©Kirton News 2025

February 2015

The Editors Letter

I attended a family funeral today (21:01:15); an interment - which I always find quite comforting compared to the alternative. The lady in question was the last (in our genealogical sphere) of my parent’s generation. And it got me thinking. Now I’m the grown-up. Approacing my fifty-eighth Summer I’ve reached the top of the pile - or back of the queue. Whichever way!

That means I have acquired the patriarchal role - I guess there would have only been one choice not to - and all I do from now on has influence, or effect on those going after me; there’s no one left to blame. So it’s quite a responsibility. But there again, what we all do today creates tomorrow’s history so we’d all better make sure it’s for the good.

The tragedies in Paris only two weeks ago illustrate (no pun intended) how one or two people can create a wave that sweeps over millions. The rise of Social media has become a common scapegoat for this and other recent atrocities, as though its a new thing. But Social Media isn’t able to pull the trigger on an AK-47!

It’s not a new thing anyway. Wasn’t Dickens ‘Social Media’ with his commentaries (thinly veiled in the great novels) highlighting poverty and injustice in Victorian England? Wasn’t Henry Thoreau ‘Social Media’ in his musings on environmentalism? And, in his own way, as radical as any modern funamentalist; influencing the likes of Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

(Come to think of it.. Isn’t ‘Kirton News’ in some small way ‘Social Media’? Look at me Mum; I’m BLOGGING!)

We shouldn’t blame abstract modern-day creations such as facebook and Twitter for the failings of our own society, or even of ourselves.

Even locally - based on events of only a few months go - you can see a possible illustration of how a ripple can become a tidal wave. One person throws a stone at a pensioner’s window or puts a match to rubbish beneath a piece of wooden play equipment, then hundreds of people don’t have a skatepark to enjoy! Of course, in the best Scroogian tradition it’s only what might happen.

So, think on.... Occasionaly it might be best to bite your lip, or take a couple of seconds to think about the consequence of what you are about.

What we are about, is to go into February (fill-dyke, as my old Dad would call it) and I’ve been asked to pass on a couple of messages.

Firstly, there’s an unclaimed raffle prize from the Christmas Tree Festival so, could owner of ticket number 32 with an orange border contact Carol Lidgett on 724507. It has AB867726 as a reference on the front.

Secondly, in response to queries about the state of Bungle Lane in our November issue, a statement (sadly too late arriving to make the December mag) from the Ian Turner, chair of the Parish Council:

“Bungle Lane was repaired by Highways on Monday (November 17th) I am hoping to get Highways to inspect with me the roads in Kirton that are in need of attention.  Please note that Bugle Lane was already down for repair.

The area of Station Road that is subject to flooding is due to be sorted out in the new financial year and is high on the things to do by highways.”

There.... Done that!


Get on the A1 route to driving success

Peter Watson, owner of A1 Driving School has been an instructor for 10 years. Having successfully established a thriving business in Hampshire he has recently moved his operation up to Lincolnshire and hopes to be just as successful in the Kirton area.

Why should you learn with A1 Drive? Well, Peter is an 'A' Grade Instructor, as assessed by the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency). He has a wealth of experience and can tailor your course of lessons to suit individual needs whether you are a novice or an experienced driver looking for a refresher course to update your skills and knowledge. Peter is also skilled in looking after pupils who may have learning difficulties or those for whom English is not their first language. He has a highly successful record in launching such as these, and many others, into a successful driving career.

All lessons are on a one-to-one basis with complete attention given to the pupil. Peter has a very high pass rate and immaculate safety record.

So, if you wish to pass your driving test sooner than most by driving safely with the best possible instruction then contact Peter Watson at A1 Drive right away to book your course of lessons.

For a limited time Peter is also offering free Theory Test training (via DVD/CD Rom) to prepare you for passing your Theory Test. This is available to all new pupils who have completed 10 hours of paid instruction with A1 Drive.

Lesson prices are £24 per hour; £35 per 1.5 hours; £46 per 2 hours. Block of 10 hours: £230 (minimum 1.5 hour sessions).

Visit the website at www.a1drive.co.uk for further details or contact A1 Drive on 01205 619885 or 07746 556 789.

Please book now to avoid disappointment.



The Royal British Legion - Kirton & District Branch

Hello readers, Happy New Year to you all! The Royal British Legion Kirton and District Branch Chairman and Committee Members would like to say thank you to all the residents of the district for their generous support in this year’s poppy appeal in this the centenary year of the start of the first world war.

To date we have collected £ 4,225.69 this has already exceeded last year appeal by £ 600.00 and we still have a long way to go to the end of the 2014/2015 poppy appeal in September.

Our next meeting to be held on February 10th at the Kirton Leisure Centre in Willington Road and up for discussion are plans for future activities to raise funds for the poppy appeal and branch funds. Items up for discussion are likely to be a bus trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire or a trip to the Imperial War Museum in Duxford, Cambridgeshire. We would like to arrange the coach trip in the school holiday time so that it gives parents a chance for day out with their children. We also have the Charity Fishing match to arrange at Westwood Lakes with Mr Coupland permission.

For village actives maybe we could arrange a hog roast and race night. There is also the Tombolo stall at the classic car rally at Graves Park in August.

So you see readers 2015 looks to be a very busy time again for us. If there is anyone who would like to help us they are always welcome and very much appreciated. For comments on this article please contact me at the email address or telephone number below.

Thanking you all

Roland Reece - Poppy Appeal Organiser
Tel: 01205 722501


Health MOT at Middlecott Sports

“New Year; New You” The phrase is dragged out every January by advertisers all over the place. Some of us join the gym.... We go at it hell for leather - not really knowing what we’re doing - and when we’ve only lost a couple of pounds (or, even, gained!) for three weeks hard graft we find an excuse to give it all up! Well, one reason might be we’re not doing it properly to get the most benefit. So, at Middlecott Sports Centre you can now get a Health MoT (formerly known as a Vi1 health assessment).

Called a “Wellbeing Advisor” one of the trained instructors will put you through the hour-long assessment which involves a questionnaire; height, weight, waist and hip measurements & BMI test. They will also take your blood pressure and resting heart rate and measure your cholesterol and blood glucose from a simple pin-prick blood test.

From this information - and by assessing just what your real goals are - they can work out the best programme for you as an individual. And make sure it’s one that’s easily achievable within the time-scale you want. In their words; “help identify certain opportunities for you to improve your health, well-being and quality of life.”

It is stressed that this is not a substitute for, or alternative to a medical consultation with a GP (if you can get to see one!!!) and, if it raises any doubts about your general health then you must consult a medical professional. But it could put you firmly on the right track to start to build the “New You”.

This Health MoT will help staff determine what and how much support and attention they need to give you as an individual when embarking on an excerise programme. And you will get that support and encouragement for as long as you need it. I’ve joined Gyms in the past (believe it or not!) and the usual thing is a fifteen minute run through how to use the gear and then you’re on your own. That never worked for me.

I took the MoT just the other day and it has given me lots to think about (I was shocked to find out I’m only five feet four though!!!) I’m even considering a bit of a life-style change myself.

If it’s on your list of resolutions to go down the gym route in 2015 then Middlecott Sports Centre should be your first stop. The contact details are in their ad in this publication. Just give them a call!

Good luck!


Letters to the Editor

Could you help please?

Good evening

I wondered if there was a chance that you know of a lady called Joan Hilton.  I believe that she lived in Kirton until at least 2011.  She may now be divorced and have moved from the village.

Joan used to work for TransLinc and It is important that I make contact with her.

Yours sincerely

Pauline Hird
Trustee of the TransLinc Pension Scheme

Kirton Kids Club

Happy New Year to you all and I hope 2015 will be good to us and you also.

This January we celebrate out sixteenth birthday!

Who would have thought sixteen years ago that we would still be up and running and still enjoying offering parents and carers a before and after school club for their children.

Many things have changed for us but I feel every change has been for the better and has improved the service we offer and made Kirton Kids Club the happy, busy place it is today.

I would like at this point to thank the people who have stood with us all this time and helped the club through the years ….. Beesons Butchers, KMB, Kirton Charities, Kirton Primary and Secondary Schools and all the people behind the scenes who offer help and support when things need doing or money needs finding.

Also a thank you to Kirton and Frampton magazines who keep their readers up to date with everything the children do during the year and show what fun we really do have.

Over the years the club has had a ‘wish list’ - many of these wishes have been answered and found for the club but I think the one thing that we have never succeeded in doing so far is to get a place of our own to work from.

Somewhere that we could put our equipment out and keep it out for the children day to day, somewhere we can call ‘our own’ and not have to worry about our things or have to lock away each night and set up again the next day.

Who knows what will happen this year – maybe it will be our year for this too.

The club opens for the breakfast sessions at 7.30am and closes after school at 5.45pm.

Breakfast club offers children a hot or cold menu and time to play before being escorted to school and taken to their classes.

After school sessions start from the school bell and children are escorted to the Youth Centre and offered a multitude of games, activities and equipment to keep them safe and happy.

They also enjoy a ‘high tea’ of choice and drinks.

Many of the activities offered include food of some description either making it or parties that everyone enjoys – our birthday being next on the list!

Older children enjoy a ‘chill out’ room of their own and younger children have the use of a huge main hall set up with toys and equipment each afternoon and get to choose what they would like to do.

Along with these there are always full sized snooker and football tables, art activities, wii and ps2 to keep them busy.

There is also a separate dining are and kitchen. The Kids Club staff have achieved a 5 star rating from the Boston Council for the setting.

The club also has a big secure outside space with astro turf, football pitch, climbing and slide equipment as well as sand and water play.

If you would like a free taster session for your child/children – where you stay and watch how they settle in and enjoy the setting – please feel free to pop in or call on 07583762072.

Ofsted and Charity registered.

Website: kirtonkidsclub.co.uk

Email Address: kkc09@live.co.uk.


Kirton Town Hall Quiz 2014

In November nine teams got together in the Town Hall to compete in the annual Kirton Quiz. All were invited to bring along their own nibbles and drinks, though tea and coffee was provided.

Everyone said they enjoyed themselves and though it was a close run thing, the cup was won by the Peacock Nomads.

If you feel like a night out next November that will give a gentle tug at your brain cells, do come along to join in the fun. Your Town Hall always needs your support and every penny we are able to raise goes towards maintaining and improving the building so that it continues to be a place that people like to use for their chosen events.

The Kirton Church Fund

With over £1700 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2014 and a over £4000 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all! Welcome too to the five new members who joined the KCF in December. I hope you will all be lucky.

Although we have had new members join there is still plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

The January draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.

The February draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

November 2014 Winners

December 2014 Winners

Boston Choral Society are now
meeting in Kirton Town Hall

From the beginning of January, Kirton Town hall will resound with singing at 7.30 each Thursday evening as Boston Choral society meet for rehearsals.

If you ‘ve been watching Gareth Malone setting up choirs on television and thought you’d like to have a go at singing, why not come along and join us.

We’re a friendly bunch who’d welcome new members, especially men, but we’d be glad to see any singers. You don’t need to read music, just be willing to listen and learn. We sing lots of different music from Bach to the Beatles, opera to show tunes, Abba to Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

Just to encourage prospective singers further, the Society is throwing open its rehearsal on 29th January for an evening, so why not come and sing with BCS on Thursday 29th January, 7.30pm at Kirton Town Hall.


Organist Required

Kirton Methodist Church requires an organist.Here is your chance to play one of the finest organs in Lincolnshire.

If interested, please contact the Minister, Rev. Michael Simpson, on 01205 612590.

Please note: this will be a voluntary position.


Kirton Brass Band

New Year’s resolution?  Decided to take on a new hobby or resurrect an old one?  Have you always wanted to play a musical instrument, but found it was too expensive?  Why not come along to Kirton Brass Band and learn to play for only £1 a week.   

Kirton Brass Band were founded over 140 years ago and rehearse at Kirton Methodist Church hall every Thursday evening.  The beginners band is from 6.30 to 7.30pm and is open to anyone from the age of 8 years (no upper age limit) and there are a variety of instruments to try, such as the trombone, tenor horn, cornet and even percussion.  

The band is open to absolute beginners or to those already learning to play brass instruments either at school or privately.  It’s a great way for young people to develop their musical skills, whether they already play a brass instrument or something completely different.

The main band practice from 7.30 to 9.30pm the same evening and is made up of players from the age of 13 years to over 80 years old, so as you can see, it’s open to anyone with some musical experience.  The main band has many talented musicians on hand to help those who are less experienced or are thinking of resurrecting an old hobby from their youth.  

Last year, Kirton brass played with the prestigious ‘Black Dyke Band’ at Leeds Town Hall and undertook a number of other engagements, ranging from a garden show at Blenheim Palace, to carol concerts in local churches.  

If you’re thinking of hiring a band for a special event during 2015, then please contact Amanda for further information on: 07731 771978, online at: www.kirtonband.co.uk or via email at: kbb@kirtonband.co.uk


News from Kirton Parish Church

This new year of 2015 brings many new challenges to Kirton Parish Church. Fr Gary Morgan has left Kirton to take up a new position as Rector of Wainfleet and we all wish him well. This leaves Kirton Parish Church without a permanent priest for the time being.

However, church services will continue as normal. The main Sunday Service will be at 10.30am every Sunday. The Thursday morning Eucharist Service will be at 9.30am, as usual.

There will be a Eucharist Service at 8am on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is most welcome at any service.

A big thank you to all those many businesses and organisations that recently sponsored Christmas trees and supported the Kirton Church 5th Christmas Tree Festival with such generous donations and raffle prizes. Thank you to all those who came to the Festival and supported this major fund-raising event.

Following a winter break, the Kirton Church social afternoons resume on the first Wednesday of March, 2pm – 4pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a relaxed social afternoon. You do not need to be a member of the church.

Sit and chat, meet new people, catch up with friends, play cards or have a game of dominoes. The choice is yours. Refreshments are included in the £1 donation to the church.

Frampton News

Can you believe its February already? ( it’s not really I’m just pretending it is actually 15 January 2015 and on this day in 1759 the British Museum opened to the public – hold this thought and find out how I know at the end....) but by the time you read this it will be February. Time rushes by, Christmas has been and gone, life is returning to normal and it was a relief to take time out and go to the WI meeting last January.

Lots of people I hadn’t seen for a whole month and some new faces – welcome ladies it was so nice to meet you please come this February! Annie Best, a very nice lady from the Fire Service gave us a good insight into all things fire!

It was amazing what we learnt, watched and listened to. Do you know a lot of home fires are started by dishwashers and tumble driers? I have been extra careful with mine all week, annoying everyone by pulling the plugs out when I go to bed and the next time we have house guests I will give them a fire drill! Not sure how long this will last but I’m trying my best.....

Viv, Bridget and Anne made us a lovely supper of mince pies, plum bread and cheese and cake and we had a raffle - and don’t faint! I won!!

The prize- a lovely box of chocolates, now sitting on the coffee table, and I have noticed that my husband is very appreciative.

This month the meeting is on Thursday the 12 February at the Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton at 7:30pm. Our speaker will be the charming Trevor Rogers (I know he’s charming because I’ve been to several of his talks and they are all fascinating).

I’m not sure what the topic is going to be but it will be something to do with the garden, come along and find out! The competition is a “pretty plant pot” and Muriel and Myra will be your refreshment hosts. Oh and last but not least there will be a raffle........bring it on!

One interesting fact did you know that on the 12 February in the year 1818 Chile gained independence from Spain – if you had a WI diary for 2015 you would!

If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann ( President) on 01205 366020 or:
Carol (Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk
Vanessa (New Members) on 01205 723891 email: vanessajameson@btinternet.co.uk


Frampton Community Pre-School

We are back to Pre-School after all our Christmas and New Year celebrations.

We celebrated here by decorating the Halls Christmas tree, making cards, decorations, biscuits and crowns, then ended the term with a party where we played games, danced and ate lots of lovely party food.

We have welcomed some new children and their families and hope they enjoy their time with us here.

The activities that we offer are too numerous to list, so if you would like to find out what we do, come and visit us at Frampton Village hall, Monday to Friday between 9.15 to 12.15pm or alternatively call Sue on 07939 266154.



The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Nelly Bea Austen

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Philis Mortimer
Dale Bourne