©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2018

The Editors Letter

Christmas is coming and the Goose is getting fat..... etc. But ha’pennies don’t go far these days and that’s about what I make out of doing this so I can see one reason why my request for a take-over of the helm, made in November, has been met with an emphatic ‘don’t-give-a-buggerish’ show of non interest. Ho-hum. But I did think there might be a couple of folks who would show concern enough about this community to have a go.

What a Silly Old Hector, eh? It’s my optimism that keeps me going.

But let us press on. The front cover this month shows the advertising banners on the fence outside the war memorial and some concerned villagers (one in particular who voiced an opinion) have found it in poor taste to, seemingly, take the memory of our ‘Glorious Dead’ in vain.

I suppose an alternative view would be that those individuals gave their lives (gladly or no) fighting for our freedom to keep switching on those lights, enjoy an innocent children’s choir at Christmas and have parents and grandparents to care for in their dotage. If anyone else would like to express their thoughts on such matters then remember our next edition will be February 2018 - copy deadline January 11th.

Speaking of heroes the Spring of 2018 sees the hundreth anniversary of the military action which won Kirton’s own Sergeant Harold Jackson the Victoria Cross.

There will be commemorations and the laying of a personalized paving stone within the Memorial garden and more of that next year. If any of you out there know of the whereabouts of any of Sgt. Jackson’s living relatives then I’m certain the Parish Council would be more than interested. Please let me know at the usual address(es) or contact Belinda Buttery, Clerk to Kirton Parish Council on 01205 460618.

So, as is custom at the turn of the year we can allow a bit of reflection. It’s a fond farewell to Andrew Skiba at the clock shop and the best of wishes to him and his missus for a long, happy and healthy retirement.

Hello and welcome to the occupants and owners of the new One Stop store on London Road and Happy first birthday to the folks at The Merry Monk.

Seasons greeting to all the traders and businesses out there trying to keep their powder dry and make an honest bob  (particularly those who advertise with KN). Keep mucking in.

I would like to take this opportunity to say ‘best wishes and thank you’ to the Kirton News Committee and all our excellent, patient and hard working volunteers who bring this missive to your letter boxes throughout the year.

But, most of all, Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year to YOU, dear reader.

I’ll bet this is the most expensive card you get this season!!!!



The Dave Booth Memorial Cycle Challenge raises vital funds for brain tumours

On 10th June 2017 over 100 people took to their saddles to cycle between 20 - 300 miles in just 24 hours around the local villages, to raise much needed funds for the Brain Tumour Charity, the UK’s leading charity dedicated to fighting this devastating disease.

Dave Booth, local businessman of Swineshead near Boston, lost his fight to a brain tumour in November 2016 aged only 51 and his family and friends organised and took part in this challenge in his memory.

Anthony Luto of The Black Bull Kirton said: “I have known Dave for over 40 years and I was so proud to put on my cycling jersey to raise money in memory of my best friend. Dave was a larger than life character who would always be there at the end of the phone, and as a team we decided we wanted to give something back.”

Despite the wind on the day, 10 extremely dedicated cyclists completed the incredible 300 miles in less than 24 hours. Jack Holgate, one of 300 mile team said “It was the hardest yet most rewarding challenge I have ever had to face, both physically and emotionally. At 4am on the Sunday morning after having been cycling for 18 hours, remembering why we were taking part gave us the motivation, as a team to carry on.”

To add to the ever-increasing total, the young Boston Wheelers also covered the full 300 miles between them around the track at the PRSA Sports Arena.

After all of the funds were collected and counted, St. James’s Place Wealth Management generously added a further 50% to the total raised meaning a phenomenal £46,892.46 was presented to The Brain Tumour Charity on 22nd September. St. James’s Place then matched this incredible figure to award the same amount to the SJP Foundation going to equally deserving causes. 

Geraldine Pipping, The Charity’s Head of Fundraising, said: “We are grateful for all the efforts made by our incredible fundraisers and thank them for taking part in The Dave Booth Memorial Cycle Challenge – we hope they’re now enjoying a well-earned rest!



The Kirton Church Fund

A first time winner again this month! Congratulations to both our winners.

There is still time to join the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy? We have plenty of room for new members and there is a very good chance of winning. Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or call in Kirton Church.

You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.)

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.

The December draw takes place on Sunday 17th as the normal drawing date will be Christmas Eve! The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.

Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2018.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529

October 2017 Winners

1st PRIZE - £40.24 - TICKET NUMBER: 41
2nd PRIZE - £13.41 - TICKET NUMBER: 22


Letters to the Editor

Hi Sam,

I don’t think it appropriate to place advertising banners around the war memorial!  see attached. It does not look right and the railings are not for such purpose! There are already large banners on railings opposite the Co-op without putting them round the memorial to honour our war dead!
I have spoken with others in the village who take the same view.


John Marshall


Kirton Kids Club

We are all settled back into the new term after our two week break.

The children are already excited about Christmas and the Kids Club is a hive of glitter and activity.

We are busy making our ‘sparkly’ contribution to the Christmas tree event at Kirton Church.

We have contributed to this from the start – many years ago – and each year this starts our exciting count down to the end of the term and the ‘BIG day’. There will be numerous arts, crafts, making and taking things and a bucket load of glitter and glue! (Apologies to the Caretaker who will no doubt, find a little of our glitter every now and again).

The breakfast club is still very busy and after school have days that are completely full also. If you want to know the availability just phone (07583 762072) and we will be able to advice on bookings.

Breakfast club starts at 7.30 am to school and after school closes at 5.45 pm.

The children and staff at Kirton Kids Club wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.


Father Paul’s first Kirton Christmas

Father Paul is looking forward to his first Christmas Tree Festival at Kirton Parish Church and Christmas preparations are already in full swing as members of the fundraising team get ready for the annual festival which is being held for one weekend only this year on Saturday 9th from11am to 4pm and Sunday and 10th December from 1pm to 4pm in the church.

“It has been an exceptionally busy few weeks for us,” commented church warden, Fay Houltby. “This being our eighth Christmas Tree Festival we have being looking at making it even better than before. There will be 40 beautifully decorated trees to see as well as well as card, gift and craft stalls, tombola and of course a grand Christmas raffle. For the children there is a chocolate lucky dip. Again this year there will be a “wish tree” where you can make your Christmas wishes. Too, of course we will be serving our usual homemade refreshments, including light lunches throughout the festival.”


Kirton Town Hall Annual Quiz

Thank you to all who made up the seventeen teams who entered our annual quiz night on 10 November.

Everyone brought their own nibbles and drinks and if the discussion and chatter were anything to go by, then a good evening was had by all. It was a close run thing for first, second and third places. The winning team won by half a point! Two years ago there was talk of abandoning the Quiz but it seems there is still a place for a bit of competitive fun in Kirton. So, look out for the notices next year. All being well it will feature in the Town Hall programme early in November.


What you will find in Kirton Parish Church and why you should make a visit soon!

In a previous letter to the Parish, I invited the people to actually come and make a visit to their Church. I quote “As your new priest I want this entire community to know that the Church of SS Peter & Paul is actually great place to visit, but also to discover why this historic church is here in the first place and what her message is to the wider community”.

So here are some of my reasons!

Sir John Betjeman, CBE was an English poet, writer, and broadcaster who described himself in Who’s Who as a “poet and hack” he was also Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1972 until his death in 1984. Betjeman was obsessed with English Parish Churches. I think I got my love of the Parish Churches of England from reading Betjeman and watching his wonderful TV programs.

In his introduction to the Collins Guide to the Parish Churches of England and Wales he states the following: “To atheists inadequately developed building sites; and often, alas, to Anglicans but visible symbols of disagreement with the incumbent: ‘the man there is “too high”, “too low”, “too lazy”, “too interfering” ‘ – still they stand, the churches of England, their towers grey above billowy globes of elm trees, the red cross of St George flying over their battlements…”

Betjeman goes on to say that “The Parish Churches of England are even more varied than the landscape”. Just look around Lincolnshire, and Betjeman’s words are proved so accurate.  The Fens have been referred to as the “Holy Land of the English” because of the churches and cathedrals of Ely, Ramsey, Crowland, Thorney and Peterborough, and the churches of our benefice reflect that strong architectural tradition, and Kirton Parish Church is no exception!

It is said that our Church building spans some 900 years of village history, founded by people who wanted to give honour and praise to God in a very special way, and so we, all these years later still enjoy our stunning parish church dedicated to St Peter and St Paul. But many historians also believe that the very name of Kirton suggests that there may have been an important church here as early as the Scandinavian invasions of the 9th and 10th centuries.

It is believed that the present church was founded by Alexander de Blois, Alexander de Bois was Bishop of Lincoln from 1123 – 1148. We know that this was a superb cruciform structure in the Decorated English style, but it sadly became very dilapidated by the end of the 18th century, and was drastically re-modelled with the removal of its two transepts and its Lady chapel in 1809.

The original Church before 1809.

According to Pevsner, the great expert on England’s historic buildings, the earliest fabric now remaining in the present church dates to the late Norman period, approximately 1170 AD.  No evidence of the location of the earlier saxon church has ever come to light. It is therefore assumed that the present church was built on the site of the early church. The Stained glass in this church, some of which is still in situ, dates to approximately 1360 AD and to the early part of the 16th century. In 1900 the architect, Hodgson Fowler restored the church. There is an amazing listed limestone ashlar and wrought iron churchyard cross which dates to the fourteenth century in the churchyard.

Inside our church you will find a veritable treasure house of architecture, stained glass and church furnishings, all of which tell their own story, a story of faith, a story of our village and its people over the centuries. This place is a living testament to the faith of earlier generations of Kirton folk, and I believe we have a duty of care to not only preserve it for the future generations of villagers, but to let it speak its own powerful language that there is more to this life than what we see!

Check out the Font of 1405. The medieval life size statues of St Peter and St Paul. The memorials to Dame Sarah Swift, founder of the Royal College of Nursing, and the memorial to Sgt Harold Jackson, VC, killed in action at the age of only 23 years.

Come and see for yourself, you will not be disappointed!

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- October 2017

Public Forum

No residents attended

Chairman’s comments

Cllr Danby stepped in for the Chairman in his absence.

Cllr Danby reported that after the recent visit/stop over by the travellers, a meeting was held at Duckworths (attended by Cllrs Lee and Danby, Alistair Humphries (LCC), and businessmen who have businesses on the industrial site met to discuss the issues that the travellers keep causing. It was decided that the businesses will fund soil mounds/trenches to the perimeter of the site to make getting vehicles onto the site difficult if not coming by the roadway. A barrier will also be put on site at the Avalon Road entrance. The soil moving has already started. There is still a lot of rubbish left on site. As it is LCC land, they are responsible. Clerk to ask if fly tipping will collect and Cllr Austin to chase LCC to get it collected. Hopefully the double approach will get it cleared.

Cllr Danby reminded members that as it comes into the busy period for the Parish Council with Last Night of the Proms, Remembrance Sunday, Pensioners Party, Carol concert etc coming up, it needs to be all hands on deck.

Nothing has been heard as yet on the Middlegate development appeal.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs I Turner, J Edwards, R Foster sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Lee – Town Hall – daughter on committee

Cllr Bemrose – Town Hall – mother is Chairman

Cllrs Rylott and Ransome – Planning – both are on the Planning Committee at Borough.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 21st September 2017, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

PCSO Williams reported that there had been 5 crimes reported since the last meeting:

1 x ABH in the Churchyard – one suspect has been identified.

1 x theft – one suspect, arrest pending.

1 x damage to property – under investigation

2 x thefts from the Coop- 2 arrested.

Cllr Lee asked whether the Police were aware that the recent travellers were selling chainsaws and generators – PCSO Williams said, yes they were, and they were following this information up.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a) Overgrown hedges over footpath (village side) along A16 – work now completed

b) Fault report update 101000226396 – overgrown hedges on Princess Road now completed

c) Site meeting held with Hampshire Flag to determine where to put the new flagpole. It was suggested that the best place would be the entrance to the Town Hall carpark near to the bin in the grassed area. This would mean no remedial work needed to the cobbled areas around the Town Hall.

Cllr Lee commented that he would have preferred if the flagpole was behind the Dennis Statue. The site visit by Hampshire Flag brought up that the statue could have been used as a climbing tool to get up the flag pole, plus the kerb was dropped behind the statue and the flag pole would block this access to the pavement. It was resolved to go with the recommendation of the flag pole company and put the flagpole at the entrance to the car park within the grassed area.

d) Potholes on Mill Lane, Kirton End reported to LCC ref 101000233773

e) The war memorial has had the two new names added to it.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a) Boston Borough Council – council Tax Support Scheme Consultation – the Borough is not proposing to make any changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2018/19 – consultation on the proposal is open.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Brookes reported that the flood report has now gone to all of the agencies within it. The County Council has already begun extra investigations and have identified funds to start work before Christmas this financial year - they will be using CCTV cameras within the identified areas. Not all observations from other agencies have yet been received. There is a lot of work still to be done.

Cllr Rylott informed members that Kirton Holme is looking to install a defibrillator in the recently adopted BT phone box. Cllr Hannay proposed £250 towards it – this was agreed by all. Cllr Rylott will see what funds are still needed and keep the council informed.

Planning applications:

B/17/0303 – Erection of boundary wall to front of property at Charnwood, 297 Willington Road, Kirton End – this has already been determined by Planning. GRANT

Cllr Ransome will query why this has already been determined when we are supposed to be consulted prior to decisions being made.

It was resolved that the clerk should email Planning to inform them (rather than phone as is the case now) that the Parish Council will not be able to make comments on an application – so that there is a record that they have received our request.

Accounts for payment

Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated October 2017/18 (7 of 12)

It was resolved that the accounts should be paid as per the payment sheet.

Town Hall

Only one quote has still been received. Clerk to chase getting 2 more quotes.

The Town Hall committee now needs another representative from the Parish Council now that Cllr Carter has resigned. This is to be put on next month’s agenda.


The left hand hedge is due to be cut – Clerk to ask contractor to ensure that the top gets cut too as this sometimes gets left.

Cllr Lee reported moles at the end of the cemetery. Clerk to report to pest controller.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Danby thanked Cllr Lee for organising the meeting held at Duckworths regarding the industrial park.

Cllr Hannay reported that he had looked at installing additional lights at the War Memorial and he did not think it was possible. The Xmas committee need to look at an alternative solution/idea.

Cllr Ransome has ordered the Xmas Tree for the war memorial area.

Parish matters
a) Inspection Rota –

Dykes still not cleared out round the park. Clerk to contact Black Sluice and ask when it is going to be done.

b. Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

Nothing further to report.

c. Speed signs – consider where to place the purchased speed signs.

Cllrs Hannay and Watson will put the signs up. (members gave their opinion as to where they should be put).

d. Consider whether to buy tools for Probation workers to get ‘free time’ in the village.

The probation services have offered a different agreement for next year. They want the Parish to buy tools which will cost approximately £200 less than the current agreement of 13 days’ worth of work. Members would be happy to accept this if it was written that the parish was guaranteed at least the 13 days. Clerk to go back to Probation Services and discuss this with them.



Frampton School

We have had a busy and varied couple of months with WI. In September Jo Sutton and her dancers came along and Jo gave a very interesting talk on her exciting career, interspersed with some brilliant tap dancing and movement displays from her troupe. I think everyone was tapping their feet by the end, and some of our members signed up for a new beginner’s class! Frampton WI – watch this space – we will soon have our own dance troupe! It may take some time, but ability will be matched by enthusiasm. Sounds a great way to burn off some calories and keep active. The evening was finished off with some delicious refreshments as usual.

October was our 81st birthday party, and our speaker was Fran Taylor, who taught us how to play Kurling. No ice required as the kurling stones actually ran on ball-bearings. It was great fun, with everyone having a go and it was amazing how much competitive spirit emerged. We all enjoyed a piece of birthday cake, beautifully baked and decorated by Denise Lindley, and a glass of fizz. It’s not always cups of tea at WI!

Some of our members and their other halves had an enjoyable evening at Bateman’s Brewery – looking round the museum followed by a tasty meal. A good time was had by all, with thanks to Val for organising the evening.

At the end of October we had a shopping trip to Norwich – a great place to kick off the Christmas shopping.

As I write this, we are busy planning the catering details at Frampton Church Craft Fare, and our members have been knitting, crocheting and sewing poppies to attach to our bespoke wreath which will be laid at the memorial in Frampton on Remembrance Day.

There is always plenty of things happening at WI – why not come and join us? You can just turn up, or, if you want a chat with someone first, please contact any of the ladies at the bottom of this article.

If you are interested in joining the WI, please do come along and give it a try. We are a friendly group and you will be made most welcome. We meet on the second Thursday in each month at 7.30 pm and your first visit is free. (No meeting in August) For further information, please contact Vanessa Jameson on 01205 723891, email vanessajameson@btinternet.com; Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879, email c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk; or Janice Cotgreave on 01205 724617, email Janice.cotgreave@btinternet.com


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Summer Evelyn Hallgarth

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

None this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Marian Bishop