December / January 2020
The Editors Letter
Hands up, did any of you make the soup included in my last letter? Ok, not even me yet, BUT, I have made my Christmas cakes and they’re being happily fed every week or so with Co-Op sherry!
I looked at my letter from exactly one year ago and I sit here again, after attending another Remembrance Day parade and service, the likes of which, never fail to make me incredibly proud of Kirton. The amount of respect shown by people of all ages is something that should be admired and will hopefully continue for many many years to come.
It’s lovely to see that we have lots of festive events coming up soon:
Saturday 30th November: 11am to 2pm – Kirton Methodist Church Christmas Fayre
Saturday 7th December: 2pm to 4.30pm – Kirton Town Hall Christmas Fayre, followed afterwards by the Christmas Lights switch on at Kirton War Memorial
Sunday 8th December: 3pm to 4pm – Kirton Brass Band performing for FREE in Kirton Church
Wednesday 11th December: 4.30pm to 7.30pm – Senior Citizens Party at Kirton Town Hall
Saturday 14th December: from 6pm – Christmas Carols at Thomas Middlecott Academy
If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will make sure it gets listed on the Kirton Community Facebook page!
One last thing to mention, I’m lucky enough to have in my possession a back catalogue of some old editions of Kirton News, or ‘The Church in Kirton’ as it was known then. The editions were definitely thinner but the information inside hasn’t really changed a great deal. I still notice some events taking place as they do now, from quiz nights at the Town Hall to the Christmas Fayre. There are a lot more contributions though, from the Chestnuts, D’Eyncourt, Kirton Police to Kirton Middlecott School. I would urge anyone/any organisation who would like to make a contribution, whether it be a one-off or a regular slot to please get in touch. It is your publication and you are welcome to be heard! Also, if anyone would like a ‘Memories’ article every now and again from the archives, please let me know. I also noticed that the Editor’s letters were a lot shorter back then so maybe I babble on too much? You don’t need to get in touch with me about that…………...
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020.
Meet the Locals:
In this issue, we talk to the very recently appointed Chairman of the Parish Council, Carl Sharp:

Please could you tell us a bit about yourself?
I’ve lived in the village for over 40 years and work predominately in the surrounding area. Married with 3 children, so home life can be a bit hectic when being a taxi service, taking them to the various clubs that the village has to offer.
I enjoy a beer and the odd burger, which may explain why I can be occasionally seen running, I use the term loosely, around village and surrounding area.
As you’ve recently taken over as Chair of the Parish Council, what are your priorities for Kirton, during your term in office?
I think my priorities for the Parish remain the same as they have for all previous chairs and for all councillors come to that, which is to make the Parish better, safer, friendlier and welcoming for both families and businesses.
Something that we would like to do that I think would help with that is to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.
What’s the best / worst thing about being a Parish Councillor?
The best thing, you get to meet lots of new, different people and to improve your problem solving and interpersonal skills.
The worst thing, is one thing that every volunteer endures (Yes, we are volunteers, even when elected, we don’t get paid and give our time freely) is when people criticise you for doing your best, when they underestimate what the job entails.
I suppose the work of a Councillor can be like wetting yourself in a dark pair of trousers. A job has been done, no one knows about it but you get a nice warm feeling!!
Could you tell us a bit more about the Neighbourhood Plan?
Currently we are gauging interest on whether people want a plan. If there is, we hope the plan would encourage sustainability in proposed developments (whether those are housing, business or environmental etc) within the village and surrounding area where a clear benefit can be seen, as long as they enhance and compliment the area.
The plan wouldn’t control the development process, but would provide the area with a greater say in how the development may progress.
If anyone has a query or wants to discuss something, how can they get in touch with you?
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the Month at 7pm at the Town Hall (April & August at Kirton Holme). The Clerk can be contacted by email or 01205 460618 and Individual Councillor contact details can be found on the Parish Council Facebook page.
If anyone is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor how do they go about it?
For those interested in applying to become a Councillor they should contact the Clerk for further information. They are more than welcome to come along to any of the meetings to see what goes on, or they can have a chat with either myself or any of the other Councillors: tel: 07305 704662.
Kirton Church Fund
A first time winner again this month and this was their first draw too! They were very surprised when I call in to deliver the prize money along with their membership card. Congratulations to both our winners.
We had a new member join in October – welcome aboard. This makes 52 numbers currently taking part.
There is still time to join the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy? We have plenty of room for new members and there is a very good chance of winning. Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or call in Kirton Church (forms at the back of church), Paula’s Gifts on Station Road, or Kirton Library. You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.)
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529
The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.
The December draw takes place on Sunday 22nd .The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.
Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2020.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
October 2019 Winners
1st PRIZE - £40.86 - TICKET NUMBER:86
2nd PRIZE - £13.62 -
Farewell to Jessops
I was very sad to read the notice in the window of Jessops the Bakers, which tells us they are closing for good on 31 December. Another sad loss to our village High Street. They have been providing us with their wares for 90 years. Throughout the second world war and so many other memorable local and world events.
I remember winters when we lived in Kirton End, we had to walk through drifts of snow into Kirton, towing our sledge, to stock up supplies. The only bread to be had was at Jessops, as no delivery lorries could get through from outside. How busy they were in those days and how much appreciated. I think everyone understands why they are closing in these challenging trading times but we will certainly miss you. Not least your wholesome products. Very best wishes to all at Jessops and to those who are retiring. At last, no need to get up well before the crack of dawn, to bake our bread, cakes and pastries!

The new book about Boston
The Story of Boston its people their triumphs disasters innovation dreams and their striving for a better future. It shows how Boston people have shaped the world we know today.
It is a beautifully designed and easy to read with carefully selected photographs illustrations and maps. It is written by a team of writers and editors who want to share with others what is special about Boston.
From: The Shodfriars Coffee Shop, Blackfriars Theatre, The Guildhall, the Stump Shop
On Sale now for only £12.95 - A must read book and an excellent gift for birthdays and Christmas.
Proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to help tell Boston’s great stories in Shodfriars Hall.

Letters to the Editor
Hi Rachael
We held the Fosdyke Tractor Run & Charity Event on 12th May 2019 and now have all the money collected in and would like to let everyone know how much was raised on the day. This year the event raised a fantastic £4311.86 for local Macmillan Cancer Support.
Thankyou to everyone who supported the event and for all the generous donations.
Russell Nicol
Kids Club
What a great month we have had! So many wonderful arts and crafts to get involved in – mostly on the Halloween theme.
The club was decorated with lots of tiny pumpkins and bats and the children decorated real pumpkins to take home too.
The weather was a little ‘hit and miss’ with lots of rain but the children enjoyed both inside and outside play.
For the end of term Halloween sweets and goodies were handed out on the last day.
Numbers are again increasing and spaces being taken up both morning and after school, but if you need to book in for either session please ask and we will look at availability on that day. 07583 762072.
We are open every day Kirton Primary is so we have a two week break for October half term – breaking up on 18th October.
Now it is our ‘countdown to Christmas’ yay!
Kirton Primary School invites you
to view its Online Art Gallery
Kirton Primary School is proud to share the work of some of its most talented artists. We have shared a few of the children’s amazing artworks here. However, you may find many more original pieces on our website in the Children’s section. The school has recently employed an artist to support the children in creating unique mosaics which have been displayed around the school. Everyone who has seen them has remarked upon these stunning art pieces.

Your Church Needs You
Kirton Church has been a feature of this Village for hundreds of years, a prominent landmark and a source of pride to the villagers. It is a beautiful building, and a fitting setting for the important occasions in our lives, not just for regular worship but for those times when we need more than just an official ceremony.
In the absence of a Parish Priest we rely on retired Clergy to fulfil our regular worship needs, and also the needs of the wider population. To continue to provide the facilities on which the Parish relies we urgently need the help of the community. Few people realise how much is involved in organising even a simple service and your Church Council tries very hard, to maintain the provision of services for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. But with membership dwindling due to age and relocation it is becoming impossible to fill all the roles from our existing congregation.
We urgently need someone to oversee our accounts and also someone to keep our records. Do you have any bookeeping or secretarial experience? Could you give us a few hours a month? You do not have to be a churchgoer or even a Christian. You do not even have to live in Kirton; modern technology extends beyond our Parish boundary.
Without the involvement of the wider community there is a real danger that Kirton Church will not survive, and our beautiful building with all it’s traditions will be lost to us all. Please think carefully what that would mean to our quality of life and see if you can offer your help in any way.
Contact our Rural Dean, Andy Higginson, on 01205 760480 or email him on For further details.
However, the life of the Church still continues and as we approach the Christmas season there is much for you to share.
Our Christmas Tree Festival gets things off to a joyful start, on 30th November and 1st of December, and also 7th December, followed on Sunday 8th at 3pm by the annual Carol Service accompanied by Kirton Brass Band.
Kirton School will hold their Carol Service in the Church on 16th December.
There will be a Crib Service at 3pm on Christmas Eve, adults and children all welcome.
Later on Christmas Eve there will be a Sung Eucharist at 11.30pm.
On Christmas Day at 10am there will be a Sung Eucharist to complete the festive programme.
As you can see the Church plays a very active role in the life of the village and we hope that all the hard work will ensure that you all have a blessed Christmas and that,with your help, we can look forward to enjoying the benefits of this lovely place in 2020.
Properties To Rent in Kirton
Kirton Consolidated Charities have two vacant properties to let:
Firstly a 3-bedroomed vacant property in The Square (Ref Sq).
Secondly a 1-bedroomed cottage with lounge, kitchen and bathroom for a female senior citizen in London Road (Ref Lon4).
Any interested parties who have Kirton connections should apply in writing,
(quoting ref) giving full particulars, to the Clerk (Mrs J Barnes), 21 Sea Lane, Butterwick, Boston, Lincs PE22 0HG by the 14th December 2019.
A big ‘thank you’ to all who attended the Annual Town Hall Quiz on Friday 7 November.
15 teams pitted their wits and all seemed to enjoy the evening. The quiz night seems to go from strength to strength, with more teams entering each year. All proceed go to the upkeep of our splendid Town Hall of course and The Management Committee are very grateful to all those who support us year on year. The winners of the Quiz this year were a team called ‘The Shipmates’, closely followed by ‘Peacock Nomads’ and in third place, Blood Sweat and Tears. Hope to see you all again in 2020
Paula Davies. Secretary, Kirton Town Hall
Management Committee
The Royal British Legion
Kirton and District Branch
Hello Readers, The Kirton and District branch of the Royal British Legion would like to bring to your attention the services we can offer ex-service men or women in our community.
As you may have seen on the TV the RAF benevolent fund and the Royal British Legion are highlighting through the media that they are there for all of our ex-service personnel and their dependants to support them.
If you know of any ex service personnel who live in the area who may like our support or may like to help us raise funds for the poppy appeal, we are always in need of volunteers at this time of year.
There may be someone who has recently just moved to this area and they may not be aware that the legion has a branch in Kirton. They may not need our support at this time but would like to help us to support those that do, please get in touch and let us know.
Kind Regards
Roland Reece -
Chairman & Poppy Appeal Organiser
Tel: 01205 722501
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- October 2019
Public Forum
2 residents who live on Church Lane came to voice their concerns about the Park. They are wholly in favour of closing the park permanently. They feel that there should be a curfew in the park which is earlier in the Winter.
Apologies for absence and reasons given
Cllrs Brookes and Austin gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the council.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011
Cllrs Bemrose and Sharp declared their usual interests but as there is only the park on the agenda these would not play a part in the meeting.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 19th September 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.
To consider the following at Dame Sarah Swift Park:
1) Whether to close the Park
It was resolved not to close the park
2) Whether to replace the play equipment
After much discussion it was resolved to replace the play equipment but not in the park. It was resolved that the replacement play equipment could be put behind the Town Hall where it is covered by CCTV, plus the Police are local and it is more visible. This is all subject to permissions from planning at the Borough.
3) If a decision to replace the play equipment is made, what to replace it with
Members heard suggestions from a resident who lives near to the park who had visited when the Chairman/Vice Chairman and Clerk had met with the play inspector from the Borough following on from the fire. The suggestion was that equipment with shelter attracted youths trying to get out of the weather who wouldn’t have necessarily gone to the park if shelter was not available. Members agreed that equipment without shelter would also mitigate future risk with the insurance company.
4) To consider ways of working with residents going forwards
It was resolved to wait until after the public meeting of the Parish Council and also the Better Kirton public meeting which were to be held at the weekend to decide what sort of equipment to replace the burnt equipment with. This is also subject to the insurance company agreeing that the council does not have to replace with like for like.
Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting
Date & Time of the next Meeting will be held on Thursday 17th October 2019 (Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall) beginning at 7pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance, and declared the meeting closed at 7.30pm.
Frampton Gardening Club
The September Club meeting entertained our members with a very interesting insight into the National Open Gardens Scheme, and was given by Sally Grant, the Lincolnshire Organiser and plantswoman. The NGS provides unique access to over 3,500 private gardens in England and Wales during the summer and raises impressive amounts of money for nursing and health charities. The charity is focusing this year on the importance of the role of gardening and gardens in helping to create a positive path to health, and raise awareness of the physical and mental health benefits of gardens and gardening.
In October the chairman of the club Ray Harding, a keen amateur bryologist, gave an interesting illustrated talk about the amazing World of Mosses, a much underrated but fascinating species. The slides magnified the colour, beauty and diversity of the plants, inviting us into a normally unseen, intimate world beneath our feet, or on a roof or wet rock face. Ray’s active interest in observing, recording and classifying mosses and liverworts has lead him and his camera all over the UK in pursuit of a new addition to his collection.
The clubs next meetings is on Thursday 28th November at Frampton Village Hall at 7.30pm., entrance to the first meeting is free and membership only £10 per year with £1 entrance per meeting. We do not have a December meeting, the last Thursday falling too close to Christmas, and instead have a new year lunch at the Supreme, much anticipated and enjoyed by the members. We have many varied speakers during the winter and spring months and two outings during the summer. These outings include visits to large houses and gardens and to more intimate ones, all with interesting plants and flowers for members to admire and be inspired by, usually with a chance to buy a little treasure or two. Our first meeting after Christmas is on Thursday 30th January, you can be assured of a warm welcome if you come along, with no horticultural knowledge needed, just a desire to enjoy flowers, plants and vegetables, and friendship of like minded people.
Maggie Welberry
The View from the Vicarage
Firstly, let me introduce myself. I am Rev Ann Lett and I am the new Methodist Minister for Kirton. I also have pastoral responsibility for Zion Methodist Church on Brothertoft Road, Boston. I was ordained in Litchfield Cathedral in June 2014, and have previously served the Methodist Church in the Sleaford Circuit.
I moved from Ruskington to Wyberton at the end of July and spent most of August finding my way around the locality. In my previous manse, we looked out onto farmers’ fields, and I loved trying to guess what crops would grow next – but around here, farming seems to be at another level!
As I drive around, I often find myself praying for our local farming community and for those who bring in the harvest.
I was widowed in February 2018, when my husband was killed in an accident at Heckington Windmill. We had been married for 30 years, and were blessed with two beautiful daughters, Beckie & Cat. Beckie has just recently moved to California, USA to work for a year, and Cat works in a restaurant on the Brayford in Lincoln. I have two Labradors, a black one called Winston and a yellow one called Barley – you may see me being taken for a walk by both of them around the village!
When I knew that I was coming to serve Kirton, my prayer was that God would already be at work in the village, so that when I arrived, the congregation and I could see what we could do to meet needs of the village which weren’t currently being met. So far, I’ve not be let down! In mid-September, we (the Methodist Church) employed Jackie Wood to be our Family Worker. The church had been left a very generous bequest and it was felt to help do something for the community was paramount. So far, we’ve discovered a need for toddler groups, benefit support and something to engage the elderly residents in the village. The toddler group is planned to open in November and we hope to start a Soup and Sweet lunch in the New Year. I’m also looking for grants to install Internet into the building so we can offer Universal Credit /benefit support too. If you’re on Facebook, look out for the launch date on Kirton Methodist Church page.
In the meantime, I’m preparing to lead our annual act of remembrance, an important date in my diary, as my late husband was in the Royal Air Force and also our Christmas Services. I hope to meet some of you at these events.
Should you wish to contact me I’m on or 01205 629832 and Jackie, our Family Worker can be contacted on or 07907 865919 Monday (9-5), Tuesday(9-5) and Thursday mornings (9-1).
God Bless, Rev Ann