February 2020
The Editors Letter
A very Happy New Year to you all and I do hope you had a lovely Christmas. I appreciate it’s now February but we haven’t spoken since December! Frankly, 2020 sounds ridiculous to me. It’s almost too futuristic, as though it’s not even real! When we say the 20’s now, which ones will we be referring to???
A couple of weeks before Christmas, I hosted, together with my Mum Jill, a coffee morning at the Town Hall for all our Kirton News distributors. It was a great success, so many were able to attend and it was so nice to actually put faces to names! The feedback was wholly positive and we’re hoping to make this an annual event in the very least. I was also able to inform everyone that the magazines will, for the forseeable future now be available for collection from the Town Hall. The Town Hall Management Committee were happy to help and we’re very grateful for that. It shows what can be done when a community comes together and helps each other.
Do you have any resolutions for this year? Could one of them be to be more present in our community, to join a group or even to lend a helping hand? I know this is easier said than done. I work full time, am just about to embark on a fairly hefty work related course and it’s incredibly hard sometimes to fit everything in! I haven’t quite figured out how to clone myself yet!
There are lots of social groups popping up in the village that you may not be aware of. A quick list of the groups I’m aware of are listed below:
• Monday Walking Group Kirton Town Hall at 1.30pm
• Tuesday group for Mums and little ones at Kirton Methodist Church at 9.15am
• Thursday Friendship Group for the over 60’s at the New Life Centre at 10am
• Friday Coffee Morning at the Town Hall from 9am
• 2nd Saturday of every month, Book and Puzzle Exchange at Kirton
Methodist Church at 10am
If you’re aware of any other groups or even want to start one up, there are lots of venues available in the village that I’m sure would be happy to accommodate you. Please let us know any information either by email, write to me or post on the Kirton Community Facebook page.
In this issue, we meet Ann Booth in our ‘Meet The Locals’ feature. Ann is a very recognisable face who I’m sure most of you know! If you would like to feature in this or know someone who would please contact me. It’s a fab way to introduce yourself or to promote your business or service.
Before I sign off, I did want to mention Jessops. It’s yet another sad absence in our village and I have wonderful memories of visiting it as a child with my Nanny and buying treats. In my humble opinion they made the best cream buns and Battenberg and they will be sadly missed. As I’m ever the optimist I do hope someone will take advantage of this prime location and think to bring their business to Kirton.
Meet the Locals:
In this issue we speak to a very familiar face
in our village and a true community servant,
Ann Booth:

1) Have you lived in Kirton all your life?
I was born on The Wirral where my Dad’s family came from and we moved to Kirton when I was four. I went to Kirton Primary school and then onto Kirton Secondary school. I then worked away for a few years and met Pete my husband and we lived in Fishtoft for 7 years before moving back to the village in 1976.
2) What are your best memories of living in Kirton?
My childhood memories of living in Kirton are about the freedom we had to ride out all day on our bikes around the lanes with nothing more than a packet of biscuits and a bottle of water in our baskets. Not something the kids could do today due to more cars on the road. We just had orders to be back for tea! In later years I have seen the village grow, the schools have been enlarged and lots of new houses have been built, three pubs have disappeared, factories have gone along with jobs, shops have opened and closed but is all part of village life.
3) What committees/groups have you been involved with (currently or past)?
I was involved with the Kirton Playgroup, Brownies, Holiday Play scheme run from the Kirton Primary School when my daughters were young. Later, a Parish Councillor and currently I am Chairman of the Town Hall Management Committee, a member of the committee for The Children’s Society and a volunteer at the Library. I believe that to belong to a village community you have to take part in something that you know will help others that live in it, no matter how small a part that may be. We all lead busy lives and due to family commitments and work people can’t always get involved but they can support what is happening in and around the village.
4) Thinking about the Town Hall specifically, what do you think is special about it and what can it offer in terms of activities and events?
I have been involved with Kirton Town Hall for the past 12 years and anybody that knows me will know that I am passionate about the building and the running of it. When the committee was formed the building was not in good repair and has needed a lot of work, time and money invested in it. A lot of people have been involved in the committee over the years and all have put in lots of hard work to get the Hall into the condition it is today including the Parish Council. We have many users doing all sorts of activities, Art, Martial Arts, Slimming World, monthly Lunch Club, Cats Protection, Walking Group, Private Parties, various committee meetings. As a village we are lucky to have a such a prodigious Town Hall.
5) What do you believe is needed to help to bring the Community together in our village?
Kirton is a great place to live with lots of local amenities and a good community spirit, you only have to see the turn out on Remembrance Sunday and our Christmas Village Light Switch On and the Joint Carol Service. There are always problems wherever people live but there are always solutions if we pull together as a community. If anybody has any ideas for activities we could do to engage the community as a whole or would like to arrange something in conjunction with the Town Hall Management Committee please get in touch.
If you would like to get in touch with Ann through the Town Hall Management Committee, please email myself using the address on page 4.
Kirton Church Fund
Congratulations to our winners and especially number 87 who won in their 1st draw. The others have all had previous wins. Well done!
With nearly £1800 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2019 and over £13,200 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!
We had a new member join in December. Welcome aboard and good luck. We do have plenty of room for more members though. Currently we have only 52 members so there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or call in Kirton Church (forms at the back of church), Paula’s Gifts on Station Road, or Kirton Library.
If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
The January draw winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.
The February draw takes place on Sunday 1st March and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
November 2019 Winners
1st PRIZE - £40.86 - TICKET NUMBER: 40
2nd PRIZE - £13.61 -
December 2019 Winners
1st PRIZE - £41.86 - TICKET NUMBER: 71
2nd PRIZE - £13.96 -
Kids Club
Kirton Kids Club comes of age!! Yes we are 21 years old this January – we need to party.
I can’t believe the time has gone so fast and we have had hundreds of children through our doors in that time.
The club was born of a need for after school child care for the vegetable businesses in the village.
The vegetable factories that originally backed us might have closed but the Kids Club still runs every day term time. We work in conjunction with the Primary School and each day the children and staff can be seen walking to and from school to the Youth Centre – which we call ‘home’.
Many years ago the breakfast club was added to the day and we still hold both sessions from 7.30 am breakfast and 3.20 pm after school until 5.45 pm.
Spaces go quickly but if you wish to find out about bookings, spaces or prices – please check out website or phone 07583 762072 – we will be pleased to give you the information you require.
Kirton Primary School Celebrates being Ranked Amongst the Top Schools in the Country – for the Fifth Year Running!
The progress made by children at Kirton Primary School in last summer’s SATs tests in reading, writing and maths has, once again, put them amongst the best performing schools in England.
They are delighted to share their most recent national assessment results.
In the Foundation Stage (reception classes) and Year 2 classes, the school achieved their highest results in more than 5 years.
In the Year 1 phonics screening, as usual, many more of their children achieved above the expected level than children nationally.
Their KS2 results (Year 6), demonstrated their children’s progress scores continue to place the local primary school in the top 2% of schools in the country.
Mrs Fovargue and Mrs Rose recently represented the school at a special gala night held in the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. The event was held to honour and celebrate schools demonstrating the highest standards and best practice.

Fundraising just got GIN’Teresting
We have recently launched our new community initiative Gin and Jammies and we would like to invite all in Boston to participate. Join us and bring your friends and family together to raise money in the comfort of your own home, with your Jammie’s on and a Gin in hand.
All we ask is that your evening raises vital funds for St Barnabas, set an entry fee, maybe host a raffle and add some fun to your at – home party! All proceeds going directly straight to the hospice.
We have partnered with Pin Gin and will be releasing our own gin called ‘EST. 1982 Bramble’ which will go on sale very soon through their website only! – All proceeds from these sales will go directly to St Barnabas.
Please visit our website for more
information and sign up:
Contact Information:
Tel: 01522 540300
Paisley Paddison

Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- October 2019
Public Forum
One member of the public who wanted to know what was said at the last meeting regarding parking around the centre of the village. She wanted to clarify the blue badge situation with regards to parking within parking slots.
Consider co-option of applicant
The panel had sat (consisting of Cllrs Sharp, Turner and Brotherton) and they had met with the applicant. They had then sent a brief report to the councillors. Cllr Cole abstained from voting as his wife is friends with the applicant’s wife. The remainder voted unanimously to co-opt Kurt Mather. Mr Mather was absent as he had work commitments, the Clerk will forward him all the relevant paperwork prior to the next meeting.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. He read a letter of thanks from two residents who attended the Senior Citizens Party.
The Chairman addressed the meeting with the following:
“As we come to the end of the year, we find time to reflect on the past 12months. We started with 11 councillors and we’re finishing with 11 councillors, albeit with a predominately fresh council.
Several long serving councillors (former councillors D Smith, C Rylott, M Hannay and R Foster) chose not to stand for re-election and shortly after, former councillor Sue Ransome resigned.
I, on behalf of the Council would again like to thank them for their service to the Parish and the time they gave freely.
As we leave 2019, the Council goes into 2020 with 4 (possibly 5) new Councillors and under new leadership after the shock resignation of former Councillor David Danby.
David, had been both Vice Chairman and Chairman, and gave immense amounts of time, possibly more than most, to the village in order to make it better. An example of which can be seen with the refurbishment of the Town Hall, which we can all agree looks a fantastic symbol of the village, and I, as well as the council thank you David for the service you have given.
The major events of the Parish, Remembrance Sunday and the various Christmas events have grown year on year. The parade gets longer, the Christmas lights get bigger and brighter, the senior citizens party gets more mouth-watering and Kirton Carols gets better each year. I would like to thank all those people and organisations involved for all their hard work and time in making these events what they are.
In closing I would like to say, Councillors are only one part of the team that delivers the success. We can’t forget Belinda our Clerk, Barbara our village warden and finally those that volunteer when the call goes out for help, such as for traffic control at Remembrance Sunday and community speed watch to name just two. Volunteering is free, not because you’re worthless, but because you’re priceless.
Thank you, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. “
The Chairman also thanked Cllr Bemrose for all her work over the Xmas events.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs C Lidgett, L O’Connor and I Turner sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council. Cllr Welton did not send his apologies but was absent.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.
She is also a parent governor at the Primary School.
Cllr P Watson is on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will take no part in item 14 on the agenda (planning).
Cllr Sharp declared an interest as he is on the Kirton Youth Challenge as a trustee, he is also on the 4th Boston Scout Committee.
Cllr S Watson declared that her husband Cllr P Watson is on Boston Borough Planning Committee.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Cllr Bemrose proposed, with a second from Cllr Watson and unanimous agreement, that the notes of the meeting dated 21st November 2019, previously circulated should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
PCSO Williams reported that since the last meeting there had been 6 reported crimes:
1 x burglary of a construction site – undetected
1 x drunk and disorderly and breach of the peach – 1 arrested
2 x thefts from motor vehicles – investigation ongoing
1 x shed burglary – ongoing investigation
1 x burglary of a dwelling – ongoing investigation
At the recent Xmas fayre, PCSO Williams sold 10 sets of bike lights. He said that this would help with the issue of youths riding around without any lights, but would not solve it.
Following on from an email sent to the Police Inspector at Boston asking for some help on this matter, a reply said that there is a need to provide support to our Neighbourhood Policing Team and as such officers would be deployed to the village to patrol when available.
The update on the fire culprits is that the JDP (a group dealing with young offenders) will be in touch to set up a meeting with the Council. The 2 youths that will be dealt with in this manner will also be required to go on a fire safety awareness course.
Frustration was voiced from the Council when PCSO Williams confirmed that despite the moaning on Facebook and the pleas to report incidents to 101 or online, NOT ONE REPORT had been made by residents in the village regarding the youths on bikes in the village.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
Nothing further to action.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors
Cllr P Watson asked what was happening regarding the 30-mph zone on Skeldyke Road as nothing had been reported back and there had been no change. Cllr Austin said that she had a meeting with the Highways Manager and has asked for a drive round the parish to show the Highways Manager the outstanding issues. Cllr Brookes informed members that even if a decision has been made by Highways, a Traffic Regulation Order could take a very long time to go through due to the backlog caused by austerity.
Cllr Brookes confirmed that the Dyke in front of Dennis Estate is being monitored through the gully cleaning contract. Any problems will be reported back where necessary.
Cllr Austin reported that there are ongoing issues with sewerage at Middlegate Road.
One of the z’brites is now on but not very bright. Clerk to ask Highways whether overhead illuminating can be installed to show up pedestrians at the crossing.
Accounts for payment
1) Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated December 2019/20 (9 of 12)
The accounts were approved unanimously for payment.
2) To consider approval of the precept request for financial year 2020/21 as £69932.43
After a suggestion from the Clerk (due to the increased number of dwellings in the village) it was resolved to set the precept at £70000.00. This was resolved unanimously to accept. The figures were checked and the Clerk completed the paperwork request for the Borough Council.
3) The Clerk informed members that usually she would not recommend joining the Lincolnshire Association of Local Council’s training scheme as it was not normally cost effective with the amount of training needed, but due to the number of new councillors and therefore the amount of core training that will be required, it was cost effective to join it this year. All agreed.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report
Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.
LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further
Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.
Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done
The update on the LCC site is:
This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.
Contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the crossing issues on Station Road, I have asked for their help in enforcing the double yellow lines outside the Kebab shop plus have asked about the possibility of having the columns to the ‘z brites’ changed to illuminated ones.
Road Safety (Accident Investigation) Manager is in talks with Andy Wharf at Highways at the Borough.
He will also ask the parking Enforcement Team to visit the village over the next few months as a priority.
Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.
Cllr Austin told members that this matter was not deemed high on the priority list by Highways, but it could be looked at again when the evenings get darker. Cllr Hannay will forward a photograph of the columns on the crossing which clearly show that the columns could support being lit.
Clerk emailed Mr Wharf to ask for an update.
LCC looking into repairing the columns
Clerk been in touch with the St John Ambulance regarding Restart a Heart – they are happy to come and do a day after Christmas.
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
1) Rural/Market Towns Group – call upon local authorities to raise the profile of rural communities. Would like to know if Kirton would like to be involved in helping create this group – carried forward from last month’s meeting.
- Members felt that the questions they had asked of the group had not been answered. They wanted to know how much time would be expected of them, also how much membership would be, despite specific questions being asked, the answers had not been given. To this end they resolved not to continue with this.
Town Hall
No Town Hall Management meeting to be held until the New Year.
After discussing it with the Park inspector, the grassed area at the rear of the Town Hall could just have railings along the car park length rather than enclosing the new play equipment with railings all 4 sides, when it is installed.
Moles reported by clerk to pest control.
Parish matters
1) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.
All Xmas events were very well attended. Some of the xmas lights will be returned to where bought from as they have been disappointing in quality. The power boxes will also need some reconfiguring in the New Year once the lights have been taken down.
The Xmas committee will meet again in February to begin plans for 2020.
The Neighbourhood Plan will go ahead. A meeting will be held in the New Year.
Community Speed Watch is going really well with on average on session recently per week. A new member is due to join the group too. CSW highlighted the speed the cars can come into the village on Boston Road, Cllr Champion asked whether it could be looked at with a view to extending the 30mph speed limit further back to Middlegate Road – Cllr Brookes will meet with Highways and ask for this to be considered.
2) Update on Park Inspections/Public Meeting/Insurance etc following on from the fire.
3) Consider VE Day commemorations for May 2020
The Clerk will email all members in the New Year to form a committee to take this forward
4) Formally approve finance committee’s recommendation of contractor for the War Memorial area.
Cllr Bemrose did not vote due to knowing personally one of the contractors. The remainder voted unanimously to accept the Finance committee’s recommended quotation. Clerk to chase a start date.
Reports for Various Bodies
The Chairman had met with the owner of the Kirton Cottage, who said he was worried about youths coming out of the footpath in the Churchyard and going straight onto the road. Members discussed this and resolved that they would look into having a barrier of some description on the footpath in the Churchyard which would slow the youngsters down without blocking it to other users. Cllr Bemrose said she would approach the secondary school for help in this matter in the New Year.
Cllr Bemrose reported that the street cleaning had been done recently although the machine could not get in everywhere due to the works on London Road. She reported that the road outside the Kier site on London Road had blocked drains due to the leaves/mud in them and she will report on fix my street. Rainwater is very slow to clear away. She will also report the drain near the roundabout on the right as you leave to go into Station Road on the far side due to being blocked with leaves.
Cllrs Brookes and Austin left the meeting.
Planning applications:
B/19/0484 – application for a lawful development certificate for proposed siting of mobile home as a family annexe to rear of property at 2 Drainside South, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/19/0495 – Two storey rear extension with associated alterations at Ascalon, Drainside South, Kirton – (Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest and took no part in discussions) NO OBJECTIONS.
Frampton News
Helping Hands at Frampton Marsh
Hi there! I am Chris, the Visitor Experience Manager from the RSPB nature reserve at Frampton Marsh.
Did you know that the RSPB started up all the way back in 1889? A group of ladies were upset about wild birds being killed for their feathers, which then went onto hats. To change this they set up a group to lobby parliament and society. From these early beginnings the RSPB has grown, but one thing has always remained the same. That we simply couldn’t do what we do without the help of volunteers. Those Victorian ladies freely gave their time for something they believed in, and today over 18,000 people around the UK likewise volunteer for the RSPB.
Here at the Frampton Marsh reserve, we are always on the lookout for volunteers to help with what we do. With only three full-time and three part-time staff to cover both Frampton Marsh and Freiston Shore, we would be unable to offer the facilities we do without the help of our wonderful local volunteers. One of the most visible forms of this is at the Frampton Marsh visitor centre. Open 364 days of the year, it is almost entirely run by volunteers. Friendly people who provide a great welcome to visitors. Not that we are resting on our laurels. We are always new members onto the volunteer team. So, if you are looking for something new to do, and like talking to people, do get in touch. An expert knowledge of wildlife is not required, but a positive attitude and friendly manner is. Volunteering is open to all ages too, we have centre volunteers as young as 16, up to those in their seventies.
There are not just roles in the visitor centre. You might like to come and help us with our garden. Or to help with the office paperwork. Whatever you chose you would be fully trained, and out of pocket travel expenses would be covered. We are a friendly bunch down at the reserve so there are regular social events too. And for anyone who is looking to build a CV or gain experience to help with a job search, it is ideal. So if you might be interested, give the office a call on 01205 724678 or email us at lincolnshirewashreserves@rspb.org.uk

The View from the Vicarage
Dear Friends in Kirton.
To members of the worshipping congregation and others in the local community I don't need an introduction. Since retiring from my parish in Leeds in 1993 I've supported the church in Wyberton, Frampton and Kirton during the times when the parishes have been in vacancy. I've therefore ministered to people in the various stages of life from Baptism, through Marriage and at times of Death. I've always held to the view 'Once a priest - always a priest'. Retirement is but a stage in ministry. There will no doubt be a time when ministry will not be as active as in the earlier days following ordination, but that doesn't seem to be the case at present..
Following Fr Paul Blanch's move to Kent, and the diocese of Canterbury the church has been coming to terms with how best to continue serving the people of Kirton. This wasn't helped by the unexpected resignations of Churchwarden, and the Parish Treasurers, all let me add for very legitimate reasons. During their time of office each made a huge contribution to the life of the parish church., and the PCC have thanked them for their service. It is hoped that replacements will soon be in place, and in the slightly longer term a new parish priest will be found as Vicar of Kirton. It's a case of watch this space. For those with a prayerful spirituality can I please commend this to you?
In the meantime the Area (rural) Dean has overall responsibility for the parish and at a recent meeting of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) entrusted that responsibility to myself working alongside The Rev'd Doreen Brown. Doreen is also a retired priest living locally and it may be that she too will make a contribution to this column in the Kirton News.
One of the hallmarks of the Parish Church over the last two years has been having the church opened almost every day as a place of prayer. At this stage regrettably that facility cannot be offered as no guarantee can be given for people to regularly take on the responsibility. However it remains an aspiration of the PCC that this could be dealt with in the future. Once again watch this space. Opening times of the church can be found elsewhere in the Magazine alongwith a contact number which will be accessed on a daily basis. More information can also be found on the parish website.
I'm a firm believer that in some shape or form all of us are called to ministry, be it sacred or secular. Each needs to look out for each other and be there for each other in times of need. My experience over the past seven years since retirement is the people of Kirton are good at that, and long may it continue.
The Rev'd Canon Alan Taylor