July / August 2022
The Editors Letter
Welcome to our bumper Summer issue! This issue is extra special, as you can see by our front page! Lifelong Kirton resident Stan Naylor turns 100 years young at the beginning of July. I joked with him last year that I’d feature him in Kirton News (I’m not sure he believed me) but we’ve gone one better and made him front page news! I spent a morning with Stan and Joyce a few months ago and we had a lovely chat and a coffee. Take a look at page 10 to read more about Stan’s life and one of his many wonderful poems.
Now, after 4 years of being the Editor of this lovely little mag, I’m sure you all know that I usually like to keep my letters bright and breezy. But, I was very disappointed recently to receive a clipping from a previous issue posted to me anonymously. It was an article from Kirton Kids Club and the person who posted it was a bit disgruntled that their logo (which shows a silhouette of children playing), didn’t include any ‘white faces’. I must say, I was shocked at first and then really quite sad that these attitudes still exist. I’m hoping that the person who posted this to me will read this, realise that the year is 2022 and know that any form of racism or discrimination will not be tolerated by Kirton News. Kirton Kids Club logo will remain the same as it has for a good few years (without previously causing any offence).
It was wonderful to see the village come out to support the various Platinum Jubilee events. Regardless of the very changeable weather, Graves Park was very well attended and enjoyed by all. Kirton Parish Council’s Jubilee Picnic in the Park event on Saturday the 4th of June went very well and Chairman Peter Watson has written an article of thanks to all those who attended and supported the event. See page 5.
We have lots for you to pore through in this issue! Our regular gardening expert Tim Hewett is back again, this time to tell you to take that well earned rest and enjoy your garden (as well as doing a bit of deadheading!), see more on Page 7. In our ‘Meet the Locals’ feature on Page 9 we’re talking to Rachel Walton who is the new owner of Kirton Foot Care! Kirton Kids Club and Kirton Primary school have sent in their newsletters and as always there are lots of events coming up!
I’m, as ever, contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’m always more than happy to receive letters, gardening questions, book recommendations, recipes, announcements or news articles!
Take care of yourselves.
David Hilton

Kirton News would like to pay tribute to David Hilton who passed away on Monday 30th May 2022. David, along with his wife Sylvia, were long time supporters of ‘Kirton News’ or ‘The Church in Kirton’ as it was previously known.
After moving up to Kirton in the 90’s, the pair quickly became involved in all things ‘community’ around the village, firstly converting their home on Boston Road into a guest house and then joining the many clubs and societies around the village including: The Church in Kirton Magazine, Kirton Keep Fit, Kirton Craft Club to name but a few, and becoming active members of The Parish Church.
They took on editorship of the magazine after Betty & Gerald Pinder’s retirement in 2000 and held this post until 2003. In September 2010, Kirton News was in crisis with the previous editor stepping down suddenly.
Without this position filled the magazine was looking to fold after more than 40 years. David & Syliva stepped in to become acting editors for 3 months and after launching a successful appeal, new editors were found, the magazine was saved and has gone from strength to strength ever since.
After that, they suggested recording the monthly editions onto audio tapes for the blind and offered this service for several years. Even after suffering a heart attack in 2012 and Sylvia’s sad passing in 2019, David continued to distribute Kirton News along his Boston Road route up until very recently.
If anyone looks up the words ‘Community Champions’ in the dictionary I’m sure David & Sylvia Hilton’s names will be there!
David’s funeral will be held at Kirton Church at 1pm on Wednesday 29th June and Kirton News would like to pass on their condolences to his family and it’s heart felt thanks for their valued commitment and friendship over the years.
Bob (Robert) Lawson
Sadly Bob (Robert) Lawson has passed away aged 81. If you knew him you are welcome to come to his wake. For any details contact Debbie, ( his daughter in Law) Upon 07498727501. He was a wolves FC fan and lived In Kirton the majority of his life. He also worked in the RAF.
Margaret Dowse (nee Sutton)
The Dowse family would like to extend their warm thanks to everyone who has offered their sympathies to Margaret’s passing on 2nd May. She was a Kirton resident for some 84 years having moved to the village from Coningsby as a child. Meeting Alan at Kirton Tennis Club, they married in 1953 and raised four daughters at Marketstead Estate. Latterly residing in Cleymond Chase they were delighted to receive their Sapphire wedding anniversary card from the Queen 4 years ago.
Meet The Locals
This issue we're talking to Rachel Walton, owner and Foot Practioner of Kirton Foot Care.
Hello, welcome to Kirton Foot Care which used to be called Kirton Healthcare. I started working at Kirton Healthcare for Steve Graves in August 2021. Having had a serious leg injury in March; my 3rd year of my Medical Podiatry degree, Mr & Mrs Graves employed me fully supporting me even though I still have one exam left to go before I can call myself a Podiatrist. Im currently working under the title of Foot Care Practitioner until my final exam on the 15th of July at The University of Northampton. Im DBS checked, fully insured and earlier this year in April I took over the business from Mr and Mrs Graves and named my business Kirton Foot Care.
There are two secretaries and this month we welcomed our apprentice Hayley Goldsmith who is currently studying for a level 5 reflexology and Anatomy and Physiology. Hayley will also be taking a Foot Practitioner Course and will be offering basic nail trims, Reflexology, and for those that can not reach their feet a lovely foot washing service.
Id also like to take this opportunity of thanking all our current clients who have made me feel so welcome in Kirton. I’ve experienced nothing but kindness and am very happy to be in a job where I get to work within the local area. I already have degree’s in Science and in History and Social Science along with a teaching qualification. Having spent many years looking after my parents and in laws whilst working as a supply teacher. After they passed away I decided to return to college to retrain in medical podiatry.
We are considering lots of areas for provision of services within Kirton Foot Care and are looking into starting an Ear vacuum and syringe Ear cleaning service, but as yet this is only in the exploratory stage. Our individually autoclaved sterilised foot equipment ensures your feet are in good hands following good clinical guidelines. We are still currently insisting clients/patients wear masks as we do have vulnerable people visiting the clinic and want to protect everyone who come to see us.
I also make bespoke insoles in my workshop room at the back of the clinic, and these are hand made with individual components each of which is shaped to an individual’s foot requirements. Contact me on 01205 724002.

Gardening Time with Tim Hewett
Summer has arrived and the hottest part of the year is here. Pleasantly there is less work to do in the garden, other than moving a chair to a shady place at midday and reaching for that cold drink. Most plants will be self- sufficient at this time and will need little or no care.
Tubs and baskets will need regular daily watering, but as long as you have watered properly earlier in the year those in the ground should be fine. Just remember that little and often is the no-no for watering. Water thoroughly when you have to do it, and mulching the ground will also reduce water requirements.
Raise the blades on the mower during hot dry periods as slightly longer grass will survive better.
Carry on deadheading herbaceous perennials to prolong the flowering season. Early flowering plants, for example Pulmonaria, Lupin, can be cut back to the ground to create space for others and to create a fresher foliage. Gaps created through cutting back or from ‘failures’ can be filled with annuals in pots, or quick growing perennials.
Gladioli for instance will generally flower at around 90 days after planting, and I try to keep a few pots of them ready to fill any holes.
Note any plants that are growing too large for possible removal to another spot or for splitting in the autumn. I prefer to take photos as I will certainly forget which ones to deal with when the time comes.
Check roses for suckers coming up and remove them, ramblers will require pruning back after the flowers have faded. If your roses are suffering from black spot, this is a fungal problem and does not require chemical treatment. Start early to remove any leaves that are showing any trace and burn. This includes especially any leaves that have fallen to the ground as this is where the fungus will overwinter. Do not compost them. In the autumn remove the top layer of soil around the plant and replace with a clean mulch. This will break the lifecycle of the fungus. Unfortunately wind-blown spores can appear from other peoples gardens, however your plants will be healthier.
Lastly a reminder that we should not be cutting hedges until September and the end of the nesting season. Have a great summer, and enjoy your gardens.
Kirton Church Fund
The June draw takes place on Sunday 26th June and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.
The July draw takes place on Sunday 24th July and the winning numbers will also be printed in the September magazine
June marked the start of our eleventh year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. How quickly the time has gone! In this time we have raised very nearly £18,000 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members and especially those who have stayed with us from the beginning.
Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! When we draw out the winning numbers each month all the numbers from 1 to 104 are in the box. However more than half of these no longer take part so some months we have to draw several numbers before we get a winner. This was the case in May when we pulled out six numbers of people no longer taking part before our very lucky winners were drawn. Both winners have won before. Congratulations to both of them!
As you will see the prize money is more for May as three new members have joined. The more people that join the higher the prize fund.
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund and as I said in my letter last month we working very hard to raise funds to replace the lead on three of the church roofs. This money really helps.
We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
May 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 96
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Letters to the Editor
Response to Kirton Parish Council
statement in Kirton News
Not wishing to serialise the ongoing issues with Kirton Parish Council, however, I feel I must clarify some of the statements that were made, specifically aimed at, and inferred about myself.
It can be confirmed by both myself and the Councillors concerned, that it was not because of my leadership, behaviour or abilities as a Councillor as to why they resigned.
The Extraordinary meeting that is mentioned, was not, as was implied, called because of the events of the AGM, but was called myself, the Friday before the AGM, while I was still a Councillor, at the request of three Councillors to discuss staffing matters.
It is misleading to imply that Cllr Cole was voted in to replace me and take the Council forward. At the AGM (later, declared legally void) it was Cllr Peter Watson was voted in as Chairman.
I, and others believe that my removal as Chairman was political and not due to my abilities. With the events that occurred on that evening, the Council was becoming more political based, to which I was an obstacle. I think politics have no place in Parish or local Councils, their aim should be solely for the benefit of the community, and Politics of that nature should stay in Westminster.
Similarly, as with the Parish Council, I also respect the privacy of the Clerk and will not pass comment on that particular matter.
Finally, my 2½ years as a Councillor were great, and the best thing I found out about the Parish while a Councillor, was that it wants to engage with the Council, but you had to get out there and meet them, and by doing that, I met a whole new group of people, that, were just amazing.
Carl Sharp
Former Councillor, Vice Chair & Chair of Kirton Parish Council
Kids Club
This term will be busy and though it is one of the longest, I know it will go very fast and be filled with fun
The children enjoy each session using games, toys and equipment – there is a huge amount of all at the Kids Club. The outside space has sand pits, climbing and sliding equipment, benches and tables and lots of grass space for football and games. The children have scooters and lots of sports equipment to keep them occupied too. They are free to enjoy whatever they choose to play with and their friends.
This term the ‘artists’ in the club have been drawing and colouring the play ground with chalks which looks lovely and bright and when the rains comes it will all be gone and they can start again.
There is so much to do and play with and it is good to watch the children enjoying themselves. It is a joy to see children being just that – children. No worries about ‘bugs’ or wars ….. just wondering who will win the game they are playing or maybe how fast they can go on their scooter or how high they can build the lego bricks.
This is what children should be able to do in their play – having fun, being safe, enjoying equal opportunities in everything they do. Interacting with each other, helping with their social and communication skills – learning without even being aware of it.
The breakfast club is full at the moment and will be in September too. The after school has a few sessions but not many as there are already a lot of children booked in for the new term in September – but we do have a waiting list and use this should spaces come up for your children.
Finally can I wish all children leaving the club for their ‘big schools’ in July or simply changing schools and moving – stay safe and be happy.
We are always happy to see you if you would like to ‘pop’ in at any time.
Jubilee Picnic in the Park

On behalf of Kirton Parish Council, I’m very pleased to advise that Kirton Parish Council’s Jubilee Picnic in the Park event on Saturday the 4th of June went very well and mostly, to plan with the Worshipful Mayor of Boston Cllr Anne Dorian, Deputy Mayor Cllr Brian Rush and Deputy Mayoress Jayne Rush planting the Oak Tree on the recreation area at the Town Hall for the Queen’s Green Canopy.
Due to the generosity of the following sponsors, this Jubilee event did not cost the council tax payers of Kirton anything for this free non ticketed event at Kirton Town Hall, which also included the many free giveaways on the day including, Commemorative Pens, Chocolates, Jubilee Balloons, Sweets, Wild Flower Seeds and of course the 1,000 Commemorative Water Bottles that were sent to the School Children of Kirton.
I urge residents to thank and support the following people and sponsors for their generosity: - T Bills, Fox Cabs, Glasdon UK, Great Brit Development, J Hay Newsagents, Heritage Lincolnshire The old Kings Head, Hi Up Drones, J Hyland, Jayne Rush Hairdressing, Kirton Leisure, Mason Brothers Transport, J Padley and Woodlands Farm.
Not to forget the generosity of people at this successful event who purchased tickets for the Church raffle at the Town Hall Recreation area, the Church Tombola at the Church, as well as the stall holders who were not charged for their stalls generously donated so a combined amount of £818.50 was raised to go towards the Church Roof fund that needs to raise some £250,000 for a desperately needed new roof as the old roof is leaking.
A really big thank you to all who attened this event.
While not in the theme of the Queens Jubilee, Kirton Parish Council may, if there is sufficient public support from residents, again underwrite, and hopefully garner support and sponsorship to organise a similar event next year, for all of the community’s well being to again get together to have an afternoon and evening of fun, at the Town Hall recreation area.
There is footage that can be viewed of the Jubilee event via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcE5KAnf4EA
Thank you to all the volunteer organizers who helped plan this event.
Cllr Peter Watson -
Chairman Kirton Parish Council
Email pmfwatson@talktalk.net
Tel:- 077465 56789
Stan Naylor: 100 years young!

I spent a morning recently with Stan Naylor who turns 100 at the beginning of July. We put the world to rights over a coffee and he spoke a little about his life.
He was born in 1922 in a World War One tin hut in Kirton Skeldyke. His father was a Wagoner and upon leaving school (which he affectionately called Kirton Marsh Academy) at the age of 14, he worked for a time with his father. Stan remembers Kirton Skeldyke and those early years with much affection. Hard graft during the week but many weekends spent at the Marsh, they even had a fish shop out there!
At the age of 19, he joined the Royal Air Force Regiment for the duration of World War Two. Stan was a member of the grounds staff, employed as a driver and guarding the air fields. He took his release, married his wife Vera and they had a son, Keith. Driving became his profession for 78 years and he founded his School of Motoring in 1963. Stan only gave up driving 3 years ago! It was hard but very important to Stan that he was able to make that decision himself.
Stan retired when he was 70 and started writing, a hobby which has flourished to this day. His first book came out in 2000. He’s undertaken many research projects including compiling all the names of the roads in Kirton (and the meaning behind them) and also the names and details of all the service personnel on Kirton’s war memorial.
Stan also used to write many newsletters, some of which won both national and regional awards. He is a member of the Royal Air Force Association, was Chairman for 5 years and President for 11 years. He was a very active member of the local branch of the Royal British Legion, was Treasurer for 29 years and the organiser of many well attended events. He was also a Kirton Parish Councillor for 20 years and was Chairman for a time.
Stan is a founder member of the Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Trust and is now the President. During my visit he read out a poem he had written about the 1943 crash of an Avro Lancaster on open fenland at Sibsey Northlands. We also looked through many photographs of Kirton from bygone years. He has a collection of 20 poems, one of which, The Wagoner of Yesteryear is detailed overleaf.
Stan’s advice to younger people? Slow down! Why are people in such a rush these days (good point Stan)? And when asked about his recipe for a long life, Stan recommends 3 regular meals a day, take honey in your coffee and have a tot of single malt Whiskey in the evenings (this must be Speyside mind)!
I thoroughly enjoyed my morning chatting with Stan and Joyce. Stan will be celebrating his 100th year with a party for family and friends and if you’re sitting there reading this thinking it’s too late to start a new hobby (maybe writing that novel or poem) or joining a local committee, according to Stan, age is just a number.
Many Happy Returns Stan from Kirton News and the villagers of Kirton.
The Wagoner of Yesteryear
With my Father in mind
Proudly he stood scarcely as tall
As the horses he tied to the stable door
These magnificent animals he fed and watered
But now they have all been slaughtered
The stables have long since been demolished
No more brasses to be polished
No more the sound of hooves on the floor
No more the latch is lifted on the stable door
In the Summer horses grazed in pastures green
They would gallop to him as soon as he was seen
The winter months in a crew yard they did rest
Refreshed in the morning; looking their best
Horses dominated many jobs on the farm
The heavy work caused them no harm
Now mechanisation has replaced the horse
One consolation, no more walking, of course
Planting corn was no mean task with a drill
Nurturing the crops was completed with skill
The wagoner, master of his craft, was tied
He is now obsolete, but remembered with pride.
Stanley Naylor - May 2009.
A man traces his lifetime journey with mental health – with some help from the monkey
that chatters in his mind

It’s no secret that men find it hard to speak about their mental health – but you might not have realized how hard it is for a quarter of the population.
A study by Priory found that a shocking 22 per cent of men refused to speak about their mental health issues with their GP or any other kind of professional. It’s vital that we open up these conversations, though, as the same study found that 77 per cent of men suffered from anxiety, stress and depression.
Keith Naylor’s Monkey Mind traces his lifetime trials with and triumphs over his mental health struggles: depression, anxiety and PTSD. He attempts to pinpoint when exactly these issues may have started, too. But he’s not the only one on his trek back in time. He’s also got Tonky – the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey that chatters away in his brain – to help him uncover the causes for his depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Retracing Keith and Tonky’s steps might help readers understand their own journeys with mental health. This book will also show men that it’s okay to open up and seek help for their mental health issues, just as Keith did.
Keith says, “During my journey with mental illness, I found that continually internalizing my issues further worsened my mental health. When I expressed myself and talked openly, an immense burden was lifted off my shoulders and my healing began. I hope that sharing my journey with you will inspire you to take that first important step to talk, relieve that burden and start to heal.”
Proceeds will raise vital funds for Shawmind, a Newark-based mental health charity. Monkey Mind by Keith Naylor will be published in July 2022.
ISBN: 978-1-913615-62-8 | Paperback | £10.99 | cherisheditions.com
Boston Ukulele Group

Visiting Kirton for the weekend we were treated to a wonderful surprise at the Parish Church on the evening of Saturday May 28th. As part of their ‘May is Music Month’, £10 bought you 75minutes of foot-tapping entertainment from a band of 15 enthusiastic ukulele players, plus wine and nibbles and a chance meeting with the village centenarian. We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to another member of the audience who was 96 that day so it seems that Kirton may hold the answer to longevity. We look forward to returning next May for more music.
Kirton Primary School and its Staff Shortlisted for a Number of Awards
Kirton Primary School recently made it to the final selection in the TES Awards 2022. The TES awards ‘recognise the most outstanding schools that the sector has to offer across the United Kingdom’. As there are over thirty-two-thousand schools in the UK, to find our local, village school shortlisted in the last eight is an amazing achievement! They have been shortlisted in the category of ‘Staff Wellbeing’, and the award ceremony took place on Friday 17th June in London (prior to going to press).
In the Lincolnshire Education Excellence Awards, Mrs Heath is a well-deserved finalist in the category of ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year’. Mrs Donley is also a finalist in the category of ‘Headteacher of the Year’ (the only primary school headteacher to make it to the final selection). As there were almost two thousand nominations from across Lincolnshire for these awards, just to be shortlisted is an incredible accolade. The award ceremony takes place on the evening of Thursday 7th July in Lincoln.
In the Spalding Education Awards, Mrs Bradshaw is yet another well-deserved finalist in the category of ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year’. This award celebrates ‘those individuals who have excelled’ in schools. The award ceremony takes place on the evening of Thursday 7th July in Spalding.
Kirton Primary School is also proud to announce that they have made it to the final selection in the category of ‘Primary School of the Year’ in the Spalding Education Awards. These awards those schools which have ‘gone above and beyond to promote educational excellence in Lincolnshire’. In fact, this is an award they have previously won. The award ceremony also takes place on the evening of Thursday 7th July in Spalding. We are so proud of our village school!