do not carry large amounts of cash or leave it in your house, thieves know where to look!

Your Car

Keep presents out of sight, if they can be seen they can be stolen. Sat Nav’s and Laptops are high on the thieves shopping list, take them with you when you leave your vehicle.
Always lock your vehicle, close windows, engage steering lock and never leave your vehicle with the keys in the ignition. Park in well-lit locations or in an attended car park.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Boston Neighbourhood Policing team, to wish every one of our residents a happy and crime free Christmas and New Year.

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Decland James Benge
Calleigh Kaberry
Ollie Alvar Skinner