February 2021
The Editors Letter
Happy New Year folks! There’s still that faint glimmer of hope somewhere isn’t there? The hope that 2021 will be better than it’s predecessor, it has to be doesn’t it? I must admit when Big Ben chimed on New Year’s Eve in our house, it was definitely more of a muted celebration with not a party popper in sight. I think we’ve learned that whatever resolutions or plans we make for the year ahead can very easily and quickly be turned upside down!
I think we all feel a bit tired now, physically and mentally, I know I do. What I really want from 2021 is for the vaccines to be distributed far and wide, for everyone to wear their masks OVER their noses and for people to stop dying from this awful virus. Certainly if you’re out there working on the frontline in our hospitals, police and fire stations, surgeries, schools, essential shops, life just doesn’t stop. You all have my utmost respect and admiration.

I tried to lighten the mood a teensy bit before Christmas by organising the Best Decorated House competition, combined for Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton. We had some fantastic entries and after a public vote, our two winners were Debbie Tomlin who won a £50 Flower Shop voucher and Lynn Burdass who won a £30 Baked by Evelyn Ruby voucher and shared this with her lovely neighbour Helen Smalley who nominated her! I read lots of comments on the community Facebook page saying folks had gone out in the car for a little tour to look at the entries. Hopefully we can do this again next December.
We also wanted to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to our local NHS heroes and after a draw including over 100 nominations, we, along with an anonymous donor treated 13 recipients to an Amazon voucher to spend safely online. Kirton News is first and foremost a publication for our community and we give back when we can.
In this issue we’re chatting to Ian Parnell from Kirton Leisure Centre to find out how him and his staff have been keeping during the yoyo year that was 2020 and have they missed us as much as we’ve missed them? Turn to Page 5 to find out.
Also, in our Meet the Locals feature on Page 7, we’re talking to a very familiar face, Barbara Westwood, Kirton’s caretaking wonder woman!
I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’d love to see some suggestions for our 2021 issues. Do you have an interest you’re passionate about or have you read any fantastic books lately? We’d be happy to include you!
Missing The Locals
We’ve been in contact with Ian Parnell from Kirton Leisure Centre to find out how the pandemic has affected him and all of the staff and what their hopes are for the future.
1) Apart from the loss of income, what’s been the biggest impact that the pandemic has had on you as a business?
Biggest impact is not being open as we don’t usually do food (to be able to do takeaways) and there are 3 of us on furlough. Customers have messaged me saying they’re missing somewhere to go and to meet people.
2) Any plans for events when you’re fully open again?
We are starting to offer Afternoon Teas. Both of our function rooms are normally busy with parties so it’s not very often we have events on but our newest function room will shortly be extended to accommodate about 180 people so we will be looking to do ticketed events (not just music related).
3) Anything else you would like to mention?
We have now been trading for 26 years of which the past 5 years have seen a major overhaul.
We now having air conditioning, modern surroundings with comfortable seating and the following amenities: Disabled toilet, Baby changing room, 5 Large TV’s with Sky & BT Sports, Fibre Broadband & Card Payments, Good selection of Hot Drinks, SNUG with no TV’s or music, Snooker, 2 Pool Table’s, 3 Dartboards and Martial Arts, Keep Fit & Pilate Classes.
To contact Ian at Kirton Leisure please either email kirtonleisure1994@gmail.com or telephone 01205 837090.

Meet The Locals
In this issue we’re talking to Barbara Westwood, Kirton’s hard working
Village Caretaker!
1. Was the position of village caretaker created for you or did you take over from someone?
The position for village caretaker was advertised so I applied and was fortunate enough to get the position.
2. How long have you been working as village caretaker?
I have now been the village caretaker for 14 years and still enjoy my position regardless of the weather and always have a smiley face!
3. What do you like best about your job?
Even though I am over retirement age, I still enjoy what I do. I enjoy being out in the village community and meeting new people and the local residents. The role keeps me active and I get great satisfaction to do my bit and keep our great little village clean and tidy.
4. Have you found anything unusual on your rounds?
I have never found anything really unusual but I have picked up a couple of wallets and a local businessman’s bank card, which were all returned!
5. How have you coped with continuing your job during the pandemic?
I have coped through the pandemic by sticking to the governments rules, using common sense and keeping my distance, regularly washing my hands and sanitising.
I think that Kirton is a striving little village and even though some of the shops are closing there's always something going on. Even though I spend 6 weeks a year in Australia I am always pleased to get back!

Kirton Church Fund
Congratulations to our winners all of whom have been members since we started the Kirton Church Fund and have had previous wins. Thank you for your continued support.
With £1925 being raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2020 and over £15,000 since we started in June 2012 it’s a massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!
We do have plenty of room for more members though. Currently we only have 39 people taking part with only 48 numbers in the draw (nine of the thirty nine people have 2 numbers each.) and we shall be losing other two members from the February draw as they move away from Lincolnshire in January and another member has sadly died. Please come and join us and help us to raise funds for our beautiful Parish Church. The roof is still leaking badly and funds need to be raised for the work to be done.
There is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.
Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or ring/ text 07598987199. If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
The January draw winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.
The February draw takes place on Sunday 28th February and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
November 2020 Winners
1st PRIZE - £44.37 - TICKET NUMBER: 26
2nd PRIZE - £14.79 -
December 2020 Winners
1st PRIZE - £44.53 - TICKET NUMBER: 13
2nd PRIZE - £14.84 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Goodbye to The Friday Club
During the last year, many of the things we have taken for granted have been lost. One thing that we are sad to say good bye to is ‘The Friday Club’.
Who were the Friday Club you may ask? Some years ago, the late Councillor Alan Lee, along with a group of other likeminded residents of Kirton, decided to meet on a weekly basis with the sole aim to improve Kirton, they did this on a Friday and so became The Friday Club. They would clear litter, prune shrubs, carry out weeding, sweep paths and in fact any task that they could do to improve the village.
Over the ensuing years, they diligently carried on, regardless of the weather and generally would go about mostly unnoticed, which is how they wanted it to be. They were not doing this for recognition but for personal gain and the satisfaction of a job well done.
Their dedication to the village will be sadly missed. Those who are left will no doubt still have their coffee at the Town Hall on a Friday morning whilst putting the world to rights, when the situation will allow this again. I am sure that they will not mind me saying that they are all in their twilight years, which makes their efforts all the more to be applauded.
They didn’t want to be named, but we know who you are. And for those Friday Club members, past and until recently present, as you hang up your spades, brushes and shears, we thank you, each and every one of you for your selfless work for this village.
A tribute to Maurice Davis
As some of you will know, my wonderful dad, Mr Maurice Davis, passed away in December. He passed quietly with no fuss, just as he wanted.
Firstly, I’d like to thank the first responders, paramedics, and Dr Lowe for your care and respect of Dad. Thank you to Marie Curie for making dad as comfortable as possible whilst allowing him to keep his independence and dignity, for which his family are all so very grateful.
Secondly, I’d like to thank the local shops and villagers for making Dad so welcome in the last three years, especially the Scout Shop and the coop.
The wonderful co-op and scout shop staff have been simply amazing in how they looked after dad (especially when they tried to lessen dads purchases!). The guard of honour the Scouts gave was unexpected and Dad would have been incredibly proud and grateful. He considered all of you true friends.
I know he could be a grumpy so and so at times, but he was a true gentleman through and through. I like to think he’s back with my lovely mum, being read the riot act for his charming ability to flirt politely. Thank you Kirton for making dad so welcome and caring about him, right to the end.

Five money saving tips
for a pre-spring clean

With many of us continuing to work from home more often, it’s important for our health, wellbeing and productivity that the space around us is both clean and clutter-free. While the days are short and the weather’s still cool, February is a great time for a spot of pre-spring cleaning. Here are some easy and effective ways to cut costs.
Buy in bulk
Although it may seem more expensive at first, it’s better to buy cleaning products in bulk rather than making smaller purchases every month. This should save you money in the long run and it’s better for the environment too, which is more important than ever. When you’re in the supermarket, remember to compare the ‘price per kilogram/100g’ to make sure you’re getting the most product for your money.
Make your own
spray cleaner
It’s really easy to make your own multi-surface cleaner out of things you may already have in the cupboard at home. Simply mix together 60ml of white vinegar, one tablespoon of baking powder, one litre of hot water and the juice of half a lemon. Pour it into an empty spray bottle and away you go!
Fashion your own
cleaning cloths
Swap paper towels and disposable wipes for homemade options. Cut up unwanted old t-shirts to create cleaning cloths, or go wild with the scissors and fashion your own makeshift mop. Better for your pocket; better for the environment!
Clear out the clutter
A study from the Princeton Neuroscience Institute found that there’s a link between the state of the space we live in and how productive we are. Our brains instinctively try to process everything around us, so the more clutter we see, the more our minds will be distracted. There are lots of local websites and apps for selling items you no longer need, so you might even make some money. You could also try your hand at upcycling old clothes or furniture for a refresh, which will save you spending money on new stuff too.
Spend less when redecorating
If you’ve got the urge to redecorate, first try rearranging the furniture. This could help to give your room a new lease of life for free. If you do decide to go full-on Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen (kudos if you’re old enough to know who he is!) then it’s better to opt for good quality paint. It may cost more up-front, but you’re likely to need fewer coats, meaning it will go further. Squeeze everything you can out of one pot of paint by choosing a colour that will work in different rooms. Neutral colours such as white and grey are timeless, and it’s more cost effective to change up your décor from time to time than to repaint the whole room.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management, job clubs, life skills groups, and support for people breaking life-controlling dependencies. Visit capuk.org to find out more or contact Hannah on hannahmugglestone@capuk.org 07947 621899.
We present to you the Fundraising challenge of 2021 – Don’t Quit, Get Fit!
This new fundraising challenge is for all adults, children and families across Lincolnshire and it doesn’t matter if you are a pro athlete or a beginner who wants to try something new. It’s the opportunity to either lose them Lincolnshire lockdown pounds, try something new or challenge your abilities. This challenge will run from the beginning of January to the end of March and we have put a few ideas together on what you could be doing in the coming, Days, weeks or months.
• Cycle or run the distance between our Hospice bases, Total: 185 miles (296km).
• Walk 12,000 steps a day for a week. Did you know this is the average steps a day our nurses take when providing end of life compassionate care?
However, that’s not to say that challenge is the right one for you. You can make up your own challenge if you wish and set yourself some new year goals and achievements while fundraising for the hospice.
We will be providing loads of support throughout this challenge and this will be done through our Adventures with St Barnabas Fundraising page on Facebook, were you can talk to other people taking on a challenge and post your progress. We also have sponsorship support with David Poole custom fitness, Reece Dodd PT and Active Lincolnshire. All providing inspiring and motivational support along the way.
This challenge is completely free of charge all we ask in return is that each participant fundraises a minimum of £71.40. This covering over two hours of vital physiotherapy or occupational therapy sessions for our patients. Often when a patient is diagnosed and is referred to our services, they have limited movement. Our Clinical team work closely to support their wellbeing and make sure they live as comfortably as possible, for as long as possible. Sign up today at: https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/dontquit/
A Thank-you
St Barnabas would like to send out a message to all their supports and say a huge ‘THANK YOU!’
Through this difficult year we have faced many challenges, as we are sure many of you have too but despite possible hardship and financial struggles the community has come together more than ever and has helped us as a charity through these difficult times. You have donated to our shops, taken part in our lottery, followed our virtual events and provided PPE when we needed it most! For that we are forever thankful!
Our St Barnabas shops have been overwhelmed with your generosity too and have now reopened after Lockdown 2.0 and have been busy selling Cards, diaries and Christmas gifts over the festive period, plus all the usual bargains you will expect to see going in to the new year!
The coronavirus pandemic has been, and continues to be, tough for everyone. We wanted you to know that at St Barnabas, we are here for you. Whether you or a loved one needs our care, our bereavement support, or simply a boost to your wellbeing, we are always at the end of the phone.
Please use the following numbers to get in touch: Referring to our care: 0300 020 0694
Bereavement support: 01522 518 246
Supporting the Hospice; 07825 713 666
The Royal British Legion
Kirton and District Branch

The Kirton and District Branch of the Royal British Legion would like to wish all our members and readers of the village magazine a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2021 and hopefully put the past of 2020 behind us. Now that the light at the end of the tunnel has been switch on, we hope that some sort of normal life will be resumed (keeping our fingers crossed).
2020 has been a very difficult year for us all. Here at the legion we have been unable to have branch meetings and the normal fund raising events that we would normally organiser haven’t gone ahead.
The poppy appeal was cancelled and then it was decided that it could go ahead but on a reduce scale so the branch only put out a small number of boxes and then that was cut down when another restriction came in to force, in the end the district did far better than we expected.
To date the amount we have collected for the poppy appeal is around £2000 this could increase when the online donation have been added. If the online donator added the area reference number HCA05 to their donation then this will be added to our area collection amount.
Even though we weren’t able to hold our annual Sunday Remembrance Parade which is normally very well attended in the village we were able to hold a short service with a couple of people on the 11th November.
On behalf of the poppy appeal l would like to thank all of you for your generous support of the Royal British Legion poppy appeal.
This year is the 100th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion, we are hoping to commemorate this event and we may need your help in doing so! If anyone has any ideas on how we can commemorate this event please contact me on Roland.reece@btinternet.com or 07704741841
Roland Reece
Kirton and District Branch Chairman and Poppy Appeal Organiser
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- November 2020 via video conference
To consider Co-option
of new Members
A committee had managed to interview via zoom one of the applicants and recommended her co-option to the Parish Council. This was voted unanimously in favour. Sarah Wright was welcomed as new councillor.
Chairman’s comments
The Chairman reported that he had been pleased to see the community rallying round for Remembrance Sunday. He gave thanks to those that had given their time to clean up the War Memorial area ahead of the Sunday. He also thanked the Young Bee Keepers who donated the large poppies that were on the lamp posts between Kirton and Wyberton. Clerk to contact the Young Bee Keepers to ask for them to now be taken down so that they can be kept for next year.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Apologies were received from Cllr Welton but he did not give a reason for his absence.
Receipt of any declarations
of interest
Cllr P Watson is on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will not take part in discussions on planning applications.
Cllr S Watson declared an interest in that her husband, Cllr P Watson is on the planning committee at Boston Borough Council
Cllr D Brown declared he was also on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will take no part in item 16 – planning.
Cllr Austin also declared that she too was a Planning Committee member at the Borough Council and will take no part in discussions on item 16 – planning.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved after a proposal from Cllr Danby which was seconded by Cllr Brotherton, that the notes of the meeting held on the 15th October 2020 previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
PCSO Williams attended and gave the following report of crimes reported since the last Parish Council meeting:
Theft of vehicle and Going Equipped to Commit Crime, Lighton Avenue – 1 ARREST
Attempt theft of vehicle, Kirton Primary School – UNDER INVESTIGATION
Theft, London Road – UNDETECTED
Theft of moped, Langley Mews – UNDER INVESTIGATION
Criminal damage to vehicle, Willington Road – UNDER INVESTIGATION
Burglary dwelling, Boston Road – UNDER INVESTIGATION
Theft, Costcutter, Boston Road – UNDER INVESTIGATION
Assault and Criminal Damage to vehicle, Franks Close – 1 ARREST
Criminal damage to business premises, Boston Road – UNDER INVESTIGATION
PCSO Williams also reported that they now have released a monthly newsletter which informs residents that they will be tackling this month the issue of road safety.
When questioned on recent events concerning a pupil at a school in Boston, PCSO Williams said that it was unlikely to affect local schools.
Viewpoints on questions from members of the public
No residents attended.
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council from/to County/Borough Councillors
Cllr Brookes reported that following on from the Parish Council’s request for a barrier to be erected along the roadside on the High Street exit from the Church footpath, that the County Council has issued a job to completed this work. So the Parish Council does not need to pay for it, it will be done by LCC.
Cllr Brookes also reported that the jobs have been issued for the drainage investigation, however, as yet they have not be programmed.
Following on from the new County Views Panels, this month’s survey is on highways. Residents are encouraged to go to the Lincolnshire County Council website and search for County Views Panel.
The Clerk reported 2 issues which have been longstanding within the village, in that the hedge on Princess Road and the one on Green Lane are causing issues. The Princess Road one is outstanding from Spring and brambles are growing right across the footpath. The Green Lane hedge is so overgrown that it is now a social distancing issue – and as this is the rear entrance to the Primary School it is used by many.
Cllr Danby reported to Cllr Austin that there has been a long term issue with potholes on Station Road footpath. He was encouraged by Cllr Austin to get the resident to report this matter themselves on fix my street. This way the resident gets feed back and updates from Highways.
Cllr Austin informed members that the outstanding issues on Skeldyke Road and Horseshoe Lane are still ongoing due to the backlog. She will be driving the full parish between now and the end of December to ensure that the Maintenance Team, when they visit in the new year have a full list of jobs outstanding.
The Clerk reported that she has received word that following on from a bus shelter query she made, there is funding available for bus shelters. She will make the application towards the bus shelter previously agreed to have on High Street where the bus stops.
Cllr P Watson reported that he had just reported a large fly tip down Horseshoe Lane which he hoped would be removed imminently.
Cllr S Watson asked both County Councillors to pressure LCC to reopen the full tip. No one has an issue with the booking system, but to be able to get rid of all your rubbish in one trip makes more sense.
Cllr Brookes said the County Council had brought in certain waste on certain days because of COVID 19 separation regulations and site capacity issues. Not all onward disposal facilities were available when they first reopened. There are still restrictions on social interaction. He referred to an e mail giving more detail on the current situation from County Councillor Eddy Poll who is the executive councillor responsible for the HWRC's which he would arrange with the Clerk to be circulated to all members. He said the county council was eager to get back to where we were before COVID 19.
Cllrs Brookes, Austin and Brown left the meeting.
Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated November 2020/21 (8 of 12)
- It was resolved unanimously after a proposal from Cllr P Watson and second by Cllr Brotherton that the payments should be made.
Report from minutes of the previous meeting/
Clerk’s report
Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC ref 342401.
LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further
Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.
Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done
The update on the LCC site is:
This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.
Clerk contacted Cllr Austin following on from a request from Cllr S Watson to chase up the signage issue at Skeldyke Road. Cllr Austin has raised this again with Highways Manager and is waiting to find out when it will be done.
The Clerk reported that following on from the deadline of the 31st October to register interest in allotsments has resulted in a decent number of enquiries and interest. With this in mind the council is now obliged to progress to the next step of procuring suitable land. The Clerk will look at the paperwork with regards to the transferred land for the next burial ground with a mind to see if this land can be used.
Correspondence received which the Council are
invited to resolve on
Lincolnshire County Council – reapplication for Brown Signs for the village
Due to the addition of the Former Kings Head plus the opening of The Kirton Cottage, which are different businesses to when the brown signs were applied for previously, it was resolved that the Clerk should contact the relevant businesses in the village and ask them to contribute towards to the application. It was resolved unanimously that the brown signs should definitely be reapplied for.
Town Hall
Cllr Danby managed to get a meeting with the Chair of the Management Committee prior to lock down. He reported that the Town Hall is financially sound due to the grant they received, plus some additional good management practices in place. They are hoping to re open for a couple of hours on a Wednesday after lockdown, but this is all depending on what is announced. They are keeping the building maintained.
Nothing new to report. Cllr Brotherton will still go and fit a barrier between the fencing and the hedging to prevent people using the end of the Cemetery to walk their dogs. Cllr Danby will help.
Parish Matters
a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting
No community speed watch at the moment due to covid measures in place at this time. One new person is awaiting training.
b. Consider new Community/Village award certificates
Following on from last month this item is now agreed and the Clerk will chase up the artwork with the printers
c. Update regarding formation of a new group to do the jobs that the ‘Friday Group’ previously has done.
Cllr O’Connor has set up a facebook group for those who showed an interest. She will ask for volunteers for specific projects.
d. To consider a way to thank the members of the ‘Friday Group’ for their past work over the years.
The leader of the group was contacted by the Clerk and he said that the members didn’t want to be thanked individually. It was resolved that this was not enough. It was resolved that the Clerk should ask the Kirton News to put a thank you in the magazine to thank all members, both past and recent for all their efforts within the village over the years.
e. To consider the risk assessment sent prior to October meeting
Members were happy with it. The Clerk will do an additional covid one. These will go onto the website when it is up and running.
f. To discuss social media posting
Members were reminded that they post as representing the council despite their comments being on other pages than the Council one.
g. Cllrs were keen to reform committees now there are more councillors on the council. Clerk will add this item to the agenda for next month.
h. The Chairman asked that vote for vice-chairman be put on the agenda for next month too.
Reports for Various Bodies
Cllr Watson will chase up the contractor regarding the fencing at the Town Hall.
Planning applications
B/20/0410 – Conversion of existing outbuildings to 2no. residential dwellings (Class C3) and construction of 2 no. residential dwellings (Class C3) to land rear of 24-26 High Street, Kirton – THE ENTRANCE/EXIT FROM THE DEVELOPMENT IS ONTO A MAIN ROAD WITH ONLY ONE IN ONE OUT.
B/20/0448 – Outline planning application for one dwelling with all matters reserved (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) at land adj to Parsley Cottage, Drainside South, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/20/0441 - Application for a Lawful Development Certificate to confirm that the proposed extension to the existing garage is lawful at Ancaster Lodge, 10 Meeres Lane, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1P - NO OBJECTIONS