©Kirton News 2025

February 2011

The Editors Letter

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
It has been a harsh winter, ice and snow and so cold but spring is round the corner and hopefully some warmer weather.

Already the spring flowers are trying to push up through the hard ground.

If you have a story to tell, a favourite recipe or poem or something to add to the Kirton News please contact me and I will do my best to get it in for you.

I would like to draw your attention to my new e mail address; this will be the e mail address to use when contacting me regards the Kirton News or you can leave items at Fossitt and Thorne, The Green.

Please have all news items in by deadline date.


etters to the Editor:
Elsie Rodgers, Matron
Woodlands Nursing Home - 1950s & 60s

The nephew of Elsie Rodgers has written to me, asking if readers who knew his Aunt would be kind enough to get in contact with him. The letter reads :-

“I am keen to hear from anyone who knew Elsie Rodgers who was Matron of The Woodlands Nursing Home, Kirton during the 1950s and 60s.

Elsie, the eldest of a family of 9 children, was born in 1906 at Morton near Bourne. Upon leaving school she trained as a nurse in the Spalding area and it is thought that she spent time in London during the blitz. She returned to Spalding after the war and for a time it is thought she worked as a sister at the town’s Myntling Home, before moving to Kirton. She died in the Boston area in 1973 of cancer, after suffering for some time with breast cancer.

Elsie was the oldest sister of my Mother, Joyce Mary Rodgers. For some reason that remains unknown to her surviving nephews and nieces became estranged from most of her family around the time of WW2. Given the humble background from which she came she appears to have achieved much in her life and her nephews and nieces would dearly like to know more about her.”

If anyone can help in this matter please contact Stuart on either: stuartscoffins@btopenworld.com by phone on 01663 763948
or by mail Mr Stuart Scoffins, 18, Martlet Avenue, Disley, Stockport, Cheshire SK12 2JH.

Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people
live full and independent lives

Great British Fish & Chip Supper

Friday 20th May 2011

Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 20th May 2011 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services.

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre.

SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

Last year we had over 100 suppers taking part in England and Wales and we raised £6,000. In 2011 we want to double that figure and ensure we can provide more support to spinal cord injured people.

The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives.

Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.
Community Fundraising Officer, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group.

Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people gain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live full and independent lives.”

For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 678 6633 xtn 229 or email fishandchips@spinal.co.uk or visit www.spinal.co.uk

Kirton Kids Club

Happy New Year to you all! 2010 was a struggle at times for most of us – including Kirton Kids’ Club. Hopefully 2011 will be better and we go into a new year with a positive outlook.

Working with children though is positive in itself. Their view of life and the future is always bright and happy and you can not help but catch their enthusiasm and fun for life – which is a total bonus of our jobs.

The Christmas term ended with a ‘Santa’ party. Every child attending the session was given a Santa hat and beard. The photos are wonderful and the children had a great time.
The snow did cause a lot of problems for the staff and children but as the school never closed – nor did the club and we managed to stay open through it all.
The club now has a new phone number – 07583 762072 – this phone will be left on at all times. If you have a question or wish to book days please phone this number or leave a message outside of club hours.

Breakfast club runs from 7.30 am to school (£3.00 per child per session) and after school sessions run from 3.20 pm to 5.45 pm. (£5.00 per child per session).
All at the Youth Centre next to the Church.

The first holiday club will be February half term. If you wish to book places please either come into the club itself or phone 07583 762072 as places are limited.

The club will also be open the first week of the Easter holidays/ three weeks of the summer holidays and Oct. half term too. Plus every morning and afternoon of the school term.

(Unfortunately if the school closes due to bad weather or any other problems the club will have to close too).

If you would like a look around or want more information please call in you will be very welcome.

BLACK Bull gives you wings too!

The Black Bull Inn raised £1,000 last year from Quiz Nights in support of the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance.
Flying since 1994, the service has provided invaluable support to the two Counties Emergency Services. It is funded entirely by good works and donations and is a registered charity.

The Quizes, organised by Helen and Dave Lamyman (pictured) are a regular feature at "The Bull" - usually on the last Sunday of every month. Manager Diane Clarke (far right) said: "We were delighted to donate the money, raised during 2010, to the Ambucopter and hope to better the figure this coming year."

The Quiz costs £1 per player to enter; as many team members as you wish; prizes are donated. Landlord Anthony Luto is also pictured in the party donating the cash to David Sellars, local Ambucopter Volunteer.

If you want information about the next quiz night, just call "The Bull" on 722530.

Kirton Amateur Dramatic Youth Team

KADYT, Kirton Amateur Dramatic Youth Team has been meeting weekly now for just over a year. We started up again in September 2009 after a beak of several years and meet every Tuesday (except school holidays) in the Methodist Church Hall in Kirton.

We are a small but lively group and have great fun in our sessions learning drama techniques and skills and rehearsing for our performances. Over the last year we have had performances of comedy drama, mime and dance as well as some singing!

Recently we performed a carol routine at the Christmas Tree Festival at Kirton Parish church and some comedy sketches at D'Eyncourt for the residents there.
Our next performance will be comedy sketches at The Chestnuts on Hardwick Estate. Rehearsals will start for that in January but if you would like to come and join us I’m sure we could include you in our production.

Do you want to have FUN?
Learn about drama techniques, and perform plays?
Do you want to be a STAR?

If you are at secondary school and aged between 11 and 16 years and want to belong to Kirton’s exciting youth drama group come along to The Methodist Church Hall on Tuesdays at 4.30pm. Sessions last for one hour and are free.

For more information phone Fay on 01205 723529


Our Grateful thanks go out to a lady driver on the Dennis Estate in Kirton on Friday evening 3rd December 2010. Our friend, a rather large gentleman, had slipped on the ice and was unable to get up. With the help of this lady, who had kindly stopped to assist, our friend was soon on his feet and unhurt. Once again many many thanks.

Tony of The Chestnuts

Kirton Parish Council would like to thank all the stall holders and residents for their support at this year’s Christmas Fayre which was a great success. It was a particularly cold evening and the turnout was greater than anticipated considering the weather.Once again a big thank you.

Extracts from the minutes of
the Kirton Parish Council Meeting

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council

Cllr Skinner reported that slurry sealing of the pathways in Kirton Holme had started – this is weather dependant, but will be completed.

Cllr Smith reported that there is still subsidence from Kirton Holme on Holme Road (1 mile from Donington Rd) – Cllrs Skinner and Brookes will take issue up with Highways.

Cllr Brookes reported that the footpath scheme that was started last year will be completed this year – however he will chase this issue.

Cllr Skinner reported that the Archer Strip requested for Station Road will be put down soon.

Cllr Smith also reported a trailer blocking the road which Cllr Rush took the details for and will deal.

Cllr Brookes reported that the work at the War Memorial continues – a culvert under the bus bay is being replaced with a bigger pipe which is aiming for the NE corner of the school. He reports that the work will continue until the job is completed. Clerk to email Lionel Rudkin for update prior to future meetings to enable keeping members up to date.
Cllr Brookes reported on a task and finish group whose aim is to improve the relationship between the County Councillor and Parish Councils and urged all to complete the questionnaire which will be coming out soon.

Cllr Smith reported that he observed a very near miss on the crossing on the High Street. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to Highways again to ask for additional signage on the crossing.

Cllr Carter said that parking from Church Lane into Willington Road could become a problem when the new development is completed; Cllr Brookes said that the double yellow lines from the Merry Monk are due to be extended to include this corner.

Cllr Turner said he had received 3 complaints regarding Kymes Mews where residents have been parking opposite their driveways and causing an obstruction – Cllr Brotherton will take this up with the landlord and Clerk to report to the Police. Clerk also to write to Highways to request on site meeting to see whether double yellow lines could be put on both sides of the roads and to copy this to Cllr Brookes.


Hedges have been trimmed around the extension. It was noted that the new hedgerow will need to be added to the quotation/tender when this comes up for renewal – Cllr Lee said that the Friday Group would try and keep on top of the new hedge, but would let council know if it was too much for them to undertake.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

The headmaster from Kirton Middlecott School came to talk to members about the proposed 3G astro pitch. Members offered their full support but informed Steve Johnson (the headmaster) that funds would be tight as the Park will be the Parish Council’s priority.
Mr Johnson informed members that the competition for the design of the gates for the Park was in full swing and that the Clerk could collect any entries at the end of the following week from the school.

Enquiry from resident on Church Lane re Lighting – no new street lights planned for Church Lane at this time – Clerk informed resident of LCC’s reply.

Lincs Laboratory have completed their survey of Station Road, its type/total number of vehicles for week 12th October to 18th October which shows that the total number of HGVs for that period is 3% of the total volume of traffic. – it was resolved that the surface of the road should be monitored and readdressed if necessary in the future.
Pothole outside of Kirton House on London Road reported to LCC.

Clerk contacted the owners of the Mews properties on the old Stag and Pheasant Corner – he will speak to Community Cleaner and if she can identify the culprit who threw cigarette butts out of the window with a view to taking further action himself.

Clerk has received confirmation that LCC Lines and Signs have passed the Parish Council’s request for double yellow lines outside Kyme Mews to the Boston team. The response was from Gareth Milner who suggested a site meeting. Cllr Brotherton will contact Mr Milner at Highways and arrange to meet him to discuss Kyme Mews.

Lines and Signs are also looking into the Parish Council’s request for additional signage near to the zebra crossing on High Street – will contact Parish Council again when they have an answer. – Cllr Brooke requested that the Clerk send a copy of this correspondence to him so that he can pursue this issue with them too.

Clerk has written again to Mr Kenny of Mayflower with further information regarding the new park and asking for donation. Overgrown hedge on Donington Road/Kirton Holme Road junction reported to LCC.

Fly tipping of asbestos and other roofing materials reported previously, asbestos removed but roofing materials not removed, reported to LCC ref: 1003431
Clerk has written to G Bernard – Head of Operations regarding litter picking by the Borough in the village (whether the Parish Council could do this more economically than the Borough) – nothing heard back yet. Potholes on Eleven Acre Lane reported to LCC.

Reports for Various Bodies

The trailer that was blocking Sykemouth Drove has been investigated by Cllr Rush and Cllr Smith – the two Councillors have located the owner of the trailer - this parishioner has an issue with LCC regarding the state of the road after where the road is blocked by the trailer; in that he has reported the numerous potholes many times and nothing has been done to address the problem – Cllr Rush will speak to parishioner to try and rectify the situation before it becomes a police issue.

Cllr Smith reported that tarmac had been put on the existing footpath but not on the one that really needed attention in Kirton Holme. It was thought that this was due to work already scheduled after utility work had been carried out on new houses in the street.

Cllr Smith commented that the turn out for the Remembrance Service was even better than last year.

Cllr Lee raised thanks to PCSO Jon Thornton for his, almost single handed, traffic control which was usually carried out by at least 2 officers. The Clerk has sent a letter of thanks to PCSO Thornton’s Manager.

It was proposed by Cllr Lee that the Parish Council write to Paragon Labels and offer support in them moving to the village. It was commented that one large company building on the industrial area, could encourage more businesses to do the same thing.
Cllr Lee reported that access to Church by disabled parishioners was being hampered by cars parking near the wheelchair access. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to Highways and request bollards be placed at the entrance to the Church to stop this happening.

Parish matters - Recreation Project

All received notes of the last meeting of the Committee. Cllr Hannay is to arrange a site visit as soon as the weather allows and then from this a further committee meeting to agree the final layout of the Park. Following this the information can be sent to the Thomas Middlecott Trust, so that the Trust can see and approve the layout and then the Borough Council can receive the final plan as part of the planning application. Quotations are nearly all gathered. Action Cllr Hannay

Inspection Rota

Cllr Hannay still happy to continue with inspections. Nothing to report.

Pensioners Xmas Dinner

Cllr Welberry would like to serve the desert in disposable bowls. There were no objections.

Kirton Quiz

Excellent turnout and an enjoyable evening.

Xmas Fayre

Plans are progressing well and this year’s Fayre will be bigger than last years.

Gating off Kings Court pathway

Cllrs Lee and Turner will carry out the gating off of Kings Court at New Year.

Spring Cleaning by Gladys Seabrook

Insects crawl from nook and cranny,
Panic-striken spiders run,
Children sent away to Granny,
Means spring-cleaning has begun.
Frantic dog hides in the garden,
Kitten runs away in fear,
With the first pale ray of sunshine,
Winter’s grime must disappear.
Windows open, breezes blowing,
Dreams of comfort overcast,
Hopefully is posed the question,
How long will spring-cleaning last?
Dad in tool shed is reclining,
Deaf as stone to Mother’s call,
To emerge spells hours of labour,
Decorating stairs and hall.
Meals prepared in haste, uneaten,
Dishes draining in the sink,
Every room holds some confusion,
Sanity is on the brink.
Thankfully comes peace descending,
Into this domestic scene.
Home’s destruction once impending,
Now as distant as a dream.
Dad by telly sits contented,
Pets and children homeward come.
Mother beams with satisfaction,
All spring-cleaning has been done.


A Child
Author unknown, passed to the magazine by Ann Dawson

If a child lives with criticism he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility he learns to fight.
If a child lives with fear he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with pity he learns to feel sorry for himself.
If a child lives with jealousy he learns to hate.
If a child lives with encouragement he learns to be confident.
If a child lives with praise he learns to be appreciative.
If a child lives with approval he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with recognition he learns to have a goal.
If a child lives with fairness he learns justice
If a child lives with friendliness he learns that the world
is a nice place in which to live.


Cheesy Mince SERVES 4

450 – 675g / 1 –1½lb lean minced beef
1 large onion, chopped
113ml/4fl oz stock made with liquid concentrate
or 1tsp marmite with 113ml/4 fl oz hot water
225g/8oz fat free cottage cheese
2 eggs, separated
Seasoning: 1 level tsp mixed herbs

Preheat oven 190C, 375F or Gas 5.
Dry fry the mince and drain off all excess fat.
Add the onion, seasoning and herbs with the stock. Simmer gently for 20-30 minutes.
Place in an oven proof dish. Mix the cheese with the egg yolks, add a good pinch of herbs and seasoning. Whisk the egg whites until stiff. Carefully fold into the yolk mixture.
Spread over the meat mixture and place in oven for about 15 – 20 minutes until the cheese mixture begins to brown.
Serve with a selection of fresh vegetables.



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

David & Jill Taylor of the Methodist Chapel.........£5
Mr & Mrs G Woodward....................................£10

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.