©Kirton News 2025

July / August 2012

The Editors Letter

Jubilee over - job done! To continue on the ‘rant’ perspective a couple of locals have commented on the lack of bunting; flags; celebratory endowments provided around - say - the memorial in the centre of the village.

It was suggested the parish council might have done a bit more (?) I guess the next “Big One” could be a Coronation. Bags of time (in HMQ’s best interest) to plan for that. But, it might be a thought - elections considered* - to plan for a bit more of a public ‘Do’. Summer is upon us. And great days ahead.

Last month’s comment about the grass cutting has provided a couple of nice bits for the mag this month. It’s something that has touched many, and upset even more. I hope the relevant parties take note*.

Graves Park’s Jubilee celebrations were a triumph and the first of several instalments detailing the history of the park appears in the next few pages. It’s been incredibly interesting for me to research the story, (having been a resident of the village for a mere 29 years, so, not quite a local yet!) and I hope many of you feel the same.

There’s a nice reminisence from a one time resident harping back 60 years. A great read. But it would be good to get some more contemporary stuff to work with.

Even some comments about where you’d like to see the village going in the future.

If any of you want to make a point, do it here! If you’re the sporting type we’ve got a great few weeks to come. If you want to get away from the sport there’s lots to do if you look for it. Whatever, have a great Summer, one and all.

Keep safe; see you in September.


The things some people do
for Queen and Country!

At the time of the [present] Queen’s coronation my husband, Noël, and I lived opposite the Black Bull, next door to Mr. Boothby. My husband was Sacristan of the church and Mr. Boothby the Verger.

The vicar at that time wanted the flag hoisted on the church tower so that it could be seen, first thing, on coronation morning.

As the Verger was then quite elderly, Noël said he would raise the flag, as there were many steps to climb. So, when it was getting dusk, Noël went over to the church and, duly, hoisted the flag atop the tower; but, when he came down, he discovered the door to the tower was locked! (No mobile ‘phones in those days to call for help!)

So, he climbed back up again, stood on the tower and saw Bert Hubbard (a church member and, living near the church) standing by his front gate. Noël called out, “Bert... Bert” as loudly as he could but, obviously, wasn’t heard. Bert went indoors. But he said to his wife, “I could have sworn I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn’t see anybody!”

By this time it was getting dark. However, he came out again and, this time, Noël managed to make himself heard. But Bert said, “I can hear yer; but, where are yer?”

So, Noël explained what had happened and Bert went to get the key from the Verger.
Apparently the Verger had gone to lock up the church for the night (in those [halcyon] days churches could be left unlocked during daylight hours, without fear of intrusion or vandalism) and, seeing the tower door open, he promptly locked it.
So, ever after that if Noël had occasion to go up the tower to wind up the clock, etc., he used to hang his cap on the door knob so the Verger would know he was up there!!

Greta Chaplain - née Cumberworth

Graves Park
A Local Treasure for Local People

Post [Diamond] Jubilee, it’s reasonable to say that the Bank Holiday Monday celebrations at Grave’s Park proved to be one of the more successful of local events.

The Committee made a magnificent effort and, in spite of the unpredictable and inconsistent weather, it was very well supported. I would guess, though, that the majority of those ‘punters’ attending had no idea of the Park’s fascinating and, at times, turbulent history.

Well - we’d like to address that, here and now. And, over the next few editions, we hope to show you what a fantastic and precious facility you have - on your doorstep.

It was in August 1947 that the idea of a sports field for the villages of Frampton and Kirton was proposed by - amongst others - the late Frank Cox (“a certain sportsman of the village”).

The Cricket and Football teams were struggling for a permanent venue at which to play their matches. An open area for general recreation was also lacking. A public meeting was called by Mr. Cox, for September 1st of that year and a Mr. Beardall of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning charged with the task of investigating possible sites to purchase, equally accessible to both communities. The money would come... from somewhere!

Three sites were chosen. One in Frampton (owned by W. Dennis & Sons, but considered too far from Kirton) the Marketstead field, and some 51/2 acres belonging to a Mr. J.A. Graves at Hall Weir down Station Road. Reports to be given two weeks later.

To quote from the minutes of September 15th;

“It is reported that Mr. J.A. Graves did not wish to sell his land in Hall Weir but was favourably disposed to letting it at a rental for the purposes of a playing field.

With regards to the [Marketstead] field on Sutterton Road, Mr. W. Woodthorpe reported that he was unable to contact the owners as they were away on holiday.” Mr. Graves won the day!

A committee was formed (Kirton and Frampton Sports and Social Committee) and a lease of £5 per acre, per year fixed for seven years, with the option of a 7 year extension.

Mr. Graves offered to lay the field to grass, providing the labour, if the committee provided the seed.

“In lieu of rent for the first year he [Graves] stated he would be prepared to take two cuttings of hay. In this connexion Mr. Frost suggested that the lease be dated fom Michaelmas (September 29th) 1948. And Mr. Graves was agreeable.”

One restriction was placed by Graves on the use of the field, that “no parking must take place on the roadside and entrance to the field.”

Parking, eh? a problem, even in 1947! We move on apace!

The first recorded sports event at the venue took place in April [30th] 1949. The final of the Kirton Cup soccer event - a competition which - I believe - has been held every year to the present day. The photo opposite shows the 1949 Kirton Town first 11. See how many famous local names you can make out. We move on to April (12th) 1951: a committee meeting at The Black Bull.

The Sports Club is going from strength to strength; the venue’s popularity running alongside.

To further develop the club Mr. Graves offers £500 if the Committee can match the input. This may be brought into perspective if you consider that, in 1950, the average weekly wage for an agricultural worker ranged from 22/6 (£1.13) to £4.16.0 (£4.80).

At this meeting we also have the first mention of a pavilion - little more than a tin hut at the time - the Green Circle Youth Club being invited to use it. More is made of this Club later.

Also a Mr. Bearcock offers his services as Groundsman at £1 pr week.

More importantly it sees the planning of the first of several grand village shows to raise funds for development of the facility. Events to be held, not at the newly commissioned Park, but at the more established and more spacious Show Field on Middlegate Road. Even now, the area is known, by some, as “The Show Fields”.

Catering rights for the forthcoming event are allocated; a Mr. G. Fossitt wins the [obviously] lucrative ice cream rights to the field - (on his return fron H.M. Forces).

Swings and a See-Saw are planned to be erected at the Graves Park site and the date of the Grand Show fixed for August 11th (1951).

The committee (as did the country) looks forward.

Ah!... those far-off, halcyon days. Long, hot, sunny Summers that never seemed to end! It chucked it down!

The ‘Standard’ report of the time headlines it as “record entries for kirton show - thousands defy the bad weather” But people came.

It was reported that “heavy rain considerably lessened the attendance”; even so, FOUR THOUSAND PEOPLE paid for admission.

The Horticultural section attracted over 1,000 entries; “the biggest in the county. In the opinion of many, difficult to surpass anywhere.”

There were heavy horses and cattle showing; a mouse section, with 266 entries from all over England - and Scotland. Running and cycle races (two County Championships were decided) dog handling demonstrations and driving competitions.

To the next year - August 1952. “It always rains for Kirton Show” (the ‘Standard’ again) but, the sun shone in the afternoon.

Almost 5,000 attended; the fun going on until dusk. Car headlamps were used (in spite of parking restrictions! I’m sure they were well supervised!) to floodlight the final two events.

The Kirton Stakes Donkey Race - “first home Mr. Skinner by two full lengths from Mr. R. Graves with Mr. N.H. Nicols in third” - and, finally, the Ladies Pancake Race - ”Miss Foden triumphant with Miss Polson second and Mrs. Popple third.”

Fabulous times. Friendly times. Community times. Do you want to have those times? I would say “again” but for most it might be a new experience.

I’m sure many reading this never considered Graves Park ever held such events. I’m sure you never thought Kirton that important. But it was.. it should be. And with Graves Park there were great times... and more to come.

This fascinating story is far too big to do justice in one edition. We’ll have more in September when the Park continues to be successful in it’s fund raising. It begins to take on a more recognizable appearance but... trouble is brewing!

But, while you wait for that, don’t forget Graves Park is here and now! Go and have a look for your selves (if you’ve not done so already!) The facilities are brilliant.. the Committee hard working and dedicated to your enjoyment, but they need support themselves.

It’s been a great source of entertainment for over 60 years but can only continue... as it always has.. by patronage and input from you.

It started small... it achieved greatness... it can be great again. For enjoyment and entertainment. Use it or lose it.

Back row: Sid Lyon, Doug Burden, Horace Everett, Len Breathwick, Jack Hall, Gordon Hicks and Don Foreman. Front row; High Curtis, Arthur Sellars, Eddie Box, Dick Ward & Jack Baxter.

Kirton Sports News

Sport in School

As I posted in the previous edition of the newsletter, Kirton Staff and students gathered onto the field in aid of the sponsored walk. This involved each child having a slip of paper. They would then do a lap of the field and get a stamp on their sheet from their year teacher.
The weather was beautiful and it was nice to see all staff, children and even the children’s parents taking part in the walk.

Well done to everyone who took part.

This term is the final term of the year. This means when the children go back they will be practising for Sports Day!! It’s the final Sports Day in this school for the year 6 children.
Nursery sports day is – Friday 13th of July and will be AM and PM depending on when they attend nursery.

Sports day for KS1 is – Monday 16th July at 1: 30 start
Sports day for KS2 is – Thursday 17th of July and will be both AM and PM.

Would be nice to see you all supporting the children and fingers crossed this year the teachers and parents won’t be in a race to escape the poor weather.
Although this is not sport related. The year 2 children from school are releasing balloons with a number to text. If you get a balloon, text you name and location to the number as we

are planning on seeing which one goes furthest.
Last month’s anagram was Hydro Goons. The answer was of course Roy Hodgson.

This month’s anagram is:- Asinine Proverb. Your clue, top goal scorer in the league but vacant in the Euros.

Remember if you want to feature in the next edition of the newsletter please contact me on: shaun_paul2007@hotmail.co.uk


Kirton Kids Club

What a great month! I know it rained every time we looked at the sky – but the plants and seeds the children set have flourished and their garden area and plants look wonderful.

The red, white and blue hanging baskets the children helped set for the Diamond Jubilee looked amazing and the wall baskets they set up with flowers and garden peas look wonderful too.

The children were very excited about the Jubilee celebrations and they decorated the inside and outside of the club with bunting, flags and pictures of the Queen.
We held a big Jubilee tea party the day before half term and the children really had a fun time (so did we!).

We had more than the Jubilee to celebrate though. The club was visited by the Ofsted Inspector too!

This is something you know will happen in a certain year – but you are not told when - the element of surprise.

All good childcare facilities have to meet Ofsted standards – and it is always nice to be praised for the way you run the club, the effect you have on the children and their development, the effect you have on the environment etc.

The Ofsted inspector reported that ‘Kirton Kids’ Club is good in all areas and outstanding for the extent to which the children are encouraged to embrace a healthy life style’.

This included the menus and food the children have, the exercise, sports and activities they are involved in and the outside area including their growing to eat activities.

The Ofsted report also states that ‘the club succeeds in providing a welcoming and inclusive environment with every child flourishing’.

The ‘well qualified staff’ was also praised for’ working closely with parents and other professionals to support children with special educational needs or disabilities.’
The children at the club were praised for being ‘active and inquisitive learners’ and their behaviour was described as ‘extremely good’. (Full report on Ofsted website under Kirton Kids’ Club).

We all like to think we are doing our job to the best of our ability but when you are told so by Ofsted it definitely makes you proud of what you do and how you succeed in doing it.

A big thank you to everyone who was involved in the inspection, staff, children and parents who also gave the Inspector feed back.

Thank you to sponsors and local businesses for their help and support and a big thank you to our Committee members, who take up the voluntary posts but always offer their help, support and give advice to me and my staff.

I am obviously extremely proud of Kirton Kids’ Club and over the last thirteen years we have seen very many children go through our doors – some of whom now have children of their own!

I look forward to the next thirteen years and wish nothing more for the club than to continue to flourish and grow and for us as staff to continue to help children have fun and support their development and learning in the happy and friendly community we work in.

The club is open every day term time before and after school plus advertised holidays.

For more information please go to www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or follow the link via the school website.

New Mayor honours Kirton

Sunday 1st of July will be Mayor’s Sunday at Kirton Parish Church. The service will commence at 10:30am.

This is the first time that the traditional service of thanksgiving for the new Mayor has been held away from St. Botolph’s (The ‘Stump’) in Boston for many a year (if ever!) and is a great coup for the village.

Although this notice doesn’t allow much time it is hoped that many of you will attend to witness this little bit of history.

The new incumbent, Colin Brotherton, will be the first person from Kirton to take the centuries-old Mayoral office. This year is made more special still as the Deputy Mayor and Mayor’s Chaplain will also come from the village.

It should be a grand event with the whole of the Borough Council in attendance. Let’s hope for a fine start to Colin’s tour of duty and may we wish him well in his tenancy.

It's Kirton Library's Birthday This Month!

You are all welcome to our 45th Birthday party. We’re having tea/coffee and cake on Tuesday 17th July plus a week long celebration, with an exhibition of photos of Kirton from the 1800s to 21st Century.

Story & Rhyme Time for Under 5s:
Tuesday 17th July & 21st August 10.30am – 11am

Calling all knitters and any wannabes:
Come to our next Knit Chat On June 26th from 2-3pm Drinks provided.
Just bring your knitting

Harry Potter Fans We have a competition running at the library until 31st July.
Call in for details

Library Opening Hours:
Tuesday 10-5pm, Thursday 1-7pm, Saturday 10-1pm
Contact: Tel: 01522 782010 or Email kirton.library@lincolnshire.gov.uk


Sutterton Surgery Society 200 Club

Can we please remind members whose subscriptions are due for the JULY DRAW to please pay by the first week in July to avoid your unpaid valuable ticket being sold to a new member from the waiting list.

We will be shortly coming to the end of our first very successful year of the 200 Club so could we please ask all of our yearly pay members to please take a further years subscriptions into the Surgery before the end of July Thank You For Non Members there is a waiting list to join our 200 Club names can be added to this list in the Surgery Reception.

ONCE AGAIN A BIG THANK YOU to all members of the 200 Club for your support.

May 2012 Winners

Letter to the Editor:
Change of times gone by

Dear Sam,

Reading last Months magazine regard moans about the standard of grass cutting on the estates, it brought back very old memories which we all talk about sometimes, it’s called reminiscing.

I can remember when the Rural District Council was responsible for estate maintenance throughout the Rural area of their housing estates, which included Grass cutting.

There was a monthly programme for grass cutting, a tractor and haytor cutter which cut the large areas of grass,, there was a steel bodied lorry with three 24”roller cylinder cutters and three men which cut the smaller areas and verges.

The programme began at Parthian Ave, onto Dennis estate and then onto all Council Estates throughout the Rural areas on the South side of Boston, and before passing on to the North side of Boston the front areas of Parthian Ave, and Dennis Est were cut again because they were very much noticed by some, the same procedure then moved on to all North side Estates, and so on throughout the grass cutting season.

I might add that all the dykes were mown out, and hedges cut, unlike today I notice, even though they have more modern machinery than in the days being talked about, so would have thought a much easier task.

In those days Rural Councillors were very efficient and cared for their Parishes and communities, and didn’t forget to moan about things that hadn’t been done in their villages, at that time councillors use to have an annual tour around the Estates on a bus. It was always hell two weeks before because everything had to look good, or it was hell two weeks after, hence cutting Wyberton and Kirton fronts twice in the cycle.

I am aware that times have changed as the heading suggests, maybe through amalgamation of authorities, sale of Council houses, and the current financial situation, it might be that estate maintenance isn’t a priority any more, even though they have ride on machines and don’t have to walk miles behind a cutter.

Name and address supplied. Many, though, may know who this is.


What Granny used to say

There’s nothing I like better this time of year than beating the bugs or coming up with a free idea that helps me in my garden.

Now a days I’m not so much into digging as I am sitting back and appreciating my garden and what it produces.

I love my morning egg and soldiers and I always keep the shell and wash it out and dry it on my window sill.

These egg shells I then break into smaller pieces and spread them along the borders of my new plants or around individual ones – not only does this look really pretty but slugs ‘n’ snails don’t like to cross the jaggy surface and leave your tender young plants alone.

Broken sea shells work equally as well but are a little harder to come by.

Did you also know that if you set a sunflower seed at the same time as you pop your bean/pea seeds in the soil the sunflower stem will act as substitute bean pole as it grows?

The sunflower grows bigger and taller than the beans and peas and allow them to wind up the stem and use it for support. – it looks lovely too!

Another cheap and easy way of keeping your garden looking nice is to buy the cheapest bag of salt you can find and spread over weeds growing in your gravel drive or patio slabs.

If this is done early in the year it will prevent the weeds growing but also works when putting the salt on the weed itself – I’m all for the ‘no rake no bend’ method these days.

My last little tip as ‘Granny Titchmarsh’ is to cut up and boil the bits of the potato plant that are left after you have pulled up the vegetable.

If you chop this roughly and boil it, the water – when cooled – can be sprayed or sprinkled over your plants that have been attacked with insects.

It is known to destroy caterpillars, black and green flies, gnats and other enemies of the garden and in no way impairs the growth of your plants.

The peculiar odour remains and prevents insects coming back for a second ‘feed fest’.

Holding up my glass of very chilled gin and tonic I wish you a Happy Summer in your garden – Chin Chin!


A fairy tale of the grass meadows
around our village

Once upon a time, a long time ago our grass in front of our houses were cut and grass removed, roads were swept, footpath hedges trimmed - all by dedicated men employed by our local council

All this was stopped some years ago and meadows began to appear. Whilst waiting for the cows to arrive to graze happily on this new supply of food I thought I would give the council a phone call and ask ‘when the fencing would arrive’ as I did not want them in my garden (Not quite true!!)

I rang to ask why the grass had not been cut for some six weeks on the Edinburgh Estate. I was informed that the person responsible, this being ‘THE MANAGER OF PARKS AND OPEN SPACES’ was on holiday. Did he cut all the grass himself?

I rang him again on his return from holiday and asked again why Edinburgh Estates grass had not been cut when Dennis and Marketstead plus Hardwick Estates had?

His answer was short (unlike our grass!) and to the point. His reasons and answer being the grass on Edinburgh Estate was ‘of a slower growing variety that that of the other estates in our village. When I asked him ‘had he told the seed to not grow so fast’, he could not answer. I wonder why?

Some two weeks later a gang of men arrived to look at the now blossoming meadow. Some armed with clipboards, others I think came to assess how many cows it would feed.

About a week later two men with machines came to ‘cut’ and scatter the crap all over the footpaths and road and left it at that. My thoughts at this point being ‘are they going to let the whole road and footpath become an even larger meadow and let Skegness donkeys graze over winter here‘ . Not really.

I rang the Manager of Parks and Open Spaces the following day to thank him for him being so prompt in getting the grass cut, his reply being ‘that’s alright’. But when I asked him when the Baling Machine would arrive to collect the crap he hung up on me. I guess they did not have such a machine. It would also appear that they did not have strimmers and blowing machines as well.

I have on my travels noticed that around the Boston Estates they do collect the grass cuttings as they cut, no doubt to compost – why do they not do the same around the villages. Free compost for all just like Spalding Council do for those who fetch it. The council could sell the surplus.

PS. This is a true account of what I said a few years after and not really a fairy tale.


Special Friends
for Special Needs Support Group

We're glad to say that Special Friends for Special Needs is still up and running we have 2 new venue locations, 1 day and 1 evening so we will have 2 support group meetings in a month. Watch this space for more activities for all the family.

The groups works in partnership with Lincoln ADHD and provide support sessions at the newly annouced venue of The Sure Start Children Centre at Norfolk Lodge in Boston. These sessions are held on every second Tuesday of the month between 12.30pn and 2.30pm and provide training courses and information.

The dates are as follows: 17th July, 21st August, 18th September, 16th October, 20th November & 18th December.

They believe that supporting each other matters and provides this much needed support in the day and evening.

This is one of the reasons we do what we do. We have a daughter with Autism.

Autism is a serious, lifelong and disabling condition affecting over half a million people in the UK. If you include their families, autism touches the lives of over two million people every day. With your help we can make information on autism & special needs services and support available to those who need it.

Monthly bowling social nights are also held at Playtowers at at cost of £6.00 per child, begining from 6pm.

A support session is held before the bowling begins from 5pm until 6pm.

The dates for these sessions are: 5th July, 2nd August, 6th September, 4th October, 1st November and 6th December

For more information please telephone Sharon or Neil on 07570 441731 or email: Kirton.autism@btinternet.com.


News from The
Kirton Royal British Legion

Kirton Royal British Legion Ladies have donated a tree to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Kirton Parish Council planted the tree for us (a weeping, flowering Cherry) in the new part of Kirton Cemetery on Friday, 1st June.

Our June meeting was a Bring-&-Buy which made £32 for the Legion; the June whist drive made a further £26. Thanks to all who attended.

We meet at Kirton Town Hall on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:30pm and would warmly welcome new members.

Joyce Williams - Secretary


Foreign Plants?........No thanks!

The Boston Woods project - which has been a long time in planning and will be (infinitely) longer in its application has been a triumph.

The idea to surround the town with natural, unspoilt wood land (as it may have been; marshland areas taken into account) is a brilliant, and ambitious ideal.

An enormous amount of voluntary work and effort has been put in - and will continue to be applied - but it's proving to be something of a victim of its own success.

Local folks use the area (recently expanded into "Jenny's Wood") which is what it's all about. But some have taken - with the best of intentions - to bringing non-native species of plants into the woods that are surplus to requirements in their own gardens.

Spanish Bluebells are a particular headache. It's a tricky business to ask for support and then seem to try to limit what people do. Over the next few months posters will appear tasking patrons to limit themselves to a passive only involvement.

Don't be offended. It's done with the best of intentions.

A woodland doesn't happen overnight. Naturally, fauna take over; but it's this "natural" progression that the area needs.

Please help - for once, don't be too generous in your involvement!

Parish Council News

Kirton Parish Council
Chairman's Report 2012

I am often asked, ‘what do you need to be a Councillor?’ I feel that this is a simple answer. I need to know whose door to knock on for the answers!

I would like to start by thanking my Vice-Chairman, Cllr Ian Turner for his support over the past 12 months and this thanks also extends to all of the Parish Councillors, the Borough Councillors and the County Councillors.

At Kirton we are a team. This team is made up of committees who work hard and report back to the Council – this team of committees keeps things flowing. In the next 12 months we plan 4 public events:

Kirton in Bloom
This is a successful event within the village but in the Best Kept Village competition we narrowly missed out by 1 point 2 years ago to Nettleham. This year we want to win. I always said when I became Chairman that one of my goals was to win this competition. We, the Parish Council have taken steps to improve our chances with additional planters and various schemes to tidy up the village.

Quiz Night
Last year 16 teams took part in a very successful evening. I would like to thank the quizmaster, George Davies and his wife Paula for their work in making this quiz so popular. The Parish Council raised £80 at the last quiz night and this money was split evenly between the Beavers and the Rainbows.

Xmas Fayre event:
Thanks go to Cllr John Fitzgerald and the rest of the committee (Cllrs Steve Carter, Colin Brotherton, Sue Ransome, and Michael Bourne) for making it such a successful night. It was an improvement on the first year, and I have no doubt that this year’s will be even better still.

Pensioners Christmas Meal:
We tried something new last year, a 3 course hot meal. This was received well, but was extremely hard work for the volunteer washer uppers! We might be reverting back to the cold meal this year.

This past 12 months have been busy but successful. The Kirton Town Hall Management Committee look after the day to day running of the Town Hall and the booking of its rooms. This Committee is chaired by Anne Booth and it is directly a result of the hard work that the committee has managed to increase bookings for the Town Hall by 60% from when the Parish Council ran things. Anne has a fantastic team and a special mention must go to her husband, Pete, whose DIY skills have saved the Town Hall (and as such, this village) a small fortune. Thanks must also extend to Paula Davies who is the vice-chair.

The recreation field, promised for so very long, finally opened this year. The official opening is likely to be around the beginning of July. Thanks go to the committee for their hard work and also to the many sources of funding which have enabled equipment to be bought (money is now available for other equipment to be bought) funding sources such as: Lincolnshire County Council, Exotic Produce, Lincolnshire Co-op, Police, and various other donors who wish to remain anonymous.

Big thanks must go to the chairman of this committee, Cllr Marcus Hannay for all his hard work.

Kirton’s cemetery is one to be proud of. I have received comments from visitors to the cemetery who say that it is the best in the Borough area. We think this is down to the fact that we manage it ourselves.

Recently we signed a lease allowing new life to be breathed into the Old Chapel. The Greek and Rumanian Orthodox Church has leased the Chapel as a place of worship. They will be doing the work (and paying for) to get the building up to standard. This building has not been used for over 100 years and it will be good to see it restored. We welcome and encourage all religious faiths to the community.

Trees have been planted in the cemetery to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.

What is the Parish doing? We have various events planned over the coming weeks. The beacon has been erected in Kirton Holme. Many thanks for the work put in by Cllrs Rylott, Foster, Smith and Carter for putting that in place. Thanks to Cllr Skinner for his Localism Fund donation for the purchase of the beacon.

The Parish Council has purchased mugs for the children of the Primary School. Each child will receive a mug and these will be presented prior to the Jubilee weekend.

We plan more floral displays in the village, both to enhance our village and to help our chances in the Best Kept Village Competition. Thanks to Cheers nurseries for their work in the planting.

Thanks go also to the excellent Police Team in the village. Whenever there is a small pocket of trouble in the village, it is dealt with swiftly and efficiently.

Huge thanks go to the 7 volunteers who make up the ‘Friday Group’. These are just 7 likeminded individuals (mostly retired) who work tirelessly throughout the year within the village, especially the war memorial, the recreation ground and the cemetery, although they can be seen throughout the village keeping it tidy and spruced up.

Thanks must also go to the Parish Clerk, Belinda Buttery, and the Cemetery Manager, Geoff Sharp.

Alan Lee.


The Diamond Jubilee 2012
by Gladys Seabrook

Never before all the days of our lives
Such an occasion will we see again.
This was the time for a grand celebration;
As the Queen has fulfilled 60 years of Her reign.

Beneath all the splendour, the pomp and the pageantry
There runs a current of something much more:
Pride in our Queen, and pride in this Country
That came triumphant through the conflict of War.

For Her Diamond Jubilee let us be thankful
That with faith survived every strain and the stress;
God bless The Queen. She is our inspiration.
Long may She reign with true happiness!


Editors Note:

We haven’t heard from Gladys for a bit. She is well into her eighties now and not as prolific as she once was but, as you may appreciate, her creativity and brilliant, sensitive touch with words has not diminished.

I’m still trying to get funds together to publish a book of her poetry. The nation deserves to read her - she has a fantastic catalogue. It’ll take about £600 to get her in print. Any proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards the Spina Bifida Association. Gladys has had a life-long battle with the condition.

If any of you out there can spare a few bob to help me (and Gladys) complete this task just get in touch with me through the usual channels.

Please help. She’s worth it!


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Darcey Sophia Kaberry
Keirra Harman
13th May - Evie Brooke Hudson - at the Methodist Church

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

18th May - Sean Andrew Ash & Morag Louise Brown

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

3rd May- Mrs Gladys Ferrier
9th May - Mrs Eileen Pearson

Memorial Service

23rd May - Mr Mike Sawyer



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

The Merry Monk...........£35

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.