©Kirton News 2025

February 2018

The Editors Letter

Greetings for 2018, many of you may be familiar with our cover illustration this month. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert the 1st Earl Kitchener KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, PC – renowned mainly for his scorched earth policy against the Boers and establishment of the first concentration camps – he found less notoriety in the recruitment campaign of 1914 organizing a volunteer army to fight on the Western Front as then Secretary of State for War. His image was revived in the late sixties as a fashionable motif, diluting his military standing and perhaps sometimes dubious achievements. Past suitably smothered (as with many public figures who could be subject to war crimes since then [Johnson; Blair; Bush Jnr.; et al] ) our history lesson concludes.

Kitchener did formerly appear on the cover of this magazine in September 2010 when a desperate appeal went out to save the publication. Three answered the call to tackle the various tasks which bring you Kirton News. Only one remains.... moi! And I’ve done my bit along with the rest of the committee who have many more years of dedicated service under their respective belts.

So the call goes out again, as stated in the November edition of last year: and without volunteers to edit; handle the advertising; look after billing and banking; oversee distribution and manage and grow the website April of 2018 will see the final edition of Kirton News after more than 50 years service to the community.

You won’t get paid but I’m sure if you’re canny enough revenue could come from the website. People do seem to make fortunes out of these things – I don’t know how – but that would be down to you. Whoever YOU are: assuming YOU exist.

I have entertained you over the years (not my judgement but the sentiment of many commentators) and tried to highlight local issues, tackle problems, support worthy causes and generally annoy the cr*p out of some in (what they consider to be) so called authority.

And I shall still be available to rattle cages. I have never made any secret of where or who I am or how to contact me. If I can be of help then everyone knows my location. I shall also be here to support any and all new committee members in the transition: as will the members of the present Committee. If you care about community, YOUR Community; then get in touch: but things need to be in place by the end of February to ensure continuity of production. The distribution network – magnificent and mind-blowingly efficient – is also a fragile entity and, if the production cycle is broken it will forever fade away.

So there we have it... Down to you.

One last lamentable task is to reference the report of the Parish Council minutes in this month’s mag. Because of how meetings fall we are usually a couple of months behind but still think the reporting of issues is a valuable source of information. The current item includes mention of Alan Lee, former Chair of the Parish Council and long standing member of both the Parish and Borough. It is with regret that we recognize his passing, all too soon and appalingly sudden, and wish to record our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and associates.



Many thanks from Kirton Parish Church

Although only on for one weekend at the beginning of December, Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival was a success, raising a much needed £1500 for church funds. Father Paul and the fund raising committee would like to thank everyone who visited and all those who helped, took part, donated raffle prizes and/or sponsored the event.

Local clubs, societies, schools, organisations and businesses all taking part and supporting the Festival 2017:-

Tree providers were:- Bell Ringers, Bowls Club, British Legion, Elwood, Briggs and Turner, Frampton WI, Heritage Lincolnshire, Kirton Church choir, Kirton Church Social Club, Kirton Fire Station, Kirton Healthcare, Kirton Guides/Brownies and Rainbows, Kirton Kids Club, Kirton Library , Kirton News , Kirton Parish Council , Kirton Primary School, Kirton Town Hall , Kirton Walkers, Ladies Luncheon Club, Mothers Union , Richard Wilson Motorcycles, Rush Hair and Beauty Jane Rush, Thomas Middlecott Accademy, Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, The Scouts shop , The Sisterhood, White Gables.

Sponsors: - Andrew Dennis- Woodlands Farm; FT Auto Centre; Kirton Firemen ; KMB Construction Consultants; Phil Haines Coaches; The Scouts Shop ;White Gables Care Home.

Raffle prize donors:- Black Bull; Carl Dunham Butchers; Co-op; Keshco, Kirton; Rush Hairdressing and Beauty; The One Stop Shop; The Salon.

Many thanks again from Kirton Parish Church.


TODAY is the day
– sign up for garden waste collections

Today’s the day that, with a simple click of your mouse, you can make this growing season’s gardening duties that much easier by signing up for brown bin garden waste collections.

Go now to www.boston.gov.uk/gardenwaste and say goodbye to the garden waste blues. For just £1.50 per collection (£30 for a complete growing season’s single bin collection) Boston Borough Council will take your garden waste away every fortnight from this April to the end of November and then again from the end of February, 2019, to the end of March, 2019.

Grass cuttings, leaves, hedge and shrub trimmings, weeds and plants can all go in the brown bin.

You could even get the coming season’s service for free – all existing online direct debit customers continuing with the service, and new online customers signing up by direct debit, can enter a prize draw and ten lucky winners will receive the 2018/19 garden waste collection service for FREE, to the value of £30. All those eligible will receive notification.

If you don’t have the room, or don’t want to home compost your garden waste, and don’t want to ruin your car taking it to the tip – with the best of intentions garden waste can get left until its slimy and smelly - then a brown bin is the sensible option.

Sign up online today - no queuing, no waiting, no journey out into the cold and wet.  There has been no price increase from last year – it will still be £30 for the collection of a single bin and £15 for each additional bin. Still great value for money at just £1.50 per collection. New customers will have to pay £25 for the purchase and delivery of their brown bin.

Collections for the new 2018/19 growing season will start in April. Existing customers who signed up last year will receive the last of the current growing season’s collection until the end of March. Those who signed up online AND made a direct debit payment arrangement AND want to continue in April need do nothing more. Those who signed up online but did not make a direct debit payment arrangement need to go to www.boston.gov.uk/gardenwaste from today to sign up and pay again. Or make a direct debit arrangement and save themselves a job next time.

Once we have received your payment you will receive your 2018/19 stickers. You must write on your stickers, in permanent ink, your property number/name, street name and postcode. This will help safeguard your brown bin (which you own) and ensures your continued access to the service. Your sticker must be visible on your bin from April 1.

Cllr Michael Brookes, the council’s Cabinet member for waste services, said: “I hope to welcome old and new customers to this service. They will find it to be the cleanest, most efficient and cost effective way of properly disposing of their garden waste. It is also a reliable and regular service which can be depended on.”

For further information see Frequently Asked Questions and terms and conditions at www.boston.gov.uk/gardenwaste

* Not online? Don’t worry, you can sign up for this service in person at Municipal Buildings in West Street, Boston, or by phone (01205 311 112) but not until Wednesday, February 14.


The Kirton Church Fund

Congratulations to our winners and especially number 22 who waited patiently a for her first win and now has won twice in three months! Well done!

With over £1960 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2017 and very nearly £9500 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!

We have plenty of room for more members. Currently we have only 51 members so there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay, (01205 723529), or call in Kirton Church.

If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring. The January draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.

The February draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.

November 2017 Winners

1st PRIZE - £40.24 - TICKET NUMBER: 48
2nd PRIZE - £13.41 - TICKET NUMBER: 2


December 2017 Winners

1st PRIZE - £40.24 - TICKET NUMBER: 68
2nd PRIZE - £13.41 - TICKET NUMBER: 22


Lent and Easter
Events at Kirton Church

Lent is traditionally a season of preparation with a spiritual focus. The Ash Wednesday liturgy calls us to prepare for focusing on Jesus arrest, trial and crucifixion – what we call his passion by a season of penitence and fasting. We are invited to observe in t

The name of the Church, a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.  Wherever you end up, I hope you don’t miss out on the privilege of preparing for Holy Week and Easter.   Go deep this year!

Fr Paul Blanch

Ash Wednesday February14th

Sung Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at SS Peter & Paul in Kirton 7.00pm

Every Wednesday Evening in Lent at  7-15pm Fr Paul Blanch and Rev David Curran will be leading an ecumenical Lent course at the Methodist Church in Kirton for the whole group.

This year we will be using the exciting course entitled “Christ and the Chocolaterie” by Hilary Brand based on the film “Chocolat” starring Johnny Depp and Juliet Binoche.  This is an original, innovative and lively Lent course based on the story and characters of ‘Chocolat’.

Hilary Brand explores questions about God, the world, and what it means to be as truly human as God intended.

In five group sessions, ‘Christ and the Chocolaterie’ opens up the themes of the life changing opportunities that Lent presents to the Christian through a better understanding and application of the Bible.

Each section refers to scenes from the film, questions to start discussion, practical exercises and meditations. Each weekly session leads into suggestions for individual reading, meditation and further Bible study.

Palm Sunday: Kirton Church at 11am Procession and Palm Liturgy.

Maundy Thursday: Sung Eucharist  with Foot Washing and Watch at the Altar of Repose until 10pm at Kirton. Starts at 7pm.

Good Friday: The  Solemn Liturgy of the Passion at Kirton at 3.00pm

Easter Eve: The Easter Vigil for the Benefice at Fosdyke with Easter Communion. Starts at 7.30pm.

Easter Day: Easter Day Sung Eucharist at Kirton 11-00am 


Letters to the Editor

Hi Sam,

I don’t think it appropriate to place advertising banners around the war memorial!  see attached. It does not look right and the railings are not for such purpose! There are already large banners on railings opposite the Co-op without putting them round the memorial to honour our war dead!
I have spoken with others in the village who take the same view.


John Marshall


Kirton Kids Club

Brrrrrrrrrrrr, back to school and it’s still very cold and wet but at least we are now looking forward to the spring.

The children have made some lovely ‘leaf art’ this term already and love taking their ‘treasurers’ home.

There are lots of arts and crafts planned for this term again – its managing to fit it all in that seems to be impossible some times.

Christmas feels a long time ago now (even though in reality it isn’t) and the children were excited to tell of the toys and games they received from ‘Santa’ this year.

It will be nice when the weather allows us to play outside more – at the moment the grass and astro turf are very soggy and wet but we only need a few dry days and we can use our amazing astro turf area once again.

The children will be setting plants and flowers when the weather allows too – always something that makes our outside area look so much better.

The children do get a great walk to and from school each day – some of us twice a day.

They should all get certificates for being such ‘fit kids’ as they seem to enjoy their walk and are interested in what is going on in the village each day.

In the run up to Christmas ‘Paul’s’ elves were very busy doing something different each day in the shop window – it began to be a competition to see who could tell us first what they were up to next!

There are still a few places on some days in the breakfast club and some afternoons after school.

If you wish to find out about availability please call 07583 762072 or email: kkc09@live.co.uk

Breakfast club is still only £3.50 per child per session and after school is £5.50 per child per session.

Choice of breakfast is included and a ‘high tea’ in the afternoon session.


One Stop to Shop...

Early December of last year saw the official opening of a new venture for the Village - the One Stop franchised London Road Stores. This convenience store has been the brainchild of Raju Goraniya and his boys and backed by a long established retail convenience business with over 770 neighbourhood stores across Great Britain. A subsidiary of Tesco it operates as a separate business from its Store Support Centre in Brownhills, Walsall, West Midlands.

Raj and the boys (late of the Leicester area) have already established themselves as friendly, helpful and enthusiastic new members of the community and - I am sure - will do all they can to make this facility a success.
It’s great, in these times of austerity (and it still is folks), to see such enthusiasm and determination to make a brighter, successful future.

Let’s face it... any new trade in the Village is going to be a real shot in the arm for us all.


News from Kirton Primary

Kirton Primary School is proud to announce that it is the recipient of the School Games Silver Mark. The School Games Mark is a Government led awards scheme that rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Thank you to all the staff who have encouraged competitive sport and games participation at our school.

Congratulations to the School Council at Kirton Primary school for being acknowledged by the Speaker of the House of Commons for ‘the commitment and passion with which the school councillors dedicated themselves to their amazing projects’. Well done, Councillors!

Kirton Primary School is proud to announce that they were recently shortlisted for the national Renaissance Award under the category Most Creative Celebration of Reading.

The award ceremony was held at the National Theatre in London and, although the school did not win on the day, they are delighted to have been recognised as amongst the top three schools in England for the fun and creativity they put into reading.

Amongst a vast array of exciting activities in the last twelve months, the school has turned classroom doors into book covers, created enormous junk models of Roald Dahl characters, dressed up for World Book Day and had teachers swap classes to retell their favourite stories.

The school also runs a programme called Read to Succeed in which children are encourage to complete quizzes on the books they have read in order to earn Kirts (the school’s currency) to redeem in the school shop.

Boston Borough Council ran a Christmas poetry competition at the end of last year. They received over 500 entries from around the county, so it is amazing to be able to report that all 5 finalists in the 5-7 years category came from Kirton Primary School along with 2 of the 5 finalists in the 8-11 category.

Congratulations to the children on a wonderful achievement, and a huge pat on the back to the teachers at Kirton Primary School - who clearly know a thing or two about teaching poetry-writing!

Kirton Primary School has learned that the progress made by their children in last summer’s SATs tests in writing and maths, has, once again put them amongst the top schools in the country.

For writing progress they are in the top 1% of all schools, for maths progress they are in the top 4%, and for reading progress they are in the top 8%.

Well done to everyone at Kirton Primary School!

The Co-Operation works wonders again

Local Store Manager Ian Lawrence makes his report..

It was Saturday 25th November when three local causes Kirton Kids Club, Lincs Ark Animal Welfare and Cap Debt Centre were invited to receive the results of our latest fund raising effort.

In total our local members raised a massive £6467.82 part of this donation does also come from the sale of carrier bags.

I had some of my team bake some cupcakes and these were given out to customers on the day to say “thank you” for being a part of something special. We are now embracing three new causes which will be supported for a year: they are Girl Guiding Kirton; Frampton Community Playgroup and the Preschool and Boston Volunteer Centre Charity. We also look forward to work closely with other local causes and charities throughout the coming year.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- November 2017

Public Forum

No residents attended

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. He informed members that there had been complaints from Frampton Parish Council regarding council meetings clashing with Kirton’s and therefore lack of Borough and County Councillors.

The Chairman congratulated Cllr Danby on a very successful Last Night of the Proms. He thanked Cllrs Watson and his wife, Danby and his partner, Cllr Lee and his wife and Cllr Ransome’s husband for their part in the evening too.

The Chairman reminded members that much support/help from Councillors was needed at the upcoming Light Switch on and the Carol Concert. He applauded the banners advertising the events.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllrs A Austin, M Brookes, C Brotherton, J Edwards, S Ransome D Smith C Rylott M Hannay sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Lee declared a personal interest in item 12. Town Hall on the agenda as his daughter is on the committee. Cllr Bemrose also declared a personal interest in the Town Hall as her mother is Chairman.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 19th October 2017, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Lee, seconded by Cllr Watson agreed by the remainder.

Police Matters

PCSO Williams reported 6 crimes since the last meeting:

2 x thefts from Coop – the same person has been arrested and charged for these incidents. 1 x banner damage – under investigation. 1 x assault – under investigation. 1 x damage to building – under investigation. 1 x theft of red diesel – 1 person arrested.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

a) Fly tipping reported on Dances Bank; Cleared up now.

b) Fly tipping reported on footpath/wall at Churchyard

c) Sawdust/leaves outside nursery on Willington Road, reported to LCC.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

a) LCC fault report update 101000233773 – pot hole reported in Mill Lane, Kirton End – work complete

Planning applications:

Construction of single storey rear extension at Evergreen Farm, Wash Road, Kirton - NO OBJECTIONS

Erection of first floor side extension at 2 Leonards Cottage, Swineshead Road, Kirton Holme - NO OBJECTIONS

Application for change of use from agricultural land to equestrian manage at Spili Farm Cottage, Drainside North, Kirton NO OBJECTIONS

Application under s73 for the variation of conditions 1,2,6 and 13 attached to approval of reserved matters ref B/16/0457 for the erection of 26 dwellings. The changes to the layout at Land adjacent to London Road/Drainside South, Kirton NO OBJECTIONS

Application for the conversion of existing barn to form one dwelling at Sunnyside Farm, Holme Road, Kirton Holme NO OBJECTIONS

Accounts for payment

Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated November 2017/18 (8 of 12)

After a proposal from Cllr Lee which was seconded by Cllr Watson, it was resolved that the accounts should be paid as per the payment sheet.

Town Hall

It was resolved to just leave 2 representatives on the Town Hall committee from the council, however, Cllr Turner did ask Cllrs Hannay and Brotherton to ensure that they work it out between themselves that one attends the meetings, and if they are unable to that they send their apologies.

Regarding the pointing work needed to be done to the Town Hall, it was resolved that now as we have 3 quotations, the Clerk should contact Heritage and ask for their help in getting the correct mix for the building’s repointing work. A decision for the contractor to go with will be finalised at the December meeting.


It is overdue that the cemetery memorials be topple tested. Cllrs Lee and Foster will carry this out.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Bemrose reported that one of the volunteer firemen have asked whether the light on the corner of the town Hall could be replaced. He said it is really dark when he gets a call out and has to come down that passage way between the Town Hall and the Fire Station.

She also reported glass behind the Town Hall.

It was reported that some residents felt it disrespectful that banners are being hung on the railings outside of the War Memorial.

Cllr Foster has taken the broken off gate from the Park and will attempt to fix it back on. He will replace the lock too.

Cllr Turner thanked Cllr Foster for cutting up the fallen tree and removing it from the park.

Parish matters

a) Inspection Rota

b) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

The xmas committee had met, they would like a spur putting on the socket in the War Memorial area to enable more lights to be put on bushes/trees in that area.

Cllr Danby thanked all those that helped out with the set up, but he was disappointed in the number that turned up to help set up.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Ajay Mark Gair
Fredie Kieth Smith

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Andrew Hutson and Nicolle Colby

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

6th December - Mr Alan Victor Lee
20th December - Mr William George Castle (Bill)
30th December - Kathleen Mary Cottingham (Kath)