February 2023
The Editors Letter
Happy New Year to you all and welcome to 2023! The years truly are passing by in a flash aren’t they? Surely we should have flying cars by now according to films in years gone by! I do hope you all had a wonderful festive period spent with your loved ones.
At Christmas we decided to run a Best Decorated Tree competition (covering Kirton, Frampton & Wyberton). As the cost of living has kept increasing we felt it was in poor taste to expect people to add to their already astronomical electricity bills by lighting up their houses!
The winners were Gina Chinery who won a meal for 2 at Kirton Cottage and Jodi Sadler who won a £40 voucher to spend at the Co-Op! I would like to thank Kirton Cottage for very kindly donating their prize. We used the equivalent amount of money as a donation to Boston Women’s Aid. We were also able to help some local families with their groceries in the lead up to Christmas.
We have received a couple of letters regarding the impending changes to parking at Kirton Town Hall. This has proved to be a very divisive subject lately. If I’m allowed to throw my two-penneth in I will just say that I know the land was originally given for the use of the people of Kirton and I think we all realise how lucky we are to have it. There are numerous nearby villages where parking facilities are a massive issue and seriously lacking. I hope that many don’t take it for granted, I know I don’t but I also don’t fully agree with imposing fines. As always, we will endeavour to print your letters regarding local issues.
In our first Meet the Locals feature of 2023 we’re talking with Craig Lambert from Brighthounds Dog Training! Take a look on Page 6!
At the start of 2022 I asked that anyone from a Kirton based charity or group should get in touch if they needed any assistance and this still stands for 2023! Please email me on the address below if you have any ideas or requests.
I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’d love to see some suggestions for our 2023 issues. Do you have an interest you’re passionate about, do you have any recipes to share or have you read any fantastic books lately? We’d be more than happy to include you!
Meet The Locals
This month we're talking to Craig
from Brighthounds!
Hi, my name's Craig and I'm a 1-2-1 dog trainer based in Wyberton. I relocated my business here back in December 2021. I cover dog training, dog behaviour modification (fear, aggression, impulse control and all other behaviour problems).
I work with puppies and older dogs of all ages. I visit people at home and in their local area. I use positive reinforcement (force-free) techniques, based on scientifically developed methods that are ethical and very effective. So, I don't use verbal or physical punishment "corrections" in any form, this includes any aversive equipment such as choke chains, slip leads, prong collars, e-collars etc. I cover anywhere in Lincolnshire!
My fees are dependent on travel distance and the number of sessions booked, so work is quoted on a job-by-job basis. I have a Facebook page, Instagram and a new website that I'll be developing further in the coming months!
I also offer discount vouchers for referrals! Take a look at the details on Craig's poster for further information and ways to get in contact!

Kirton Church Fund
The January draw winning numbers will be printed in the March magazine.
The February draw takes place on Sunday 26th February and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine.
Congratulations to our winners! Number 105 is a first time winner; the other three numbers have all had previous wins and coincidently number 96 won last December too!
A cheque for £768 has been paid into the church bank account bringing the total raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2022 to £2288 and the total raised to over £19,300 since we started in June 2012. A massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!
We do have plenty of room for more members though. Currently we only have 39 people taking part with only 51 numbers in the draw (eight of the thirty nine people have 2 numbers and one person has 4.) Please come and join us and help us to raise funds for our beautiful Parish Church. As you know we are currently raising funds for the work to be done replacing the lead on the leaking church roof and we urgently need the money for this.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.
There is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.
Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or pick up a form from church or from Paula’s Gifts on Station Road.
If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
November 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 26
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 -
December 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 57
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Boston Classic Car Club
Annual General Meeting 2022
The 2022 AGM of the Boston Classic Car Club was held at the Graves Park Social Club and attracted a good attendance from members.
John Simpson, Chairman gave report on the activities of the Club over the previous 12 months and highlighted the many events organised exclusively for members. These included runs to Thorpe Camp, the We’ll Meet Again Museum, the Drive-It-day trip to the Bomber Command memorial, the Belvoir Castle Engine Yard, RNLI Skegness displays, Skegness Tower Gardens display, the 30th Anniversary lunch and the popular Welding Workshop. Additionally the Club arranges informal meetings for members and any other classic vehicle owners on the first Sunday of each month at the Ivy’s (A17, Swineshead) which is normally a breakfast meeting in the winter months and an evening meeting during summer and Langrick Station Café breakfast meetings every third Sunday.
The Club attended many other events during the year including, notably, the Birmingham NEC Practical Classics Restoration Show at which they won the Best Small Club and award.
However our most notable Show was that organised by the Club. The Boston Classic Car Club Show was held at Hubbert’s Bridge for the second year and despite the searing heat was very well attended by exhibitors and visitors alike with the Club receiving many favourable comments after the event.
The Club supported two charities in particular this year and the We’ll Meet Again Museum was the chosen charity for the year with a sum of £1500 was raised. Additionally, because of the appalling and distressing war in Ukraine the Club donated £1000 to the DES appeal. As a result of Club displays at Skegness, the RNLI benefited by over £400 from public collections. An exceptional and commendable total of around £2900.
The chosen charities for this year for the Boston Classic Car Club are Macmillan Boston and district Cancer Care, Marie Curie and St Barnabas Hospice. Amounts raised will be shared equally between the three.
Membership continues to be healthy with a major benefit being the monthly colour magazine which in itself accounts for a substantial portion of the annual subscription which is held, for yet another year, at only £20.
For informtaion, please contact John Simpson, Chairman on 01205 369146, kerbsideautos.repairs@yahoo.co.uk
Letters to the Editor
Kirton Town Hall Car Park
Revised parking regulations
Following complaints last year by users of the Town Hall, and customers of local businesses and shops, that they could not park in the car park because all spaces were full, the Town Hall Management Committee were approached for a solution. The Parish Council together with THMC investigated reasons for the problem and possible solutions.
Customers who pay for the use of the hall, such as those having parties, weddings, or funeral receptions were particularly inconvenienced.
Some drivers use it as a personal car park and regularly park there all day every day. It is also used daily as a sort of park-and-ride by other drivers, who park at the Town Hall from 7-8am until 5-6pm and get lifts to work in other vehicles.
Historically, staff and councillors, who have politely asked members of the public to abide by the previous conditions, have had to unjustly face verbal abuse and foul language.
The council owns the car park and does not have to allow unlimited parking, but unfortunately cannot afford staff to regulate parking. Therefore, the only solutions involve remote monitoring and enforcement, which is used by many other councils and private businesses.
The new system, which starts 1st February, is that any vehicle can park in the Town Hall car park for a maximum of 3 hours, with no return within 4 hours. Therefore, this does not affect parents delivering and collecting children at the start and end of the day, but if an additional trip is required, it cannot be within 4 hours.
Another proposal would be to have a pay and display system. The council felt strongly that free parking should remain for all who visit and shop in Kirton, and 3 hours is a very reasonable time to do shopping in the village.
Warning notices are displayed, and people who overstay the limit will receive fines, which can be reduced if paid promptly. For longer-lasting Town Hall events there can be extensions by the organisers.
If anyone feels that they have been fined while abiding by the restriction rules they should contact the Town Hall Management Committee directly on 01205 723345 who may advise on your right to appeal?
As with many of these organisations, Kirton Parish Council will pay nothing for this enforcement and receive no income from it, so Council Tax will not be increased. The contract is subject to review but lasts for 2 years initially.
The Parish Council hopes this system will enable more people to easily access Kirton's businesses and other services.
Mrs Diane Fairweather -
Parish Council Clerk.
A letter to Matt Warman
Mr Warman, The collection of unthinking nonentities that call themselves Kirton Parish Council, having surveyed the over-restrictive and unnecessary parking restrictions imposed throughout the centre of Kirton, have had a collective brainwave and decided to impose further parking restrictions in the town hall car park.
By clever use of some mysterious outside contractors - a group of stormtroopers with a shiny new camera - they will present residents with a bill for £100 if they have the temerity to park there for any longer than 3 hours.
This move was made with no consultation, no regard for possible damage to the local economy, or to peoples livelihoods. Their justification being that they want to ensure enough space for their infrequent and usually poorly attended functions.
The car park is usually nearly empty from early evening onwards and rarely full during the day.
As on previous occasions, the council have displayed breathtaking arrogance and complete ineptitude. Local residents, such as myself, have concluded that the village would be far better-off if every councilor resigned immediately.
We, of course, know that their self importance makes this very unlikely and so I am asking you to try to persuade them to reconsider.
Rgds, Adrian Tunnard
Kids Club
This has been a busy half term with lots of lovely art work and play involved. The children enjoyed the autumn sunshine most days and spent the afternoon sessions outside with friends and classmates.
Included in the Halloween art were lucky black cats, pumpkin balloons and on the last day they were each given miniature pumpkins to take home and carve nearer the day and sweets. They also coloured many themed pictures and we decorated the club with witches and bats. It is funny to think we actually come back from half term holidays on Halloween itself!
There are a few places on different day’s at breakfast or after school but at the moment most places are already filled. We have a waiting list though if you wish to ring 07583762072 and we can put your child/children on this.
Breakfast club starts at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45pm, both include breakfast or snack and drink. Breakfast club is £4.00 per child per session and after school is £6.00 per child per session. You will find us in Kirton Youth Centre – with our own car park and secure outside space.
Recognition on the National and World Stage for our Local Primary School
Kirton Primary School has been awarded yet more national awards! They were delighted to be recognised in the UK’s ‘Education Today School Awards 2022’ at a glittering award ceremony in London hosted by Hal Cruttendon. These awards are designed to ‘recognise and reward the schools and individuals who work so tirelessly for the greater good of the sector’.
Amazingly, our local primary school walked away as the winners of three categories on the night.
Primary School of the Year: Presented to Kirton Primary School as ‘a school that has made a difference to the learning and lives of its pupils, through outstanding teaching, great pastoral care and excellent whole school practice’.
Creative School of the Year: Presented to Kirton Primary School as ‘a school which thinks outside the box to achieve great teaching and learning through creative, innovative programmes.’
Headteacher of the Year: Presented to Mrs Donley as ‘a headteacher who has led her school by example and who inspires pupils and staff to achieve great things, including great results, pastoral care, sporting achievement and overall school improvement’.
GESS Awards 2022
Having won multiple national awards over the years, Kirton Primary School has now been recognised on the international stage when they became finalists in the GESS Awards in the category ‘Innovation in Education’ last year.
The ceremony was held in Dubai, reflecting a truly international achievement for our local primary school. On the night, they were up against Canadian and Chinese universities as well as schools and organisations from Africa, China, Australia and Bahrain. What remarkable recognition for our rural, village school!

Many thanks from Kirton Parish Church
Although only on for one weekend at the beginning of December, Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival was a success, raising a much needed £1400 for roof appeal. The churchwardens, PCC and the fund raising committee would like to thank everyone who visited and all those who helped, took part, donated raffle prizes and/or sponsored the event.
Local clubs, societies, schools, organisations and businesses all taking part and supporting the Festival 2021:-
Tree providers were: Allen, Briggs and Turner; British Legion; Frampton WI; FT Auto Centre; Kirton Church choir; Kirton Fire Station; Kirton Footcare; Kirton Parish Council; Kirton Primary School; Kirton Town Hall; Ladies Luncheon Club; Middlecott House Nursery; Methodist Church; Mothers Union; Thomas Middlecott Academy; The Flower Shop: The Salon; Scouts, Cubs and Beavers; Wyberton Wombles.
Sponsors: - Allen, Briggs and Turner; FT Auto Centre; Kirton Firemen ; KMB Construction Consultants; Woodland’s Farm.
Raffle prize donors:-The Barber Shoppe; The Black Bull; The Flower Shop; The Golden Fryer; The Old King’s Head; The Shed Hairdressers; Duckworth Jaguar and Landrover; JHay Stoes; Keshco; Kirton Coop; Kirton Kebabs; Lorraine Christine Bridal; Paula’s Gifts; Sylvia’s Salon; Tesco. Many thanks again from Kirton Parish Church.
P.S. If anyone still has used Christmas cards Kirton Church will accept them for recycling. Please drop them into church or contact Fay 01205 723 529.

Happy New Year From Kirton Monday Club!
2022 was as busy as ever for us! We have continued with all our usual activities. Fundraising for the Poppy Appeal, bingo, quizzes, celebrating members’ birthdays, excursions to various places and a range of visiting entertainers have kept club members engaged and interested.
A trip to the theatre in Kings Lynn and a visit to the Romany Museum were well-received. The late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was celebrated with a special lunch and prize bingo. A visit from a photographer led to calls for a return visit following his showing of films of old Boston. One very special celebration was the 100th birthday of Stanley Naylor who plays an active role in the club as well as making posters and sorting out the funding for the trips. Everyone, including the question setter, defers to him over answers to quizzes! From October we started to prepare for the Christmas Fayre at the Town Hall where our craft and tombola stalls were highly successful. Christmas festivities involved lunch at Baythorpe Tearooms and entertainment from Boston Ukulele Band at our Christmas tea.
We are planning a trip to Kings Lynn to the Corn Exchange to see the show “When You’re Smiling”. It is on Monday 20th March 2023 and we would like to invite anyone from outside the club to come with us. The cost is £27.50 per person, including the cost of coach travel. If you would like to come, please phone Margaret on 723484 for further details.
News from St Barnabas
All at St Barnabas Hospice hopes that you have all had a good start to the new year. We have so many exciting things to look forward to as we step in to 2023 and we hope you’ll join us, in continuing to support the hospice in a way you know how. We simply wouldn’t be where we are today without our supporting community, Thank you!
Before we look ahead for the year, I wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to all the schools that took part in Rudy’s Run 2022. Though this figure continues to grow and donations are still being made, I am happy to confirm that so far you have raised an exceptional £16,752.73, Thank you!
Easy and Hassle-free fundraising opportunities:
Care for a cuppa: Why not bring your friends and family together by hosting a coffee morning in support of the hospice. Register today and receive your free fundraising pack with all the resources you need to help you on your fundraising journey. https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/care-for-a-cuppa/
Pub Quiz: Calling all pubs, clubs, social/community groups. Host a quiz this winter to support the hospice. Register today and receive your free fundraising pack with all the resources you need to help you on your fundraising journey.https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/pubquiz/
Challenge yourself: Why not take to the St Barnabas Fire Walk and #Claimtheflame.
In March 2023 Daredevils can take on a glowing-hot challenge to support St Barnabas Hospice and participate in the charity’s latest Fire Walk.
With thanks to The Priory Ruskin Academy, Grantham for holding this event on the 18th of March 2023, it is sure to be a de-lightful evening for participants and spectators alike.
And for the first time, there will also be a new challenge for the whole family – walking over LEGO! We’ve all stood on these little plastic blocks by accident, do you dare to take on the challenge of walking over a whole lane of LEGO? Any questions please feel free to contact Fundraising Officer, Paisley Paddison on 07468715788 or at Paisley.paddison@stbarnabashospice.co.uk.
Fire walking doesn’t take your fancy. Keep your eyes peeled for other challenges that may launch throughout the year. Or, why not chose your own challenge and let our team know so we can support you on your fundraising Journey. Fundraising@stbarnabashospic.co.uk.
Looking for something different?
The Morriston 80 strong Welsh Male Choir will be performing a series of traditional and original songs. This world-class concert to be held in the historic and prestigious setting of Lincoln Cathedral is not to be missed and is a must for the music aficionados amongst us. Tickets are available in tiered pricing between £22 and £50. Information below on tickets from our website.
Over the years, the Choir has performed for members of the Royal Family, as well as the Pope, and many other high-profile music lovers. In addition, the Choir undertakes performances on television and several of their albums have won prestigious awards, including the Music Retailers’ Award for Best Choral Record of the Year three times.
All profits from this event will go towards providing vital funds for hospice care across Lincolnshire: https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/events/morriston-choir/
Not found what you’re looking for why not take to our website event listings page and see other ways in which you can support the hospice through events and challenges. https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/events/
Or check out the many other ways you can make a difference to hospice care. You could simply have a clear out and donate your items to one of our local shops, volunteer your time, put on your own event or if your feeling lucky join our lottery: https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/get-involved/fundraise/
Any questions please feel free to contact me: Paisley Paddison, Fundraising officer, 07468715788/01522 540300 or at paisley.paddison@stbarnabashospice.co.uk
Gardening Time with Tim Hewett
Welcome to the New Year, and a timer of rest and preparation for the garden, there is little actual work we can do this month as we wait for the weather to improve. It feels as it has been a wet Autumn and start to the Winter, and any plants in storage should be checked for moulds, especially if you lifted Dahlias this autumn and they have not dried properly. If there are signs of moulds the damaged tubers should be removed and the cuts dusted with a proprietary fungicide.
If planting any trees or shrubs for hedging it is still possible to take advantage of the cheaper bare root plants available now. Place a small amount to well rotted horse manure or home-made compost in the planting hole, but do not over fertilise.
General tidying up of last years herbaceous plants should be left for another month if possible. Not only are the seed heads and shelter are good for the birds and beneficial insects but eh dead foliage will protect new and more tender growth from frosts. Any roses still requiring winter pruning should be completed now.
Snowdrops crocuses and early daffodils will be showing above ground and it is a good time to note any areas that require more planting come the Autumn. Although not yet apparent any blind, non-flowering, daffodils should be lifted and spread within the garden. The most common reason for blindness being overcrowding of the bulbs.
While the weather is poor it is a good time to think about future plantings, plan areas too plant this year, mark any plants that have become overgrown and require cutting back or splitting, and prepare any plants that may be needed for space filling. For example, Gladioli and Dutch Irises may be planted in pots in order to fill spaces left after Spring bulbs have finished.
Lastly if you have a greenhouse, or space indoors it is possible to start planting seed for hardy annuals in preparation for the summer.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
Bradley Adams on 20th November
Riley Belcher-Cross and Nevaeh Kirk-Cross on 27th Nov
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
none this month
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
Sally Shepherd on 28th November
William Leslie Sutton on 13th January |