©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2014

The Editors Letter

Greetings Kirton; I think I can open up this month by commenting on a major success for local folk. The Remembrance service at the War Memorial was, this year, unmarred by traffic noise, movement or the general ignorance and selfishness of [certain quarters of] the motoring fraternity. Who, if any one body can, are entitled to claim responsibility for this I don’t definitely know.

I do know that the British Legion and PC were both planning some response after last years service (and, I’m sure, had a hand in delivering the job) but I think we can all give ourselves a pat on the back for making this years commemoration a suitably solemn, dignified and thought provoking occasion.

What I definitely can say is a huge ‘thank you’ to PCSO Thornton and the ‘troops’ for handling, what could have been a tense and tricky situation with such calmness, surety and discipline. A fine example of sensitive neighbourhood policing.

Preparations for the Winter break are well underway here at KN Towers and I would remind everyone that we don’t publish again until February 2014!

If any of you fancy spending those long, dark evenings writing something for next years’ News then we are always on the look out for local memories, comment and stories so please, keep scribbling.

One thing I must highlight from our November edition is to make apologies to Anne and Margaret (you know who you are). The rather fine tribute we did publish to the late Jean Bartle - “Remembering a friend” - was wrongly attributed to our own Mary Rayner. Though she, like many of you out there, shared the same heartfelt sentiments, I mistakenly thought she also penned the words. But she (just!) supplied the copy. Sorry again ladies.

Whilst on the subject of ‘friends’ I would just like to say a personal farewell to Paula Gregory who has passed as I am composing this present bit of ‘nonsense’. A loving Wife and Mother and great friend to all who knew her; marvelous, warm character and a damn good “Quizzer”. I had many privileged years as both team mate and opponent.

Well, I guess now she’ll finally know ALL the answers!

So it just remains for me to wish you all the compliments of the season and a safe, peaceful and - as best you can - Happy Christmas.


On the Sheep trail!

The ladies of St Peter and St Pauls Church in Kirton have been very busy and knitted 24 sheep to take part in our Christmas celebrations. There are black ones and white ones … brown ones and grey ones.. even a green one has appeared.

But some sheep have got themselves lost in Kirton and are now hiding in various shops and businesses. Each one of these naughty sheep has been adopted by the kind people of Kirton and given special names.

We are running a competition to see who can find and name all the missing sheep.

Forms will be available from Kirton Parish Church from Saturday 30th November at our Christmas Tree Festival.

Once you have found all the missing sheep and returned your entry form back to us we will take Brian our sheep dog and round them up so that they can take part in our Messy Nativity on Christmas Eve at 3pm.

We will also give out 3 of the sheep as prizes for those who have found the most sheep! So when you go shopping around the village look out for them… those naughty sheep!



The Kirton Church Fund

The KCF has now raised over £2000 for the church so thank you to everyone who continues to support us. We have only 41 members at the moment so there is still plenty of room for more members (and a very good chance of winning) in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

The November draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

The December draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will also be printed in the February magazine.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

October 2013 Winners

1st PRIZE - £33.07 - TICKET NUMBER: 8
2nd PRIZE - £11.02 - TICKET NUMBER: 13


Hall for Hire

Kirton Town Hall is a familiar part of village life. Recent years have seen splendid re-furbishments and a dramatic increase in the use of the building by the general public. It’s an excellent venue for parties and celebrations; concerts and community events; sales, exhibitions and much more.

But it is also an ideal forum for business-to-business use; meetings, conferences and training courses.

The more it is used the more the management can update and increase the facilities provided.

Sunday to Friday charges are:
Whole building: £10.80 per hour - £19.40 after 5pm
Hall only: £9.20 per hour - £15.10 after 5pm
Upsall Room only: £5.90 per hour - £7.60 after 5pm
Saturday: Whole building: £18.40 per hour - £20.90 after 5pm
Hall only: £14.20 per hour - £16.80 after 5pm
Upsall Room only: £7.60 per hour - £10.15 after 5pm

There’s crockery and cutlery to hire; excellent kitchen facilities and posh chairs if you want to impress!

Hall Only: maximum charge for anyone day booking: £ 182.50
All Rooms: maximum charge for anyone day booking: £172.50
Crockery/Cutlery hire: 35p per place setting (or part setting)
Blue Soft Padded Chairs (100) hire fee: £ 30.00

More information about hiring the Hall can be obtained from the booking clerk, Lisa Porter: 01205 724826.


Kirton Kids Club

The club is a hive of activity with lots of very excited children.

Firstly we had the Halloween celebrations, then Bonfire night and now the run up to Christmas!

The children have been very busy making decorations ready for the Christmas tree event at the village Church. These they have glittered and decorated ready to put on ‘our tree’ that will join all the others in the Church during the days before the Christmas celebrations.

They have also been making the ‘twelve days of Christmas’ posters ready to put into the Church too. Then they can take their adults along to see their hard work and wonder at all that glitter!

Every time of year is lovely at the kids club but Christmas has to be one of the best.

Children are so excited and happy. They get involved in numerous activities and art ready for the ‘big day’.

From the youngest to the oldest it is still a very magical time of year for them.

Children come to the kids club not just because their parents/ carers work but a lot come to be with their friends, socialise and have a really good time in bright, safe surroundings.

The club is large and spacious and the older children enjoy a ‘chill out’ room of their own that gives them a little independence – with xbox, play stations and music or they can catch up with their homework or just chat to their friends.

Younger children have a huge hall space filled with toys, equipment, games and art. There are also full sized snooker, football and air hockey tables for them to use. As well as wii and play station.

All children have the use of a separate dining area where they can eat their breakfast and snacks during the sessions.

The club opens at 7.30am in the morning and finishes at 5.45 pm in the afternoon.

Sessions can be booked as regular days or when ever they are needed.

Prices are £3.50 for breakfast club (including meal and drink) and after school sessions are £5.50 (including snack and a drink).

Kirton Kids Club is proud to have been serving Kirton Primary School and the village of Kirton and surrounding area for the past fifteen years.

We will continue to offer good, affordable child care which includes a free taster session to anyone who would like to see what we do and where.

Kirton Kids’ Club is open to children nursery to fourteen years – if you would like to see more please go to our web page at www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or contact us via email at kkc09@live.co.uk or phone 07583 762072.


Kirton Nursery School

The children at Kirton Nursery have been very busy making friends and settling in. We are so proud of the excellent start they have made and it is a pleasure to see how excited they are when they arrive each day!

We have had such a lot of fun exploring all the activities on offer and are already getting very clever with our early phonics and maths skills. Our children enjoy the opportunity to play outside everyday, and we enjoy watching them learn as they do it!

Christmas is fast approaching and we are all very excited about the seasonal activities we will be doing. Our Christmas party is always lots of fun and you never know if a special visitor will make an appearance …

We do currently have a limited number of places still available for morning and afternoon sessions. If your child turned 3 between 1.09.2009 and 31.08.2010 please phone the school on 01205 722236. We are the only teacher-led Nursery in the area and your child’s place is fully funded.


What’s on at Kirton Library?

Christmas Fun:
Thursday 12th December 3.30pm -4.30pm
Free activity sign up with a member of staff.

Story Time:
2.30pm -3pm
Thursday 19th December & Thursday 16th January
Stories and rhymes for Babies, pre-schoolers and their grown-ups

Knit Chat:
For all knitters and new knitters
Tuesdays 2-3pm
10th December,
14th & 28th January

Come and Celebrate Christmas with us:
Tuesday 17th December
Mince pies and hot drinks

Library Opening Hours:
Tuesday 10am-5pm
Thursday 1pm-7pm
Saturday 10am-1pm
Telephone: 01522 782010
Email: kirton.library@lincolnshire.gov.uk



Frampton Pre-School

As usual we have been busy enjoying lots of different activities both indoors and outside.

We celebrated Halloween by carving out a pumpkin, some of the children really were not keen of the insides “ewww disgusting” was one remark!!

We then went outside and planted the pumpkin seeds in small pots, we then took them home to look after.

Next we had “Guy Fawkes” and for this we made a fantastic display, using chalks, crayons, glue and glitter. We then displayed this for all the community who use the hall to see. The children were very proud of their effort.

We thought about “Remembrance Day” and discussed this with the children in simple form.

We all joined together to create a collage of a poppy. We then observed a minutes silence, and the children did really well on this.

If you would like to know more about what we do, please give Sue a ring on 07939 266154.

We are at present urgently seeking committee members, if you fancy being involved in a friendly, community charity run pre-school please do give us a call or come for a visit.

With no committee we are unable to continue to run our Pre-School.




The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Reuben Elijah Douglass

Brooklyn Alexis Bradley
at The Methodist Church

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

No weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Mr Gordon Richard Allison