February 2019
The Editors Letter
2018 will forever be known as the year I lost weight. 2019 will be the year I get fit (and keep the weight off). It's only mid January and I still have time, or at least that's what I'm telling myself! My family have been incredibly supportive during this journey. They have pretty much eaten what I have eaten (including some disasters) and have always 'cheered me on' from the sidelines. I am so grateful to them for that.
I joined Slimming World at the Town Hall in January of last year. I had tried to lose weight before but hadn't ever stuck to it. So, with the impending 'big' birthday on the horizon, I promised myself that this was the time. In the words of Elvis, 'It's now or never!'
The group was incredibly welcoming and I've made some new friends along the way. If this is something you have thought about recently (I shan't tell you what I ate over Christmas) then just go for it. It's very easy to follow and the benefits (health, self-confidence) are endless.
I'm also planning on joining the Park Run at the Witham Way Country Park in Boston on a Saturday morning. This is an entirely free event which attracts runners and walkers of ALL abilities and ages. You've gotta start somewhere!
I wanted to share another recipe with you. This time, it's a hearty Slimming World friendly recipe the whole family can enjoy rather than an indulgent chocolate cake!
Campfire Stew
Best done in the Slow Cooker but can be easily done on the stove top or oven
Will feed up to 6
1 small gammon joint
(approx 750g)
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tin baked beans
1 tin Cannelini beans or Kidney beans or Butter beans
Chopped onion, peppers, mushrooms, peas, carrot, swede (any mixture of these)
Just put all the tinned ingredients and veg in the slow cooker, stir and nestle the gammon in the middle. You can also spice this up with fresh or dried chilli. Leave to cook on low/medium for at least 6 hours.
It's incredibly cheap and a good, tasty meal for everyone. We love it with mashed potatoes or rice. Enjoy!
This issue also looks at the achievements of Kirton Primary School (page 5) and the fantastic fundraising efforts at our local Co-Op (page 4). As always, we have a lot to be proud of in our village. I'll have an update on how the exercise is going in the next edition!
Kirton Primary School Achieves
Two National Awards
Kirton Primary School was thrilled to be short listed, and ultimately win, two categories in the national Children and Young People Now Awards. The ceremony was held at the Hurlingham Club in London and honours the very best in the public sector.
In the Learning category, our village school’s little, children-run Parliament Bank was up against the likes of the London Institute of Banking and Finance, so the school was astonished simply to have been short listed - let alone beat off the competition!
In the Guidance and Advice category, Kirton Primary School shared the short list with Sheffield City Council. Again, who would have expected our village school to win?
Congratulations Kirton Primary School!

Add your Child to the Kirton Nursery School Register - Not the Waiting List
If your child’s birthday falls between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016, they are eligible to start Kirton Primary School’s Nursery this September. Ensure your child receives a head start for school by enrolling them now.
Kirton Primary School’s Nursery introduces children to all the skills they need for Reception, such as phonics, number skills, and early reading and writing skills – and all this is provided by a fully qualified, school teacher who is supported by highly qualified teaching assistants.
In December 2018, Ofsted said of Kirton Nursery School: Children in the Nursery Year settle quickly and make a good start to their school life. Staff build effective relationships with parents to meet children’s learning and care needs well. Relationships between adults and children throughout the early years are nurturing and positive. Well-structured routines and procedures mean that children enjoy their time in school and are kept safe. They cooperate with each other and behave well.
Children are entitled to 15 hours of Nursery education absolutely free but, should you require more, additional sessions may also be purchased where available at a current rate of £11.50 for 3 hours. You will find this to be extremely competitive. We are flexible about provision, so please speak to us about options. Lunch provision is also available if required. Don’t leave it too late. The Nursery fills up quickly!
For further information and admission forms, or to book a visit, call in at the school office or contact the school on 01205 722236.
Kirton Church Fund
Congratulations to our winners and especially number 10 who is a first time winner and who has just come back to KCF after moving back to the area.
With over £1830 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2018 and over £11,300 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!
We have plenty of room for more members. Currently we have only 50 members so there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Currently very costly repairs are necessary to the roof of both side aisles and the cancel roof of our beautiful church, which are all leaking quite badly.
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available from Fay, (01205 723529), or call in Kirton Church.
If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
The January draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.
The February draw takes place on Sunday 24th and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
November 2018 Winners
1st PRIZE - £39.92 - TICKET NUMBER:71
2nd PRIZE - £13.31 -
December 2018 Winners
1st PRIZE - £40.17 - TICKET NUMBER:10
2nd PRIZE - £13.39 -
Letters to the Editor
The View from the Vicarage
Dear parishioner, Have you made your list of resolutions for the New Year? How about these to really make a difference?
1) Listen. Quiet your mind and take in what other people are saying as they tell you their story. Listen to their words and to their heart. Listen to their body language. Seek to understand before you seek to answer or contribute.
2) Keep the storms of life in perspective. Struggles are going to come because Jesus promised, "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). He also said, "Take heart for I have overcome the world." Practice a non-anxious presence.
3) Be gentle and passionate. St Paul said, "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near" (Phil 4) Everywhere you go, in whatever circumstance you find yourself, the Lord is near. Awareness of this will keep you gentle, truthful, and hopeful.
4) When you wake up in the morning, make it your intention for the day to do what is right in the sight of God.
5) Give yourself away. The pattern of the life of Christ is one of self-sacrifice. The "given away life" The blessings that you receive are a gift. The goodness that you receive is not something to exploit for your own benefit. Rejoice and create opportunities for joy in others.
6) Extend the grace of God. As you have received freely and fully from God, so extend to those who need grace. Forgive others just as God in Christ has forgiven you (Colossians 3:13).
7) Remember that it is not your job to set everybody straight. Choose your challenges with prayer and wisdom.
8) Look for opportunities to encourage a child, to love a stranger, and to do something good for someone you don't like. Do something good for someone who doesn't even like you.
9) Love your family by making happy memories this year. Run in the rain, play in the snow, be spontaneous, and give them gifts at unexpected times.
10) Love your friends with gifts of time and attention.
11) Be a good student. Read the newspaper. Read as many books as possible. Watch less television.
12) Do unto others what God would have you do.
13) Take a Sabbath. One day out of the week the world can still turn without your work.
14) Be affectionate.
15) Be daring. Take risks for goodness sake. Use your talents with gusto!
16) Watch for answers to prayer and give God the glory. Give thanks for his love for you, a love exhibited by his rich providence.
17) Don't eat until you are hungry. Stop eating at the first sign of
18) Lean into life and be excellent.
19) Tell the story of God's great grace. "Christ died for sins, once forall the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God" (1 Peter 3:18).
Happy New Year from your parish priest.
Fr Paul
Kids Club
Happy New Year and Happy 20th birthday to Kirton Kids Club!
How times flies when you are enjoying yourself – when I think back it is impossible to remember every child that has gone through our doors in that time but I bet every child remembers the Kids Club.
I am proud and amazed that the years have flown by so quickly and it is wonderful that they club has made it to this huge birthday.
Thanks to staff, committees, parents and children who have been involved with the club and helped make it the success that it is today.
Time for a party!
If you wish to check on availability of places please phone 07583 762072 – breakfast club is £4.00 per child per session and after school £6.00 per child per session with a 10% discount for related siblings using the same session on the same day.
Breakfast club includes breakfast and after school includes a high tea in the price.
Fundraising Folk at the Co-op
Over the last year the co-op members from the kirton and wyberton store have been raising money by using their membership cards for products and services for 3 local charities who are Frampton community preschool, Boston volunteer centre and girlguiding kirton.
We held a celebration day for the 3 charities and were joined by representatives from the pre school.
“Having received a fantastic amount already from the co-op we had already started to enhance the outside area with a play house, a sand pit and much more which have had a fabulous impact on the children’s learning”.
We was also joined by the volunteer centre, " Through the generosity of the co-op and it’s customers at both kirton and wyberton stores the charity will now also be able to look at painting the external pillars of the centre and improve the overall green efficiency of the building through lighting and heating”
As a company we are proud to have such a positive impact on the local community, infact so there are 3 new charities we are helping in the same way.
We would like to say a big thank you to all of our members and customers alike.
Photographs courtesy
of David Taylor:
Tel: 01205 724380
Antony Brown
Kirton Co-op Teamleader

Kirton Brass Band would like to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year and we look forward to entertaining you throughout 2019
Kirton Brass Band rehearse every Thursday evening at Kirton Methodist Chapel schoolroom.
6.30pm for training band.
7.30pm for main band contact details can be found on our website: www.kirtonband.co.uk
Members of the public are also reminded that you would be made most welcome if you would like to come along to any of our rehearsal nights and have a listen.
If you would like to learn how to play an instrument or indeed have one, but not played for years, then get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.
We can supply a instrument.
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- November 2018
Public Forum
One resident came to spectate.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman thanked members for their attendance at the Remembrance Parade, those who took part in the village one and those who attended others. He also thanked the Clerk and Roland Reece and the 4 volunteers who put the road barriers out during the parade.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllr D Smith, C Rylott and M Hannay sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.
Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. Cllr Ransome is also a member of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.
Cllrs Foster and Turner declared a personal interest in planning item B/18/0423 as the applicant is personally known to them.
Cllr Sharp declared a personal interest in planning item B/18/0432 as the applicant is personally known to him.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 18th October 2018, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
Cllr Turner reported that the police had informed him that there were no outstanding local issues except the one outside the Youth Centre which is still ongoing. The Police also informed Cllr Turner that they will keep an eye out for the youths that made a mess/noise in the churchyard.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
No matters raised.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr Ransome reported that the Enforcement Officer is keeping an eye on 123 Station Road to ensure that all conditions are adhered to prior to trading.
Cllr Austin reported that there are plans to repaint the white lines at the A52 junction at turning for Hubberts Bridge plus the red chevrons.
She also reported that there are short- and long-term plans regarding the flooding at Station Road/High Street in the village.
Cllr Austin also reported that although there was a full complement of chevrons on the roundabout, this was short lived, although they should all be in place by 2nd December. The issues regarding the roundabout still need further investigation.
Cllr Brookes reported that the quick fixes regarding flooding were such things like desilting drains. The Risk Management partners are meeting to tackle the issue long term. It is likely that it will be approximately 2-3 years before any scheme is carried out (due to fundraising/planning etc).
Cllr Brookes also reported that the County Council will take requests for grit bins to be refilled from anyone, however, new bins requests will only be taken from such bodies as Parish Councils.
Cllr Sharp reported that the railings at the end of King Street (A16 end) are at a 45-degree angle. Cllr Austin took this information away with her to report.
Cllr Austin left the meeting.
Accounts for payment/Finance
It was resolved to pay the accounts for payment as per payment sheet dated November 2018/19 (8 of 12).
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC REF:4108129 Monitor
Overgrown bushes/hedges at A16/Station Road reported again to LCC ref: 4107319
Been in touch with the roofer that redid the Town Hall roof. Informed him of the leaks, he will be touch to come and look.
Update: Roofer seen the problems and promised to rectify them within a week/10 days.
Still nothing heard from roofer. Written to him and informed him that if the remedial work is not completed properly by the end of September that he leaves no other option than for the work to be given to another roofer and he will be liable for the bill.
Roofer says he has inspected the roof and the chimney needs pointing.
Contractor has started the pointing, I asked whether he could let me know asap whether the recent flooding issues were due to flashing or pointing at the chimney. He suggested removing the chimneys and continuing the roof slates. This needs to be confirmed by Planning whether it is possible, plus does the Council want the chimneys removing?
Roundabout damaged again by vehicles reported to LCC
Lighting on roundabout damaged reported to LCC
Pothole on Manor Road reported to LCC under ref 340840
I have been chasing up the training to be offered to those volunteers who wished to be involved with the speed gun training. I will be getting in touch with the volunteers in the next week to get suitable dates for them to attend training as I now have a trainer available.
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a. Resident on Skeldyke opposite Ripe Now asks whether the Parish Council would petition LCC to have double yellow lines pained along the length of the passing place opposite his house, plus installation of no parking signs.
It was resolved to ask the County Councillor for this part of the village (Cllr Austin) to take this up with Highways. It was resolved to pursue double yellow lines, a 30 mph for the stretch of road from Horseshoe Lane to Ripe Now on Skeldyke, plus no parking signs for near Ripe Now. Clerk to update Cllr Austin.
b. Community Group formed in Kirton Holme. They would like to ask for a donation towards a defibrillator to be purchased and installed at the Wheatsheaf.
This request has been put on hold for now at the request of Cllr Rylott who has been liaising with the group.
c. British Red Cross is currently promoting the Everyday Fist Aid Programme. They will offer a free session to those who work with vulnerable people. These can include resuscitation skills and defibrillator use.
d. Boston Borough – Planning. A Shortened Validation Checklist for Householders Applications plus a Validation Checklist for Planning and Other Applications have been drafted. The Planning Department asks for comments by the end of November. Link for consultation is: http://www.boston.gov.uk/validationchecklist
e. Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership – reply regarding the request to look into the validation of the current layout of the roundabout on the A16/Station Road. – They say that as far as injury collisions are concerned the location doesn’t trigger their intervention, however they are going to contact Highways and discuss the possibility of some additional remedial measures.
f. Boston Borough Council – a review of Polling Districts and Polling Places is taking place. This is to ascertain whether as far as possible there are reasonable facilities for electors to vote and types of places are suitable for all.
g. Highways – Roundabout signs and lights should be fixed by 26th October.
Town Hall
Pointing has begun on the Town Hall.
The Cemetery Committee has met. They will remove the tree that someone has planted. They have been offered and accepted a chestnut tree which will be planted soon. There is a lot of mole activity, although it is understood that the pest control man is constantly removing moles. The cemetery committee felt that overall the cemetery is in good order and generally tidy. The maintenance strip will be tackled in the spring. The gap in the hedge needs filling in. It was thought that it would be a good idea to put in a new 5 bar gate in this area to allow access at the end of the cemetery. The stop tap needs locating at the front gates. Some memorials look like they are leaning. These will be tested.
Parish matters
1) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.
The Xmas committee are on track.
The Kirton Karols are on track too.
Thanks, are given to the vicar who allowed the Church grounds to be used to erect the Last Night of the Proms banner.
Unfortunately, due to poor ticket sales the Last Night of the Proms event was cancelled. A meeting of the committee will be called in January to discuss it and decide the future.
The War Memorial pillars have been reported by members to be moving. Clerk has arranged for a builder to come and inspect them properly and take the appropriate action.
2) Update on Park Inspections
Some minor works needed, Clerk will photograph and order parts as needed.
Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Turner reported that the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane and Station Road is uneven and a trip hazard. Clerk to report to LCC.
Cllr Brookes left.
Planning applications:
B/18/0436 – change of use to convert existing barn to form two storey residential dwelling (Class C3) at Hallweir Cottage, Skeldyke Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/18/0423 – construction of concrete paved area and new vehicular access at Cheers Nurseries, Eleven Acre Lane, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/18/0414 – Outline application with some matters (layout, appearance, landscaping and scale) reserved for later approval for up to five residential detached dwellings and private access road at Land North of Millstone, Donington Road, Kirton End – IT CONTRAVENES LOCAL POLICY H2 SUBSECTION 4 (Back land/Tandem development). Plus same objections raised for B/18/0346 in that GOES AGAINST PLANNING POLICY WHEREBY BUILDING ON AGRICULTURAL LAND SHOULD ONLY BE WHEN NEEDED FOR FARMWORKERS. – NOT IN KEEPING WITH AREA
B/18/0432 – erection of front extension to existing garage at Amberley House, Middle Drove, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Planning Decisions:
B/18/0343 – Conversion of existing detached garage to form 1.5 storey residential annexe accommodation at The Laurels, Hammond Beck Bank, Kirton Holme – GRANT
B/18/0312 – Application for a lawful development certificate for proposed siting of single mobile home as a family annexe to rear of property at 3 Drainside South, Kirton.
News from Frampton W.I.
For the first article of 2019 I thought it a good chance to look back over the last year at some of the things we have done, as members of Frampton WI. Life is never dull, and there is a vast array of activities that are available to members. Here is a quick selection and in no particular order:
Afternoon tea at The Tea House in the Woods, Woodhall Spa and Spalding Farm Shop; a private visit to meet the tigers up close and personal at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park; trip to the ballet at Blackfriars; meals out; a creative evening at Pots of Fun; entering the Make, Bake and Show event; trip to Houghton Hall and gardens; day trips to Cromer and Norwich; making and delivering Lonely Bouquets around Kirton and Frampton; flower displays at Kirton Church Flower Festival.
A treasure hunt around Frampton, followed by afternoon tea in the garden; providing refreshments at Frampton Craft Fair; making and laying the Poppy wreath; poppy bombing in Frampton; visit to the Newark quilting show; monthly book group; monthly craft group; supported Womenís Aid; supported Jerry Green Dog Rescue ..... and all this in addition to the monthly meetings with speakers and a wonderful array of refreshments!
The annual fees have just increased to £42, but that works out at £3.50 per month, and members receive a jam-packed magazine each month too. Not bad value at all.
We are a diverse group of ladies ñ different ages and from a variety of backgrounds ñ and all this adds up to the friendly group that is Frampton WI!
Why not make 2019 the year you join as well?
We meet on the second Thursday in each month at 7.30 pm and your first visit is free. (No meeting in August) For further information, please contact: Vanessa Jameson on 01205 723891, email vanessajameson@btinternet.co; Carol Pattrick on 01205 722879, email c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk or Janice Cotgreave on 07957 904464, email: janice.cotgreave@btinternet.com