July / August 2023
The Editors Letter
Apparently, August 2023 will be remembered mainly as being ‘good for the garden’! We had a very lovely week away in the Lake District and were very fortunate with the weather (as well as the fantastic scenery, the area is also famous for being one of the wettest places in the UK)! I get very excited when I see some hills or mountains being a true Lincolnshire yellowbelly! But, you just can’t beat our never-ending skies.
Sylvia Markham is once again crowned the front cover Queen of Kirton News! She must clock up 20,000 steps per day with the amount she’s out and about! Thank you once again Sylvia for your brilliant shot of the Fire Station (we thought it deserved some colour too)!
We have quite a few events coming up, some of which you will see as you scroll through the magazine. Hopefully you can all find something to occupy the forthcoming Autumn months! Listed below are some more events and clubs that should keep you all out of mischief as the nights draw in.
• Bridge for Beginners at Kirton Holme church hall starts on 6th September (8 week course). £40 includes all course materials. Further details are available on the club’s web page www.bridgewebs.com/boston or by contacting Sue Gray on 07710 438832.
• Kirton Parish Council are hosting a Race Night on Saturday 2nd September at Kirton Town Hall (starting at 6.30pm). FREE tickets are available from Paula’s Gifts and The Spar Shop (event in aid of the Pensioner’s Christmas Lunch).
• Wyberton Wombles are hosting a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support at Kirton Town Hall on Tuesday 3rd October starting at 10am to 12pm.
• An Evening of Laughter and Song at Frampton Village Hall on Saturday 9th September from 8pm (doors at 7.30pm). Comedian Gerry Graham will be joined by vocalist Joanne Shields. Tickets are £12 and are available from Kirton Flower Shop.
• Boston Rugby Club upcoming events - 16th September ‘Ladies Day’, 27th October ‘Hallowe’en Disco’ and 4th November ‘Fireworks’. Please contact (01205) 362683 for further information or visit the club’s Facebook page.
Don’t forget, our magazine is available to collect from most of the local businesses in Kirton and we thank them for their constant support. If by any chance, you live in Kirton and don’t receive a copy, please let me know!
I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. Take care of yourselves and be kind to one another.
Meet The Locals
This month we’re featuring The Grange Restaurant at Rainbow Landscaping Centre!
The Grange Restaurant is a local family business. They can cater for birthday parties, Christmas parties, and wakes.
They can comfortably seat up to 80 people and serve traditional, homemade food. Daily specials below:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday Carvery Day
Wednesday: Full Menu
Thursday: Carvery Day
Friday: Full Menu
Saturday: Full Menu
Sunday: Carvery Sunday Lunch
The Grange Restaurant
@ Rainbow Landscaping Centre
London Road
Kirton, Boston
Tel: 01205 725041

Kirton Church Fund
The June draw takes place on Sunday 25th June and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.
The July draw takes place on Sunday 30th July and the winning numbers will also be printed in the September magazine
June marked the start of our twelfth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. How quickly the time has gone! In this time we have raised over £20,000 for Kirton Church, so a very big thank you to all our members and especially those who have stayed with us from the beginning.
Now is the time for many people to renew their membership and it does pay to keep in there! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it! When we draw out the winning numbers each month all the numbers from 1 to 106 are in the box. However, more than half of these no longer take part so some months we have to draw several numbers before we get a winner. This was the case in May when we pulled out six numbers of people no longer taking part before our very lucky winners were drawn. Both winners have won before. In fact number 96 won first prize last May too! Congratulations to both of them!
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund and as I keep saying we are working very hard to raise funds to replace the lead on three of the church roofs. This money really helps.
We have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 , or call in Kirton Church. Paula’s Gifts on Station Road also has registration forms. For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
May 2023 Winners
1st PRIZE - £46.87 - TICKET NUMBER: 96
2nd PRIZE - £15.63 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Kirton Primary School Does it Again!
Kirton Primary School is proud to announce it has been awarded ‘Education Establishment of the Year’ (facing stiff competition from other primary schools, secondary schools and universities) and ‘Educational Leadership of the Year’ (awarded to Nicky Donley – our Executive Headteacher) at the Education and Resources Awards 2023.
The national, black tie, gala event was held at the NCC in Birmingham on Thursday 18th May, and was hosted by comedian, Hal Cruttendon.
The school feels incredibly honoured to have been recognised multiple times on the national stage in the last 12 months. In December, it was awarded ‘Primary School of the Year’, ‘Creative School of the Year’ and ‘Headteacher of the Year’ (Nicky Donley) – a hat trick – at the national Education Awards. It was also awarded ‘School of the Year for Creativity and Innovation’ at the Renaissance awards in December and achieved ‘School of the Year for Wellbeing’ at the ‘Oscars’ of the educational world – the TES Awards – in June 2022.
Coming up, the school has been shortlisted for ‘Headteacher of the Year’ and ‘School for Outstanding Progress’ with the winners to be announced in London on 14th June. Incredibly, the school has also reached the finals in the educational Oscars – the TES Awards - again this year in two categories – ‘Primary School of the Year’ and ‘Curriculum Leader of the Year’ (Nicky Donley). The award ceremony will be hosted in London on 23rd June and is hosted by James Nesbitt. All fingers and toes are crossed.
Educational Establishment of the Year - – Kirton Primary School
The judges said: “With a Good Ofsted rating for over 20 years Kirton Primary school looks beyond the national curriculum, making the best use of their school building to foster a love of learning, a desire to come to school and a thirst for knowledge.
Judges liked the all-inclusive free of charge approach to after school activities and the fact the school addresses protection and training of staff, resulting in low staff turnover and the wellbeing of students.
They constantly aim to put the wellbeing of children and staff at the forefront of strategies and systems which pays dividends –with a positive mantra of. “Nothing else matters.”
Leadership in Education
“Nicky Donley has been head teacher for over 20 years and is known for valuing the education of the ‘whole child’.
Nicky aims to motivate a passion for hard work and learning, while inspiring the children to generate and take control of their own success and her staff recognise how she protects them with highly visible safety nets.
With a strong commitment to the development of pupils’ understanding of personal finance across the school and fostering a close working relationship with parents and carers, Nicky is a very worthy winner of this category.”
Letters to the Editor
Hi Rachael, I hope your well.
I thought I would drop you an email about my ongoing concerns regarding the parking outside of the kebab shops on Station Road and also London/Boston Road. I appreciate each of these businesses are trying to make a living but not at the inconvenience and risk to the safety of the residence of Kirton.
These concerns over the years have been raised numerous times with both the parish council and the local police but to no avail.
I am especially concerned about the parking on Station Road as this blocks the view of the zebra crossing. As you can see from one of the pictures a car is overtaking the delivery vehicle and would be on the other side of the road going over the crossing. If you look careful you can actually see an adult (just) above the stationary vehicle but image if that was a child! They wouldn’t see the car and the car definitely wouldn’t see them until it was too late. Unfortunately I predict a very serious injury or death at some point if this is not addressed. I hope I never have to read about this in the Kirton News.
On a frequent basis I see these delivery vehicles and customers parked like this and have also witnessed police patrol cars going passed without doing anything. The police say it is not their job now to enforce parking restrictions but isn’t parking on a public footpath, restricting pedestrian/wheelchair movement and obscuring a zebra crossing illegal and enforceable by the police?
In addition I feel that the new parking restrictions in the town hall has only further exacerbated the situation but that conversation is best left to others.
Hopefully by raising awareness of this issue it will bring it in to the public’s attention and make those responsible for actioning the changes required do something very soon.
A concerned resident

Dear Ms Wainwright,
I was very pleased to see that one of the Parish Councillors has finally spoken out in the June edition of Kirton News shining a light on the Kirton News anti parish council campaign. It is evident from Cllr Bailey’s letter to you as editor that Kirton News has had an effect on the parish council, where 3 councillors have left, and only 2 new people have been elected along with the previous council unopposed.
Looking back at the last 4 or so issues of Kirton News, the vitriolic diatribe that has been published from a hand full of people with no balance or support being offered, it is no wonder people do not wish to volunteer join the PC.
Having lived in Kirton for many years I feel I have to voice to you my complete disgust at the blatant editorial bias and contempt that you, and your local newsletter displays towards the local Parish Council. The lame excuse that Cllr Bailey’s letter was not marked as “Letter to the Editor” is quite frankly pathetic. Some of the letters you have published surmount to hate speech in my opinion. One of the most cowardly letters was the fairy tale and the poem which vilifies individuals of the council. I am surprised that the Parish Council did not take legal action for Libel against you and your magazine after you published that article. Or is that the case? We will have to wait to see I suppose.
Getting to the centre of this recent controversy, it all seems to be revolving around the issue of the Town Hall cark park, where we seem to have less than a dozen people who are protesting that they no longer get all day free unrestricted parking. If these moaners lived elsewhere, they would of course have to pay for their parking. I thank the PC for continuing to allow FREE parking which this minority group of protesters seem to want to make everyone pay. Nor would I suggest is in the interests of the wider community of over 6,000 people in Kirton which the PC are elected to represent! Several people have said that picking up and dropping off their children from school is now much easier than before as there are not people leaving their vehicles all day in the car park.
Looking at the explanation on the PC’s website as well as the statement from the PC clarifying the parking restrictions in your June issue, it’s very obvious that it has been a minority of people and business owners in the past that have been abusing the parking regime.
The point that needs to be made is that the Town Hall is for the benefit of all in the community. It needs to run as a business to continue to exist for the benefits of all and not just for free parking to the hand full of those who have been taking advantage. Those are the people who in my opinion should be blamed for this change of parking restrictions!
You stated in the June issue that you are impartial. I seem to remember you contributed your two bobs worth in one of the previous editions regarding parking. In your roll as editor, you should remain impartial and allow both sides of the story to be told, which does not appear to be done and remain unbiased. I have to ask do you have any qualifications as a publisher or an editor?
Maybe in future, a Kirton News with some balanced articles where both sides of the debate can be put in the one edition, would be rather more engaging to your readers who actually have more intelligence than you give them credit for.
To conclude I am saddened that an unbiased and balanced way of bringing our community together was not used in your magazine but instead you chose the path of division. I hope that in the future lessons can be learned and we all strive for a community working together instead of division.
Yours sincerely,
Kirton Kids Club
and farewell from Caz
Finally we have sunshine – this is our last half term of the school year – sadly we will lose some children to secondary schools and some children simply move on – to those we wish our best and hope their new schools will be good to them and they will remain happy and healthy.
The Kids Club runs alongside the Primary School term times so it’s easy to know when we are open and when we are not.
If you wish to get hold of us please phone 07583 762072 – emails can only be answered when the club isn’t open as there is no internet at the Youth Centre.
But the phone is manned between 7.30am and 9am – and after 1pm to 6pm. Places for September are nearly all taken already but any places left will be published when we get to the new school year.
Thank you to all parents and carers who have used the kids club in the past and those who have chosen us for the future.
I hope the Club’s success will continue for another 24 and a half years!
On this note it is with a lot of sadness that I have to tell you that I have decided to move on to ‘pastures new’.
I have been with the club since it was first thought up in October 1998 and opened in January 1999.
There have been a few ‘bumpy’ times and times when none of us thought the club would keep going – but with lots of help we are still here nearly 25 years down the line.
As this will be my last magazine update I would like to thank Kirton Magazine for always publishing my reports – to KMB for sponsoring our arts and crafts for so many years, to Kirton Consolidated Charities for helping us with numerous activities and updates of toys and equipment, to Kirton Co-op for their continued support and food share facilities, to the Youth Centre Committee for being there when needed and to our own Staff and Committee for advice and help – and to the Head of the Primary school and the numerous volunteers who have helped us over the years – giving freely of their time.
There are so many ‘thank yous’ and not enough space to put them all so as my last time of writing this update a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who has any part in making Kirton Kids Club the success it has been and those who will continue to make it so.
Kind regards
Music Festival Weekend
We had our Music Festival on May 19th, 20th and 21st in church as widely advertised, with a banner in the church grounds, in Kirton News, posters, flyers, letterbox drops and on Social Media.
It would be heart warming to say it was a huge success. Unfortunately and sadly that wasn’t the case.
The Steel Band which had travelled down to Kirton from Glasgow on Friday, was very poorly attended. A big thank you to the few that did attend, who enjoyed a music fest, with many well known musical compositions played. There was dancing in the aisles and clapping to the beat.
On Saturday, hot dogs (with local sausages) were served at midday, followed by an organ concert at 1pm by Anthony Baldery, organist from The Centenary Methodist Church in Boston. Again poorly attended. It was fantastic to hear the church organ blasting out the Dambusters March, among other well known pieces of music. Saturday evening saw the Kirton Brass Band do another of their excellent concerts, which as usual was fairly well attended, though not as much as expected.
Sunday’s Songs of Praise was surely on a par with anything seen on the telly. Anthony again played the organ and the key board, and the Boston Choir raised the roof singing well known hymns and songs. Emma Scott, a wonderful local soprano singer, supported by Anthony, filled the church with her lovely voice.
In 2021 we asked the public in Kirton what they would like the church to provide for the community, other than its usual roles. The answer was music in its many forms.
Our small team of ageing volunteers at the church attempted to fulfil that request, it seems to no avail.
We need to raise money for among other things, the repair of the roof and a disabled access toilet. We are a dedicated group of people who genuinely love the building and all it stands for, as a beacon of hope for future generations and as a place for everyone in the village. We want it to remain as a functioning building rather than a museum and hope everyone in Kirton thinks the same. If you do then please, please support our efforts by attending events in the future,which we will put on for your entertainment and enjoyment
Thank you to all who did attend our Festival of Music, our sponsors, those who provided the entertainment and the volunteers who worked so hard to put the event on.
We are short of volunteers, so if anyone has the occasional hour or two to spare you will be very welcome to join the team.
Kirton Church Fundraising Committee

Boston Classic Car Club
31st Annual Classic Car Show
Following last year’s successful Show which enjoyed record attendances with scorching weather, the 2023 event will be held, once more, at Orchard Park field, Hubbert’s Bridge, Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 3QU on Sunday, 13th August. (What 3 Words code for the entrance to the showground: pursue.puzzle.burglars)
The Boston Classic Car Club prides itself in offering free entry for pre-booked exhibitors with details and entry forms being available on the website www.bostonclassiccarclub.org.uk or by contacting the organiser, Graham Lunn, by email, glunn1960@gmail.com or mobile on 07719 996795.
The show will be open for non-exhibitors between 10.00 and 4.00 pm with admission for adults being kept at £5 and accompanied children under 14 years free. We are anticipating over 450 vehicles to be on show including cars, commercials and motor cycles with many prizes/trophies to be won. Live entertainment will be provided by ‘The Dream Belles’ singing duo with songs from the 1940’s and 1950’s as well as popular ABBA hits. Additionally, popular personality, Sarah Crabtree will be joining us once more to add her unique sparkle to proceedings.
There will be many trade stands, autojumble, a charity raffle, a licenced bar, hot food and ice cream (covering all weather eventualities!), as well as rides for the children. Everything is in place to provide another superb day out for exhibitors or visitors alike to take a trip down motoring memory lane!
Graham Lunn, Show Co-ordinator,
Tel: 07719 996795
email: glunn1960@gmail.com
John Simpson, Chairman,
Tel: 01205 369146,
Bats – But not
in the Belfry
If, by chance, you were passing St. Peter & St. Paul’s parish church in Kirton at about 8.30 p.m. on Wednesday the 10thof May, you may have seen a group of people wandering through the trees gazing up at the sky. Perhaps, you may have thought, news had broken of an Alien Sighting. But no nothing quite so exotic…
It was in fact the final part of an interesting Bat Evening. This had started earlier with a lively talk and slide show by Sally Clifton from the National Bat Conservation; which covered not only British Bats but also dealt with their cousins from around the world. There was the tiny Bumblebee Bat & the giant Fruit Bats; whose wing span was demonstrated by a life sized drawing that filled the central aisle of the church. Even the good old Vampire Bat got a mention, though pictures of a small harmless looking bat, licking the wounds on a cow’s leg would have left Hammer Horror fans disappointed.
At the end of the talk everyone was armed with a Bat detector which when adjusted to various kilohertz settings could pick up the echo location sounds of the differing bat breeds. At 35khz was the Brown Long-ears, then 45khz was the Common Pipistrelle followed by [not surprisingly] the Soprano Pipistrelle at 55 khz.
As the sun set & the gloom increased the Echo-locators soon started to chatter & chirp with the different bat location calls. You had to be quick but as you heard the locator chirrup & glanced up there would be the bat whipping past at breakneck speed. To see & hear nature in the middle of a village on a damp grey evening was a real pleasure. For a moment it was just you & the natural world, doing what it does …… wonderful!
By the way if you are interested there will be another Bat Watch in September – keep an eye out for details in the Kirton News.
Reply to the Kirton Parish Council ‘Update on the Town Hall Car Park Restrictions’
Many parish residents will not be aware of a small group of parishioners and local businesses who regularly meet to hold the Kirton Parish Council (KPC) to account for their rushed actions over the car park restrictions. This group is known as the Kirton Car Park Group (KCPG). The KCPG were responsible for the petition of change put to the KPC regarding the car park. Over 300 people signed the petition to discuss changes, but the KPC rejected the petition as, according to the KPC it “could not be called a petition”.
In response to the detailed and at times misleading response from the KPC the KCPG wrote a letter to the Council on 9th May trying to clarify some points that the Parish Council were now depending on with regard to their reasons for the car park restrictions. A reply was received from the chair of the KPC Mr. Peter Watson on 23rd May. In the time since the 9th May and 23rd May it appears that for some reason the KPC were now no longer using their previous points as evidence for the changes but now mentioned the apparent use of the car park, daily, to travel to Amazon in Peterborough and Bakkavor (during the meeting) in Spalding as the main reason for the restrictions. This was news to the members of KCPG as it’d never been mentioned by the KPC before – since discussions began in August 2022. Extensive recording of minutes by the KCPG had taken place since August 2022 and they seem to differ from those relied on by Kirton Parish Council.
The KPC seem to have dropped their reliance on the Anti-Social words and behaviour that they had previously claimed they were subjected to as a reason for their restrictions. The KCPG have often found that the response of people, if it happened at all, tends to be conditional on the way they are originally spoken to in the first place. The KPC use unnamed sources for their decision, such as complaints by businesses owners, visitors and parents parking (it was NEVER a problem for parents), all of course unidentified. Additionally, none of whom has ever come forward to back these claims from the KPC. In the words of a famous quote “they would say that wouldn’t they”. The KCPG accepts that commercial overnight parking was an issue – but could have been dealt with without the restriction of parking for everyone.
The KPC depended on a one-sided impact investigation that saw ‘from time to time’ Town Hall users not being able to park in the Town Hall car park area. Minutes of this ‘impact investigation’ have not been provided. The KCPG maintains though that there would have been plenty of spaces available in any case as the public side is rarely full – evidence, in fact, shows that it has only been near full on 3 occasions since 1st February 2023 and never totally full over this period. Scare tactics such as the ‘Town Hall will close’ are often used by KPC. KCPG points out that there are 5 other similar venues nearby that offer similar services to our Town Hall and restricting parking to parishioners will make little difference to additional bookings. The KCPG, despite extensive enquiries around the village, can find no evidence of anybody ever being approached with regard to their extended parking or the change in restrictions. Thus, this whole artifice unravels when even the most cursory investigation is undertaken.
Again, please be assured that when the KPC talk about Park & Ride use in their evidence – what they really refer to is the pensioners and other parishioners of our village going on day coach trips out of our village. Possibly, for some, their one monthly trip out of the village and restrictions on their parking options hinder this.
Overall, the Kirton Parish Council use inaccurate, misleading and detrimental language when it comes to Kirton parishioners parking in what was once a village facility with no restrictions at the time. They use words to describe parishioners such as abstruse (obscure), (it’s not our fault they don’t understand the law); freeloaders (perhaps they need to expand on this as parishioners were doing nothing wrong at that time); offenders (what offence was committed?) and worse while in meetings. Then they wonder why some people sadly use social media in an abusive manner in return.
At the end of the day the KCPG feel that the KPC will just keep saying whatever they need to in order to justify what they did, and everything will just keep going around in circles. Additionally, if we keep going back and forth on this single issue, the group could run the risk of being accused of harassment. At no time has the KCPG harassed anyone on the KPC. To paraphrase Mr Watson (23.5.23) to disagree with them is not the same as abusing them.
The only other thing the KCPG feel they can do, is to keep holding the KPC to account for any & all decisions they make on Parish assets, and make our councillors think and do a proper job.
In the words that echo Mr. P. Watson, previously “Please be advised”, the group feels that the continuous misleading and changing answers to the questions posed makes further action on the Car Park untenable, however the Kirton Car Park Group will continue to scrutiny and hold the Parish Council to account on all its decisions regarding Parish Assets, especially those decision that may have detrimental effects on Parishioners, and expect the Parish Council to complete and record all its research and due diligence, so that it may be provided to support such decisions”.
Written on behalf of the KCPG - Anthony Bowen
Copy to Matt Warman MP
and Lorraine Bush Boston Borough Council
Frampton Gardening Club
In April, Gail Harland was our speaker for the evening. Gail works as a paediatric allergy dietician, but combines that with horticultural writing and lecturing. She has an RHS diploma in Horticulture and is accomplished in many gardening topics but for our meeting, came to give a talk about peonies.
Many of us have these lovely flowers in our gardens, but we all learned of so many more variants than we could have imagined! Gail bought some peony blooms from her garden and we saw slides from the many places she has visited in her quest to find some of the more unusual ones. We had the chance to ask questions at the end, and this was followed by a ‘cuppa’ and our raffle before heading home.
Our May meeting was our AGM, and single bloom competition, when our Chairman Secretary and Treasurer read their annual reports. Our treasurer has retired from the committee and Stuart and Denise Lindley were added. After all the reports and voting had taken place, we all enjoyed a bring and share buffet and a garden quiz was competed just for fun! The raffle was held, and the Pauline Chubb plate was awarded to Vera Gilding for the best bloom. We are all looking forward to our trip to Doddington Hall and gardens on June 5th – but more about that next time!
If you would like to join us, our next club meeting is on July 27th, 7.30pm at Frampton Village hall, Middlegate Road. For more information, contact Ray Harding on 01205 723181or Maggie Welberry 01205 722382.
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- April 2023
Present Councillors
P. Watson, Chair, D Jarvis, Vice Chair, C Crisford and R. Pryke. Acting Clerk D. Fairweather,7 members of the public. 1 further member arrived after public forum.
Not Present: Cllrs Baillie, Brotherton, O’Connor and S Watson.
Public Forum
Resident advising hedge along Princess Road requires cutting back, and grassed area in Edinburgh Drive. Part is LHP but part is PC. Clerk to speak with contractors. Answers issued for previous questions regarding car par restrictions.
Police Report
Criminal damage and antisocial behaviour in Horseshoe Lane.
11 various anti-social and violent behaviour and criminal damage in the centre area of the village
1 possession of a weapon and violent conduct off London Road.
Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors
Cllr Brookes advised no further updates at this time.
To Receive Apologies
For Absence
These were received and it was resolved to accept from Cllrs Baillie, Brotherton and S Watson and District Councillor Brookes.
To Receive Declarations Of Interest Under The
Localism Act 2011
Cllr P. Watson declared membership of the Boston Borough Council Planning Committee and advised he would not take part in discussions on planning applications.
To Approve Notes Of Previous Meetings Of 28Th March & Eom
14th April 2023
Proposed as a true copy to both minutes Cllr Pryke seconder to both Cllr Jarvis.
To Receive Updates
From Clerk
Orthodox Church. Going through initial questions with solicitors. Are Council still happy with the sale in view of recent events. Didn’t feel respect had been shown on consecrated ground with marquees and BBQ’s. Large numbers of people parking inconsiderately in whole area, no respect for neighbours and noise and only one portable toilet. Clerk to investigate to see if Police had been informed. PC agreed meeting to be held with Church members and Police.
CCTV in centre of village – speaking with BT to see if a BT pole at war memorial can be used to site the camera to give it 180°angle.
Additional car park spaces on hold for moment as public meetings had intimated, they would not be used.
Solar panels – THMC asked their local electrician for quotation to install panels.
E.V. clerk to meet with local firm to discuss potential units and costs.
Cemetery gate – post ordered, to be installed this week.
To Discuss/Approve Town Hall Defibrillator
Details from original supplier of replacement unit as opposed to new batteries. Batteries £265, two differing machines Heartsine 360P £755, CR2usb £1075. Agreed clerk to obtain further quotations as a significant cost.
To Update And Review Policy Documents
Cllr Pryke advised that other Parish Councils review policies at the annual meeting. Would be the ideal time for public to see and approve. Clerk advised too many policies now to do in one meeting. Most policies are standard NALC templates with amendments personal to Kirton PC. Copy of policies always available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. Agreed more time required to read through policies. Agenda item next meeting. Folder of PC policies to be kept at the Town Hall for public viewing.
a) To Approve Annual Governance Statement. Proposed Cllr Watson seconded Cllr Jarvis to approve and accept Statement.
b) To Approve Accounting Statements for 2022 2023. Proposed Cllr Watson, seconded Cllr Pryke the Accounting Statement be approved and accepted in agreement with bank balances.
c) To Discuss Request from Kirton PCC for remembrance bench in Churchyard for COVID-19 victims. All agreed more information required regarding cost, material if any other party/business were being asked to support. Agenda item for next meeting.
d) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule. Cllr Watson questioned if temporary litter picker had been paid. Clerk confirmed last month was final payment. Cllr Jarvis questioned cost of seeds and bulbs purchase by Kirton Holme resident for planting on verges. Felt it was expensive. Clerk to request a meeting with resident to find an agreeable, acceptable figure. Delegated powers for Chair/clerk to agree before next meeting.
Nothing received this month.
Date Of Next Meeting:
23rd May 2023.
Clerk after meeting handed answers to the public, on Car Park questions previously asked, as this didn’t arise in public forum.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
none this month
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
27th May - Douglas Forinton & Rima Ivanauskiene
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
none this month |