July / August 2017
The Editors Letter
My June prediction was correct... Summer IS here, hurrah!
Ready for some more unguarded left wing comments? (see letters page). Ever since taking on this publication I have hoped that some worthwhile debate might ensue. Perhaps we’re getting there. PLEASE contribute.
Anyway, with the passing of the Solstice let’s muse on time (Brexit deadlines aside).
I listened to a radio interview with a musician (one I favour) this morning - Richard Hawley. Seek him out if you haven’t before. One time member of Pulp he has not had the easiest of passages but has managed to preserve a genuinely pragmatic view of how his life has passed. His style is steady, ‘laid back’ and contemplative and both he and the listener takes the benefit.
My Father was a Gardener by profession - ‘Contemplation’ his by-word and ‘Nature’ his ‘muse’ though he was quite a fan of Bob Dylan, Don Maclean and Georges Simenon. One of my earliest memories involving him - of which there are precious few - is of squatting on the edge of a trench in a large field with a nine inch stick in my chubby three year old - or so hand planting seed potatoes. He taught me much, and I oftentimes wish I had remembered more. And he taught not from a desk but from just being out there with me, the worms and the bees and the rain and the sunshine. Time passed at his pace; though he never let anyone down and supported my Mother, myself and three siblings for as long as we needed it.
He wasn’t phased by a ‘beep’ or annoying tune on a mobile; he answered to no one - except Mother - but helped whoever came along with a genuine need or a problem. In those days you knew everyone ‘down the street’ and the fruit and veg grown on his two-or-so acre rented small holding was generously distributed (once the ‘tatey grave’ was full and the ‘chittin’ boxes of apples, were blanketed with newspaper; the pickles were made and the jam securely bottled). We had some terrific Guy Fawkes bonfires for the whole street.
Time passed but, it seemed, slowly, almost endless - it was all taken in.
He died, aged ninety two, cancer and cholesterol free with no heart issues; ten and a half stone - the same weight as when he was eighteen - content, just simply worn out.
How many of you under seventy reading this will be able to say the same?
I have a particular bugbear (and NOT a cross between an insect and a mammal - ref: Milton Jones) about the Internet, Social Media and generally the way the Ordinary (us) have been shepherded into a corral of confusion over the last twelve-or-so years. The Ordinary, (and I hate the use of that because we are far from ‘ordinary’ - we are all ‘special’) have allowed ourselves to be manipulated. It doesn’t need to be that way. Time, our ‘time’ - our lives have become measured and marked by these silicone standards. And that is entirely wrong.
Time to take back the flower of four million years of evolution and say “NO” to the Prophets (read “PROFITS”) of doom.
Between now and when I next ‘speak’ to you in September how about taking a ‘time out’ - and you don’t realize how much effort it took to use that hateful Americanism - and spend 24 hours with your mobile switched off. Desperate or immediate concerns and circumstances aside, of course.
If you want to chat with someone go and see them face-to-face.
It has been proven that well over eighty percent of mobile telephone calls are made to people less than a mile and a half away from the caller. A brisk 25 minute walk. AND you lower your cholesterol doing it !!
Hang up - stay fit - stay community-ish connected.
And have a great Summer.
t’s so much more than
Pie in the sky!
I’m sure many have been aware of the months of hard work that have been put in to the former Villager fruit and flower shop on Kirton High Street. All sterling efforts finally came to fruition on Monday June 26th when a new restaurant opened in the village.
Kirton Cottage, the creation of proprietor Ambrish Chandarana, serves traditional English cuisine in a superbly appointed bijou restaurant benefiting from locally sourced, fresh produce.
His dedicated team is intent on providing first-rate dining in a comfortable and tranquil milieu.
Ambrish declared “We feel that the cottage setting offers unique surroundings in which to enjoy quality local food, fine wines and drinks from around the world – and just “up the road” as we also stock a range of fine bottled ales from local brewer, ‘Fuddy Duck’.
“We hope that our varied menu will appeal to everyone whatever their tastes or preferences. Our dream is that you will find the perfect dish you can enjoy as a fine dining experience. It has been an epic journey bringing the building back to its former glory and our reward will be that you enjoy it as much as we will.
“We had a vision to open a restaurant in the area and came across the cottage when we started our adventure. We want to make this a success for the benefit of the community as much as anything. We already have planning permission to extend the building creating a traditional bar area to complete the restaurant.
“We appreciate that Kirton is one of the busier villages on the outskirts of Boston but has suffered over recent years from a decline in traditional local business. It would be good, in some small way, to re-engage people and bring back the vibrancy to put Kirton well and truly ‘back on the map’.
Our full menu is available to view at our website, www.kirton-cottage.co.uk”
Kirton Cottage is situated opposite the war memorial in the village centre.
Their number is 01205 722311 with further information available at www.kirton-cottage.co.uk

The Kirton Church Fund
The June draw takes will now take place on Sunday 2nd July due to the Flower Festival the week before and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.
The July draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will also be printed in the September magazine. The first ticket drawn this month no longer takes part so we drew again.
So our first prize winner, number 12, part of our luckiest husband and wife team, has now won 3 times! The second prize winner is a first time winner. Well done to them!
June marks the start of our sixth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. (I can’t believe how quickly this year is going, too!)
In this time we have raised over £8400 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members!
Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there! Ask number 12! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! (Don’t worry I will give you a call if it’s time to renew.)
Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish. £5each month for monthly payments or if you wish to sign up for a year £50 and £28 for 6 months.
We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
May 2017 Winners
1st PRIZE - £40.24 - TICKET NUMBER: 12
2nd PRIZE - £13.41 -
Fosdyke Vintage Tractor Run
- 7th May 2017
We would like to confirm that after a very successful day, the event raised £3381.20 for Macmillan Cancer Support. We would like to thank everyone who helped and supported this local event.
Russell Nicoll
Letters to the Editor
Unsung Heroes
The other evening we were out walking the dog and came across a young lady called Marie kneeling beside a drain cover with a fishing net in her hand. Needless to say we were curious. She told us she goes around the area, (Boston, Kirton, etc) anywhere where a new road has been laid, which may have cut across the rout wildlife may use to access water courses and ponds. She uses her net to rescue frogs, toads and baby ducks from the drains. There were several little frogs and a young toad in her bucket. Last year she rescued over 400 of a mixture of all 3 groups and released them into ponds close by. This year she expects to achieve the same results. Maria doesn’t belong to any organisation or wildlife protection group. She has taken on this huge task all on her own. An unsung hero indeed. My faith in human nature and of young people in our community has been restored!
It does beg the question though, why don’t they manufacture drain covers that don’t allow baby creatures to fall through them.
Paula D
Parish Council
At last nights Parish Council meeting (June 15th) the issue discussed was whether the skate park should be closed down.
This was use to the continuing problems of vandalism and drinking that continues in the park. In the last month, the gates have been ripped off the children’s play area, youths urinating in the park, graffiti all over the ramps and rubbish being tipped over the fences from neighbouring houses.
After much discussion it was decided to seek support from outside agencies and give the park a little more time before a final decision is taken.
What is required is the names of causing the damage in the park, who is drinking and mashing bottles. Without this information we can do little to stop it. Contact details for the Parish Council can be found on the Parish notice board in the village or contact the local police.
Over £50,000 investment for the youths of the village is in danger of disappearing unless positive action is taken.
Ian Turner - Chairman of Kirton Parish Council
June 2017 will be remembered as an important milestone in the history of this country. Important enough, in my opinion to warrant serious unbiased comment in a local magazine principally aimed at proffering views on local issues.
It is not a vehicle for personally slanted political comment aimed, if I read it correctly, in an attempt to influence voting intentions. At best your comments in the June edition were unguarded but bearing in mind the importance of the Brexit issue, seeking to place some sort of blame on the decisions made that led up to the referendum and its outcome, is frankly beyond the brief of a frustrated hack who has missed his chance to scribble some drivel for the Guardian.
It will have been noted that you were not, or have ever been considered capable of running this country, so cheap insulting remarks, that so clearly emphasise your envy (I didn’t go to Eton so there!) doesn’t cheapen Mr. Cameron but guess who? Keep your politics to yourself Mr. Chapman. The Kirton News is not your personal daily in which you can bang your left wing drum.
Derek Thornhill
Kids Club
Well ….. this is the longest term but the one that has so much in it! Half term came and went so quickly and now summer is here it makes everything so much better.
I don’t really think the children realise just how fast we are getting to the end of the school year.
All of them will change years and classes and some of the older ones will leave primary school and move onto their secondary education.
Some of those children have been with the kids club since they were in reception it is always sad to see them go.
To them all we wish you well where ever you are going and hope you come and visit us or let us know how you are getting on.
The Kids Club are involved in the Flower Festival in Kirton Church – the theme being books and we have chosen the BFG. The event will probably be over when you read this so I hope you managed to visit the Church and saw the Kids Club’s efforts. It is always nice to be involved in the community that we work and live in.
We have been chosen as one of the charities by the Kirton Co-op that they fund raise for – we are delighted to be given the chance to be part of this fund raising scheme and thank them very much.
We have also been lucky enough again to be backed by KMB Kirton and Kirton Consolidated Charities – to you both I thank you so much for helping us. It makes such a difference to the children and what we can offer them.
As a small charity ourselves we struggle at times and your help is invaluable.
On Friday 16th of June the school had their Gala – but some of our children obviously have parents that are still working when the Gala is on and they could not attend.
So we put on a ‘Pizza and Pistols’ event – lots of yummy pizza to eat and water pistols, squirters, paddling pools and giant bubble blowers.
We did start out by telling the children NOT to get too wet – but I am sorry to say this soon was forgotten and they ended up completely soaked!
You only had to hear them though to realise they had the most amazing fun time.
Screams of laugher for the whole session, running, hiding and playing with the water – it was a really happy session – but I must thank the parents for not being too shocked at the sight of their dripping children.
Thank you all for allowing us to have such a great time.
The kids club will open again after the summer holidays on the same day as the school.
Breakfast club starts at 7.0am and after school sessions run until 5.45 pm.
If you would like any more information please visit: www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or phone us on 07583 762072.
Happy Summer to you all!
The Outlaw ‘17
Martin Jessop is taking on another big challenge for charity by doing the Full Outlaw Triathlon in Nottingham again. “The Sheriffs Re-match” will see him take on the 2.4 mile open water swim, 112 mile bike ride and a full 26.2 mile marathon for Cancer Research UK.
By the time he starts he will have completed many hours of training including a 100 mile ride and also three other big races, namely:
The Virginmoney London Marathon; The Outlaw Half Nottingham; The Outlaw Half Holkham in Norfolk plus a few other smaller events in the build up to the main event.
Last year he raised £1618 and finished in 14hrs 32mins and this year is looking to better his previous achievement,
He would also like to say thank you for all the support and sponsorship last year and for the continued support he still gets.
“I still want to try and do my bit by helping to raise funds for ongoing research so that hopefully one day a cure can be found for this dreadful disease”.
If you wish to help by donating to this worthy cause you can do so by going to
www.justgiving.com/martinjessop-outlaw2 or text MJES55 +£(amount) to 70070 or drop into any branch of Jessops The Bakers to add yourself to a traditional sponsorship form. Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
Dog fouling: a message to pet owners from Boston Borough Council
If you walk a dog you have a legal responsibility for cleaning up after it when it defecates. It is your responsibility to clean up – not the responsibility of the parish council, the borough council, the county council.... or anyone else. Everyone knows that, even if they claim not to!
No one wants to see, smell, or worse, step into, a pile of dog poo that an inconsiderate owner has knowingly left behind. Dog faeces present a real health hazard to children in particular – they can cause blindness.
Failing to clean up after your dog in this borough is now punishable by a fine of £100. In fact failing to be able to demonstrate your intention to clean up – producing a poo bag for instance - is now punishable by a £100 fine.
In addition to the borough council’s own enforcement officers the council has now also enlisted the services of a private enforcement company, 3GS. Their uniformed enforcement officers, who are ex-military, will be mounting surveillance in hot-spot areas and after hours, so early morning and after-dark dog walkers can be dealt with. They are equipped to confirm an offender’s identity and issue an on-the-spot fine.
The borough council is happy to accept information which can help deal with offenders, but the public is asked not to put itself at risk of confrontation in obtaining information. Please supply information such as the name and address of the alleged offender together with a description of them and their dog, the date and time of the offence and the location of the offence, so that we can investigate. All information will be dealt with in strict confidence. Contact the enforcement team on 01205 314583.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Oliver Michael Clubb
Olivia Grace Stringaer
Esme Jane Brocklesby
Henery James Carr
Archie Thomas Carr
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
none this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
Mr John Rylott