©Kirton News 2025

February 2009

The Editors Letter

I would like to wish happy birthday to Kirton kids club and congratulate them on their 10th birthday. What an achievement this is! If the New Year has encouraged you to start a new hobby have a look inside there is plenty to do at the town hall or youth centre. You can have fun and meet new friends. Much better than being bored at home on these cold winter days.

Well now that Christmas is over I’m looking forward to warmer days so I can get outside in the garden. But by the looks of the weather at present I still have a while to go before I can. I like nothing better than getting stuck in, weeding and planting new plants in the garden and then to stand back and look at what I have achieved. It is my little sanctuary a time for piece and quiet.

We all need a bit of time to ourselves to relax and unwind, don’t you think? Take care

Catrina Smith.

Personal Messages - coming soon!

New to kirton news. If you would like to send a happy birthday/anniversary message to someone you know. Now you can.

All you need to do is write your message: e.g. ‘Happy 10th birthday to Joshua Smith on the 5th June, lots of love Mum and Dad’ or Happy Mothers or Fathers Day. Pop it to Fossitts the green or 38 Edinburgh Drive with £1 and we will print it for you. Please remember if you wish your message to be in the March issue we need it by 10th February 2009.

Remembrance ‘Lest We Forget’ By Stanley Naylor.

The 84 names etched on the Kirton War Memorial, are merely names, no one can really identify with them, or know of their heroic deeds.  I have therefore researched the history of 78 of them, but unfortunately I have been unable to find any information on the remaining 6, but what I have found are 16 names who I believe have a place in this book, if not on the Memorial. 

All this information has been compiled into a book titled - ‘REMEMBRANCE’, plus stories, poems and photographs that are relevant.  This will be a reference book that will compliment the Memorial and be a lasting tribute to the “Sons of Kirton” who so gallantly, and unstintingly, gave their lives for King & Country.

The proceeds are for the RBL Poppy Fund and the price is £11.97.  Copies are available from Fossitt & Thorne, The Green, Kirton, or from me at 15 Edinburgh Crescent, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1JT.  Please make cheques payable to: Stanley Naylor, and the price includes post & packing, but only in the UK.  If overseas then please add £1.50 extra.



A Centenary

One hundred years ago, towards the end of 1908, a ceremony was held which was of great importance in the next few decades in the Kirton Skeldyke area- it was the opening ceremony of the new Kirton Skeldyke Methodist Chapel. The old chapel, built in about 1846 had become inadequate for the growing numbers in the congregation and Sunday school. The new building was widely supported, particularly by Mr J A Tunnard who gave the piece of land.

The site was part of the garden of my grandparents, Samuel and Frances Pinnock, who took on the task of looking after the new premises, cleaning the interior and keeping the surroundings in good order, such as cutting the surrounding hedge or two or three times a year.

The new chapel became a very popular centre for the area. It was authorized for worship in December 1908. it held its first Sunday school anniversary in 1909 and those anniversaries each year were well attended – not only the chapel was crowded but also the school room alongside, the large sash windows in between being opened wide to include all the overflow in the congregation.

In the earlier years the children said their “pieces” a variety of recitations. In the later years, the events were often themed, with each child quoting a poem on a subject such as faith, praise or hope; each held a cardboard shape bearing the name of the subject and the shapes were all fitted together to build perhaps a church or lighthouse. The anniversary was a special occasion and if a child needed any new clothes that summer, they would be bought for the anniversary, e.g. a dress, shoes, shirt, or a pretty brimmed hat, as the girls would usually wear a hat for those events. Visitors often came to see relatives on those days, in order to go to the anniversary as well.

The annual Sunday school outing to Skegness was also looked forward to – the only outing many children (and parents) had in those days. Not only were outings scarce but also books and Sunday school prizes for attendance were highly valued.
Concerts were held from time to time offering the opportunity sometimes for adults and children to take part, as well as being a rare evening out for local people. The concerts included good quality solo singing together with sketches and recitations.
In the 1930s a Wesley Guild was started. That too proved very popular pleasant and enjoyable evenings.

The Sunday school, Sunday services and other activities were well supported in the earlier years. It was in the later 1940s and early 1950s that numbers dropped and support in the area dwindled to such an extent that it was decided reluctantly that closure of the chapel was unavoidable in 1956. For a time the chapel premises were used for storage purposes. They were the converted into a private house a unique dwelling retaining an outward appearance which must still bring back happy memories to many people.

Sylvia M Simpson

Kirton Town Hall Christmas Fayre

Kirton Town Hall was buzzing on 30th November when the first Christmas Fayre was held. 25 stalls ranging from hand made crafts – pottery, wood, cards and knitted items etc to tombolas, home made cakes, flowers and pot plants and of course not forgetting Santa who welcomed children to give their Christmas lists. The Kirton Café was open serving coffee, tea, soft drinks, mince pies and stollen and of course the inevitable mulled wine (Gluwein).

Outside Andrew Dennis from Woodlands Organic Farm provided gobble burgers (organic turkey) on the bar-b-q and an opportunity for youngsters and adults alike to view a tractor which was decorated with balloons. Beesons Butchers also had a stall taking orders for Christmas meats, pies, cheeses etc.

Just the week before the successful Kirton Dinner Dance was held with 70 people sitting down to an excellent 4 course buffet dinner provided by Sue Borrill and her team. The music provided by Steve Greenough made sure everyone danced off the excess pounds.

Events held throughout the year have raised the profile of the facility and subsequently the number of bookings for regular users as well as for weddings, dinner dances and parties has increased. This income has enabled the Town Hall to be upgraded and the main hall has been decorated, has new curtains and new flooring for the bar area. We also have new tables and comfortable padded chairs for those special events. The Kitchen has also seen improvements with a new triple oven cooker and refrigerator.

We still have a way to go with improvements but in the 18 months it has been in existence your Town Hall Committee has made a huge difference to the venue. With your help we can do even more to encourage the continued use of this excellent community building in your village.

If you want to be part of an exciting and dynamic project for your community come and join us. Ring Chairman Ian Turner on 01205 723986.



Around the homes - News from the Chestnuts

Building work continued throughout November & December when the majority of the construction work was completed. Most areas have now been decorated and new carpets fitted, with the visual caller system operated from the new front door complex.

A new lift was installed and is now up and running, and proving a huge improvement over the old system. Two new washing machines and tumble driers have been fitted in our new laundry room and are proving to be a great asset.

We enjoyed a coach trip to Baytree on Dec.9th where we were able to see all the latest Christmas décor etc. After a good meal in their café we returned home about mid-afternoon.
All our residents returned during late Nov. & December, and with a lot of hard graft from builders and Mayflower staff, a small buffet party was arranged for Dec.22nd to celebrate our refurbishment. This was enjoyed and appreciated by us all. It felt good to be home again after months of exile!

We were all very sad to learn that Bryan had passed away we shall certainly miss him.
Our sympathy goes out to his wife and families.Bryan would have wanted us to resume our Tuesday Bingo sessions and we hope to do just that starting on Tuesday January 6th at 7pm.

Two ladies have had birthdays during December---we wish them good health throughout the coming year.

Tony Mathieson.

Kirton Kids Club

‘Happy birthday to us!’ – Yes we are ten years old this January! I can hardly believe! The idea of an afternoon club was conceived in Oct. 1998 and Kirton Kids’ Club took its first faltering steps in Jan. 1999.

The need for after school childcare was first voiced by three large companies in Kirton – Exotic Farm Produce, Uni Veg. and Elgro all of which helped financially, along with a National Lottery Fund to set up and pay for the initial outlay of putting together the basics of such an enterprise.

I feel very lucky to have been involved with the club from those first initial discussions to the success it is today. Holiday and breakfast clubs were added to the afternoon sessions over the years, as parents in the local area needed them. A ‘chill out’ room was furnished and equipped for the children year five and over as the club grew in numbers. Outside tables and seating were also added for the children’s use along with numerous sports and play equipment.

Over the years the equipment and activities have been updated and added to many times and will continue to be. A storage unit was built and extended during this time too and the children also gained a computer area.

The club enjoys a real sense of ‘community’ within the Kirton village with many of the businesses helping out during the year. Not only do we take children for Kirton though – children from Frampton, Sutterton, Wyberton and the surrounding villages are also able to attend. We get children from as far a field as Horncastle, Spalding and Boston in the holidays too!

I can honestly say I really enjoy my job! It is hard work sometimes, especially trying to find grants to enable us to keep running and to cover the costs that are not covered by the fees. But to enable parents to have access to such good affordable childcare – I do have to look for money outside of the fees and this is a real challenge sometimes.

Staffs at the club encourage each other to ‘pull together’ within the club itself and to feel a sense of pride in what we have managed to achieve over the last ten years. The same team spirit is extended to our committee – the people who have and do chair our committee team, treasurers and minute’s secretaries – who do all their hard work for free to help the club to run smoothly and to encourage and help staff and myself.

A BIG thank you to everyone who has helped the club over the last ten years – parents and children who have used it, committee members and staff at Kirton Primary School and of course Kids’ Club staff – long may it continue!

If you would like more information either call at the youth centre or phone 722426 – 7.30am to school – after school to 5.45pm.


Kids wanted for brass band

Kirton Methodist Church are currently looking to recruit youngsters to learn to play a brass instrument in the brass band in Kirton Methodist Church on Thursdays at 6 o’clock. Mums and Dads need to be there to sign for the instrument, and pay 50p subs, but the little ones get to stay and play for 1 hour, and learn how to play an instrument.

My little girl is learning the cornet, and seems to be thoroughly enjoying it. Music is often considered the food of life, so bring a little into your home!! There is nothing to lose, just a skill to gain. Anyone interested can just turn up, or call 01406 363171 and speak to Julie or Richard fro more details, including separate music lessons.

Tricia Mortimer



Boston Health Walks - A healthier lifestyle today and FREE for all

We had the first walk on Monday 5th Jan 2009 and despite the cold, 16 people did a short walk and then went back to the Town Hall for a FREE cup of tea and a biscuit and all in good time to collect the kids from school !

For more details please contact Frances Taylor (Boston Borough Council on 01205 - 354320.

To find out more about the project or if would like a Health Trainer to visit your group or organisation, please contact: South Lincs CVS on (01205) 315926. Alternatively you can contact Mike Peberdy on email Mike.p@southlincscvs.org.uk or alternatively call him on 07532 – 358309.




On Stage in Frampton

Christmas came early to Frampton village hall; in fact at the end of November. The Mellstock Band thoroughly entertained us with “Christmas is come”. We were transported back to the 18th century of Thomas Hardy and treated to a lively mixture of songs, carols and tunes.

The instruments ranged from an early oboe and clarinet, to a serpent and humstrum. This last was a homemade form of violin. The four very accomplished musicians were dressed in costumes of the period, also sung in four part harmony and performed a Dorset Mummels play.

I found the whole evening very enjoyable and cheering and will definantly be looking out for The Mellstock Band in the future

Rosemary Hutchinson

Pre-school Music classes in Kirton

We have been having lots of fun during the term with lots of activities including finishing for Christmas with a Christmas party where most children and parents participated in the fancy dress competition. Why not join us during the spring term and see the fun we have each week?

Music Bugs® classes focus on letting children as young as 6 months of age develop and grow in a gently structured and play-based environment. The 40 minute sessions focus on several key areas of development including language development, early numeracy skills, social skills and physical development. Large selections of brightly coloured and fun props are introduced into each session to encourage children to engage and interact with their peers.

Classes are held on a Thursday morning at Kirton Town Hall. Other sessions are available in Spalding, Pinchbeck and Market Deeping. Come along for an initial no-obligation taster session. Booking is essential as places are limited. Also available for birthday/seasonal parties for ages 1 - 4years. I look forward to welcoming you soon

Sarah Gibbins - Telephone: 0844 578 1015 or email sarah@musicbugs.co.uk

The Sponge Cake by Gladys Seabrook

The sponge cake really looked supreme,
Topped with icing oozing cream,
Ones I bake are not like that,
Always turn out sunken flat,

So I begged the recipe,
Which was given willingly,
Wrote it down in my little book,
Rushed back home, my sponge to cook.

Oven temperature set just right,
Eggs and sugar, creamed them light,
Sifted flour I folded in.
Placed the mixture in greased tin.

Popped it in the oven, then
Set the timer ten past ten.
Sweet aroma filled the air
In my mind I saw it there

On the table so enticing,
Oozing cream and topped with icing.
Friends would shower praise on me,
When invited around for tea.

Imagination had its fling,
Until I heard the timer ping.
Yes you,ve guessed it, there it sat,
In the oven sunken flat.



Local Policing

I hope that you all have enjoyed the festive season and wish you all a prosperous New Year.

Anti Social Behaviour

There have been 12 reports on anti social behaviour in Kirton for November. These are: 3 report of inappropriate use of fireworks, 4 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 4 reports of vehicle nuisance and 1 report of throwing things.

Since September 2008 there have been 50 joint advice letters and 7 Anti Social Behaviour Warning letters have been sent to the registered keepers of vehicles causing nuisance at Kirton Town Hall. Boston Borough CCTV has also identified offenders whilst monitoring the area.

There have been 11 reports on Anti Social Behaviour in Kirton for December. These are 5 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 3 reports of vehicle nuisance and 3 reports of Throwing Things.

Offenders have been identified causing nuisance and admitted to throwing things and have been involved in restorative justice, youth nuisance letters have also been sent to offenders from Boston Borough Council.

The next Kirton Neighbourhood Panel meeting will take place on Tuesday 24th February 2009 at Kirton Town Hall. Any person wishing to become a member or would like more information on what a Neighbourhood Panel is, please contact me on the details below.
The current neighbourhood panel priorities are the double yellow lines on the Stag & Pheasant Corner, Skeldyke Road, the Vehicle Nuisance occuring at Graves Park, Kirton Town Hall and the Leisure Centre at Willington Road and speeding.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden - Boston Neighbourhood Policing Team - South Rural

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

28th December - Hadley Lewis Anthony Ground

Weddings - We ask God’s blessing on:

3rd January - Ross Andrew Hastie & Julie Denise Addison

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

12th November - Leslie cook
14th November - Geoffrey Bates
14th November - Ethel Taylor
18th November - Francis Louisa Brotherton
28th November - Robert Andrew Brackenbury
23rd December - Arthur Bryan Flatters



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

Frampton Charities...........£25

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.


Activities at the Kirton Youth Centre and Kirton Town Hall

If you are interested in any of these activities please pop along to the youth centre or Town Hall when your chosen event is scheduled for more information or look on the notice board outside the town hall.

Kirton Youth Centre

Army Cadets - Monday & Thursday 7.00pm - 9.00pm on the ground floor
Kids Club - Monday - Friday (Term Time) 3.00pm - 5.45pm on the ground floor
Breakfast Club - Monday - Friday (Term Time) 7.30am - 8.30am on the ground floor
Gentle Exercise - Monday 10.30am - 12.00pm on the first floor
Cubs - Monday 6.45pm - 8.15pm on the first floor
Home Start - Tuesday 9.30am - 12.30pm on the ground floor
Youth Club - Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm on the ground floor
Guides - Wednesday 7.15pm - 8.45pm on the first floor
Beavers - Thursday 5.45pm - 6.45pm on the first floor
Scouts - Thursday 7.00pm - 9.00pm on the first floor
Model Railway Club - Thursday 7.30pm - 10.00pm on the first floor
Tiny Totz - Friday 9.45am - 11.45am on the ground floor
Brownies - Friday 7.00pm - 8.30pm on the first floor
Rainbows - Friday 6.00pm - 7.00pm on the first floor

Kirton Town Hall

Art Class - Monday & Tuesday 1.00pm -3.30pm
Walking Activities - Monday 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Ballroom Style Dancing - Tuesday 7.00pm - 10.00pm
Music Bugs for little ones - Thursday 10.00am - 12.00pm
Coffee Morning - Friday 9.00am - 11.15am