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July / August 2009
The Editors Letter Well summer is finally here. Or is it? You never know with the weather system at the moment. One day it is hot the next chilly. But it is the time of year when we see a lot more of each other out and about. Which is good!! we have another fantastic competition this month courtesy of The Salon in Kirton. Go on enter the competition it costs nothing except for a stamp if you are posting it. Good luck to all those that entered last months competition the lucky winner will be receiving a call from me on the 1st July. Not much to say this month except enjoy the summer, take it easy, and be careful. Take care, Catrina Smith Local under 5’s group reaches finalist stage in UK awards
Music Bugs, a nationally based company which runs classes in Kirton and surrounding areas encourages children from as young as 6 months of age to join in with a range of musical activities which help to develop language and vocabulary, social skills and motor skills. Sarah Gibbins the franchisee for the Lincolnshire area is absolutely thrilled with the news and says that she has received amazing support from local parents who attend her classes. “We are relatively new in the area but everyone really got behind us and voted” Sally Cummins has been attending classes with her 3 year old daughter Isabella and reports that her family and her preschool teachers have all noticed a definite improvement in her daughter’s vocabulary and confidence levels “Isabella talks about the sessions all the time and is now trying to teach the Hello Song to everyone she meets, we think that Music Bugs is great fun and would highly recommend it.” The classes use a play-based approach to child development and incorporate a wide variety of props such as puppets, parachutes, bubbles, hobby horses and instruments. Sessions are also available in Nurseries and Sure Start Centres and Sarah can also provide birthday parties for children aged 1-5. Taster sessions are available and can be booked by contacting Sarah Gibbins on 0844 578 1015 or via email sarah@musicbugs.co.uk The winners of the What’s on 4 Little Ones Awards will be announced on the 9th June.
More Snippets from a Scrapbook This month the theme of the items taken from a scrapbook of newspaper clippings collected by Mrs Eliza Tunnard, (b.1864-d.1925,) is ‘The Kaiser and Germany.’ A lot of interest was shown by Mrs Tunnard in the affairs of the world. Her book contains many facts about different countries and the clash of their cultures. A “one word” wire The following story is told by a certain Belgian official, who vouches for its truth. After Liege the Kaiser realised he had lost the ten days’ start he was trying to get over the French, so he wired King Albert that the latter had done all he could to protect his neutrality, that he should withdraw to Antwerp, and that moreover, he (the Kaiser) would pass with or without King Albert’s permission. King Albert just wired “Try.” Eleven brothers in destroyed Zeppelin In one of the disasters to Zeppelins which visited England, eleven brothers were burnt to death. An aged man recently in Amsterdam from Germany, told how he brought up a family of eleven sons, every one of whom entered the air service. The eleven young men formed part of the crew of one of the destroyed Zeppelins, and when this fell in flames in England they all perished. One of the funniest stories of the Kaiser appears in a Glasgow contemporary. It gives a conversation which is said to have taken place a few weeks ago between His Imperial Majesty and the Crown prince. Crown Prince to Kaiser: “Father, who started the war? Was it the Emperor Joseph or King Peter of Serbia, Or King George, or had the King of Bulgaria or the Sultan of Turkey a haand in it?” Gypsy words to Kaiser Was the gypsy right? A little while ago there appeared in several German newspapers an account of a supposed interview of the Kaiser with a gypsy, when he was quite a young man. “Germany,” she told him, “will have a great war in 1914, and,” she added ominously, “Germany will ‘go under’ when she is ruled by an Emperor who mounts his horse on the wrong side. His heir will perish on the scaffold.” It is significant, if one is at all superstitious, that the Kaiser, owing to his lame arm, has to mount his horse on the off side. Millions of German property W.G.T. (Brighton.) – You have been wrongly informed. There is only about £70,000,000 of British property in Germany, as against £130,000,000 of German property in Great Britain, so that if there were a mutual confiscation, we should be approximately £60,000,000 in pocket. No one knows this better than the Germans.
The Salon
In the same lovely setting we have Spoils Beauty Therapy with Tiffany a mature beauty therapist (BABTAC Registered) who has won awards for her customer service and recognition of achievement while studying at Nottingham college.
For your chance to win a fabulous prize answer this question:- Can you tell me the name of one of the stylists at the Salon? First Prize: Free Cut and Blow dry at the Salon Send your answer to: Kirton news quiz, 38 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton, Boston, Lincs, PE20 1JX.
Kirton Kids ClubOh wow – what a difference a spot of sunshine makes! We have transferred Kids’ Club to the outside for a while! The children have had a wonderful time playing sports, doing activities and simply enjoying the sunshine for the last couple of weeks. The children will enjoy it even more thanks to the Mayflower Association – who kindly donated £500.00 towards equipment and games – this is being designated as I type this report. Thanks also goes to the Kirton Charities who have continued to help the club and have donated towards the cost of trips and coaches for the holiday club. The club is open for four weeks during the summer holidays. These are the first and second weeks but also week five and six. These weeks are: 20th – 24th July. 27th – 31st July. 17th – 21st Aug. 24th – 28th Aug. The weeks have been spaced out to help parents who have booked holidays in the middle of the summer break. The club runs from 8.30 am to 3.30pm each of these days. If you wish to book children into the club please phone or pop in (722426). The sessions cost £75.00 per week or £15.00 per day per child. This includes all trips, coaches, workshops, equipment and arts n crafts. We are also open every day of school term – 7.30 am to school and after school to 5.45pm. If you wish to have a look around the club please feel free to pop in during session times.
The Mothers UnionThere is a day of ‘Fun & Fund’ at St. Benedict’s in Lincoln on Saturday 11th July. This is in aid of repairs to our centre at St. Benedict’s. On Wednesday 15th July there will be a Quiet Day at Enid Wayman’s at Surfleet 10.00 for 10.30am – 4.00pm led by Revd. Jenny Dumat. Please bring a packed lunch and a chair! There is no meeting in August but members are reminded that 9th August is Mary Sumner Day when we commemorate our founder. I hope you all have a happy and restful summer break. Helen Airey - Branch Leader Family Fun For Everyone!! On Sunday 9th August we will be holding another fun day at Kirton Town Hall. This will take place on the field from 12-4. The aim of the fun day is to keep the much needed youth club running for another year or two. Last years fun day was a great success and we are hoping that this year will be bigger and better! We have more displays going on in the arena such as dance, music and the Julian Joachim soccer school. We will have the usual side stalls such as tombola, raffle, etc. There will be a Bouncy castle, gladiator duel, a great big inflatable slide and swing boats that will keep the kids entertained. Some vintage tractors to look at and remember days gone by. Various other stalls such as hot food and local organizations will also be attending. Also this year we are having a car boot sale. If you wish to have a car boot these will need booking in advance and the cost is £5. Please Tel Catrina on 07804241339. Catrina Frampton Handbell Ringers Are you looking for a new hobby? If so come to our OPEN PRACTICE EVENING on MONDAY 6TH JULY at ST MICHAELS HALL. Have a coffee with us and have a go at handbell ringing. If you can count to 4 you really can play the handbells. You don’t need to be able to read music. We need a few more people to join us, ladies, gents or children over 10 will all be made very welcome. Our team all enjoy this hobby—but we also like a laugh so our practice nights are fun, friendly and informal. For more details contact MARIA on 722191 or NELL on 363935.
Drama & Movement Club On Sunday 26th April the Boston Scouts and Guides Association held a service in Boston Stump, to celebrate St. Georges Day. As part of these celebrations they chose certain local charities to be given financial support. The Drama and Movement Club were fortunate to be chosen as one of these charities, and benefited to the sum of £235.97. I formed the club exactly 21 years ago, to enable adults with learning difficulties to have fun and be creative through movement and games. Giving an opportunity to gain confidence in themselves and others. Mr. Norman Buck came along as he was one of the first club members 21 years ago. We both were very proud to tell the young scouts and guides how important our club is to all its members, and thank them for enabling our club to go on. We have now moved to Blackfriars Theatre and hold our meetings fortnightly. We have a wonderful team of 6 volunteers who give their time and energy. They are very valuableto the success and support of our club. Maureen Bray
Thank-you Following the recent by-election, I would like to thank all those who turned out to vote for me. Clearly I am disappointed that I will not get the opportunity to represent the ward of Kirton but I enjoyed getting to meet many people who live in the village and surrounding area. I truly appreciate those who showed me their support. I would also like to congratulate the newly elected Colin Brotherton and wish him well in representing us all on Borough affairs. Kind Regards, Carl Smith - Boston Bypass Independent Candidate
The Dragons Den Wigtoft Wizard Fruit season will soon be here. Strawberries are not a problem to pick on the ground. But I think raspberries and blackcurrants and tay fruit are a different matter. I think this way of mine is so much quicker and easier. Get a plastic (big sweet jar) with a lid. Cut open or partially off one side of the jar. Cut two slits on the back. Thread a belt through the slits to fit the waist. Mould it on your stomach. This sweet jar holds about 4lb of fruit. Take kid off the end and empty. Then start again. You have two hands free and can start picking some more. Margaret Kirton Parish Council Office Kirton Parish Council Office normally open on Tuesdays from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. at the Town Hall, is closed throughout August and re-opens again on Tues 1st September. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Garden Waste Collection Service Dates: Times: For further information visit www.thelocalchannel.co.uk/kirton
Potato Salad Ingredients: Method: 2) In a separate pan, fry the chopped bacon - no need to add any oil, the bacon will cook in 3) When cooked, drain the potatoes and put them in a large serving bowl, then add the mayonnaise, stirring until the potatoes are completely coated. 4) Add the sweated onions and most of the bacon (be sure to save a little for garnish). 5) Before serving, sprinkle the reserved bacon on top of dish.
Daylight robbery by Gladys Seabrook “May I help you my dear As my trolley he pushed At the checkout we stood and as I paid the bill When I turned around he was nowhere in sight When I reached the car park a small vacant space You hear about women who fall for a line
Local Policing - Anti Social BehaviourThere have been 18 reports of anti Social Behaviour in Kirton for May 2009. Following reports of youths throwing items at properties on Station Road, PCSO Eden and PCSO Williams were reviewing CCTV and caught three local youths in the act. These youths were then dealt with for Anti Social Behaviour and visited the injured parties and apologised in person. The neighbourhood policing engagement box is in Costcutters, London Road, Kirton by the post office counter. This will give you the opportunity to pass information, issues or concerns to the neighbourhood policing team. The mobile policing station will be in Kirton on Wednesday 29th July 2009. The south rural neighbourhood policing team are pleased to announce the birth of PCSO Neil & Marie Williams first child ‘Bailey’. May I please remind you that if you wish to report a crime or create an incident please call 01205 366222 or 999 in an emergency. If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk PCSO Adam Eden - Boston Neighbourhood Policing Team - South Rural
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: