©Kirton News 2025

February 2024

The Editors Letter

Do come in 2024! I hope you all enjoyed the festive period. Is there still some festive cheese left in the fridge? I don’t know about you but after New Year, I can’t even look at another cream cracker for a good few weeks!

Towards the end of last year, I received a letter which was then featured in the magazine. It was signed ‘C.M’. In hindsight, I took the decision to publish it without thinking it through. Assumptions were then made as to who had written it and this therefore caused some unnecessary upset. I spoke to our distributors during our coffee morning and said that the latter part of last year had been my hardest yet as Editor due to the upsetting nature of some of the letters I had received. I have to now take the decision to not accept any letter addressed to the Editor unless it states the sender’s full name and return address.

As I have said before, if you can take the time to write to me with an opinion, please have the conviction to put your full name to it. I really don’t like including things like this in my Editor’s letter but felt I had to (and I hopefully won’t have to again)!

In our first Meet the Locals feature of 2024 we’re talking with Katie Beeson from the Princess Royal Sports Arena! No time like the present to start taking better care of yourself and the PRSA have so many options. Take a look on Page 5! If you wish to take part in Meet the Locals, please email me at the address below.

We are still on the lookout for any local groups or charities that would like a helping hand. We are a community publication and we’re here to help. Please email me if there’s something we can do for you.

I’m always contactable at Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’d love to see some suggestions for our 2024 issues. Do you have an interest you’re passionate about, do you have any recipes to share or have you read any fantastic books lately? We’d be more than happy to include you!

Meet The Locals

This month we’re talking to Katie Beeson from the Princess Royal Sports Arena.

If you’re thinking of taking up some form of exercise in 2024, check out all they have to offer!

Here at PRSA, we are currently bigger and better than ever and have some amazing facilities here to prove that!

• An 80 station gym
• Fantastic Swim School
• In-house Junior Football Academy
• 30+ Group Exercise Classes a Week
• Outdoor Athletics Track
• Indoor 5-a-side pitch
• Indoor 3G pitch
• Indoor 60m Athletics track
• Netball Court
• Badminton Courts
• Table Tennis
• Disabled Swim Sessions

We also offer great value memberships or people can visit on a pay as you go basis.
Contact PRSA on 01205 358666 or take a look at their website www.1Life.co.uk 


Kirton Church Fund

Congratulations to our winners! They have all had previouswins.

A cheque for £790 has been paid into the churach bank account bringing the total raised by the KCF for Kirton parish church in 2023 to £2425 and the total raised to over £21,500 since we started in June 2012. A massive thank you to everyone who continues to support us and a happy and prosperous new year to you all!

Welcome to the new member who joined KCF in time for the December draw. He has taken two numbers bringing the total of numbers in the draw to 51. We wish him luck.
However there are only 37 people currently playing these numbers.(9 have 2 numbers and one player has 6). So we do have plenty of room for more members. Please come and join us and help us to raise funds for our beautiful Parish Church. As you know we are currently raising funds for the work to be done replacing the lead on the leaking church roof and we urgently need the money for this.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.
There is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.

Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or pick up a form from church or from Paula’s Gifts on Station Road.
If you would like more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

November 2023 Winners

1st PRIZE - £45.93 - TICKET NUMBER: 102
2nd PRIZE - £15.32 - TICKET NUMBER:41

December 2023 Winners

1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 52
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 - TICKET NUMBER:47

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Boston Classic Car Club
Christmas Dinner 2023

Over 120 members of the Boston Classic Car Club enjoyed an excellent Christmas dinner on the evening of 21st December and with the dress code featuring Christmas jumpers it ensured a colourful and suitably festive occasion!
For the second year running Club members gathered at the Ivys, Swineshead, with turkey, beef and a wide variety of vegetables and sauces on offer, followed by a choice of desserts, mince pies and tea or coffee. Everybody agreed that the meal was great and the service from Angie and Charlotte Thompson and their staff was fantastic!

A raffle (with a table groaning with donated prizes), in aid of the Club’s chosen charity for 2024, Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes, raised an excellent total of over £300 which will be added to the total at the end of next year.
All in all the evening was a resounding success with members enjoying the meal, the atmosphere and the socialising.


Kirton News Distrubutor’s Event

We welcomed our merry band of distributors at our 3rd festive coffee morning before Christmas in the Upsall Room at Kirton Town Hall. We chatted with lots of familiar faces and some new distributors came along too.

We were able to pass on our thanks over a mince pie and a hot drink and all the distributors who attended received a very fetching Kirton News bag! We say it often but it’s worth a reminder - Kirton News could not carry on without them and we’re so grateful for the help they give us, come rain or shine!!

Letters to the Editor

Kirton town Hall - Last Night of the Proms 2023

Dear Editor

An amazing turn out again for this annual event. Kirton Brass band were fantastic as ever and had everyone tapping their feet, obviously enjoying themselves. A ploughman’s supper was served in the interval and in the second half, well known favourites had everyone waving their flags just like the Albert Hall audience in London. Thank you to all who came along to support the Town Hall. All monies raised go towards making sure the building continues to be available for the benefit of the residents of Kirton.


Dear Editor

Our Harvest Supper was held at Kirton town Hall again, as we cannot use the kitchen in the church. ( It is in need of serious refurbishment to meet environmental health standards)

Thank you to all who attended the event and continue to support our fundraising efforts to raise money towards a new roof on the church, as well as the other structural improvements that are needed. As always though, more support from the community would be very much appreciated.

Those who attended enjoyed a hearty sausage and mash supper, followed by home made apple crumble or trifle. There was an excellent raffle of harvest produce followed by a mini auction of produce.

Thank you to Ann for cooking for us and for the church volunteers, who though few and ageing in number, manage to put on successful events. Our next event is the Christmas Tree Festival on 2 and 3 December. The Christmas craft fair in the Town Hall is on 2 December, so why not combine the two events. Refreshments will be served at both, so no need to go hungry .Do come along and support your village.

Dear Editor of Kirton News, I am a very concerned resident and I respond as follows to Mr A Bowen and The Kirton Car Park Group (KCPG) letter to you in the November issue of Kirton News.

While Mr Bowen states that Cllr Astill who led the discussion for item 7 on the agenda regarding the Town Hall car park, may have spoken eloquently and suggests that the current situation hadn’t been thoroughly planned, however prior to joining the council did he not regularly attend Council meetings as a member of the public? I would suggest that Cllr Astill quite possibly witnessed first-hand the discussions that the council had at the time of the decision-making process, which according to the Parish Council minutes website during the April 2022 meeting May AGM, June 2022, August meeting and in September in the Clerk’s updates, where it’s minuted that A Booth agreed as Chair of the Town Hall committee to sign the contract on behalf of the THMC, and yet the then Mr Astill had maintained silence throughout all of those meetings and yet only chooses to speak out now as a councillor?

What is very apparent to myself and I believe many, is the fact (according to the Parish Council minutes) is that the carpark had been discussed at least 4 times in the past was also an opportunity for KCPG to have their say prior to a decision being made, and yet they didn’t, so I would suggest 4 potential opportunities missed to speak up about this hence Mr Bowen’s letter is rather pointless and too late.

While Mr Bowen and the KCPG claim that they wish to change the way the restrictions to suit themselves and the Kirton Town Hall Management Committee (KTHMC) it’s worth noting that it has been revealed in the past that both the Parish Council and the THMC both signed the contract for the restrictions which very much suggests that Mr Bowen is incorrect, why would the THMC agree to sign the contract if they weren’t happy with the arrangements?

Mr Bowen goes on to say that all opinions are valid, and yet he states that he lives ‘close’ to the said car park? One would have to assume that he has quite possibly been significantly affected as it would seem that he has lost his own personal place to leave his vehicle(s) 24/7 despite having his own driveway with room for several vehicles. This is where I suggest that the matter of self-interest emerges in this discussion.

Another point is that it’s not just Mr Bowen and the minority that is observing this car park, it’s actually many residents within the community such as myself as a long standing resident of Kirton, and I believe there’s a silent majority out there who actually find it easier to collect and bring their children to and from school who of course are not going to attend meetings to say that they are happy with the new arrangements, and not having to battle to find space in the car park and use nearby streets which have no restrictions as they have done in the past. After all, isn’t it human nature to say nothing when happy and only speak out and make a fuss if it affects them? Believe me when I say the majority are happy with the current arrangements.

Mr Bowen seems to miss the obvious facts such as there are regular meetings and sessions of lunch club, dance & exercise classes, coffee mornings and Slimming world are there as well as during term time a place for parents to drop off and collect kids with a school across the road that has some 500 or more children attending.

Well, I think this is all starting to look more like sour grapes of those who have abused the system that has caused these restrictions to be imposed in the first place, if Mr Bowen wants someone to blame maybe have a look at his own actions first?

In any case, if this was a car park in Boston, or for that matter most towns and cities in and around the UK everyone would have to be paying for it! Well maybe that’s what KCPG want, and we will all quite possibly be thanking them for soon if they have their way and make us all pay? This car park has always been free, as it should be, and I say to the Parish Council its’s a job well done from the silent majority, please keep it how it is, it’s available for anyone to use for 3 hours. Seriously, how long could you shop for in Kirton? My answer would be much less than 3 hours.

After all, there is plenty of all day parking in surrounding streets, as well as one hour parking all around the War Memorial in the centre of Kirton, or are the minority too lazy to walk more than 10 paces?

Kirton Parish Council, please listen to the silent majority and not the noisy minority, who ridiculously think it’s somehow their given right to park there all day and night because they are too lazy and it suits them, and ruining it for most of us.

It seems to me that this KCPG group is a very small minority who are only immersed in their own self interest to get what just selfishly suits them.

If we all end up having to pay for parking, we all know that it would be a complete travesty of fairness to disadvantage many, to appease the ones who make a fuss and shout loudest!

Mr Bowen and the KCPG are not worth listening to, just the same as all the high court armchair judges that reside in the toxic local community group on Facebook.


Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire calls for more volunteers to help in the cost of living crisis

Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire says it needs volunteers now more than ever to help make a difference to local people who are struggling with the increased cost of living. The charity is launching an appeal for new recruits from all backgrounds who can give their time to help people struggling with energy prices, rising household bills, employment and housing issues.

Last year the charity saw unprecedented demand, supporting 4946 people in Boston and North Kesteven with 18,912 issues. The local charity can only do this work thanks to its team of paid staff and volunteers. They say that no experience is necessary as full training will be provided.

Jenny has volunteered for Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire as an Adviser for almost 9 years. They said “I love every minute! I enjoy the challenge of trying to help people with the various issues they have. It also keeps me up to date with current events and in contact with people from all walks of life. It’s very satisfying and rewarding”.
As well as volunteers to offer advice to people in person, online and over the phone, there are opportunities for people to provide expertise such as Trustee, Research and Campaigns, fundraising and administrative support.

Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire volunteers come from all walks of life and choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. They include students, people getting back into work after career breaks, people with part-time jobs, carers and people who have retired.

Volunteers are often looking to gain valuable experience or to use their existing skills in new ways. Many want to have an impact in their community and find a sense of purpose in helping others.

For students in the area, volunteering can help build confidence and support career development with different learning opportunities.

Louise Buckingham, Chief Executive Officer at Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire said:

“Now more than ever, you can really make a difference by volunteering with Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire. We’re seeing more and more people needing support with managing energy costs, budgeting and debts as costs spiral.”
“As well as helping the local community, we know people who volunteer their time get a lot back. Whether it’s working as a team, learning new skills or campaigning on issues close to your heart, there are many fulfilling opportunities available. We’ll give you all the training you need and would love to hear from you.”

To find out more and to apply to become a volunteer, visit: www.camidlincs.org.uk or contact recruitment@citizensadvicemidlincs.org.uk

If you need support or advice, you can contact Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire on 08082787942. Alternatively, you can email your query to: outreach@citizensadvicemidlincs.org.uk or attend one of our face to face drop in sessions.
For information about our service, drop in opening times and how we can help you, please take a look at our website.
If you would like to support Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire, you can do so by scanning the QR code. Your donations will allow us to continue to help more people within our community.


The Kirton Monday Club’s
Yearly Review of 2023

We’ve had quite a busy year. In the summer we enjoyed a coach trip to Cromer and had a good day out. Throughout the year we have had a variety of visitors and entertainers, including the Bat Lady and a photographer who brought photos of old Boston with him. Food has played a large part in our meetings with a cream tea, a fish and chip lunch and a celebration lunch for the coronation as well as Christmas dinner at the Rainbow. We also had a special tea and entertainment in memory of Stan Naylor. Some members have been going to the Council meetings to keep everyone up to date with points of interest in the village. 

We have another busy year planned for 2024. New members are always welcome. We meet fortnightly on Monday afternoons from 2 – 4pm at The Chestnuts. Interested people can ring Margaret on 723484. 

Happy New Year from all at the Monday Club! 


Another Successful Year for the Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival

Although the weather was dreadful, being bitterly cold, icy and with snow for the weekend of Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival, a much needed £1000 for the roof appeal was raised.

The churchwarden, PCC and the fund raising committee would like to thank everyone who visited and all those who helped, took part, donated raffle prizes and/or sponsored the event.

Local clubs, societies, schools, organisations and businesses all taking part and supporting the Festival 2023:-

Tree providers were: Allen, Briggs and Turner; British Legion; Frampton WI; Gardening Club; Guides, Brownies and Rainbows; Kirton Church choir; Kirton Fire Station; Kirton News; Kirton Parish Council; Kirton Primary School; Kirton Town Hall; Middlecott House Nursery; Methodist Church; Mothers Union; Thomas Middlecott Academy; The Salon; Scouts, Cubs and Beavers;White Gables; Wyberton Wombles.

Sponsors: Allen, Briggs and Turner; FT Auto Centre; J Hayes; Kirton Pizza and Kebab; Kirton Firemen ; KMB Construction Consultants; Woodland’s Farm.

Raffle prize donors: The Barber Shoppe; The Black Bull; The Flower Shop; The Golden Fryer; The Old King’s Head; Keshco; Kirton Coop; Paula’s Gifts; Scouts Shop; Sylvia’s Salon; Tesco .
Many thanks again from Kirton Parish Church.

Middlecott House Nursery

Following the sudden closure of the nursery on December 29th Kirton Parish Councillors have been working with Lincolnshire County Council and the Middlecott Exhibition Charity to help parents and carers needing alternative places, and to find another provider who can operate a nursery at this crucially important site.

There have been several expressions of interest, and we are hopeful that when registration and Ofsted regulations have been cleared there’ll be another nursery there.

If anyone needs a place or any advice, please contact online: childcaresufficiency@lincolnshire.gov.uk


Frampton Gardening Club

Our last meeting of 2023 saw us finish on a ‘sweet note’ with a visit from the ‘Chocolate Man’ from the Chocolate Drop shop in Market Rasen.

There, they produce the finest, handmade chocolate, which is gluten free, nut free and all the dark chocolate is dairy free.

Our talk started with the main ingredient, the cocoa beans, where they come from, how they are grown and harvested, and how the chocolate is made. Most of the beans they use at The Chocolate Drop come from Ghana and occasionally they make small batches from Columbian beans, or other South American countries. All the time we were learning about this fascinating plant, we were treated to samples of different flavoured chocolate pieces which were being passed around at intervals. Bliss!!

A bi-product of the chocolate making is coco butter, which has many medicinal uses, and is a 100% pure product of the cocoa bean. We were told of many examples where the healing properties of this product had helped people with various skin conditions.

The talk was very interesting, and of course, we all bought chocolate to take home! We ended the meeting with our usual raffle and cuppa.

Our next meeting in Frampton Village hall is on March 28th, 7.30pm. Our guest speaker is to talk about clematis. Anyone wishing to join us would be given a warm welcome – first meeting is free. Contact Ray Harding on 01205723181 or Maggie Welberry on 01205 722382.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- September 2023

Present: Councillors:     

Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair,  Cllr C. Astill,  Cllr Crisford, Cllr M Elston, Cllr Pryke, Cllr M Sohail and  Cllr S Watson.Also Present: Clerk D. Fairweather. Not Present:           Cllr F Baillie     

Public Forum

Chair took the opportunity to advise the public, what the Public Forum is and what it should be used for.  Firstly, the Public is for the public to address this Council in its full right and not to address or criticize individual members. Complaints against the Council or a particular Councillor, should initially be made directly to the Clerk.  The Chair wanted to specifically to respond to a named member of the public who, he felt, gave unpleasant words to the Chair last meeting. He read out a statement, a copy of which is available under the Freedom Of Information Act. Not been printed here, as officially the public forum does not form part of the Council minutes and there is no requirement for it to be documented. Resident regarding Senior Citizens Party, directed to the Chair.  Before start of meal, no one was welcomed and at the end of the meal when some residents were leaving would have been the ideal opportunity for the Chair to wish everyone Happy Christmas and to advise how long the entertainment would go on for.  The tables were cleared away, too quickly and gave the impression it was time to leave. Another resident also advised the meal was very good but once rest home residents left the remainder were made to feel it was time to leave.  The entertainer was still playing which made it difficult for him.  Would it be an idea to have a leaving time in order that everyone was aware they are expected to leave. Town Hall Committee Chair.  The money that is coming to the village from Government, can some of it be used to renovate and repair the War Memorial, one pillar of which is quite dangerous.  Cllr Pryke advised the initiative for people of Kirton being involved in the distribution of the money, was not available for Parish Council owned equipment. Individuals can apply.  Clerk queried whether the War Memorial was actually a Parish Council asset.  Cllr Jarvis agreed to ascertain the ownership.

To Receive Apologies
For Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr O’Connor and Stevenson. All resolved to accept reasons given. Cllr Astill asked for reasons.

To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The Localism Act 2011


To Approve Notes Of Previous Meetings Of 28th November. 

Deferred until next meeting as not available, due to time scale of previous meeting.

To Receive Updates
From Clerk

Town Hall Gutters, quotation received to clean for £240. Cllr asked if downpipes were included? Clerk did not know the answer. Proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Elston, to proceed if downpipes included. Unanimous. CCTV quotation received, requires discussion at Council. Solar panels, electricity bills forwarded on.  Hemington Way. Highways are now up to date with pre flood problems and are working on previously reported matters. Litter bins - may get them provided by BBC. Big problem with the three streetlights in the High Street. BBC have been looking at a light in Langley Mews. Ringing daily now. Left message with Streetlight Manager at BBC. Clerk joined a TEAMS meeting with Police which was informative and interesting. Cllr Pryke asking if the area for Neighbourhood Policing Scheme had been altered? Is Kirton still in Boston South? Clerk advised as far as she was aware the area had not been changed. Notice in local shop of a Boston West Policing Team. Couple of observations regarding the cemetery for Councillors.

To Co-Opt New Councillor 

Only one candidate for one vacancy. Proposed Cllr Astill, seconded Cllr Elston, Mr Anthony Bowen was duly elected and Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Chair welcomed new Councillor.

To Approve New Year Statement

Councillors have been handed a copy for publication, which had previously been distributed. Cllr Elston wished to included Black Bull be included for loaning of glasses.  Cllr Astill advising that this should have been done sooner for it to be in the Kirton News.  Cllr Sohail suggested making amendments to past tense and still submit. All agreed.


a)    To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule Cllr Crisford asked if we are still paying Boston for BBC CCTV? Clerk advised nothing yet received this year. Proposed Cllr S Watson seconded Cllr Crisford. Unanimous. b)    To Discuss/Approve Precept Figure. Finance meeting discussed matters and agreed expenditure will rise due to grass maintenance, tree works, streetlights and CCTV. Plants around the village require further investment this year. Town Hall has serious expenditure anticipated. Most of the other expenditure is within 5%. But the precept will have to be increased. Therefore, proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Elston that precept be set at £89000.


To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting None this month

Members Reports

Orthodox Chapel working well now. Sent pictures to Clerk on Bungley Lane and Highways are to continue through to Willington Road. Leaves wet and dangerous at zebra crossing, Clerk will ask the Clean Up Squad to clear. Felt that Councillor helpers for the Christmas meal were very thin on the ground. JB CC – going back to ME – Cllr Elston and Dave Scotney from the Clean UP Squad are meeting with LCVS at the School. Could a letter of thanks be given to school for their students that have been helping at the Clean Ups. All agreed at nice idea. RP – criticism of PC in Kirton News for not attending to footpaths. Unfortunately, residents are not aware of what is and what is not our responsibility.  Complaints of motorcycle noise annoying residents. There has been anti-social behaviour in Hardwick Estate. The chicken poo problem in Bucklegate is ingoing. MS - received a thank you from the residents that attended the Christmas Meal.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 9th January 2023


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome them all into the  family  of the church:

4th November -Alksandra Karpaviciute

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

4th November - Marius Karpavicius and Aksana Valko

Funerals - May they all rest in peace:

None this month x3