February 2021
The Editors Letter
2022 is here and if you were like me, you welcomed it with open arms! Let’s have another go shall we? I really hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. I always do have hope for a better year but, like January 2021, any plans we have for 2022 are very much on hold for the time being.
We ran the Best Decorated House (Kirton, Frampton & Wyberton) again in December and even though we didn’t have quite as many entries as in 2020, lots more people got involved and voted. The winner was Alice Herbert who won a Sunday lunch for 2 at The Old Kings Head and the runner-up was Bethany Webster who won a meal for 2 at Everest Bar & Grill! Take a look at some of the entries on Page 5.
We were able to give two deserving local families some treats leading up to Christmas as well as donating Christmas puddings to a community Christmas Day lunch being held at the Ball House in Boston and some fleece blankets to Boston Womens Aid. In 2022 we would like to be able to help Kirton based charities and groups, this is what our magazine is for, our community. Please email me on the address below if you have any ideas.
2022 will see the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Whether you’re an anarchist or a royalist, 70 years of dedicated service is definitely something to be celebrated and for my part, it’s something that makes me very proud to be British, (far prouder than when reading recently about the various ‘get-togethers’ at Number 10 during lockdown). I know Graves Park has an event on the Friday of Jubilee weekend and hopefully our Town Hall committee will be able to organise something for the Saturday or Sunday. As with any large event, it takes a huge amount of organisation and is always more than just a few people can take on. Please email me on the address below if you’re willing and able to help out. I will update you all in our future issues.
This year also sees a very special birthday for one of our most treasured residents, Mr Stan Naylor. I’ve promised him a feature and he definitely deserves one. Keep an eye on your inbox Mr Naylor, I’ll be emailing you soon!
In our Meet the Locals feature this month we’re talking to Eddie Affection, Watch Manager at Kirton Community Fire Station. Take a look on Page 4.
I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’d love to see some suggestions for our 2022 issues.
Do you have an interest you’re passionate about or have you read any fantastic books lately? We’d be more than happy to include you!
Meet The Locals
This month we’re chatting with Eddie Affection, Watch Manager and a very recognisable face at Kirton Community Fire Station!
1) How long have you been a fireman at Kirton Fire station?
I joined the fire service in Kirton on 15th February 1990 so that will mean 32 years of service next month. I got promoted to leading firefighter in 2000 and got made Crew Manager (after the enactment of the 2004 Fire Services Act) then promoted to Watch Manager in charge of the station in 2007.
2) What’s the best part of being a fireman in Kirton?
What I enjoy is the challenge of organising a job on the spur of the moment and achieving a successful outcome. I also enjoy training, it is part of my job to ensure my crew meet the standards expected (which they always do). Most of all though, I enjoy the camaraderie at the station and the company of my lads.
3) Are there any community days/charity events coming up this year?
We will be having a car wash in the Spring and as for anything else this will be as and when we are asked.
Kirton News would like to thank Eddie and the crew at Kirton Community Fire Station for their service to the village.

A dinner where Kirton Fire Station was awarded the Most Improved Station.

Eddie and the team at Kirton Community Fire Station. Below:
The Wyberton Wombles
Wyberton Wombles have been busy still over the past few months going out in all weathers which has to be applauded. Members of the group are still going out regularly in their locale and continue to make a difference to our environment. It has been difficult clearing out some of the road side verges as the dykes were full of water and had tall reeds in them. These are beginning to disappear now and we can see what needs to be done again.
Our founder, Steve Slater, has joined the Parish Council and will continue with his determination to improve our community. You may have seen in the local press that Steve accepted an award on behalf of the whole group from the Boston Heroes.
Steve also took part in the Boston Santa Fun run, along with a few other brave Wombles. Well done everyone.
The Kirton crew have been out Wombling every Tuesday as usual. They moved out towards Hubberts Bridge recently and collected another huge haul of rubbish. A small group helped two regular Boston Wombles do a major clean up on Rochford Tower Lane from the Ball House. 23 red bags picked along with other larger fly tipped items! The Kirton crew encountered some unpleasant resistance from a gentleman, a Sutterton resident, telling them to stay out of his village. He said they had a litter picker who were capable of doing the job. Obviously not such a good job when the Crew picked 8 bags! Such a shame to come across this attitude.
Fly tipping continues to be a major issue, around Boston especially. We see so many pictures of items left on street corners which is absolutely awful. The Borough Council do post on social media when they have been able to impose fines on the culprits but far too many are getting away with it.
It is difficult to keep track of all the amazing work members of the group are doing. There are also a lot who quietly go about cleaning up the local area who we don’t know about or who don’t post on social media. Thank you everyone, we very much appreciate the effort and support.
Tower Road School was officially presented with their litter picking equipment in December, sponsorship courtesy of Coveris. It was also lovely to see pictures of Highgate Day Nursery Pre-School, Leverton going out on a womble too before the Christmas holidays.
The Kirton crew ended 2021 with an afternoon tea at Kirton Leisure Centre. We look forward to continuing our good work in 2022.

Kids Club
Happy Birthday to Us, Happy Birthday to Us! Yes the Kids Club is 23 years old this month – how amazing is that!
I won’t say it has flown by but it definitely doesn’t seem that long ago that we opened.
We have had hundreds of children through our doors in this time and the Youth Centre must ring with the fun and laughter of children constantly.
There have been some amazing times and some harder ones too.
The last two years being some of those and it has been a struggle to keep the club going. But we are still here and hopefully will continue to offer good, affordable childcare’ to children of Kirton Primary School for a few more years to come.
If you are a local business and would consider sponsoring the Kids Club or help out in any way we would really appreciate it. If you wish to ask about places – before or after school - please phone 07583 762072.
We take children nursery to year 6 – the children are escorted from the Youth Centre to the school in the mornings and from school to the Youth Centre in the afternoons.
Breakfast club opens at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45pm – feel free to phone or text for more information and we will do our best to accommodate you and your child/children.
The Best Decorated House
Competition 2021
The Best Decorated House Competition 2021 is over!!! Thanks to everyone who entered and voted and huge ‘Congratulations’ to the Winner of the The Best Decorated House Competition 2021 - Alice Herbert and Runner Up Bethany Webster.
The Grand prize was a 3 course Sunday lunch for 2 people at The Old King's Head and the Runner Up prize was a set meal for 2 people with a bottle of wine at Everest Bar and Grill!
Winning houses shown below, plus 3 other great entries. Thanks to all who took part.

Many thanks from
Kirton Parish Church
Although only on for one weekend at the beginning of December, Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival was a success, raising a much needed £1600 for church funds. The churchwardens, PCC and the fund raising committee would like to thank everyone who visited and all those who helped, took part, donated raffle prizes and/or sponsored the event.
A special thank you to the Black Bull for loaning us the wine glasses for the Preview Evening at short notice.
Local clubs, societies, schools, organisations and businesses all taking part and supporting the Festival 2021:-
Tree providers were: Allen, Briggs and Turner; British Legion; FT Auto Centre; Gardening Club; Kirton Church choir; Kirton Fire Station; Kirton Guides/Brownies and Rainbows; Kirton Library; Kirton Parish Council; Kirton Primary School; Kirton Town Hall; Ladies Luncheon Club; Middlecott House Nursery; Methodist Church; Monday Club; Mothers Union; Phil Haines Coaches; Thomas Middlecott Academy; The Salon; Scouts, Cubs and Beavers; Wilson’s Motorcycles; Woodland’s Court.
Sponsors: - Allen, Briggs and Turner; FT Auto Centre; Kirton Firemen ; KMB Construction Consultants; Phil Haines Coaches ;Wilson’s Motorcycles; Woodland’s Court.
Raffle prize donors:-The Flower Shop; The Golden Fryer; Keshco; Paula’s Gifts; Rush Hairdressing and Beauty; Sylvia’s Beauty and Tanning. Many thanks again from Kirton Parish Church. Photographs courtesy of David Taylor.

Kirton Church Fund
The January draw winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.
The February draw takes place on Sunday 27th February and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
Congratulations to our winners! Two are first time winners and two have had previous wins.
A cheque for £895 has been paid into the church bank account bringing the total raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2021 to £2050 and the total raised to over £17,000 since we started in June 2012. A massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!
We do have plenty of room for more members though. Currently we only have 37 people taking part with only 49 numbers in the draw (nine of the thirty nine people have 2 numbers and one person has 3.) Please come and join us and help us to raise funds for our beautiful Parish Church. As you know we are currently raising funds for the work to be done replacing the lead on the leaking church roof.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.
There is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.
Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or ring/ text 07598987199. If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
November 2021 Winners
1st PRIZE - £45.00- TICKET NUMBER: 67
2nd PRIZE - £15.00 -
December 2021 Winners
1st PRIZE - £45.94- TICKET NUMBER: 85
2nd PRIZE - £15.31 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.