©Kirton News 2025

December / January 2021

The Editors Letter

IIf you had asked me back in the Summer about Covid-19, specifically how long I thought we would be in lockdown for, I would have probably said, ‘Well, by the New Year we should see things easing again,’ And that’s genuinely what I thought. I was always focused on the New Year and was sure that 2021 would be better, if not entirely back to normal.

But, we find ourselves in another lockdown and as I write this it is mid November exactly (15th) and the days, weeks and months have somehow rolled into one large chunk of repetition. I consider myself lucky in some ways; I still go out to work every day and my children are in school. There is some comfort in that normality. But, I realise for some who are stuck at home and I do use the word ‘stuck’ on purpose, these last 8 months have felt like a decade.

Christmas, for many, will be entirely different this year, let’s face it. Even if the lockdown is raised on 2nd December, we won’t be able to go out as much or enjoy the large family gatherings that some of us are used to. My letter in last December’s issue listed at least 4 different festive events in Kirton from Carol services to Christmas Fayres and I will miss those greatly this year.

But, hopefully it will only be for this year. My priorities for this Christmas and the start of 2021 are to make the most of what I have and to remember how lucky I am. Try and think of people you know who will be on their own at this sometimes quite frightening time. Can you provide some food or help in any way? At the end of the day, we need to do what we can while still being sensible so we don’t see a repeat of 2020! If anyone would like to contact me with regards to supplying some Christmas cheer to vulnerable people in our village, then please do so. Kirton News will be happy to help but we can’t do it alone.

Just for a bit of fun, we are running a ‘Best Decorated House’ competition for the festive season. Opening on 28th November and running until 12th December, all the details will be on the Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton Facebook page. All entries will be in with a chance of winning a Grand prize and Runner Up prize and this will be awarded in time for Christmas!

As always I’m contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I don’t hear from many of you so I’m guessing you think that Kirton News is perfect as it is? There’s always room for improvement though isn’t there? I’d love for you to send me some suggestions to include in our 2021 issues.

See you all on the other side and I truly hope you stay well, safe and positive.

Meet The Locals

This issue we will be talking to David Taylor, a Kirton based photographer who is a familiar face in the village, often taking wonderful snaps of our local events.

How long have you been interested in photography?

Most of my life. My first serious camera I bought in 1979 it was Pentax SLR and was mainly for family use. When digital photography arrived I bought myself a Canon DSLR and I started to use that for friend’s weddings and other events. As time went on I started to buy more professional equipment, cameras and lenses.

What are your favourite shots to take (views/portraits)?

I like portraits and landscapes. However, more and more I find myself doing events of all kinds. Like weddings, christenings and charity events. I have taken photos for the Royal British Legion (via Roland Reece), Kirton Parish council, St Peters and St Pauls Church, Heritage Lincolnshire and the Butterfly Hospice.

What services do you offer (family portraits/events)?

Any events are considered. Portraits (human and dogs) Weddings, Christenings. In fact anything considered! I’d love to do portraits at home where I could set up my own “studio” lighting etc.

How can people get in contact with you?

Via Facebook or telephone 01205 724380.

Kirton Church Fund

Congratulations to both our winners! I said last month we are currently down on membership with only 40 members playing 48 numbers. (8 members have 2 numbers each.)  This time last year we had 52  numbers in the draw. We really do need more players to support our beautiful church. 

How about joining us, you could be lucky and win? There is plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

Anyone over 18 may take part. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month and remember the rest of the money goes to the upkeep of our church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for our beautiful church. You can join at any time during the year at £5 ticket per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.

There is still time to join in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy?

Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring or text 07598987199, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.           

Because of lockdown the monthly draws will be postponed until we are able to open the church again.

The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.

The December draw takes place on Sunday 22nd .The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.

Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2021

October 2020 Winners

1st PRIZE - £44.05 - TICKET NUMBER: 40
2nd PRIZE - £14.84 - TICKET NUMBER: 2

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Local artists inspired by nature
- we chat to Tori Gabriel who runs Heart2Art with her husband Steve

My husband and I moved our family up here from Margate, Kent 18 months ago. This area is incredible and has far less crime than what we left behind. One thing that we have loved is the abundant wildlife (though we had to Google some of the animals we have seen like water voles and woodpeckers as you simply don’t see them down South).

In March my husband sadly lost his job due to mass layoffs from Covid and as he was at home I encouraged him to pursue his art. I was amazed at how good his drawings were. They look like prints but are all hand drawn. 

In August, a friend told me about Baytree’s Craft Fair and encouraged Steve to get a stall. Steve panicked that he wouldn’t be able to fill a stall. I dabble in Pagan inspired art so I did a bit to help fill it. I based mine on the plethora of wildlife that we have seen up here. I was also inspired by our foster hedgehog that we rescued and are seeing through hibernation (again, another thing we would never have experienced down South).

We worked solidly throughout July to be ready but then they cancelled the art fair (again due to Covid!) I suggested we approach the Baytree gallery themselves and at the start of October we proudly opened our stall “Heart2Art”. We also have a small shop online but the majority of our sales comes from our stall. People love the nature inspired hand painted wooden boxes and the sketchbooks. The Christmas Jars have also been popular. For half-term we are going to be putting out our “little critters” which are handpainted rocks that look like animals and they come in their own enclosure. It’s basically relaunching the whole pet rock craze again!

Colour plays a huge part in our art and I think my favourite thing has been overhearing a comment “wow, look at this stall! It’s like a rainbow puked on it”. I have never been so delighted!

Our Instagram is http://www.instagram.com/heart_2.art if you want to have a look. There’s also a bit about our foster hedgehog in there too!

You can contact Tori and Steve on 07429 550227.


Kirton Kids Club

This has been one of the strangest times ever for the children and staff at the club. If we had been told a year ago we would be in the middle of a pandemic we would probably have laughed it off.

But as scary as it is all we can do is keep everything sanitised, clean and follow the ‘rules’ given to us and still try and help the children enjoy and have fun at the before and after school sessions.

Children are very accommodating and their ‘normal’ now is very different from a year ago.

Everything at the club is ‘different’ but still the children have a great time and if all of this proves something it is that children are flexible, use their imaginations and are able to cope with different and just get on with it and have fun.

Well done to them all!

After a two week break the club will go back and hopefully enjoy the last few weeks running up to Christmas.

Thank you to their adults for staying with us through such a difficult time and we wish them all and the children a really happy Christmas.

The words ‘and a healthy New Year’ now having a really important meaning for us all.

Happy Christmas to you all.



Rememberance Day Service 2020

Members of the Royal British Legion, the armed forces, the Parish Council and other villagers turned out to pay their respects to the fallen led by the Reverend Ann Lett.
We will remember them.

Photographs courtesy of David Taylor


Eat well this autumn

When November arrives with its colder weather and darker nights, it can feel hard to see the positives, especially when money’s tight. This is the perfect season for meals that are comforting, filling and cheap. That’s not to say they can’t be healthy! With a bit of time and planning, your family can enjoy amazing, nutritious comfort food without breaking the bank. We know this because part of our work here at Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is to create budgets that prioritise food and household bills for people struggling to make ends meet.

Firstly, raid your cupboards

It can be hard to find inspiration for a meal when looking into an empty cupboard, so here’s a tip: each week or month, stock up on one or two handy basics to keep in the cupboard, such as a tin of chopped tomatoes or some herbs and spices. Most will last for a few months so can work out as good value for money in the long-run. With a well-stocked cupboard, you’re less likely to reach for a ready meal when you’re craving something quick and filling. Search ‘What you need in your store cupboard’ to get started.

Fail to plan, plan to fail

Experts suggest that creating a meal plan before you go shopping can help keep costs low. Before you head out to the supermarket, decide on your meals for the next week and what you need to buy, bearing in mind what you’ve already got in your store cupboard. Stick to your list while shopping to avoid unnecessary impulse buys. Spotted something in the reduced section or an offer? Ask yourself: 1) Is it on my list? 2) Is it a genuine bargain? 3) Am I going to use it straight away or can I freeze it?

If it’s ‘yes’ to all three, then pop it in the trolley.

Get excited about cooking

Cooking doesn’t have to be repetitive and boring. Check out jamieoliver.com/family/money-saving-recipes or cookingona bootstrap.com for some fantastic meal ideas designed for people on a budget. No internet access? See if your local supermarket offers a free magazine – these often include a range of seasonal recipes to suit all kinds of budgets. You could even start making a scrapbook or binder of your family’s favourite go-to recipes.

Here’s a recipe for you to try that’s comforting, filling and easy:

Fish pie (serves six)

Prices from a leading supermarket, correct at time of writing

1) Use a fish pie mix from the supermarket (£4)

2) Add mash (loose jacket potatoes: 83p per kilo) and a nice creamy sauce (£2)

3) For extra protein, add in a boiled egg for each person (half a dozen eggs: 89p)

4) Serve with frozen veg like peas, broccoli or sweetcorn (£1 for a bag)

If you’re struggling with debt and are worried about affording food for yourself and your family, please get help as quickly as possible from a free debt counselling service like CAP. You can contact CAP free of charge on 0800 328 0006 or speak to Hannah on 07947621899 / hannahmugglestone@capuk.org

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs, life skills groups, and support for people breaking habitual dependencies. Visit capuk.org to find out more.


Preparing for a different
kind of Christmas


This time last year, you were probably looking forward to Christmas and had never heard of COVID-19. This year, however, we’re all facing a very different kind of festive season. With guidelines changing so often to keep pace with infection rates in different areas, one thing we’ve all had to do is be flexible and adaptable.

What does this mean for Christmas though? We’ve all been affected by the pandemic, but we’re not all in the same boat. Some of us may still be able to buy gifts online and have a small family celebration with members of our own household. Others may be bravely facing their first Christmas without loved ones. Wherever we are and whatever situation we’re facing, there are steps we can take to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing.

Get a move on

Being less active can really affect our health mentally and physically. For those who are able, getting outdoors to enjoy a walk wrapped up in winter woolies can be just the tonic. The NHS has some great ideas for armchair exercises and other fitness tips for those who aren’t able to get outdoors. See nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/sitting-exercises.

Stay connected

We may not be able to socialise in the way we’re used to but it’s amazing how many different social groups you can join from the comfort of your own home, from book clubs and cooking classes to good old family quiz nights. These could be a great way to keep everyone entertained during the Christmas holidays. Why not search online for some new activities so that you can socialise and stay safe at the same time? Or, even better, set up your own!

Sing your heart out

Research by the University of East Anglia found that singing boosts our mental wellbeing. Sadly, it looks like the restrictions on singing in groups will put a stopper on carol services this year, but why not check out what’s happening online in your area through community Facebook pages, or do a Google search for your local church? Having a good sing-along from your sofa means that you can be as loud and as silly as you like while still enjoying some community spirit.

Help others

For many, this winter may be a very lonely time, so it’s important that we find ways to connect and help one another out. We may not be allowed to invite friends or neighbours over to the house, but there are other ways to bless them. Perhaps you could do a food shop for an elderly neighbour, or bake biscuits with the kids to deliver to a friend’s door. Helping others is scientifically proven to boost our own mood too.

Give gifts that mean something

Every Christmas, millions of presents in the UK end up being re-gifted or donated to charity. Keep this in mind if you’re feeling under pressure to buy gifts for everyone you know. Research into the psychology of gift giving shows that personal, handmade presents, an experience, or a specially created playlist often say a lot more than a shop-bought present. After a tough year, showing someone that you really know and appreciate them will mean a lot.

Seek help with money worries

Struggling with money can have a severe impact on our mental health, especially at this time of year. Don’t let your Christmas be filled with worry – get help today by contacting an organisation like CAP for free debt help. You can call CAP on 0800 328 0006 or visit capuk.org to find out more.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs, life skills groups, and support for people breaking life-controlling dependencies. Visit capuk.org to find out more. Email your local Centre: hannahmugglestone@capuk.org




Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

Unfortunately, meetings will not take place for some considerable time. For further information please ring Laraine Harding on 723 181.


Are you interested in having
your own allotment?

If so, Kirton Parish Council are trying to gauge interest and would like you to get in touch. If you are interested, please contact Belinda Buttery, Parish Clerk on either: kirtonparishcouncil@hotmail.com OR 07983 89 30 11. Thank-you.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- September 2020

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman was pleased to report that the Police had made an arrest which followed on from the antisocial behaviour occurring around the Churchyard.

He was also please to confirm the memorial bench was now in situ in the War Memorial gardens. He thanked all those Councillors, past and present for their contributions from getting this sourced through to its installation.

Police Matters

No Police attended, however the Clerk did get the following report from PCSO Williams after the meeting on email: 24/08/20 – Public order, Craven Avenue – under investigation, 27/08/20 – Attempt theft from vehicle, Sentence Crescent – undetected, 07/09/20 – Criminal damage, Thomas Middlecott Drive – undetected, 08/09/20 – Assault, High Street – under investigation, 08/09/20 – Burglary and theft from vehicle, Drainside North – under investigation.

In addition to these reports, there was also a misuse of drugs warrant carried out at a property. One female at the property was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply and a significant quantity of money and mobile phones were seized from the address. Since the warrant was conducted, we have noticed a visible reduction in the number of persons suspected to be involved in drugs use/supply around the village – most notably in the churchyard. We will continue to monitor the situation. We are aware of some continuing issues relating to drugs in the village and are looking at further enforcement action where necessary. The local policing team are actively listening to our community and their concerns surrounding this issue and we thank them for their assistance and information in making Kirton a safer community.

Inspector Harrod at Boston also thanked the public for their part in the intelligence gathering to enable the warrant to be issued for the above via an email to the Clerk

Inspector Harrod also said in her email that following on from the fire at Dame Sarah Swift Park, the youngsters who pleaded guilty to the crime at the time have been assessed by a panel (Joint Diversionary Panel) with the aim of maximising the chances of stopping the young person from committing further crime. This is true of every youth case in Lincolnshire where an admission of guilt has been made in interview. This panel has decided that the youngsters should have interventions relating to arson specifically, including that delivered by the fire service.

Despite Kirton Parish Council, with the suggestion and guidance of the local Police, requesting restorative justice, the panel has decided the youths’ fate and as such there is nothing further that the Police or the Parish Council can do. With the current situation regarding COVID, it is felt that this intervention could potentially be more effective/impactive than indefinitely postponed/cancelled reparation would have been.

Cllr O’Connor wanted the Parish Council to do more to prevent further incidents such as happened last week where a young girl was hit by a car crossing the road on King Street. She is concerned that the COVID situation means parents are encouraged to drive their kids to school rather than letting them catch the bus, this plus the additional number of dwellings within the village and therefore the higher number of cars, she fees that they all contributing factors in the child getting hit by the car.

Cllr P Watson had seen the footage and the child actually ran out from behind a car, and that the driver didn’t stand a chance of not hitting her.

Cllr Austin asked Cllr O’Connor to email her over the cctv footage and the facts to fully get her up to speed.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

A letter of complaint was received from a resident specifically 3 members of the Parish Council. (The Clerk included the complaints procedure with the letter of complaint to all members)

 The Clerk advised that rather that members actions had escalated the situation recently and that members should let the matter lie and try and move on rather than keep going backwards and going over old ground.

Cllr S Watson reminded the Council that if there is a complaint that involves members of the Parish Council that the complaint will be under section 3.3 of the Parish Council Complaints Policy and as such should  be  forwarded to the Borough Council’s Monitoring Officer. The Clerk advised members that this was one option but felt in the current circumstances the escalation to the Monitoring Officer would be unnecessary.

Cllr Brotherton expressed a view that the matter should be left to lie. 

The matter was discussed. The Clerk said that after having spoken to the complainant that the best course of action in her opinion would be to let matters lie and that she would reply to the complainant that no further action will be taken, this was agreed unanimously by members.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council

Cllr Brookes informed members that he had met with the Highways Manager regarding the following:

- flooding of High Street and Station Road – LCC flood management, Highways, Anglian Water and Black Sluice will be meeting in October to discuss how this potential scheme is to be funded and the way forward.

- Willington Road pipe system needs jetting out and Black Sluice have said that this will be done by March 2021 – it is a big job. It is hoped that this solution will clear the problems.

- Priestley Close – the thought is that the pipework joins onto the Willington Road system. This has been a recent problem and highways will look at the pipes around Priestly Close and see why this has begun.

LCC is setting up Have your Say in which residents in the county can have their say in how decisions are made and what is important to them. Cllr Brookes will send the link to the Clerk to share.

Cllr Brookes informed members that regarding getting the 30mph limit extended to the Middlegate Road crossing the process is taking time due to the backlog of applications for this type of order. However, it is supported by both Cllr Brookes and the Highways manager to have the investigation done. Cllr P Watson thanked Cllr Brookes for taking this forward.

Cllr Austin informed members that the drainage scheme for the village following on from the floods is still the Highways Manager’s priority, however, there may be other parties that pay for the scheme, or at least contribute towards it, and as such there may be some monies to enable the Horseshoe Lane pavement to finally get done.

Cllr Austin also informed members that the Skeldyke Road signage should be the easiest to solve, despite the time it is taking. It is hoped that doesn’t have to go to full committee. Street lights go to Ripe Now and as such the sign could get extended back to Ripe now for the 30mph limit to begin, or at least to Hall Weir.

Cllr Cole asked Cllr Austin for an update regarding the superfast broadband scheme which is due to come to an end. What happens about all those residents who are still suffering with slow broadband? Cllr Austin said that she is going to take it up with Matt Warman as this scheme hasn’t covered the full area it was meant to, leaving many homes still struggling.

Cllr Austin didn’t feel that the double yellow lines on the square were a top priority at this time, but she will go and look at the site and come back.

Cllrs Brookes and Austin left the meeting.

Cllr P Watson informed members that he had managed to get hold of some dog fouling signs and asked for ideas where they would be most beneficial.

He also informed members that he had continued to get the bin outside Jhay stores kept on the radar with the Borough to get to the bottom of who is dumping household rubbish in it.

He informed members that Community Speed Watch was still looking for more volunteers. The Clerk will put the advert onto Facebook again.


Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated September 2020/21 (6 of 12)

- It was resolved unanimously that the payments should be made.

- It was also resolved after a proposal by Cllr P Watson, with this seconded by Cllr Brotherton, to stop the payment to the Youth Club for the time being until we get the information about the bank account. The amount approved will then be able to be paid as a lump sum and when groups start again this donation can begin again.

Report from minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.

LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further

Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done The update on the LCC site is:

This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.

Clerk contacted Cllr Austin following on from a request from Cllr S Watson to chase up the signage issue at Skeldyke Road. Cllr Austin has raised this again with Highways Manager and is waiting to find out when it will be done.

Clerk contacted the Property Manager for The Square regarding his request to get double yellow lines down the roadway to inform him that the Council has contacted the Police to ask for their help enforcing this, plus Cllr Austin in whether she will support this application as is the procedure.

Report received by Clerk of flooding on Priestly Close by resident. The resident forwarded photographs which the Clerk forwarded on to Cllr Brookes, he has been in touch with the Highways Manager regarding this and it is to be added to the investigations on this side of the village for flood issues.

More photographs received from same residents of flooding after the 28th August. Forwarded on to Cllr Brookes.

The Clerk also informed members that initial contact from residents regarding the need to provide allotments has been reasonable. The cut off date for initial contact is the end of October 2020.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1. Lincolnshire County Council – temporary traffic restriction – for Culvert Repair Works at Station Road, between Pells Drive and A16 between 15.10.2020 and 30.10.2020

2. RBL would also like to meet to discuss this year’s Remembrance Sunday. Clerk to arrange

Town Hall

Ann Booth will forward the report and the Annual Accounts.


No issues at this time.

Parish Matters

1) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting, none held

2) To consider whether to hold zoom meeting for October or physical meeting for Parish Council Meeting on the 15th.

It was resolved that due to the ever-changing situation, it would be decided nearer the time that the Agenda goes out, but to hopefully hold a physical meeting with Councillors, but zoom for residents.

3) To consider accepting the addendum to contract of employment for the Clerk as circulated to all members at the last meeting.

It was resolved unanimously to accept this addendum.

4) To update Clerk’s findings regarding investment accounts for Parish Council

No accounts were found by the Clerk that held any really different (better) interest rate. It was therefore resolved after a proposal by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr P Watson and agreed by the remainder to leave in the account it is in for a further 12 months.

5) To consider a handyman for the village as a new employee

It was resolved to look at this again in 3-6 months.

6) To consider a tool library

This also was resolved to look at again in 3-6 months.

7) To consider meeting with the PCC to discuss matters in the Churchyard - Clerk to arrange

8) To consider quotations for the fencing at the Town Hall play area.

Members considered the quotes and agreed on a contractor. The Clerk is to contact the contractor and get the work done as soon as possible.

Reports for Various Bodies

Members asked if quotes for the war memorial could be revisited again after the contractor originally appointed let us down. Clerk to get more quotes.

Planning applications

B/20/0293 – Residential development consisting of 42 dwellings, estate roads and landscaping at Land at 31-33 London Road, Kirton – No Objections, request S106 monies towards play equipment at the rear of the Town Hall.

B/20/0310 – Proposed construction of 5 no. new dwellings at Land off Penny Gardens, Kirton – Members will email Clerk with observations by Friday 25th September as this application had only come in today.

Determined Applications

B/20/0241 – Prior notification for the erection of machinery store building at Swallowfields, Donington Road, Swineshead – Prior Approval Not Needed

B/20/0199 – Erection of a single storey and a two-storey rear extension and installation 2 windows in original dwelling at 293 Willington Road, Kirton - GRANT