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©Kirton News 2025 |
July / August 2013
The Editors Letter I make no apologies for banging on about the Skatepark. Over the last two months I have made reference to the subject. By the time you read this, the Parish Council meeting for June will have taken place and (as I write this the night before) a representation from the youth of Kirton will, hopefully, have made the KPC fully aware of just how passionate they are about having such an amenity available and how important a subject this is for the whole village. I have recently had the privilege of meeting with a few of Kirton Middlecott’s finest [Ryan Williams included - see KN May edition] and been swept up in their enthusiasm for this project to become a reality rather than just a dream. The Parish Council would do a lot worse than take note. They may have done. I hope they have had the foresight to do so. I can reveal here that, as a result of the request in June, I have been contacted by a well respected and successful local business who have pledged financial support for the proposed Park. Hopefully the first of many. I think that inroads are being made towards a request for lottery funding. There are, apparently, many different forms of equipment that can go to make up a Skating course. Alternatives to the usual block concrete edifices that, I certainly, have envisaged. And such structures do not constitute ‘permanent fixtures’ - a criteria that has been used as an excuse in the past. More funding will be required, and sought. I hope that those of you out there with a few bob to spend can see the relevance and the importance of this to the youth of the village. I hope enough of you have the vision to see that the youth of the village is it’s future. I hope we can do them the service of providing a facility that they want; will use; will respect; and look after. There are so many knock-on effects of something like this. To re-establish pride in the village and bring people back into thinking they are actually involved in the community, rather than just ineffectual bystanders. Certainly, from the point of view of the kids who have represented themselves at the Parish Council meeting, they will have a first hand view of how a community works. Will, hopefully, be encouraged to turn up again should they have any other matters to bring up or problems to address. If nothing else, an invaluable insight into the machinations of local politics. My one regret, as I write, is that we now have August off and I shan’t be able to update (or rant at you) until September. It would be nice to think that, by then, I could bring you some positive news of the march towards the establishment of the aforementioned facility. Let’s see. If anyone does want to pledge support, or cash, contact me. Please. Have a great Summer and remember that sunscreen!! Until September; Sam
Meet Kirton Middlecott’s
Motherhood loomed and after the birth of her son, Julia completed her OU degree and worked as a self -employed fitness Instructor. PGCE at UEA and eventually gained her first teaching post at the Queen’s school in Wisbech. Teaching Geography. Within a year she became Assistant Head of Year. Ambitious and keen to make her mark, Julia realised that Headship would be her goal. Moving on, she achieved a promotion to the Senior Team as Assistant Principal, Neale-Wade Community College in 2007 and further promotion to Vice-Principal in 2012. NPQH achieved she secured her first headship at Middlecott, Kirton in April 2013. Julia currently lives in Norfolk, but aims to move into Lincolnshire, once her son completes his A levels in 2014.
The Kirton Church Fund We are now at the end of our first year of Kirton Church Fund and we have raised over £1600 for Kirton Church. A big thank you to everyone who has taken part and helped us to raise this money. Please continue to take part – you have the chance to win cash while helping the church at the same time. The June draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine. The July draw takes place on Sunday 28th and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine. The August draw takes place on Sunday 25th and the winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month.The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. There is plenty of room for more members ( and a very good chance of winning). You could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage. For more information please ring Fay on 01205 723529 May 2013 Winners Local Election Confusion Hello Sam, We wonder how many people were as puzzled as we were concerning the recent local election. Apart from the TV Party Political Broadcasts, only one flyer came through our door. David and Sylvia Hilton Kirton Kids ClubIt is such a joy to be outside with the children when the weather is good. he Kids Club is there for parents and carers who wish to extend the length either end of the school day. The children are offered a choice of breakfast in the morning and a play before being escorted to school and after school snack and a nice long play with an ‘Aladdin’s cave’ of equipment and toys each day. The club is now well into its fourteenth year and is still offering great value for money, wonderful bright modern building, fully qualified staff and peace of mind for parents and carers. This summer we have managed to get our green house put together (thanks Mr. and Mrs. Clarke) and we now have somewhere for the children to grow tomatoes, peppers and chillies. We will grow more herbs too and a few flowers and plants that the children will be able to take home. The outside space at the Club is lovely – we have an area of astro turf with a climbing tower and slide, an area of grass where the children play ball games, tiggy or chase and a great space to ride bikes, scooters and skateboards. The children also have raised beds full of peas, carrots and herbs as well as strawberries and raspberries. They also have sand and water play areas – very popular activities most days with the children. The Kids Club have worked along side the Primary school for fourteen and a half years now. Its nice to watch when new children are brought for their free first visit session – parents usually have a job to get them to leave! Children usually settle very quickly but staff are on hand to reassure them should it be needed. If you wish to give your child/children a free taster session please feel free to pop in or phone 07583 762072 or follow the link via the school website. Look us up on the net www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk and see where we are and what we do via pictures. We look forward to seeing you!
Sutterton Surgery
Society 200 Club
Please add your details to the waiting list in reception and as soon as a ticket becomes available you will be notified. For just £2 a month you can win big prizes in our monthly draw. May we please remind all members that subscriptions are due before the end of the first week of the current months draw. Subscriptions may be taken into the surgery reception where staff will be pleased to help. If there are difficulties for members getting to the surgery please inform staff and your subscriptions can be collected from your home. April 2013 Winners Father Gary writes: Oh, The Bells!
What if the use of church bells were banned? Well, that would be a victory for the killjoys, but have they considered what other form of noise nuisance would also have to go if such a ban were to be put in place? For instance, the banning of the use of noisy power tools which, unlike church bells, are not tuneful. Or the mowing of lawns by any other means than a silent push mower. Also the banning of any music that can be heard outside the confines of a building or car. The next time someone approaches you with a complaint about the bells because, as a Christian, you represent the Church, then point out the alternatives. You will then be able to continue your day in peace, unless you are disturbed by power tools, mowers or loud music; if so, we can always drown out the sound with The Bells! Peace & Blessings The Royal British Legion Hi Readers, I would just like to update you on how the Poppy Appeal is progressing. On Saturday 1st June 2013 we held a charity fishing match and raffle with the kind permission of the owner of Westwood Lakes. Seventeen anglers took part and the best catch of the day was made by Mr M. Evison with a total weight of 94lb 8 oz. We also had a raffle which was run by Gordon our Welfare Office and a conscripted volunteer Gillian. The fishing match raise £68 for the poppy appeal and the raffle made £92 making a total of £160. We would like to thank Beeson Butchers of Kirton and the Sutterton Fish Shop for their donation of raffle prizes. To date the District total donation to the Poppy Appeal fund is £ 3,786.09 so we are exceeding last year’s total by about £300 The planned coach trip to Sandringham in August 10th can still go ahead if there is more interest the cost would be £7 for the coach and enter to the fair payable at the gate is £6.00 for adults, £5.50 for Senior Citizen and £ 2.00 per child. So if you are interested please let me know as soon as possible, we still require 40 passengers. If not we will have to cancel and think of something of more interest next year.
News from Kirton Apiary
Last summer the rains washed much of the pollen away leaving the bees starving and struggling to survive. We fed them extra fondant and sugar syrup to keep them going but had no honey until late August. Even then it wasn’t much. Just enough to soothe our coughs and colds over the winter and sweeten our tea. Imagine how dangerous it is for a bee to take flight when it’s raining heavily, hit by one raindrop and its down and drowning. Alternatively they have to stay huddled in their hive to keep warm and dry. If they can’t get out for a few weeks they die due to illness because they can’t get rid of their waste products. It really has been a life or death situation for the survival of the honey bee. Just when we think that this year might be different and February is the month that the Queen starts to lay her eggs, ready for the spring warmth and flowers, it snows and is the coldest spring for about 50 years. Despite warnings from the National Bee Unit that bees are once again at starvation levels and the fact that we fed them yet again, we sadly lost about 6 hives during a terrible winter and spring. That is our greatest loss in the eight years we have been keeping bees and quite heartbreaking. Now that the sun is shining, the bees seem to be trying to make up for lost time. They are reproducing like mad and starting to swarm, laying several queen cells in one hive to try and make up for past losses. We have just collected a large swarm from the fields of rape and managed to split it up into several smaller groups each with a queen cell and left to feed on some of the honey that they have already produced. Hopefully they will expand into full hives over the summer. To us the honey is the bonus, to see the bees thrive and our garden grow is the real magic of bee keeping. Please don’t ask if you can have a hive in your garden, we get lots of requests each year. Bee keeping is time consuming and hard work, the more hives you have spread around the harder it gets to see to them regularly during the season. If you see a swarm give us a call and we will gladly try and catch it and take it away to ensure its survival. Be aware that not all bees are honey bees, those that live in the ground, or masonry, or in your walls are unlikely to be honey bees. But whatever they are we will not destroy them. So if you see real local honey this year, grab it while you can. It’s in short supply. What little we have will be £4 a jar. We also make our own hand cream from honey and aloe vera jelly, which is excellent for dry skin, bites, stings and may help with certain eczema conditions. If you want some honey, cream or just to learn more then give us a call on 722976. Thanks for reading;
Kirton 47th Class Companion Dog Show The Kirton 47th Class Companion Dog Show will be held on 21st July 2013 at Meeres Lane, Kirton with ALL PROCEEDS to Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance. Entries taken on the day from 9.30am Judging starts 10.30am FOLLOW US ON OUR FACE BOOK EVENTS PAGE at: https://www.facebook.com/events/ 1457006322579. Schedules available please Email: sylvia@carernwil-online.co.uk 12 Pedigree Classes - 17 Novelty Classes - 4 Scamps Classes- 4 Mongrel/X-Breed Classes - 5 Companion Dog Club Member Classes - Bronze Good Citizen Award - 4 Obedience Classes. Rosettes awarded for 1st - 6th place in all classes ALL Trophies to be won outright - Pedigree & Novelty Classes - BIS - RBIS - BPIS Special Trophies: Child’s Best Friend - Best Lincolnshire Dog - Best Non-Lincolnshire Dog - Best Rescue/Rehome Dog Stalls which include: Paula’s Gifts (Jewellery), Bob Springall (Portraits), Helen’s Cupcakes, Elwood, Briggs & Turner (Kirton Vets) Development Plus (EPOC Programme), Chestnut Lodge Dog Training, UK-GSR, Forever Living Products, Pawz Hydrotheropy, Holbeach Dog Training/Absolute Animals, Pilgrim Vets, Pet Theft Awareness, Snak Shak Catering, RSPCA Lincolnshire East Branch, Fen Bank Greyhound Sanctuary, Pet Products & Animal Greeting Cards, Refreshments & Tombola. Show Specials include Microchipping at £10 by David/Pilgrim Vets, Boston, Childrens Treasure Hunt and much more.... Sponsors Include: Cobbydog - HSBC Bank, Boston - Lincolnshire Pet Crematorium - Newton Press, Sutterton - Whittlesey Dog Training Society, Peterborough - Pawz Hydrotheropy - Holbeach Dog Training/Absolute Animals - Woodlands Organic Farm, Kirton - Memorials Nationwide - Carernwil Cairn Terriers - Mrs Diane White - Pilgrim Veterinary Practice - Snak Shak Catering - Marshland Vet Surger - The Vet Hospital, Lincoln - Lincolnshire Construction Spalding - Parkview Vet Hospital, Lincoln - Rooke’s Spalding - Stamford Animal & Pet Supplies, Spalding - ALL Judges, Stewards, Friends & Dog Lovers who are kindly donating their time.
The Air Ambulance in a valuable service in our County and needs your support, please come along and join in at this event and help us raise as much money as possible to keep this service running - you never know when you or a member of your family may need their help. Extracts from minutes of Kirton Parish Council Meeting - April 2013 We all know we have a Parish Council but how many know the extent of what they do for the Village. And how hard they work! We hope to be able to bring you regular updates on current projects and future plans KPC have in their portfolio. Let’s kick off with a bulletin on the progress of one of our newest amenities, Dame Sarah Swift Park on Church Lane. It is intended that a zip wire will be placed in the park for all to use. A dirt ramp track for bikes and scooters will be constructed. We will need soil for this so as a general appeal, if anyone has soil to spare could you, in the first instance, contact the Parish Clerk Mrs Belinda Buttery on 01205 460618 or email:Belindabuttery@hotmail.coM. Any help (financial or otherwise) as a contribution to build the said items will also be gratefully accepted. The gates will be repainted and re-hung in the next few weeks. Other projects include the following:- Regarding the new Pedestrian controlled crossing on London Road by the church - we have a completion date of August (2013). Sentence Crescent - pot holes have been filled and a re-surfacing has been pencilled in by highways to be completed by November at the latest. All of the Street furniture in the village is being repainted in the same, or near same colours. A new tree has been planted outside of the town hall to commemorate Colin Brothertons year in Mayoral office. And, by way of a further appeal:- We are looking to find/purchase land for a village allotment. Anyone who knows of spare land, or would be willing to bequest to the council such spaces, their gift would be gratefully received. Ian Turner Frampton Community Pre-School News The children have been enjoying playing and learning in our outside area this term. They have been planting some seeds and watching them grow. The children also planted some sunflowers and have taken them home to share with their families. The children have also had the chance for lots of water and sand play, and we have been thinking about the seaside and the fun we have at the beach. The children celebrated fathers day by making their footprints into artwork, to take home for their Dads. There is always lots of different activities on offer to suit all children’s interests. If you would like to come and see the fun and learning that takes place please come for a visit. We offer free places for all 3 year olds, from the term after the Childs third birthday. NEWSFLASH: Frampton Pre-school can now offer free places for 2 year olds, from the term after the Childs second birthday. (Certain criteria needs to be met). If you wish to enquire about a place for your child, please contact Sue on 07939 266154.
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: