December / January 2023
t’s that time again folks and look at our wonderful front cover in all its full colour glory! Many thanks to Lucy Copeland for taking such a beautiful picture. I used the tagline ‘Tis the Season to be Neighbourly because I wondered, how well do we really know our neighbours? Do some of us even know our neighbours’ names? If not at Christmas, then when is the best time to start introducing ourselves and offering help, especially if your neighbours are elderly, lonely or have a disability. I’ve listed a few ideas below:
• If you’re getting that leaf blower or rake out, maybe offer to help clean your neighbour’s driveway.
• Invite your neighbour round for a mince pie or a hot drink.
• Send your neighbour a Christmas card to introduce yourself.
• If you’re going shopping, check in and ask if they need anything.
• Many people are on their own for Christmas Day (far more than we realise). Offer a
plate of food (doesn’t everyone have too
many leftovers) or even a seat at your table.
We are always happy to make any donations all year round but at Christmas especially, we look for charities or groups who may need a helping hand. Please email me if we can help out in any way.
We will be hosting our annual Coffee Morning for our wonderful band of Distributors on Saturday 16th December in the Upsall Room at Kirton Town Hall. If you are a distributor for us, you should see a note with all the details at the top of your pile of magazines. We hope to see you all there and be able to say Thank You in person!
I think you’ll agree that it’s a bumper issue again and we’re filled with events happening over the festive season, from concerts to craft fayres. In our ‘Meet the Locals’ feature, we’re talking to the lovely Danielle Harman from Tawnymeade Alpacas! Turn to page 5 to find out more! We’re also looking for more people or businesses to take part in Meet the Locals for 2024, please get in touch if you’re based in or near to Kirton!
Please do send through any letters, announcements, recipes or reviews at
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy 2024!
Meet The Locals
This month we’re talking to Danielle Harman from Tawnymeade Alpacas!
At Tawnymeade Alpacas we do alpaca walking experiences at 1pm on a Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. This involves a 30 minute walk around our small holding. You can feed the male and females alpaca carrots and meet the babies. While with our females the public get to meet one of the friendliest llamas in the UK. The whole experience lasts around an hour to an hour and half. There are a maximum of 5 alpaca’s walking at once.
Larger private parties of 10 or more can share and swap round walking the alpaca’s. 2 alpaca’s are available for weddings and events. Care home visits with 2 alpaca’s are available but space is limited and needs booking well in advance. Experience Prices are £20 per person. Spectators are welcome to walk alongside or an adult assisting an under 12 year old are £5 per person. 1 Spectator welcome per experience booked.
In the event that only one experience is booked, dates maybe limited as our alpaca’s must walk with a friend. Booking 2 experience’s are advised.
Vouchers are available with a gift envelope. These make beautiful Christmas gifts and are valid for 1 year of date purchased.
We are based on Wash road, Fosdyke in the peaceful countryside. We have been open to the public for just over a year and have enjoyed every minute. Our aim is to supply a fun filled, but informative experience for everyone to enjoy. Our reviews on Facebook and Google can give potential visitors a idea of what to expect.
When Tawnymeade was brought in 2017 we never expected to open to the public. We wished to concentrate on breeding and showing our quality alpaca’s. After years of people getting in touch wishing to meet our friendly alpaca’s and chatting to viewers from the road, we decided to open our doors and offer everyone a chance to get up close and personal with our fantastic animals. We have loved every single experience and meet the most amazing people along the way. We wish we had opened our doors sooner! I was introduced to alpaca’s in 2016 and had the honour of working for one of the largest and most sucessful alpaca breeders in the UK. I soon fell in love with these remarkable animals. We moved from Sussex to Fosdyke to start our own breeding herd and have not looked back.
We are offering parties of 10 or more an exclusive offer of £10 per person. This offer is designed for hen, office, Christmas, birthday parties and even just an excuse to get out in the country air with your friends and family!
All our information and t&c are available on our website at
We are contactable by Email: Phone: 07788593448 Facebook: tawnymeade alpaca’s/ South Lincolnshire alpaca walking.

Recycle your Xmas tree with St Barnabas
Each year we offer the community to have their real Christmas tree collected after the festive period, which means you don’t need to make a trip to the tip or spend time vacuuming needles out of your car! Please look out for the registration page which will be going live on our St Barnabas website from Friday 24th November. There is no set price for collecting the tree, but we do have suggested donation amounts. This amount is reflective of how much it costs to care for our patients, so not only are you doing your bit for the environment, but also helping to pay for a patient in their own home or in one of our Specialist Inpatient Units.
Registrations for Tree-cycle will stay open until Wednesday 3rd January 2024 The team of elves will be collecting trees between Saturday 6th January until Wednesday 10th January 2024
If you have already signed up, please keep an eye out on our socials and e-mails for further details of when we will be collecting trees in your area.
Kirton Church Fund
We had to draw out five numbers before getting a Ist prize winner for October as the other numbers drawn no longer take part. Our lucky Ist prize winner also won 1st prize last month. The second prize winner coincidently won 2nd prize in October last year too and has won during the year too. Congratulations to them both.
The numbers are always well mixed up and winners are drawn after our Sunday service on the last Sunday of the month by members of the congregation while having coffee.
We have had no new members for over a year and have sadly lost two members since last year. Currently there are only 49 numbers in the draw. This gives a better chance of winning than most draws.
There is still time to join the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy?
Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or collect one from the back of church or from Paula’s Gifts at the bottom of Station Road.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. (You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.)
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund to help with the up – keep of this beautiful building.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.
The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.
Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2024.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529
October 2023 Winners
1st PRIZE - £45.93 - TICKET NUMBER: 9
2nd PRIZE - £15.32 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Letters to the Editor
Kirton town Hall -
Last Night of the Proms 2023
Dear Editor
An amazing turn out again for this annual event. Kirton Brass band were fantastic as ever and had everyone tapping their feet, obviously enjoying themselves. A ploughman’s supper was served in the interval and in the second half, well known favourites had everyone waving their flags just like the Albert Hall audience in London. Thank you to all who came along to support the Town Hall. All monies raised go towards making sure the building continues to be available for the benefit of the residents of Kirton.
Secretary, Kirton Town Hall Committee
Dear Editor
Our Harvest Supper was held at Kirton town Hall again, as we cannot use the kitchen in the church. ( It is in need of serious refurbishment to meet environmental health standards)
Thank you to all who attended the event and continue to support our fundraising efforts to raise money towards a new roof on the church, as well as the other structural improvements that are needed. As always though, more support from the community would be very much appreciated.
Those who attended enjoyed a hearty sausage and mash supper, followed by home made apple crumble or trifle. There was an excellent raffle of harvest produce followed by a mini auction of produce.
Thank you to Ann for cooking for us and for the church volunteers, who though few and ageing in number, manage to put on successful events. Our next event is the Christmas Tree Festival on 2 and 3 December. The Christmas craft fair in the Town Hall is on 2 December, so why not combine the two events. Refreshments will be served at both, so no need to go hungry .Do come along and support your village.
Paula Davies
Dear Editor of Kirton News, I am a very concerned resident and I respond as follows to Mr A Bowen and The Kirton Car Park Group (KCPG) letter to you in the November issue of Kirton News.
While Mr Bowen states that Cllr Astill who led the discussion for item 7 on the agenda regarding the Town Hall car park, may have spoken eloquently and suggests that the current situation hadn’t been thoroughly planned, however prior to joining the council did he not regularly attend Council meetings as a member of the public? I would suggest that Cllr Astill quite possibly witnessed first-hand the discussions that the council had at the time of the decision-making process, which according to the Parish Council minutes website during the April 2022 meeting May AGM, June 2022, August meeting and in September in the Clerk’s updates, where it’s minuted that A Booth agreed as Chair of the Town Hall committee to sign the contract on behalf of the THMC, and yet the then Mr Astill had maintained silence throughout all of those meetings and yet only chooses to speak out now as a councillor?
What is very apparent to myself and I believe many, is the fact (according to the Parish Council minutes) is that the carpark had been discussed at least 4 times in the past was also an opportunity for KCPG to have their say prior to a decision being made, and yet they didn’t, so I would suggest 4 potential opportunities missed to speak up about this hence Mr Bowen’s letter is rather pointless and too late.
While Mr Bowen and the KCPG claim that they wish to change the way the restrictions to suit themselves and the Kirton Town Hall Management Committee (KTHMC) it’s worth noting that it has been revealed in the past that both the Parish Council and the THMC both signed the contract for the restrictions which very much suggests that Mr Bowen is incorrect, why would the THMC agree to sign the contract if they weren’t happy with the arrangements?
Mr Bowen goes on to say that all opinions are valid, and yet he states that he lives ‘close’ to the said car park? One would have to assume that he has quite possibly been significantly affected as it would seem that he has lost his own personal place to leave his vehicle(s) 24/7 despite having his own driveway with room for several vehicles. This is where I suggest that the matter of self-interest emerges in this discussion.
Another point is that it’s not just Mr Bowen and the minority that is observing this car park, it’s actually many residents within the community such as myself as a long standing resident of Kirton, and I believe there’s a silent majority out there who actually find it easier to collect and bring their children to and from school who of course are not going to attend meetings to say that they are happy with the new arrangements, and not having to battle to find space in the car park and use nearby streets which have no restrictions as they have done in the past. After all, isn’t it human nature to say nothing when happy and only speak out and make a fuss if it affects them? Believe me when I say the majority are happy with the current arrangements.
Mr Bowen seems to miss the obvious facts such as there are regular meetings and sessions of lunch club, dance & exercise classes, coffee mornings and Slimming world are there as well as during term time a place for parents to drop off and collect kids with a school across the road that has some 500 or more children attending.
Well, I think this is all starting to look more like sour grapes of those who have abused the system that has caused these restrictions to be imposed in the first place, if Mr Bowen wants someone to blame maybe have a look at his own actions first?
In any case, if this was a car park in Boston, or for that matter most towns and cities in and around the UK everyone would have to be paying for it! Well maybe that’s what KCPG want, and we will all quite possibly be thanking them for soon if they have their way and make us all pay? This car park has always been free, as it should be, and I say to the Parish Council its’s a job well done from the silent majority, please keep it how it is, it’s available for anyone to use for 3 hours. Seriously, how long could you shop for in Kirton? My answer would be much less than 3 hours.
After all, there is plenty of all day parking in surrounding streets, as well as one hour parking all around the War Memorial in the centre of Kirton, or are the minority too lazy to walk more than 10 paces?
Kirton Parish Council, please listen to the silent majority and not the noisy minority, who ridiculously think it’s somehow their given right to park there all day and night because they are too lazy and it suits them, and ruining it for most of us.
It seems to me that this KCPG group is a very small minority who are only immersed in their own self interest to get what just selfishly suits them.
If we all end up having to pay for parking, we all know that it would be a complete travesty of fairness to disadvantage many, to appease the ones who make a fuss and shout loudest!
Mr Bowen and the KCPG are not worth listening to, just the same as all the high court armchair judges that reside in the toxic local community group on Facebook.
Mrs C.M. (One of the few prepared to speak up from the silent majority
Gardening Club
The above club now meets on the second Friday of each month ( apart from January) at Wyberton Community Centre from 7.00 to 900pm. £2 entry includes refreshments. Bring along your spare plants, seeds or gardening books to pass on to like minded people. We do have some speakers throughout the year.
Bryan Reeves
Boston Classic Car Club
Classic Motor Show 2023
The Boston Classic Car Club once more manned a stand at the Classic Motor Show held at the NEC, between 10th and 12th November, had record attendance figures of over 71000 classic car enthusiasts. The BCCC stand featured four cars from members, two French and two British. The enthusiastic owners also dressed in period costume relevant to the ages of their cars provoking much interest, many comments and no little amusement! Nigel and Sue Haines organised the stand and were ably assisted by John and Sandra Simpson together with those exhibiting. The number of visitors to the stand was very good and everyone was kept busy answering questions and dealing with enquiries.
A free coach was laid on from Boston on the Saturday for Club members to visit the BCCC stand and also see the many hundreds of other vehicles on show, take in the events on offer and soak up the general enthusiastic atmosphere. John Simpson, the Chairman of the BCCC was invited to appear on the ‘Meet the Experts’ Stage on the Friday and fielded questions from visitors whilst also helping to promote the name of the Club to a much wider audience.
A massive amount of behind the scenes work from those organised and manned the stand and from the owners of the cars on show ensured that the Boston Classic Car Club could, once more, count their attendance at the Show a resounding success.

The Methodist Message
Hello everyone. I’m delighted to write a few lines as the new Methodist Minister for Kirton, having come into that post on 1 Sept this year. My name’s Val, I’ve been serving Methodist Churches across Boston since 2018, and am now getting to know the Kirton Chapel’s life and work where so much goes on that touches the soul and lifts the spirit If you’ve never joined us for worship or an event, please do! It would be great to meet you. As Christmas comes around again, I just hope and pray that, in a world of such conflict and atrocity, we will be able to model something really different in our own families, communities and in Kirton as a whole: the way of LOVE. Simply love. One of our beautiful, gentle Christmas carols says about the birth of Jesus; “Love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine. Love was born at Christmas. Star and angels gave the sign”. Can you and I - like the star and the angels - be signs of love in the world? For sure we can. Take care & God bless, Val.
Revd Dr Val Ogden - Minister, Kirton Methodist Church. ( 07884413595)
And now, over to Jackie, our Church family worker...
I would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has supported Tots, Toast and Tea and Young at Heart over the last year. At both groups we have had a lot of fun and made many new friends. In view of this I would like to ask the opinion of the people of Kirton about a matter close to our hearts. We are thinking of starting a “Memory Café,”in the New Year. It would be a place where people who are struggling with memory loss could come with those who support them. We would offer refreshments, listen to music, colour/craft, play games and perhaps have the odd quiz! (Depending on how the group feels they would like it to be structured.) We would also seek to invite professionals from within organisations like the Alzheimer’s Society and Age UK to provide practical help and advice. May I ask, do you think there is a need for a group like this in Kirton? Also, is it a place that you or someone you know would be likely to come? It is proposed that the group would take place fortnightly on a Wednesday. If you would like to comment please feel free to email Jackie on or pop a note in our post box outside the Methodist Church.
May I also take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful and joyful Christmas.
Jackie - Kirton Methodist Church Family Worker
Frampton Gardening Club
For our penultimate meeting this year, our guest speaker was David Coop, who is the Sales and Marketing Director from Elsoms The Seed Specialists, in Spalding.
Elsoms are the UK’s leading independent seed specialists and plant breeder, and the company was started in Spalding, 179 years ago by Isaac Elsom. They were originally rope makers, then over the years progressing to vegetable and cereal seeds. Elsoms work with other companies, particularly one in Holland, to test and breed the very best seeds for outdoor vegetables.
Those little seeds we see in the packets go through quite a journey to get there! Cleaning, grading, washing and drying. Some are primed then chilled to supress them if they are difficult to germinate. Some can be pelleted if they are irregular shapes, to make the sowing and drilling easier. The team test the seeds throughout, to get the very best for optimum results in the field or garden. You won’t find a packet of seeds in the shop with Elsoms name on it, but there could well be Elsoms seeds inside any of the packets of seeds we see on the big stands in garden centres, and our DIY stores. So when you pick up a packet of vegetable seeds next time – think of the hard work that has gone before to get them in there!
November 30th is our last meeting of 2023. We will be having our Annual Lunch at the Thatched Cottage in Sutterton on Thursday January 18th 2024.
Why not join us on March 28th for our first meeting of 2024, when the speaker will be from Norfolk Clematis? Contact Ray Harding on 01205723181 or Maggie Welberry on 01205722382.
Merry christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- September 2023
Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr C. Crisford, Cllr M Elston and Cllr M Sohail. Clerk D. Fairweather.Also Present: Borough Cllr Rylott, County Cllr Brookes and twelve members of the public.
Public Forum
Many public here for update of parking situation at Town Hall. Member of public asking of policing of wash road traffic which appears to have increased significantly. Registration number noted. Cllr Jarvis had asked MP M Warman of number of Police but was told figure could not be disclosed.
Ann Booth, Town Hall Management Committee, gave update on Town Hall licence, to assistance with discussions later. The Town Hall Committee was established in 2007 when the Clerk Geoff Sharp obtained the licence for the premises. The Black Bull landlord has offered this facility, and the Town Hall are happy with situation. He is helpful when events require a bar and gives a donation every time it is used. Replacement up to date certificate awaited from Licensing Office for display in the bar.
Police Report
Clerk has spoken with probation service. Offenders to attend, supervised, to clean graffiti off play equipment at Town Hall.
Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors
Cllr Brookes – Boston Road update on 30mph speed reduction signs. Delay has occurred due to delay with contractor on required electrical work.
Request for Blackjack to have speed limit reduction, following assessment, does not meet LCC speed limits policy requirements so no further action.
Request for Kirton End speed limit reduction to 30mph, initial assessment complete, awaiting traffic count and accident data.
Bungley Lane final resurfacing to be completed by end of fiscal year.
Cllr Pryke – submitted a report which was sent on to members by the Chairman covering the Old Leake lighting letter, the Kirton Marsh proposed travellers' site, cannabis, the Everest bar/restaurant, bus timetables, Hubberts Bridge footpaths and planning matters.
Cllr Rylott – Afghan settlement plan has come to fruition with houses in Kirton. Boston Borough pleased with result.
Numerous Scrutiny meetings being held with BBC SHDC and SKDC. Consensus is the public are not being kept up to date. Clerk advised this is also the case for clerk’s and assistance in various fields is poor now with loss of contact in many cases. Cllr Rylott agreed situation was not good at present.
Announcement that of the £60m available from Government, £30m would possibly go to Boston but over a period of the next 10 years.
Cllr P Watson – Chair – had submitted a report which had been passed to the Councillors.
To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllrs Baillie, Pryke, P & S Watson, Borough Cllr Middleton and County Cllr Austin. All resolved to accept reasons given.
To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011
Cllr Rylott declared an interest as member of Boston Borough Council Planning.
To Approve Notes Of Previous Meeting 22nd August 2023.
Proposed Cllr Astill seconded Cllr Elston that these be accepted as a true copy to be called minutes. Clerk had received communication from Borough Cllr Middleton saying his comment was not correct and he had said he had a good feel for the mood of the meeting and had not commented on any of the discussion that took place. Much of what was talked about was about who was going to pay for stone and the repair of a leaking septic tank, plus the dimensions of the site. This communication had been passed to the Councillors who agreed unanimously the minutes were a true copy of the meeting and Cllr Middleton’s comments were not agreed to.
To Co-Opt New Councillor
Proposed Cllr Crisford seconded Cllr Sohail, Lorraine O’Connor rejoins the Council. Cllr O’Connor accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form.
To Receive Updates From Clerk Subject Meeting Discussed Updates
Debt of Contractor Pre DF Awaiting quotation to pursue debt
Car Park CCTV April 2022 Not happy to cancel contract but will if we can agree on a new contract for 3 years, once agreed this end. Suggest 3 hr max with the option of paying for more. Other options given
Recording meetings August 2022 No reason not to use zoom. Putting access to meeting on agenda
Notice Board November 2022 Handyperson ill. To be erected week commencing 23rd
CCTV for village Spoken with local business who is happy to house CCTV. Will try initially but the dead tree at the memorial will need to be trimmed back if not removed. Not keen. Suggestion from another business owner that BBC are made to put the cameras back to the standard that they replaced some years ago.
Solar Panels Trouble contacting Lee, for third quotation. left message again
Orthodox Chapel Meeting held with Flora Buda and father. They are aware of all the issues and request our help to correct them. We advised that is not our task. He receives abuse from many of the people attending. They are not all local now and are coming from far afield but not giving anything back to the church. Advised they have outgrown the property and they advised they have found a church building in Peterborough and are going through the legal aspects to purchase that now. Advised PC will not sell. Ask if PC can see if there notices on cars will have an effect and to see if when Peterborough is available, it alleviates the problem. Advised there will be a rent review.
A Boards & office sign July 2023 Received and in action
Travellers site planning August 2022 No updates on BBC site.
Cleaning of William Dennis Statue June 2023 No further progress, waiting for Mr Dennis
To Discuss Streetlight Financial Commitments
Old Leake Parish Council has written to all Parish Councils within Boston Borough regarding the cost of streetlights in the parishes.
Clerk had distributed information on the transformation programme which began in 2016. Boston Borough Council advised that due to reduced resources, ways of cutting back had been investigated. Streetlights in the Borough being one. They had decided to cut down on costs they would turn off some of the lights completely and reduced the burning times of others. It was a Parish decision to accept this or adopt them themselves. Kirton chose to adopt them and are charged for electricity usage and maintenance which equates to £8500, taken directly from the first instalment of the precept in April. Every three years a survey is done by an independent company with recommendations that you can agree to or not. BBC advised that future budgeted should perhaps be put in place for future events. Green Lane streetlight which was damaged and had to be replaced last year cost £750. Clerk had suggested a contingency be put aside for future expense and gradually over a period change the lights to LED which significantly reduces the cost. Being the second highest parish in the Borough, with A roads bypassing it was agreed that the original decision had been correct, and it was felt that they could not support Old Leake in their request.
To Discuss Town Hall Parking
Clerk had been speaking regularly with parking company. Following two interruptions from a member of the public, after one warning, Chair asked person to leave the meeting.
Differing ways of restrictions discussed, particularly repositioning the camera to focus only on the Town Hall Car Park and not the Parish Council side. They again reiterated they had done everything possible to appease the Council and are making no money now. Being advised that they were breaking their part of the contract by not displaying signs, they said signs would be replaced. Will still not allow Council to cancel contract without significant financial payment. Agreed for the contract to run its course.
Cllr Astill advised that despite the contract being signed by Town Hall Management Committee and Paish Council, businesses were not consulted. Having asked the question now fifteen spaces would be used on a regular basis by the businesses. When contract expires, suggest a public meeting to discuss ways forward. Cllr Crisford advised that most people must pay to park whilst they are at work and Parish Council were not obliged to offer free parking for staff of businesses. Agreed a public meeting would be of interest but a replacement contract, once the current contract expires, must work for all. The Town Hall are happy with current situation as are parents of school children. Cllr Elston advised that self-ticketing could be an option. Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr Crisford leave contract to run its course as no fines are being issued without notices. Five for one abstention.
To Discuss Baby Loss Awareness Week
Local resident requesting if during the period in October pink ribbons could be tied to railings to show support for this Charity. Council or Town Hall had no objections.
To Discuss Parish Council Email Addresses
Clerk had circulated confirmation from Internal Auditor’s that a is not essential, but an email, solely for the Council and Councillors is. Kirton has its own email with Gmail, and it was agreed Clerk to open emails for individual Councillors for next meeting. Proposed Cllr Jarvis seconded Cllr Elston.
£60349.05 a) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule. Proposed Cllr Astill, second Cllr Elston
b) To Discuss Donation for Royal British Legion. £40 has been donated for the last two years, it was proposed Cllr Jarvis seconded Cllr Sohail it be increased to £50.
PLANNING – To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting
Good news that proposed Gypsy site not going to Committee, as has been refused by the case officer on the same grounds of flooding risk.
B/23/0286 – Burton House, Nidds Lane, variation of condition
B/23/0292 – land adjacent to 32 Hemington Way
B/23/0306 – Black Bull, advertisement sign
B/22/0425 – Land off London Road, discharge of condition
No objections
Members Reports
CA – Gravestone in churchyard has been correct by him and Cllr Elston. Fencing at Town Hall fixed by him and Pete Booth.
Repairs required to Town Hall roof, as witnessed when raining. Agenda item next meeting.
Held meeting with Clerk, Florin Buda, and Father of Orthodox Church at their request with evidence of the parking issues. Highly informative. Outcome being, they are inundated with families from Peterborough who do not adhere to rules and have no respect for anyone including the father. When it was local people, it never caused any problems.
Advised Parish Council are not now willing to sell, and they understood, even advised that it had been an idea from another co-ordinator which was never their wish.
Also advised there would be a rent review as this had not been done since original lease taken out. Again, they agreed to that.
They asked for evidence of the parking which was agreed to forward. They are to make notices to put in cars and would have someone on duty to put in windscreens and to stop people parking in the cemetery gateway. Apologised for the incident on the day of the funeral.
Father did advise that there were in the process of renting a church in Peterborough and the problems will hopefully once again recede.
Advised that the grave areas were not to be used under any circumstances.
Wombles had a very successful Macmillan morning, raising £1400.
Surgeries going well. Couple of items brought to our attention. A broken tree on a footpath which had caused damage to a shed roof, passed to clerk for attention.
CC Events Committee – Race Night had been postponed at Town Hall due to the licensing problem. Discussions had taken place with the Black Bull to no avail. Race evening is now to take place in the Leisure Centre. Duckworth’s had sponsored a race also offered a free winter car check as a raffle prize. Cllr Astill if all of Council could be updated on events as a member of public had asked him why the race night had been cancelled and he was not aware it had been. Taken on board.
ME Clean Up Squad had their first clean up and was very well supported. Previously they had tidied the sheds at the cemetery and come across two metal bench ends. Men Shed would be able to make into seats again if Council would be prepared to purchase the wood. As there are two, could sit at the war memorial. Council all agreed a great idea.
To Discuss Town Hall
Premise Licence taken in Committee.
Following confirmation from the Clerk and Cllr Astill regarding the ownership of the licence and all agreeing that the Town Hall and Parish Council are working together it was agreed that nothing further be done as the matter was and had been present for many years and is what the Town Hall Committee wanted to continue. The Town Hall felt that it had occurred due to a misunderstanding and the inaugural meeting of Events Group, and it was not the PC’s intention to cause any bad relationships.
The whole purpose for having a bar, was for additional takings to go towards the cost of a senior citizens Christmas lunch, which is why the Race evening had been postponed and was now being held in the Leisure Centre
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 24th October 2023.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
2nd July - Freddie Sear
2nd July - Tyler Ellis
6th August - Avana Jones
6th August - Maddison Dunworth
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
4th August - Kyron Burton & Alison Hardy
12th Augustt - Calum Cheshire & Hannah Clark
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
19th June - Gillian Dawson
15th August - Elizabeth King |