July / August 2015
The Editors Letter
Hello to all my - European Chums* / English Pals free of the yoke of Brussels and Strasbourg and their drain on our Sovereignty and resources * Delete as appropriate.
Because I write this on the eve of the June 23rd vote.
By now it will all have been decided; unless the incumbent Government haven’t had it their own way. In which case they will probably fix a re-vote or overturn, or something.
Because, at the end of the day, be it in Brussels, Strasbourg, Westminster or wherever it’s all about keeping those in power, in power and keeping down the ‘ordinary’ person on the street under a boot heel; whether that footwear be designed in Paris, Rome, Milan or Berlin; or Westminster.
So, an exciting and dramatic start to the Summer. A little too dramatic for some though. My sincerest sympathies to those who have suffered in the recent flash flooding. A cynic might say though that, with all the recent and on-going construction on land that was once fallow or agricultural and prone to annual flooding - our own natural defence - that this may be a sign of things to come!
But, you know me... cynical?
In spite of a dampening of the celebrations for the Queen’s 90th folks at the Town Hall seem to have had a good time. Let’s hope this also is a sign of (better) things to come! Remember, there’ll be Framfest and the Party in the Ark [at Abi’s Hotel for Cats] to look out for and, I’m sure, many more local events to soak up that Summer sunshine. I myself will have, by the time you read this, attended one of the major International sporting events of the year namely the World Egg Throwing Championships at Swaton near Donington. A jolly good and supremely, English-ly, Non-European-ly eccentric day out for all. If you didn’t attend then put it in your diary for next year.... It won’t be long!
At this juncture I can’t resist also flagging up the 52nd World Conker Championship at Ashton near Oundle on October 9th. Another singularly whimsical grand day out that even Brussels cannot spoil.
Though, if they ever hear of it....... ?
In our packed pages this month we feature a fund raising effort by local Baker and Businessman Martin Jessop. There will also be another effort taking place on August 14th when a friend of mine (and of many locally) Steve Slater will be cycling 100 miles (four circuits of 25) around the local fen roads to raise money for The Brain Tumor Trust. He’ll be joined by many more on their bikes starting and finishing at the Black Bull. Why not take a few minutes out to pop down and chuck a few quid in the bucket for a cause very close to many of us.
So, the nights are drawing in already. Make the most of these balmy days and enjoy all that is truly great, and mostly free, about Kirton and England as a whole before any more of it disappears under the planner’s blue pencil.
Have a fabulous Summer, ‘see’ you in September.
Martin Jessop - once again on the run
for Cancer Research
For many years now local athlete and joint owner of Jessops Bakers has been raising money for this excellent cause so dear to his heart. He says:
“Members of my close and extended family, like many others, have suffered and died from Cancer. Once again I want to help in some way to fight against this terrible disease.”
Each year the challenges he sets himself grow in stature and endurance. 2016 sees his greatest effort to date.
The [seventh] Outlaw Triathlon with 1450 would-be Outlaws, is all set for July 24th. One of Nottingham’s key sporting events, the Outlaw has become (almost) even more legendary than Robin Hood!
Those who have conquered the Outlaw Triathlon are remembered in local folklore for having outwitted the Sheriff to complete a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run.
Nottingham’s National Water Sports Centre hosts the Outlaw on 24 July 2016. As long as Martin can cover the distance in 17 hours or less, he will become an ‘Outlaw’.
Martin says of his extensive preparations: “By the time you go to print I’ll have done some big mileage on the bike including a 100 miler, many, many lengths and hours in the pool (and a few open water sessions) and of course still lots of running. Also “brick sessions” (the building blocks of tri training) which will include at least 2 disciplines one after the other, for example, a long ride plus a run off the bike, or sometimes all 3 for race simulation. All quite tiring but strangely enjoyable believe it or not.
Also I will have completed several races including the Retford Half Marathon, the Manchester Marathon and the Woodhall Sprint Tri.”
The challenge begins with the swim taking place in the regatta lake. A single out and back course making it easy to navigate. With transition right next to the swim exit he’ll have every opportunity to set a super-quick time and even faster escape onto the bike. The bike course is fast, but not totally flat and he’ll need to use whit and experience to get around it with enough left in the legs for the run, and it can be very tough if it’s a windy day!
On returning to the National Water Sports Centre the run course around the lake begins. On to the River Trent path, Martin will pass Trent Bridge, the City Ground, Wilford Suspension Bridge and the Victoria Embankment. The multi-lap course, which has been measured by UK Athletics, offers a feed station every mile or so, and will be lined with supporters willing competitors all the way to the finish line.
On arrival all will receive a hero’s welcome and be crowned modern day ‘Outlaws’.
So dig into your pockets and show your support for this ‘Local Hero’!
Martins message is;
“If you would like to sponsor me you can text MJES99 + £(specify amount here) to 70070 or go to: www.justgiving.com/martinjessop-outlaw
Alternatively add yourself to my traditional sponsorship form available at all three Jessops shops in Kirton, Swineshead and Donington
Any sponsorship would really be appreciated and will help to spur me on, especially during all the difficult stages in the race!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you have decided to sponsor me.”

The Kirton Church Fund
The June draw takes place on Sunday 19th June and the July draw takes place on Sunday 24th July and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine
Both May winners have won before, number 14 now 5 times the most recent being in March! Well done to them!
June marks the start of our fifth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. (I can’t believe how quickly this year is going, too!)
In this time we have raised over £6500 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members!
Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there!Ask number 14! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! (Don’t worry I will give you a call if it’s time to renew.)
Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish. £5each month for monthly payments or if you wish to sign up for a year £50 and £28 for 6 months.
We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
May 2016 Winners
1st PRIZE - £38.00 - TICKET NUMBER: 14
2nd PRIZE - £12.65 -
Boston Woods Trust
Welcome to the first in an occasional series of articles to let you know about the Boston Woods project and perhaps tempt you to visit the woods or even become a supporter or volunteer.
We started the woods project in 1999 with the first of the annual tree planting days when the 23 acre Westgate Wood site was planted with native trees. Since then we have added the Wild Flower Meadow, Oak Wood and Jenny’s Wood so that the Sir Joseph Banks Country Park now extends for over 80 acres either side of Five House Lane from West End Road to Old Hammond Beck.
The trees in Westgate Woods are now well established while the parkland provides a changing display of wildflowers and grasses which attract many species of birds and butterflies. As you walk through Westgate Wood you will come across a sculpture by James Sutton which represents the work of the local naturalist, Sir Joseph Banks.
From there you can look through the wood to the Lime Avenue which focuses the eye on the iconic Boston Stump. You will also notice the pond and Owl Tower, designed to provide habitat for a variety of birds and with a small shelter for humans.
There is disabled access on all-weather paths around the site with additional stone and grass paths to provide a variety of walks. You will find plenty of seats to rest, have a picnic, or simple take in the views.
There is ample car parking and refreshments etc. are available in the Fisherman’s Rest on Five House Lane.
There is an orienteering course laid out over the whole site - maps and details are available on our web site at www. Well behaved dogs are welcome but please do clean up after them and abide by the restrictions we impose, on the meadow, to protect the ground nesting birds.
In future items I will tell you more about the east side of the park and Jenny’s Wood and also about our other Woodland at Fenside, a little further afield but well worth visiting.
For more information please contact Frances on: BostonWoods.Fran@gmail.com or 01205 723040.
Letters to the Editor
As the one hundredth anniversary looms of this, the bloodiest battle of World War One, a commemoration service has been planned by the local branch of the Royal British Legion.
The aims of the battle were to relieve the French Army fighting at Verdun and to weaken the German Army as a whole. However, the Allies were unable to break through German lines. In total, there were over one million dead and wounded on all sides. In 142 days the British advanced just seven miles and failed to break the German defence. The slaughter on an industrial scale. The Germans made a strategic retreat to the Hindenburg line and fought on for- almost exactly - another two years.
I have received a short message from Roland Reece of TRBL as follows:
“At last nights (May 10th) meeting of the Kirton and district branch of TRBL lt was decided to hold a short sunset service at the war memorial on the 30th June at 21:30hrs, at which we would hope to involve all of the village. Letters are going out to the youth organisations to invite them to take part. We would expect this service to take about 15 to 20 minutes.
Thank you all for your support
The Kirton & district branch committee TRBL - Lest we forget
My name is Antonia Dale and I am trying to find my Dad, Gary Dale who was born in Kirton. I would be grateful if you could publish the following in your next edition. “Can GARY DALE, born in Kirton contact ANTONIA DALE on 07446 962 749”
Thank you.
Here’s one from a regular reader, just a little past Kirton End.....
Dear Sam, Once again I feel privileged to visit my place of birth and enjoy conversation with many friends who still live in the community.
I read your excellent newsletter on line and enjoy the interesting pages.
I was born in Kirton 87 years ago and attended the local school, leaving on my 14th birthday to work in the office of Tunnard Bros.Ltd, which was located on Station Road, followed by employment in Boston with Hardy Collins Ltd.
Both firms treated me kindly and assisted in furthering my education.
At the age of 17 I joined the Royal Navy and transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy in 1974. I served a total of 29 years, 20 of which were in Submarines.
On retiring from the Navy, I was employed for 20 years with the Govt. of Nova Scotia. My wife and I (60 YEARS married) reside in the city of Dartmouth Nova Scotia.
We have been on vacation in the area, and it is with great regret that I will be unable to attend the British Legion’s commemoration service on June 30th. I will be returning to Canada on June 1st. The service would have been of significant importance to me for my father, Jack Russell, was wounded on three different occasions in The First World War, once in the Battle of the Somme; a very brave man.
My best wishes to all who may remember me, the young person who terrorized the village in School, Cubs, Scouts and Army Cadets.
David J Russell
Kids Club
Shower dodging is the order of the month! The days change so quickly at the moment from sunshine to rain – mind you I think the children would stay out in the rain and play if they had their own way.
The summer term is really busy for the children at school so kids club tends to be their down time – relaxing, playing and just enjoying being children.
There are lots of football matches/games – children of all ages join in and have fun.
The natural grassed area at the back of the club is ideal for this and the astro turf is wonderful for all other games and sports too.
The hard area is great for scooter and skate board as well as chalking, skipping and role play.
The children get to choose what they want to do and play each day. Some go from game to game or activity to activity and some stay and play on the same thing all session.
We are lucky that we have children of all ages – they mix and play together and this is a great way to help children socialise and, mix and make friends.
The older children are lovely with the younger ones and it is always good to see them playing together, laughing and chatting.
Breakfast club is still very busy and very full but there are places after school if you wish to book.
For more information please call on 07583 762072 and find out about availability.
More places will be available in September when the club opens again after the school summer holidays. We are open term time - 7.30 am to school and from school to 5.45 pm. If you would like more details please go to our website: www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk
A few ‘thank yous’ – KMB and Kirton Consolidated Charities for their continued support – we truly appreciate it, David and Sylvia for their help and kindness, Committee, Staff, Friends and Parents/Carers who have always pulled together when we have been in need and supported us thought-out another busy year.
Lastly Sam and the Kirton magazine for letting everyone know what the children have been up to during their time with us each month and printing my write ups :O)
Have a happy and safe summer holiday!
The Queens 90th birthday
celebration at Kirton town Hall
A big thank you to all who helped, all who came, and all who performed, to help create such a memorable day. The combined open air church service at 11am started the event.
Our MP Matt Warman then opened the party. The New Life church provided music, the sound system and announcement’s. The primary school cheer leaders performed first and a Taekwondo demonstration followed, providing entertainment in the Town Hall grounds.
Kirton Brass band, as excellent as ever, performed in the afternoon. There were lots of stalls offering games and quizzes. Face painting, bouncy castles, the Road Hog bus, an ever popular cake stall and raffle.
The memorabilia display in the Upsall room was of interest to young and older. The little roundabout was a big hit with the smaller children. Burgers and ice cream added to picnics. A lot of hard work by organisations in the village was well rewarded on the day to see so many families enjoying themselves. Also the weather was kind and the rain (just about ) kept off until the end. So thanks again to The Queen for giving us reasons to celebrate and have parties!
If you have one of the following raffle ticket numbers please contact me on 01205 722757. Blue ticket 281, Green ticket 305, Orange ticket 233, Orange ticket 12.
Paula Davies

Delivering local public Services together
Increasing Kirton Precepts 2017 - 2018
National Government cuts have had a major impact upon both County and Borough finances. Hence the Borough is looking for Parish Councils to deliver a number of these services that have been undertaken by them. As the Borough is restricted by National government to increase Council Tax beyond a set level they will be unable to continue these services in their present form. In accordance with the government’s policy of localism a number of these services will have to be undertaken by the Parish if they are to continue in a similar form as we receive today.
To enable the Parish Council to run/maintain the services it carries out within the villages we must request a sum (called the Precept) of money from the Borough Council.
At present the precept in Kirton is one of the lowest in the Borough, largely thanks to prudent financial control and planning over a number of years by the Parish Council, however, to maintain these services we will without doubt have to raise them by a great deal.
The Borough has indicated that if we were to pay the Borough to continue to these services than the precept for a Band D household would in the first year have to increase by 75.12% and 0.50% for the next three years, this increase as a percentage would of course apply to all households within the village.
The services that are being looked at for the Parish to take over are as follows:
1) Mowing of Open Spaces (Borough costings £7,888)
2) Footway Lighting
(Borough costings £21,425)
3) Churchyard (Borough costings £2,771)
4) Parish elections(Borough costings £475)
• What choices do we
have? Do nothing and
these services will cease
to exist.
• Look to manage these
services in house,
although this will still
mean an increase in the
precept however, at a
much lower level.
There are a number of ways that this can be achieved:
We can easily reduce the cost by at least 50% for the cutting of open spaces and the churchyard.
Footway lighting is more difficult, we could reduce the number of lights in operation, by either turning off every second one or some that are no deemed as really required.
The above are only suggestions, but as we feel we have a duty of care for the welfare of our community we must do something to reduce the possible massive increase or the possible loss of all of them.
With this mind we are seeking the feelings of the village and would be grateful if you could send your responses to are Parish Clerk Belinda Buttery (belindabuttery@hotmail.com or 01205 460618).
We only have to September to respond to the Borough with our outlined plan of action. I hope you understand that this is a result of National Financial cuts that have been passed down to the County and then the Borough and not the brain child of the Parish Council.
Ian Turner -
Chairman of Kirton
Parish Council
Kirton Library extends it’s opening hours
We are now able to extend our opening hours to include the first Saturday of each month from 10am until 12 noon. Our first Saturday opening will be 4th June 2016.
The library will also be open from 10am until 1pm on Tuesdays and between 2pm and 6pm on Thursdays. Call in and see us at The New Life Centre, The Junction, 1 Wash Road, Kirton PE20 1QJ.
Butterfly Hospice Trust

Butterfly Hospice is your local Community Hospice offering free palliative and respite care.
We deliver this important service to the community in partnership with Lincolnshire Community Hospital Services NHS Trust. They provide all the clinical expertise to ensure care of patients is of the highest professional standard.
The Hospice Trust funds all other aspects including the overheads and maintenance of the building and peaceful gardens, all the ancillary needs of the patients such as first class chefs with menus to meet the specific dietary needs of the patients, housekeepers to ensure the standard of hygiene and cleanliness is maintained throughout.
To cover the costs of these ancillary services we need to raise money and awareness. We have a number of volunteers who help us to do this in our shop and warehouse in Boston and our shops in Spalding and Skegness. We also need small community groups who can raise awareness of the service by being ambassadors for the Hospice, hold small fundraising events and support other volunteers with larger events.
If you have some time to give and would like to support this vital service to your community please contact Emma Roberts on Boston 311222. Emma will also be pleased to arrange for you to visit the hospice to see for yourself the excellent facilities that you would be helping to maintain.
Lorraine Lenton
- Trustee
July is your last chance to express your views on proposed development in the Kirton/Frampton area.
There will be a meeting on July 20th (all afternoon) to be held at Kirton Town Hall.
Have your say on the impact to the already over stretched village facilities that the huge amounts of proposed new houses
will have.
Lincolnshire Community & Voluntary Service
Providing community group support, funding advice and details about volunteering, take place in Kirton: Every third Monday of the month, 10am to midday at New Life Community Church, The Junction, Wash Road, Kirton, PE20 1QJ.
Parish Council News
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- April 2016
Election of Chairman
Cllr Brotherton nominated Cllr Turner remain as Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Foster and agreed unanimously by the remainder. No other nominations were received.
Chairman’s acceptance
of office
Cllr Turner accepted the vote and agreed to stand as Chairman for the next 12 months. He completed the acceptance of office form.
Appointment of
Cllr Smith nominated Cllr Brotherton remain as Vice- Chair, this was seconded by Cllr Foster and agreed by the remainder. Cllr Smith accepted this vote.
Appointment of representatives to committees
This was carried out with few amendments.
The Chairman had met with the Highways officer for the south side of the village (otherside of the A16) – Skeldyke Road is down now for resurfacing. The Highways officer is going to approach Ripe Now to ask for a contribution towards the cost of the resurfacing. The officer hoped that it may be done within the financial year.
Over 50% of the industrial park off Wash Road now has firm offers/sales or is under construction. The remaining 50% is also in early stages of negotiations with other firms keen to take on a plot.
Thanks were given to Cllrs Brotherton and Foster who have done some maintenance to the cemetery gates.
Apologies for absence and reason given
Cllrs Ransome, Rylott and Brookes gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council. Cllr Hannay did not forward his apologies and so reasons for absence are unknown.
Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.
Cllr Carter declared an interest in the Town Hall item on the agenda as a representative on the committee. Cllr Still declared an interest in planning item B/16/0139 as this is a neighbour.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Carter which was seconded by Cllr Danby and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 14th April 2016, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.
Police Matters
PCSO Smyth attended as a new PCSO. She reported the following 4 crimes since the last meeting.
1 x criminal damage to a window – under investigation
1 x theft from a car – undetected
1 x burnt out car – under investigation
3 x males drinking/drugs – stage 1 anti-social letters given
Cllr Turner asked PCSO Smyth to pass on the council’s thanks for all their continued hard work and support within the villages.
Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/
Clerk’s report
a) Defibrillator installed at the Town Hall, Friday 13th May.
b) Meeting held in the Town Hall office with Alistair Humphrey from LCC – positive meeting. Many plots within the Distribution Centre land off Wash Road either almost finished/in process of building new premises/planned works/many enquiries regarding remaining plots. He is positive that the site will be fully operative
c) Pot hole outside Rush Hair on Station Road reported to LCC ref 101000124451
d) LCC update – Missing drain cover at Hubberts Bridge Road – work complete
Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on
a) Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure at Manor Road between Drainside and London Road – 24.05.16 (Essential maintenance works by Western Power
b) Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closures at Meeres Lane and Marketstead Estate for surface dressing works. Plus, 20mph speed limit orders outside Hardwick estate on the B1397 (all works to be carried out between May and August 2016).
Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors
Boston Borough Councillors
It was reported that the street cleaning (road sweeping/path sweeping) is not being carried out in the village as was promised. Cllrs Brotherton and Edwards to take up with the Borough.
Planning applications:
B/16/0137 – Application under s.73a for the variation of condition 4&6 of Planning Permission B/15/0185 (Application under s.73A for the variation of condition 6 attached to planning permission B/14/0094 (Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of 140 dwellings with detailed consideration of access) to allow details of an affordable housing plan to be submitted prior to the construction of the 40th dwelling house at Land West of Boston Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/16/0139 – Change of use from agricultural land to domestic use (paddock) and creation of open manege area for private use at Poachers Hide, Wash Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
B/16/0152 – Erection of a 1no. two storeys and 1 no. single storey side extensions at 4 Chapelgate, Kirton End – NO OBJECTIONS
B/16/150 – Proposed change of use to enlarge domestic curtilage, relocation of existing outbuilding and construction of garage with new access from Wash Road at Evergreen, Wash Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS
Determined Planning applications
B/15/0503 – Land between Station road and Wash Road, Kirton – demolition of existing dwelling fronting Wash Lane and Outline Application for up to 30 dwellings with consideration given to access off Station Road only (all other matters reserved for later consideration) – REFUSED
Members also discussed sending a representative to the Planning Committee Meeting for the London Road 45 houses on land off London Road/Drainside South – it was resolved not to send anyone as it was felt that this would not achieve any more than sending a letter. Letter to reiterate that the Council was supportive of the original application for 16 dwellings on the site, but this increase to 45 is overdevelopment of the site. Also that the entry/exit to the site is off a 40 mph road and as such could be a hazard to road users. Also the path to the site is none existent after Marketstead Estate.
Accounts for payment
a) It was proposed by Cllr Lee, seconded by Cllr Carter and agreed by the remainder that the accounts as per payment sheet 2 of 12 dated May 2016/17 should be paid.
b) The Council was presented with the annual accounts up to year ending 31st March 2016. They were read and approved the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements. Accounts now to be sent to External Auditor
Town Hall
Cllr Carter had attended the recent AGM of the Town Hall. He thanked the Town Hall Management Committee for their continued hard work involved in the running of the Town Hall.
Members of the Parish Council who sit on the Town Hall Committee were reminded that they MUST pass on apologies to the Town Hall if they are unable to attend meetings.
Cllr Lee thanked Cllrs Foster and Brotherton for sorting out the gate on the entrance to the Cemetery.
Cllr Lee asked the Clerk to chase the contractors to make sure they carry out the first of the two weed killer sprays of the year soon.
The maintenance margin to the side of the Cemetery and the Persimmon Development is now high in weeds. Cllr Foster will have a look to see if he can get one of his machines down there.
After two locks have been broken off the hut at the cemetery, the cemetery committee will look at alternatives.
Reports for
Various Bodies
Cllr Foster reported 6 x car tyres dumped on Holmes Road – Clerk to report as fly tipping.
Cllr Foster also reported a pothole at the turning off Donington Road up Willington Road, Clerk to report to LCC. Plus he reported that the potholes down Dances bank are also reappearing where the filler has come out. Clerk to report too.
Cllr Foster was pleased to see that the old Fire Station has had a makeover and now has been painted and given a new door.
Parish matters
a) Inspection Rota
Nothing to report, Cllr Still will take the next month.
b) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting. None held.
Frampton W.I.
June is crashing to an end and I’m regretting saying last time ...where is the rain! The evenings are longer and the weather should be hotter. All I can say is thank goodness for Frampton WI and all they have to offer. There are so many things to look forward to for the rest of the summer, let it rain....but not on Thursday – referendum day, although by the time you read this we will know. On Thursday the ladies will visit East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens, and I’m sure will come back with radical new ideas.
Our speaker at our last meeting, Mr Alan Grey OBE, was an inspiring, funny, fascinating, retired Wimbledon Umpire. He kept us enthralled with stories from the courts and the dressing rooms, time flew by and we ate an amazingly good supper, the raffle was pulled and I won the last prize, and a new lady, her second time with us, entered the something beginning with N and won points!!
August will see us without a formal meeting but we do have a visit to Peterborough Dog Races including dinner, and hopefully some successful betting. We are to visit a Buddhist Temple in Peterborough in October, but I’m racing ahead.
Our next meeting is on Thursday July 14th when our speaker will be Keith Appleyard and I won’t tell you what he does for a living just that his talk is ...Secrecy, Spies and Scandals....I’m sort of thinking James Bond with a box of Black Magic Chocs.
The competition is something beginning with O...oh I just have to say it!! 007! Invitations to our 80th Birthday party in October are already being issued, if you don’t have one yet and you can’t attend this next meeting please let Myra Scott know.
If you have one...don’t forget to reply...it’s a catered do ladies we need definite numbers. Our table cloth is well on its way, nearly all the names are now embroidered on it, and take a moment to check our centenary roses at the village hall, they may be new and small but they are flowering beautifully.
Well done Ray Harding from the Frampton Garden Club for all his help.
Why not come along and join us? Our next meeting is Thursday 14 July, we start at 7:30pm and meet in the Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton.
Ann (President) on 01205 366020 or Carol (Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: carolpattrick@gmail.com or Janice Cotgreave(new members)email: janice.cotgreave@btinternet.com
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Autumn Marie Pelling
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Damian Lochore &
Jessica Grace Williams
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
Gertrude Grace Brotherton
Sheila May English