December / January 2023
The Editors Letter
Well here we are again folks! Looking towards Christmas but thinking how on earth did that happen? If you believe the supermarkets, Christmas begins in September but even as a fan of the festive season, I’m not that eager!
I do hope you’re all well and bolstering yourselves against the constant doom and gloom in the news everyday! We took the decision due to the incessant rising of energy prices not to have a Best Decorated House competition this year. We are however, having a Best Decorated Tree Competition! I will be announcing further details soon on the Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton Facebook page.
A reminder of some of the events happening in December: Kirton Town Hall Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday 3rd December and St Peter and St Paul’s Church will be having their wonderful Christmas Tree Festival which also opens on Saturday 3rd December and continues into Sunday 4th December (more details on both events and more inside).
We will be hosting a Coffee Morning for our wonderful band of Distributors on Saturday 10th December in the Upsall Room at Kirton Town Hall. If you are a distributor for us, you should see a note with all the details at the top of your pile of magazines. We hope to see you all there and be able to say Thank You in person! We are also looking for a voluntary distributor to cover one side of Kings Street. If you are able to help or know of anyone who could, please contact us! We have 10 issues per year and the magazines are collected from Kirton Town Hall at the end of the month.
In this edition of our ‘Meet the Locals’ feature, we’re talking to the lovely Jacqueline Wood from Kirton Methodist Church who talks about everything from their fantastic Tots group to Bible Heroes! Turn to page 6 to find out more! We’re also looking for more people or businesses to take part in Meet the Locals for 2023, please get in touch if you’re based in or near to Kirton!
Please do send through any letters, announcements, recipes or reviews at
I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy Christmas. See you again in 2023!
Meet The Locals
This month I am going to introduce you to a slightly different local. This local has been here for one hundred and twenty years. It is likely that you have walked by it on your way to the school or the shops. It has stood there through years of war and hardship through years of peace and plenty, it’s even been there through roadworks and rain, Covid and the new normal. Just recently its doors have been painted and it has a new inviting hall. The local I am going to introduce you to is Kirton Methodist Church.
The Church however is much more than a building it is the people who are the true Church at the Heart of Kirton Methodist Chapel.
The Church family of Kirton Methodist have sought to welcome all who come to or live in the village through a variety of means. For many years we have hosted a Plant sale in May and Christmas Fayre. A key event is when the Brass Band provide a concert for the village and chapel, (this year it will take place on 1st December at 7.30pm.) For those who love jigsaws and books on the second Saturday of each month (except December) there is a chance to stock up at our popular Coffee Morning.
On Tuesday morning (term time 9.30am to 11.15am) a new Tots group has started in the hall. All preschool children and their parents and carers are warmly welcome. There is a variety of toys to suit all tastes, snack time (for adults as well!) We finish in rousing fashion with a favourite nursery rhyme picked out of the special bag by one of the children. On Tuesday afternoon its time for “Young at Heart.” This where you can meet new people, have refreshments, do a quiz or two and generally have fun.
Our faith is the key to all we do and so we hold a Bible Study on Wednesdays, a Zoom Prayer Meeting every Monday Evening and of course our Sunday Services followed by refreshments. On the first Sunday of the month Bible Heroes takes place for boys and girls aged 4 to 11. There is the opportunity to play games, enjoy craft and learn about a Bible Story.
We may be considered a little church, but we are friendly, welcoming and have a genuine care for the community we live in. Perhaps it is best to describe it this way a little Church with a big heart.
Jacqueline Wood

Kirton Church Fund
Both winners again this month have won before. Congratulations to them both.
Looking back at the books for December over the last few years the number taking part has been very similar. In 2020 and 2021 there were 49 numbers entered. In 2019 we had 52 numbers in the draw. As I write this we currently have 51 numbers and hopefully the 8 numbers due to renew for November and the 11 due in December will continue to play and keep the membership up. There is no upper limit on how many can take part so new members would be most welcome.
There is still time to join the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy? There is a very good chance of winning. Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or collect one from church or from Paula’s Gifts at the bottom of Station Road.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. (You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.)
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.
The December draw takes place on Sunday 18th. The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.
Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2023.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.
October 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 2
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Boston Classic Car Club
30th Anniversary Lunch
Boston Classic Car Club finally held their 30th anniversary lunch which had been delayed from 2020 because of Covid restrictions.
The anniversary lunch was held last Sunday at Graves Park Social Club in Kirton and attended by a good number of members, together with spouses and partners, despite the monsoon-like weather as members arrived! An excellent carvery menu was provided by caterer’s, Dunmore’s and was appreciated greatly by everyone. Members also had the opportunity to look through a display of photographs, videos, memorabilia, past press reviews and club trophies, etc. which certainly stirred the memories of many present. Of particular note amongst the many photos on display were those of the current Chairman and founder member of the Club, John Simpson, who personified the change in fashion over the last 30 years! (The mullet hairstyle was not universally admired, even at the time!)
A raffle on the day raised the grand sum of £115 with an auction adding a further £100 to the total and all the proceeds of which will go towards the Club’s charity for this year, the ‘We’ll Meet Again Museum’ in Frampton.
The Boston Classic Car Club has enjoyed another successful year of events with the Annual Show, held for the second year on May’s field in Hubbert’s Bridge, proving particularly popular with those who attended, despite the very hot weather on the day. The 2023 Annual Show will be held at the same place on Sunday, 13th August. The Club has also arranged this year visits to the We’ll Meet Again Museum, The Bomber Command Memorial Centre, Belvoir Castle Engine Yard, the RNLI at Skegness, Boston Bargate Classic Car Display, Heckington Show display, Tower Gardens, Skegness, Holbeach Classic and Modified Car Show, Sleaford Classic Car Show, Celebrate Surfleet summer fete, Thorpe Camp Visitor Centre and the NEC Practical Classics Restoration Show (winning Best Stand in Show Award!). Additionally, the BCCC has been to the forefront in organising informal meetings monthly at the Station Café, Langrick Bridge and also at The Ivys, Swineshead. These are open to all classic enthusiasts with non-members also invited to drop in with their vehicles
The Club committee look forward to seeing another good turnout of members at the Annual General Meeting which will be held at the same venue, the Graves Park Social Club, on Tuesday, 15th November.
Contacts: John Simpson, Chairman, 01205 369146 & Harry Wright, Press Officer,

Letters to the Editor
Response to Kirton Parish Council
statement in Kirton News
Not wishing to serialise the ongoing issues with Kirton Parish Council, however, I feel I must clarify some of the statements that were made, specifically aimed at, and inferred about myself.
It can be confirmed by both myself and the Councillors concerned, that it was not because of my leadership, behaviour or abilities as a Councillor as to why they resigned.
The Extraordinary meeting that is mentioned, was not, as was implied, called because of the events of the AGM, but was called myself, the Friday before the AGM, while I was still a Councillor, at the request of three Councillors to discuss staffing matters.
It is misleading to imply that Cllr Cole was voted in to replace me and take the Council forward. At the AGM (later, declared legally void) it was Cllr Peter Watson was voted in as Chairman.
I, and others believe that my removal as Chairman was political and not due to my abilities. With the events that occurred on that evening, the Council was becoming more political based, to which I was an obstacle. I think politics have no place in Parish or local Councils, their aim should be solely for the benefit of the community, and Politics of that nature should stay in Westminster.
Similarly, as with the Parish Council, I also respect the privacy of the Clerk and will not pass comment on that particular matter.
Finally, my 2½ years as a Councillor were great, and the best thing I found out about the Parish while a Councillor, was that it wants to engage with the Council, but you had to get out there and meet them, and by doing that, I met a whole new group of people, that, were just amazing.
Carl Sharp
Former Councillor, Vice Chair & Chair of Kirton Parish Council.
Kids Club
This has been a busy half term with lots of lovely art work and play involved. The children enjoyed the autumn sunshine most days and spent the afternoon sessions outside with friends and classmates.
Included in the Halloween art were lucky black cats, pumpkin balloons and on the last day they were each given miniature pumpkins to take home and carve nearer the day and sweets. They also coloured many themed pictures and we decorated the club with witches and bats. It is funny to think we actually come back from half term holidays on Halloween itself!
There are a few places on different day’s at breakfast or after school but at the moment most places are already filled. We have a waiting list though if you wish to ring 07583762072 and we can put your child/children on this.
Breakfast club starts at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45pm, both include breakfast or snack and drink. Breakfast club is £4.00 per child per session and after school is £6.00 per child per session. You will find us in Kirton Youth Centre – with our own car park and secure outside space.
Schoolreaders Volunteers Wanted
Children’s literacy charity Schoolreaders is looking for more volunteers who can help spread the joy of reading to children in Lincolnshire primary schools – especially around Boston.
Schoolreaders is looking for volunteers of all ages who can listen to children read weekly in a local primary school, especially at those schools where children require support the most.
Worryingly, 1 in 4 children leave primary school every summer unable to read to the expected standard1 and the Schoolreaders scheme is now more in demand than ever, particularly to help those children most disadvantaged following the education disruption caused by Covid lockdowns.
Janice, from neighbouring Nottinghamshire, is a Schoolreaders volunteer and says, “When I retired, I wanted to do activities I enjoy like walking and travelling but was also keen to give back to my community.
“There is so much enjoyment to be had from the one-to-one sharing of a book. I have had funny and fascinating in-depth discussions with the children about ice cream flavours, pirates and David Beckham. I get so much from it – it’s such a positive experience!”
To find out more about becoming a Schoolreaders volunteer in your community visit

Boston helping the
Children of Ukraine

On 28th February this year, this little girl, 10 year old Polina, was shot dead in her family car on a Kyiv street, along with her parents. Her younger brother was fatally injured. Over my career I have taught thousands of children just like Polina. I see her face in the faces of so many of the children I have taught. This sassy, intelligent, fun loving Harry Potter Fan was guilty of being Ukrainian and that was enough for the Russian assassins that killed her.
Polina’s death broke my heart. I realised that President Putin’s war is against the whole of the Western world but that it is the Ukrainian people, including their children, that are paying the price of opposing this tyrant. His weaponisation of oil, gas and food shows his contempt for the rest of the world. It showed me that we all need to help in whatever way we can.
So what can we do as individuals? In February I volunteered to collect and pack donated aid items ready to be transported over to Ukraine and the surrounding nations who are so willingly taking the millions of displaced Ukrainians. At first it was easy to find places that were collecting aid, but over time it has become more difficult, although the need is greater than ever, particularly with the bitter Ukrainian winter coming.
I have discovered Boxes of Hope, based in Holbeach, who collect, sort, pack and transport donated aid to Ukraine, and support Ukrainian refugees here. I am happy to collect donations locally and take them down to Holbeach.
Boxes of Hope have taken over 150 tonnes of aid to Ukraine since the start of the war and continue to work hard to do more with 3 lorry loads due to go shortly. This is an astounding feat when you consider the logistics of collecting and sorting so many donations, and the time and cost of transporting them, approximately £3000 per lorry.
As a retired teacher I really wanted to help the children caught up in this awful war. After a lot of internet searching I came across a Kyiv based charity called Voices of Children. I found they were Identified as a legitimate organisation helping children in Ukraine by a variety of international organisations. This charity helps families escape war zones and resettle in safer areas and most importantly helps with therapies to overcome the physical and psychological traumas inflicted on them by the war.
Several of my friends from the Jive dance community decided to get together to raise funds for Voices of Children. Eight of us will be doing a sponsored tandem skydive at Hibaldstow Airfield next May. In light of this we call ourselves Boston Skyjive. As well as sponsorship we’re doing a variety of fundraising events such as dances, quiz nights, treasure hunts and raffles. At the time of writing we have sent over £1600 to the charity and aim to rise at least another £3500 in the next few months. We are in regular contact with our friends in Voices of Children and share their videos and newsletters outlining how they are helping their charges.
The UK economy is in an awful state and people are really suffering from the cost of living crisis. Despite this, the British character shines through in the amazing generosity people show in supporting us and other groups working to help those suffering in Ukraine. Despite our hardships, few of us face such a bitter winter as poorly resourced as many find themselves in Ukraine. The Kremlin pile on the hardship by the destruction of infrastructure facilities, especially power stations, and the targeting of residential areas. Please help these people in any way you are able to.
You can find out more about Voices of Children at
You can keep up to date with Boston Skyjive through their Facebook page “Friends of Boston Skyjive “
If you have clothing, toiletries, baby goods etc to donate visit Boxes of Hope at their Facebook page.
Whatever you do, please think of Polina and the way this war cruelly robbed her of her future and the many other Children in Ukraine that can still be helped.
The BBC has been Filming
in Kirton Primary School
Our local primary school was contacted by the BBC, requesting permission to film in the multi-award-winning school. They were particularly keen to film in their famous Shop and Bank in action. It is not the first time the BBC has filmed at the school as it has previously appeared on national programmes.
The children taking part were true professionals and the school is immensely proud of them – as ever. If you missed the episode, it will appear soon on the school’s website.
Admission to Kirton Primary School’s Reception Class in September 2023
Places will soon begin filling up in Kirton Primary School’s Reception classes for September 2023. To join the Reception cohort, a child’s date of birth must fall between 1.9.18 and 31.8.19. Please note, schools do not administer their own admissions to Reception; applications must be submitted to Lincolnshire County Council who allocate places on parents’ behalf. Even if your child has a place at Kirton Primary School’s Nursery, you will still have to apply through the County for your child to join the Reception classes.
Kirton Primary is a very popular school and many of its year groups are already full. Don’t miss out!
Parents may apply online at or make a telephone application by contacting the Education Team on 01522 782030.
If you are looking for a Nursery place for your child for September 2023, you may contact the school directly on 01205 722236 and secure a place before they are all taken. Last year the school’s registers were full, and the school is keen to serve the village first.

The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
23rd October Millie Mae Matson
6th November Arthur Barwick
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
none this month
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
none this month
Gardening Time with Tim Hewett
December has arrived and with it the onset of the darker days of winter. As the average date for first frosts in this area is from the beginning of this month it is well to prepare as soon as possible.
Complete any hedge cutting, if more plants are required cuttings can be taken. I find that most hedging will propagate from a simple nodal cutting overwintered in a spare piece of the flower bed. Using clean secateurs trim just under a leaf joint, and just beyond one at the top end. The top cut should be made at 45 degrees. Trim any un-needed leaves. The resultant cutting should be approximately as log and as thick as a pencil. This can then be pushed into the ground and left overwinter for planting out in late Spring.
Gladioli and Dahlias should have any foliage removed and be lifted for winter storage. Some prefer to leave them in the ground overwinter, but having lost all mine one year I have returned to older methods and store indoors. They should be kept upside down for a couple of weeks to ensure any liquid drains, and then kept overwinter in a dry frost-free space, the back of the garage suits well.
This is also a good time to prepare the lawn for next year. The grass will still need cutting, but should be left a little longer to protect it from frosts. The lawn should be spiked, this can be done with a garden fork. Then top-dress with a mixture of coarse sand and soil which can be brushed in. Any weeds should be removed, and any bare areas can be reseeded, or if required replaced with turf.
Herbaceous plants within the borders may be split using 2 forks to lever them apart and replanted. Don’t forget to mark where any smaller pieces go so as not to dig them up accidentally in Spring.
Daffodils should have been planted out, last month but Tulips can still be planted out throughout this month. Any fallen leaves should be used to create leaf mould, or at the least put into the compost heap, sending them to the tip is a waste of a free resource. I find the best way to create leaf mould is to collect the leaves, those on the lawn can be easily picked up with the lawn mower, and store them in a mesh container. If there are too few leaves for this they can be collected in a black bin bag, this should then be punctured with a fork, and stored. Good leaf mould takes between 1-2 years to form but can be used to as an efficient and green replacement for store bought composts.