©Kirton News 2025

February 2016

The Editors Letter

Well; 20 16 used to be almost a winning score in Badminton when I was a lad. Never really occurred that it would seriously be a dateline!

Never mind, eh? We march on. From a purely Tiresian perspective (and I’m certainly developing the wrinkled dugs! - for all you Eliot scholars) the view of the Village is looking a little sombre.

The memsahib and I have been resident for some 33 years this May coming and have witnessed very little more than decline from the economic perspective but, strangely, a dramatic increase in the population of Kirton. A trend that seems reflected throughout the Realm. Still, it gives us plenty of faggots to fuel our favourite pass-time of being negative and having a good old moan, doesn’t it?

Well how about we make 2016 a POSITIVE year. There’s development of a commercial type happening on the Wash Road site bringing much needed employment.

We are about to have a new Cafe in the centre of the Village - and good luck for that. Let’s just hold out hope that when Fossitt & Thorne closes some one of a similar mind can have the vision to see a viable retail opportunity. Ditto The Villager. Then it’s up to you lot to continue to support those businesses that are still clinging on and help them grow and prosper.

Are you using the new Library service? Do you notice, or take advantage of what we have? Let’s do a bit more to get out there and support local functions, fairs and events. Let’s get out of our cars and onto the streets to walk around to the Bull; the Leisure; Graves Park and make certain they don’t go the way of the Thatch Cottage, Berridge, Angel, Peacock and Stag. Because it’s the social environment created in these places - and not just for the time it takes to eat your Sunday lunch - that will get the vibrancy and life back into our communities. Stay and have a pint after you eat and socialize.

Forget about ditching the dirt on Facebook or Twitter; do it face-to-face! It’s much more entertaining to see people squirm.

Anyway, that’s going to be my Mantra for this year: get local; get social; get a life!

And if nothing else, just be thankful you’re not American. If you thought George W. was dangerous how about Donald Trump backed up by Sarah Palin?

We’ll get a bus up to a Swiss Clinic shall we?

Many of you may think I’m a bit of a ‘one trick pony’. That I constantly seem to bang on about this sort of thing. I make no apologies. People are important but we are nothing on our own. Believe me, I’ve been ‘alone’ and it’s no fun.

I’ll be rattling your cages again soon. But please give me some feed back. I would like to know what you lot out there think of the state of the Village; what you think can be done; what we need to inform those in authority about and what you, the REAL prople would like to see happening.

Kirton News is very well read and more people take notice than you might think. It’s YOUR VOICE. Use it.

Happy Valentines,



LCVS Locals is a free outreach community and volunteering support surgery – for groups and people around Kirton is starting Monday 18th January 2016 10am until 12 noon at New Life Community Church.

Groups can come along to LCVS Local to get tailored support for projects, from helping to source funds and writing funding bids to information about setting up groups and making sure the right policies and procedures are in place.   

Whether you need £200 to run a community event or £50,000 to refurbish a village hall, we can help you to find and apply for funding. We encourage any group in the area to come along and find out how we can help.  

People – if you’re interested in doing some volunteering to either gain skills, experience & confidence or want to put something back into the community, pop in and chat to us.

LCVS has over 300 volunteering opportunities registered in the area – there might be something that’s perfect for you!  

DBS checks (formerly CRB) – we can undertake DBS checks at LCVS Locals – please contact us for more information.  These sessions will take place on the third Monday of each month.  

To avoid having to wait, you can book a time slot prior to the event by contacting LCVS volunteering officer Jo Herbert. email: joanne.h@lincolnshirecvs.org.uk or call Jo on 01205 510888 ext. 209.  

If you would like more information on our organisation then please do contact us.


The Kirton Church Fund

The January draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.

The February draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

With over £1850 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2015 and a over £5800 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all! Welcome too to the two new members who joined the KCF in December. I hope you will be lucky.

Although we have had new members join there is still plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

November 2015 Winners

1st PRIZE - £36.62 - TICKET NUMBER: 6
2nd PRIZE - £12.21 - TICKET NUMBER: 42

December 2015 Winners

1st PRIZE - £38.19 - TICKET NUMBER: 2
2nd PRIZE - £12.73 - TICKET NUMBER: 14


The Royal British Legion
Kirton and District Branch

Hello Readers, the Kirton & District Branch would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year.

I am pleased to report that the TRBL Kirton and District Branch is now on sound footing again thanks to two gentlemen coming forward to take up the post of Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer. Our new Chairman is Sqd Leader (Retired) Christopher Downes and the Secretary / Treasurer is David Hodgson a local builder.

The Branch committee welcomes them aboard and wish them all the best in their new posts. We are also pleased to report that the Ladies Section have a new standard bearer thanks to Kirton Army Cadets, you may have seen her parading the Standard for the Ladies at the Remembrance Parade, her name is Harley Clough and a student at Boston College. We are very pleased and happy that Harley and the Cadet detachment C.O. Zoe Kearns were able to help us in this vital role, thank you very much.

Now to report on the poppy appeal, again the residents of the district have been very generous with their donations, to date we have forward to head office a total of £ 3620.89 this is short of last year’s total which was £ 4758.04 but we have only just started and we still have 10 months to go. I will think of fund raising projects as the weather improves and if anyone has any suggestions please email me for instance if you are planning a run (i.e. race for life or marathon) and would like to donate your sponsorship to the Poppy Appeal that would be very much appreciated.

Last year I had to cancel the coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire due to lack of interest and not being able to meet the full cost of the coach, this year I will look at the cost of a smaller coach so look out for more information.

Well that is all for now, I would just like to say thanks to everyone and all.

Roland Reece - Poppy Appeal Organiser


Letters to the Editor

I have had a few communications lately. This first one relates back to a couple of articles in April and May 2012 about one of our many unsung local heroes. Many of you know Maureen Bray and her tireless work for the poor in India.

Well here, by way of a [long awaited] update on her good works is a recently received letter.

Dear Sam,

Back in February 2012 you wrote to me regarding my work with Care Home India: It is still on going. I wondered if you would be so kind to print a ‘Thank You’ from me in the Kirton news.

I would like to convey sincere thanks to the Church Committee, Parishioners and people in Kirton who care, and who have supported Care Home Project India, the charity who rescue and care for babies, children and their mothers, victims of HIV/AIDS in India.

Over the past 15 years of fundraising, you have helped us raise one hundred thousand pounds enabling a new build in Cheeral to be erected, (this is our first new build) along with our 5 other care homes. We are continuing with our original work. Our plan is to reach out even further, helping people with learning difficulties and the mentally ill. Poverty and illiteracy make families appear cruel when they turn their backs on their own; it is fear and ignorance which leaves these vulnerable people alone. The Claretian Fathers in India are working tirelessly reaching out to the suffering..........

They need our help!

I also thank the ladies who have knitted toys etc; for the children over the years, the children have really enjoyed a ‘cuddly’ comfort.

Due to an age related condition I no longer have the ‘ bric-a-brac stalls. But my work goes on, donations would be gratefully received.

l was able to send a cheque of £1,600 to India, this last Dec 2015. l thank all who have supported me with donations in this tremendous task to help these little victims.

Thank you for Caring...

Maureen Bray

If anyone would like to contact Maureen about giving a donation and doesn’t know her address just get in touch with me.

Dear Sam,

By the time the next issue of Kirton News is published, Christmas will be a distant memory.

The question I have is should we have celebrated something that has its origins in Pagan worship?

Pagan Romans celebrated December 25th long before Jesus was born. They called it Saturnalia. That date marked the sun's annual re-birth in the sky, and since they worshiped the sun god, this festival of Sol Invictus (unconquered sun) celebrated his victory over the other gods of the cosmos. For seven days, they lived it up. The Winter Solstice is slightly earlier today.

When the Roman emporer Constantine was 'converted' to Christianity, he combined what he thought acceptable pagan customs with God's truth, and left us with the mess we have today.

Jesus was NOT born anywhere near December 25th, and we do not honour Him by associating His birth with a pagan ceremony.

God warned His people not to combine pagan beliefs and practices with the traditions He gave them. He said. "Be careful not to be ensnared by enquiring after their gods saying, 'how do these nation's serve their gods? We will do the same'. YOU MUST NOT WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD IN THEIR WAY! (Deut 12:30-31 NIV)

Yet that is precisely what most people today have done.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, (Heb 13:8) so He must abhor this time of year, while still accepting the praise of worshipers unaware of these facts.

Robert Seward

And lastly for this month; in December it was my sad duty to report the passing of another local 'hero' - Angela Scarborough. Here's a tribute from someone whose name may be familiar to some of you.

Dear Sam,

I am truly saddened by the news in the latest newsletter of the passing of Angela Scarborough. I have truly great memories of her because we, two were in the same years at Kirton Primary School in Kings Street during the 2nd World War.

It would have been in third class (Miss Burt's) firstly, Angela was prescribed spectacles and I remember her copious tears about this event, and secondly, her father, I think was in the services out in the far east, and he sent her a coconut with just a small area shaved to wrtite the address on, and it came through the post. We had never seen such a thing and do you think we could open it, no, not even the three eyes to get the milk out. This was in the fifth class (Miss Darbyshire - she lodged with Miss Burt).

Angela was one of my fellow pupils I will always remember.

Yours faithfully

Tony Drew


Kirton Kids Club

I know this will have been said many times before already but ‘Happy New Year’.

The build up to the holidays was wonderful – as usual – and the holidays themselves just as wonderful but it is amazing how quickly once you are back at work/school you get back into it all and the holidays seem a long way behind you.

It is nice to think of the ‘fresh new year’ though and the year that is spread out in front of you.

The children looking forward to all the events and activities they get involved in during this time.

They are looking forward to getting outside to play again and playing football, ridi8ng bikes and scooters etc.

The kids club is open at 7.30am each school day and closes at 5.45pm after school.

The breakfast club is very busy at the moment but if you would like a place after school – feel free to either pop in, email or phone the club.

Children are encouraged to attend a free taster session – where you stay with them.

This helps them ‘find their feet’ and often settles any nerves you may have.

Children get involved in numerous activities and games and enjoy a varied breakfast menu in the morning and a ‘high tea’ after school – included in the price.

For more information or a look around please call 07583 762072.


Sutterton Food Bank

The Food Bank is up and running in St Mary’s Church Sutterton on Friday mornings from 10am to 12noon. It is not just for the people of Sutterton, but for anyone in our local communities who needs it.

For those in need, enough food for 3 days can be accessed on production of a voucher. Our vouchers are interchangeable with those of the Boston Food Bank, open on Tuesday and Thursday from 12noon until 2pm, at St Christopher’s Church Fenside.

Vouchers can be obtained from various organisations such as Children’s Centres, Schools, Nurseries, Citizens Advice Bureau, Social Services, Mayflower and Healthcare Professionals.

If you know of anyone who is in a crisis situation and where the Food Bank could help please direct them to one of these organisations as the Food Bank can only provide food to those with a voucher.

The food is largely donated by the general public e.g. supermarket collections. If you would like to donate items such as: cereal, jam, biscuits, pasta, tea bags, tins of soup, beans, spaghetti, macaroni, vegetables, rice pudding, there is a box in St Mary’s Church near the font where these items can be placed.

If anyone would like to know more about the Food Bank please contact me on 01205 460386.

Garden Waste B-Day Tuesday February 23

As thoughts turn once again to the garden, Tuesday February 23 will be BIN-DAY - the earliest opportunity for you to sign up for another growing season of collections of your brown bin from your kerbside. You need do nothing until February 23. From that date you will be able to pay online for garden waste collections from March to December.

The online address to use from February 23 will be www.boston.gov.uk/gardenwaste You can already use this web address to learn more about the service. For anyone who cannot use the online service there will be dedicated dates when facility will be made to register and pay by coming into the council offices at Municipal Buildings in West Street. There will also be opportunities to register and pay by phone. But online will be the quickest and easiest method.

All households will be receiving information advising them of the new scheme with instructions about how to sign up for it and pay. There will be a charge of £30 for a single bin kerbside garden waste collection and £15 for each additional bin if you have more than one.

Those who register and pay will receive a unique sticker for each of their brown bins to indicate which ones require emptying. Each sticker will be pre-printed with your home address.

If you do not already have a brown bin for your garden waste and will want to join the service from March, wait until February 23 to get your bin ordered and sign up and pay to join the scheme. Each bin costs £25, including delivery to your home address.

The council has set the charge as low as possible but has to recover the cost of the service so that those who do not require it – they may not even have a garden – do not subsidize others through their council tax. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer discounts as other residents would then have to pay more to ensure that the service is sustainable in the longer term. Unlike collecting household waste, removing garden waste is not a statutory service, so it would be unreasonable to expect all council tax payers to subsidize it.

Residents have “free” options available – they can home compost or dispose of their green waste at Slippery Gowt tip.

Cllr Michael Brookes, Boston Borough Council’s portfolio holder for finance, said the garden waste collection service has diverted thousands of tonnes of waste from landfill to be composted. He said he was sorry that a charge now had to be introduced, but this was because of austerity measures and a forecast budget shortfall next year of £543,000. The service costs £275,000 a year.

Public consultation showed an overwhelming desire to retain the service with 87.5 per cent of those who responded saying they were prepared to pay for it.

Residents have been urged not to be tempted to put garden waste into their green bin (household waste taken to the Energy from Waste plant near Lincoln, no longer sent to landfill) or their blue bin for recycled materials. This would contaminate the load and the bins will not be emptied.

A Message from Kirton
Primary School’s Nursery

Children with date of birth: 01.09.12 to 31.08.13. If you are thinking of acquiring a place for your child at our Nursery before they start school in September 2017, we fully recommend that you secure a place now so as not to be disappointed.

Our well established provision for 3 and 4 year olds is led by very experienced and highly qualified Early Years Teachers. In fact, both the teacher and the Assistant Headteacher responsible for our Early Years setting were previously Advisers for settings across Lincolnshire.

Our Nursery provides seamless transition and promotes excellent progress for every child entering Kirton Primary School. Did you know, for instance, that our children begin early phonics and number work that will give them a head-start as they enter our Reception classes?

Children are entitled to 15 hours of Nursery education absolutely free. Most families prefer 5 mornings or 5 afternoons a week as this helps children to get into a routine ready for school.

We can be flexible. If it suits you better that your child attends, for instance, for 3 mornings and 2 afternoons, or perhaps a couple of full days, or even 5 full days including lunch, we will do our best to accommodate your requirement. Please come and talk to us to discuss your options and to see for yourself what we have to offer.

Additional sessions, above the free entitlement, may be purchased at a current cost of £10.50 for 3 hours. You will find this to be extremely competitive. Lunch provision is also available if required.

Don’t leave it too late. Our Nursery fills up quickly.

For further information and admission forms, drop in at the office or contact the school on 722236. Ask for Mrs Swords, Assistant Headteacher, or Ms Ball, Nursery Teacher.


Parish Council News

The Christmas Tree Festival 2015 was a great success and raised over £2,000, providing
a much needed boost to the Kirton Church funds.

A big thank you to all those local clubs, societies, organisations, businesses and individuals who supported the Festival, in so many different ways, and helped make it possible.

ChristmasTree Sponsors
Kirton Parish Council
Kirton Methodist Church
Kirton Mothers’ Union
The Sisterhood
The Royal British Legion and the
Royal British Legion Women’s Section
The Kirton Scouts, Cubs & Beavers
The Kirton Guides, Brownies & Rainbows
The Kirton Kids Club
Kirton Primary School
Kirton Library
Kirton Bowling Club
Kirton Bell Ringers
Kirton Town Hall Management Committee
Kirton Church Choir
Kirton Church Social Club
Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club
The Scout Shop
Kirton Healthcare (Chiropodists)
Elwood, Briggs & Turner (Vets)
The Kirton Walkers
The Monday Club
Kirton Fire Station
Kirton Kurlers
Kirton News
Frampton WI
The Salon Hairdressers
Rush’s Hairdressing
LB Hair Studio
White Gables Nursing Home
Woodlands Court Care Home
Maureen Bray
Andrew Dennis (Farmer)
Maggie Welberry
Sarah Bonner
Richard Foster Contracting
Ray Sellars Builders.
Kirton Nail Bar
Sponsors of Raffle prizes
The Black Bull
The Co-op
Coopers Convenience Store
Ink and Needle Tattoo Studio
Kirton Nail Bar
Jessops the bakers
Verna Cornish Photography
Elwood, Briggs and Turner (Vets)
The Salon Hairdressers
Rush’s Hairdressing
LB Hair Studio
Church members

Sponsors of Donations:

Alan Marshall Antiques
APH Computer Services
F&T Auto Centre
Fossitt & Thorne
Geoff Clayton
KMB Construction Consultants
Lincolnshire Pet Crematorium
Lorraine Christine Bridal 
Wilson’s Motorcycles
Kirton Fire Station
Andrew Dennis (Farmer)
Kirton Nail Bar
Kirton Kurlers
White Gables Nursing Home
Kirton Bowling Club

Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Tree Festival. The members of Kirton Parish Church hope that you enjoyed your visit.

The next major event at Kirton Parish Church will be the Flower Festival, which will be held over the last weekend of June 2016.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- October 2015

Public Forum

One resident attended as he wanted to tell the council of his complaint regarding his council tax. He was also aggrieved that his disability allowance had been cut. The resident was informed that the issues he was raising were not dealt with by the Parish Council. He was advised that he should call the Borough Council regarding his complaint/queries.

Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. He informed members that both schools were going to be sending representative choirs to both the Christmas Fayre and the Carol Concerts this year.

The official library opening will be held on 3rd November.

The Remembrance Parade is on the 8th November and members are to be on Parade outside the Town Hall at 10.30 am. On the 11th November a service will be held at the War Memorial.

The Chairman asked all councillors for their help at the Last Night of the Proms evening on the 31st October.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs Carter, Hannay, Lee and Still gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Ransome declared her interest at the planning item on the agenda as she is on the planning committee at the Borough Council.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Foster which was seconded by Cllr Danby and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 17th September, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

It was felt the matter was dealt with suitably.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a. At last meeting 49 Marketstead Estate was reported as being a real eyesore both front and rear gardens. Boston Mayflower however, has sold the property. This is now a private dwelling. Clerk has driven round estate and identified the correct number as 29 and has reported this to Mayflower who will take it up with their neighbourhood team.

b. Following on from Safety Inspection from Wicksteed on the Park, Clerk has contacted both installers of equipment in the park and asked that they arrange to have the relevant British Safety numbers fitted to the equipment.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1) South East Lincolnshire Local Plan – Spatial Strategy Background Paper

The public consultation will take place in the New Year.

2) Boston Borough Council – consultation on revising Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principals

No further action required. Members offered the revised information.

Results of Best Kept Village Competition 2015

Both the Village and the Holme entries were criticised unfairly it was felt by members. It was resolved that a more in depth application will be made next year from both entries.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

a. ‘Ashtons Corner’ remains a problem in Kirton Holme. Despite being reported to Highways and also a Highways Officer inspecting the site at the last ‘walk about’, nothing has been done. Clerk and Cllr Austin to chase.

b. Work to get rid of the flooding on Station Road will begin week beginning 26th October and the Willington Road work by Anglian Water the week beginning 2nd November.

Planning applications

B/15/0391 – Outline application for residential development (105 dwellings) including layout and access with all other matters reserved for later approval at Mani firs, London Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B/15/0369 – Demolition of outbuildings and erection of 9 no dwellings with associated parking and gated access at Land to the rear of 7-15 Station Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS

B/15/0370 – Application under s.73a for the removal of conditions 3 and 4 on planning approval B14/0250/88 (i.e. removal of agricultural habitation condition and condition which links occupation in connection with the existing dwelling on site)- OBJECTED TO: The Parish Council feels that there is a continued need for agricultural housing and removing the clause is not necessary.

Accounts for payment

It was proposed by Cllr Ransome, seconded by Cllr Danby and agreed by the remainder that the accounts as per payment sheet 7 of 12 dated October 2015/16 should be paid.

The finance committee met on the 13th October and formulated a budget for the financial year 2016/17. A copy of the proposed budget was given to all members. It was resolved unanimously to accept the budget and the proposed precept figure. Clerk to forward to Boston Borough when the paperwork is produced.

Town Hall

Part of the budget was the grant for the Town Hall. This is to remain the same for the time being. It was resolved to review this again next year and act accordingly then. Clerk to inform Chair of the Town Hall Committee.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Austin agreed to pay £500 towards a bench for Kirton Holme. Clerk to order the bench and Cllr Rylott will arrange its installation in the village. It was resolved that the shortfall for the bench will be borne by the Parish Council.

Cllr Foster reported that the work done to Dances Bank was excellent. The sides still need work but the holes have been repaired.

Cllr Ransome reported that at the recent governors meeting the primary school continued to be doing well.

Parish matters

a) Inspection Rota: Cllr Danby took over from Cllr Rylott. He will collect the graffiti remover from Cllr Brotherton

Members discussed quotations for work in the park to remove the scrub at the rear where youths congregated during the summer causing mayhem. The quotation to accept was agreed; it was also resolved that the playing field committee should pay the £450 and the Parish Council £300.

b. Last Night of the Proms – 31st October. Set up will begin at 1 pm.

c. Consider whether to have the hanging baskets/long troughs planted all year round – additional £18 per hanging basket, and £27 per trough (approx).

It was resolved not to have any additional planting over winter.

d. Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

Xmas Fayre committee: banner proof seen by members, it was resolved to purchase them. The dates can be changed each year.

Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date & Time of next Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 19TH November (Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall). There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.35pm.


Frampton W.I.

I know its cold outside because I can see frost on the lawn and my phone tells me it is two degrees but the sun is shining and the sky is an amazing blue colour. Im thinking where to start and really it has to be back in 2015....

December was a lovely meeting, Tom Sutton came to entertain us and gave us an insight into the trials and tribulations of being a comedian, I would like to say the room listened in rapt silence but there was quite a lot of laughing going on! We finished the year on a high enjoyed a lovely supper had a raffle...I thought I had won but actually Tom had left me his tickets..he won the Harley Davidson calendar...the one with WI members posing on the bikes...

We started the year in January with a visit from Lady Chantal Davies, who gave a wonderful insight into the bits of Westminster life you never normally hear about. Her life and career and how she ended up in Frampton. The room was silent until the end then so many questions which Lady Davies admirably answered. We had supper and drew the raffle ...who did get those truffles?

This February the speaker will be Carl Denton talking to us about Forensic Medicine, the competition will be something beginning with ’ J’ with supper and a raffle too! Ladies what more could you ask for!

Why not make this February the time to start something new? Come and join us we meet at 7:30 pm the second Thursday of the month, Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton. Your first taster visit is free. If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann ( President)on 01205 366020 or Carol(Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: carolpattrick@gmail.com or Vanessa on 07955763473 email: vanessajameson@btinternet.com


Frampton Handbells

As a group, we in Frampton Handbells enjoy giving pleasure to those who appreciate our type of music. Perhaps you, dear reader enjoy listening to music but, because you have forgotten how to read it - or if you were never taught - you feel that you could never actually make music. I am certain many people feel that this applies to them.

Well, do not despair because to play handbells you do not have to read or learn to read music. Some of our team are ageing and, with age, come health problems and so now there is an opportunity for one or two people to join us and to make music without trying too hard!

I myself joined as a result of seeing an article in Kirton News some years ago. I had forgotten how to read music, but I now happily make it within a group of very pleasant people. Please ‘phone one of our leaders, either Neil Beeson on 01205 363935 or Maria Freeman on 01205 722191. You won’t regret it because it’s fun!

John Duckworth

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

15th Nov - Maressa Grace Fyson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

No Weddings this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

Nov 20th - Johnathan Hardy ( Bill )
Dec 1st - Mrs Bertha Lion
Dec 2nd - Angela Scarborough - At The Methodist Church
Dec 4th - Mrs Joan Weavin