©Kirton News 2025

June 2009

Congratulations to last month’s competition winner. We have another competition this month courtesy of The Beridge Arms in Sutterton.

I personally would like to thank all the people that kindly make donations to Kirton News. These donations really do help in keeping the magazine going. Also I would like to thank all the people that volunteer with the magazine. Such as the treasurer, secretary, compositor, people on the committee, and all those people that deliver the magazines each month thank you. Sorry I don’t know all your names but you know who you are.

I would also like to thank everyone for their kind emails, letters and telephone calls, thanking me and wishing me all the best with my editorial post with Kirton News.

They mean a lot to me. I have met so many new people doing Kirton News and it is always wonderful to make new friends.


Make new friends,
But keep the old,
The new ones are silver
But the old ones are gold.

Take care,

Catrina Smith

The Beridge Arms in Sutterton is Now Open!!

After being closed since December last year, Keith and Caroline have managed to acquire The Beridge Arms. Both have had experience in the Beridge before with Keith running the bars along with the front of house, and Caroline acquiring a good reputation in the area for good home cooked food at great prices.

They have a passion for good quality, home cooked food and want to increase that side of the business. They are working hard to keep the identity of the pub as a community, village outlet, where anyone can have a well kept pint, or, a glass of wine in front of a real fire.
If you’re feeling more energetic, darts, dominoes and pool are available. Alternatively, if you just want a quiet night, the lounge is the place to be, where you can sit at a table and sample the food or, just spend the night chatting on a cosy sofa.

The pub already has one established pool team, but is always on the lookout for another, or indeed, any other teams such as darts or dominoes. Everyone who comes along will be assured a good and friendly welcome. Each team can be assured the best of foods when they play out of the Beridge.

For the people who do not relish the thought of visiting the pub, food can be pre ordered and picked up or, at certain times, be delivered direct to your home, to ensure you do not miss out on the great food on offer.

Don’t, whatever you do, miss out on the Sunday and Wednesday night carverys!
Keith and Caroline are striving to make the pub the centre of the community, serving all of the local residents, whilst giving a warm and open welcome to anyone who wants to visit from further a field.

Opening Times: Tues - Thurs: 12noon - 3pm & 6.30pm -11pm, Frid - Sat: 12 noon - 3pm
& 6.30 – 12 midnight, Sunday: 11.30 – 4pm & 6pm - 12 midnight

Competition: For the chance to win a 2 course Sunday lunch for 2 answer the following question: What are the 3 games that are played in The Beridge Arms?

Please send your answer to : Kirton news quiz, 38 Edinburgh Drive, Kirton, Boston , Lincs PE20 1JX. Please note the lucky winner will need to telephone Caroline at The Beridge to pre book their table.

We look forward to seeing you soon, down at the Beridge Arms, Station Road, Sutterton PE20 2JH. Tel: 01205 460017.


Honey Bees Thrive in Kirton

Don’t worry too much about all the doom and gloom about honey bees in decline at least not in Kirton anyway because my bees are doing OK.

It is true that there are problems not only nationwide but worldwide too. However, the keen apiarist checks his hives regularly and at the first hint of trouble acts accordingly. It is also true that if honey bees became extinct then crops would fail and famine would follow in a few years.

Honey bees are an invaluable part of our food chain, not only for the honey they produce but also for the essential act of pollination they perform.  Last autumn our garden was heaving with fruit from our small trees and some of it is still stored in the freezer. This was with the help of our bees.

Last year was a very bad year for honey, the rain washed away pollen and the lack of sun failed to produce sufficient flowers for the bees to feed on. I fed mine on sugar syrup. Practically wiping the supermarket shelves of sugar and boiling it up with water to make a thick gooey syrup. Yukky for us but downright yummy for the bees and it kept them going over a very long, cold winter.

 In one of the hives the queen had died leaving a few bees to carry on and I have merged this with another small hive already with a queen so instead of 5 hives I now have 4. Two of these hives are absolutely enormous and are already producing well. I have had to add extra supers (frames) on top to try and stop them swarming. The bottom layers are already full of honey ready to be capped. I have replaced some of the old wax with new and was able to extract a few early jars of honey which was rapidly purchased by hay fever sufferers. The other two are small but seem to be flourishing.

With the early warm sunshine we have had I am hopeful we are off to a good start and this yearthe bees will be much more productive.

I have tried to recycle other bee products too and have made my own bees wax polish which smells lovely. A jar of that will last for years as you only need a small amount and I will be collecting the propylis too which is supposedly a bit of a miracle cure for everything. I look forward to trying it out!

If you want to know more or have any questions to ask, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  May is the main month for swarms so if you find one in your garden give me a call and I will be happy to come and collect it.

Paul Lanfranco, 42 London Road, Kirton. Tel 722976


Bygone days

A gentleman called Dave Russell knocked on my door which was totally unexpected, and showed me this photograph of Kirton Amateur Dramatic Society. Dave Russell now lives in Canada and has done now for quite some time. But while he was over here on holiday he popped in for a visit. Thank you Dave it was lovely to meet you and I hope you had a safe journey home. It is nice to know that Dave keeps in touch with Kirton by reading Kirton news online.

This photograph was taken in 1943 at the Parish Hall in Willington Road. They did a production in aid of Mrs. Churchill’s “Aid to Russia appeal”.

From the left: Enid Smithers, Mrs. Morley, Dave Russell, Jessie Harvey, ??????, Bessie Barlow, Fred Fossitt, Ena Sutton, Jim Morley, Joan Tyreman, Harold Wander, Mrs. Barlow, Sid smith, Mrs. Sam Flatters, Mr. Sam Flatters.

Do you recognize the face between Jessie and Bessie?? If so please get in touch.




NHS Health Trainers

NHS Health trainers can offer one to one support, advice and guidance on becoming more active, improving diet and weight management and cutting down on drinking or smoking

Now available in the Kirton, Swineshead, Donington, Sutterton and Wyberton areas.If you would like to develop a personal health plan and receive up to 6 sessions with an NHS Health Trainer.

Please contact Mike Peberdy on 01205 315926, mobile: 07532 358309 or via email at: Mike.p@southlincscvs.org.uk


Around the Homes - News from The Chestnuts

We had a Grand National Sweepstake again this year, and this time it was won by Elsie Guilding. Bertha and Tony had their birthdays on the same day at the beginning of April and thanks to Monica and her band of willing helpers, put on, a shared lunch with all the other Chestnut Dwellers. Separate birthday cakes and balloons were included. We still enjoy our dominoes on a Monday evening, and are trying our hand at beetle.

It is with regret that we have to report the passing of Bill Norris on April 3rd. His funeral took place on the 15th. He will be sadly missed.

At long last the builder’s large site huts have been removed along with the sign boards. There are still two huts to go. Once the ground on which they were standing has been cultivated and reseeded we will be getting back to somewhere near normal.

Elsie Guilding had a birthday at the end of April, and we all wish her good health throughout the coming year. Teresa Cross  has now joined us. We hope she will be very happy here.

Being the start of the holiday season, our usual crowd is somewhat depleted at our fish and chip sessions. We hope all holiday makers enjoy the break and see a lot of sunshine.

Tony Mathieson.

Kirton Kids Club

What a ‘brill’ Easter holiday week we all had! The children made so many wonderful things its hard to know where to start! Either way they had a really great week and even the weather held out for us. The workshops at Middlecott School were a resounding success and everyone really enjoyed them. Hopefully we will be doing more in the summer holiday club too. So a big thank-you to Middlecott school for allowing us to use their facilities during the holiday time.

As the weather has been kind to us (now I have put this in writing you see, it will rain for ever!) we have spent most of our club time outside in the fresh air doing outdoor activities. We even needed the big sun brollies at one point – amazing for this time of year. The children enjoy numerous out door games, as well as scooters, skateboards, bikes, football, and tennis, skipping, sand and water and all the games and activities we use inside as well. The children get to eat their snack outside too, which is a real treat.

Last week we were visited by the Mayflower Association Board, who came to present a cheque to me for the club, totalling £500. We are very grateful for this money and new games and equipment for the children will be on order shortly. Thank you very much Mayflower for this help. A big thank you again to our trusty band of helpers – we really appreciate your time and efforts – many thanks.

Don’t forget that the Club is open every morning from half seven and after school until 5.45pm term time. The next holiday sessions will be the first, second, fifth and sixth week of the summer holidays. If you wish to book children in for any of these session please phone 722426. Or pop into the club and have a chat to the staff – you are quite welcome to bring you children in for a look around too should you wish.


The Mothers Union

Our meeting in June is on Wednesday 17th and is a ‘Members Evening’ at Elsie Johnson’s home at 7.00pm. Please remember to bring a favourite recipe, preferably ready to sample!! As we hope to compile a recipe book for charity. There will be a strawberry and cream supper to follow.

Helen Airey - Branch Leader

Kirton in Bloom 2009

Kirton In Bloom takes place between June and August 2009 and includes an award for the best judged display of front gardens & containers, the best laid out residential garden and also inlcudes a business section.

First prize is £60 and the runner up prize is £30 in each section. The event is sponsored by Lincolnshire Co-op Chemists, Marshall Bros Butterwick Ltd, J. Hay Stores, Villager Fruit & Flower Shop and Kirton Parish Council.


Competition Winner

Congratulations to Jennie Brown from Kirton Meeres. Jennie won last months competition sponsored by The Merrimans, and has won a 3 course Sunday lunch for 2 at The Merrimans. Well done and enjoy!!


‘Iceni Search Group’

My name is Richard Ball and I am the Chairman of the Kirton based ‘Iceni Search Group’ metal detecting club. We offer a free recovery service for any metal items lost ‘rings, artifacts,farm machinery etc’.

We are also willing to do a free talk to any clubs or societies about the hobby of metal detecting, I bring along a lap top and power point presentation showing the types of objects found with the use of metal detectors, some of which are by members of our club, and some finds for people to handle. If anyone is interested in getting in touch with me, they can contact me on email at turnkey1980@hotmail.co.uk or telephone me at 724321 most nights after 6.

Last thing, if there are any land owners out there that would be happy to let me detect on their land on a 50/50 basis, then please also get in touch. Yours sincerely

Richard Ball

Calling all young Footballers

Do you like football, would you like to train to get better? Or do you want to play and have fun? If yes, then The Julian Joachim Soccer School is for you.

We are at The Princess Royal Arena on Friday nights from 6pm-7.30pm. For all boys and girls from 5years to 15 year olds. Price is £3. So what you waiting for get fit, get healthy, and have fun!!!


Last months appeal

If anyone has any information for Ann Wilson about her family tree she would like you to send it to her new address:- 51 Montrose Road, Cabarlah, Queensland 4352. Australia.


Kirton Town Hall Village Day

On Saturday 19th September, Kirton Town Hall are having a Village Day. There will be competitions ranging from a small animal competition, to the weirdest vegetable!!! Most of the community, in one way or another will be giving their best. I imagine that the Judge of the local homemade wine (flower, berry or fruit, but not kit) will have a great day!!!

There will be many activities for the children, including a bouncy castle, and there will be a bar for the grownups, so we’re hoping for a really good day. There will be competition entry forms being posted prior to the event, and entries will be limited, but each event will have it’s own category, so only the competitions that are entered per individual need to listed on the forms, so please look out for these coming through your letterbox.

For the ones that need a bit of time, the wine and vegetables probably should be started, and the memory box might need a bit of a look round the attic or shed!!!

Hope to see you all there, and best of luck to everyone who decides to compete.


Kirton & District Branch of The Royal British Legion

We are proposing to hold a day trip out to Harrogate Flower Show on Sunday 20th September, for a cost of approx £21 per person. This will include the coach to and from the evemt, entry into the show and a tip for the driver.

If you're interested please contact the branch secretary or Chairman so we can gauge numbers and interest.


Local Policing

Anti Social Behaviour

There have been 18 reports of anti Social Behaviour in Kirton for March 2009.

These are as follows: 8 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 6 reports of vehicle nuisance and 4 reports of throwing things.
There are still reports of persons throwing stones at properties on Station Road and Saxon Gate. If anyone has seen or heard anything, could they please contact me on the details below?

I have been receiving reports of youth nuisance on green open spaces at Lighton Avenue and Cleymond Chase. Although most of the people using these areas are not causing a problem, there is a small minority that are. The reports I am receiving are not just children/youths playing but anti social behaviour and damage to property. If this is being witnessed can this please be reported to the Neighbourhood Policing Team on the details provided. I can then pass this information on to other relevant agencies.

The mobile policing station will be in Kirton on Wednesday 24th June during the day. Please visit come and see us to discuss any issues or concerns that you may have. May I please remind you that if you wish to report a crime or create an incident please call 01205 366222 or 999 in an emergency.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden - Boston Neighbourhood Policing Team - South Rural

Carrot cake - Prep time: 30mins • Cook time: 1hr • Ready in: 2hrs

Ingredients: • 4 eggs
• 295ml vegetable oil
• 400g white sugar
• 10ml vanilla extract
• 250g all-purpose flour
• 9g baking soda
• 9g baking powder
• 3g salt
• 5g ground cinnamon
• 330g grated carrots
• 120g chopped pecans  
• 115g butter, softened
• 225g cream cheese, softened
• 480g confectioners’ sugar
• 5ml vanilla extract
• 120g chopped pecans

Directions: 1) Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.

2) In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, white sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Stir in carrots. Fold in pecans. Pour into prepared pan.

3) Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.

4) To Make Frosting: In a medium bowl, combine butter, cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Stir in chopped pecans. Frost the cooled cake.


The Traction Engine Rally By Gladys Seabrook

Around the field spectators stood,
And turned their eager gaze.
To where the traction engines smoked
And fumed, then through the haze,
Came bursts of power, whistles blew,
Then flywheels whirled around,
As into life the engines sprang,
And lumbered o’er the ground.

Grass, bruised and crushed beneath their weight,
Was churned and thrust aside,
As each one joined the Grand Parade,
That seemed to burst with pride.
Warm sunshine danced on polished brass,
That gleamed like burnished gold.
It touched the heart and stirred the mind,
With stories still untold.

In jovial mood they played their part,
With revelry and fun.
Then blazoned forth triumphant,
Flashing trophies they had won.
Not far away steam organs played,
Gay tunes of long ago.
While children rode on roundabouts,
Their faces all aglow.

Sweet candy stalls, refreshments stands,
And bric-a-brac for sale.
Cool tents where sturdy farming folk,
Could sup their pints of ale.
All cares, it seemed, had disappeared,
And there was no time to dally.
For everyone had come to see,
The Traction Engine Rally.

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:


Connie Rose Bunce
Charlotte Kimberley Alred-Johnson

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:


Mr. Cyril Edmonds



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-


Mrs. J Nicol..........................£5
Mr. & Mrs. Adams...............£25

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.


Scouts & Cadets News

It is certainly a long time since I wrote for the village magazine and I apologise for that but we have grown into such a large group with over 85 children and have about 12 leaders that sometimes the job becomes a bit overwhelming. We have in fact become a victim of our success. We have closed the books for Cubs (36 members) and Scouts (28 members) and have a long waiting list for Cubs. Beavers have 16 members at present. 

Scouts have already had a winter camp this year in late February where they braved the cold to learn some basic survival skills. The early May bank holiday weekend sees our annual District camp at Woodhall Spa where 18 Scouts will be practicing their outdoor cooking skills to gain their camp cook badge.

During the later May bank holiday we will have 12 Cubs and 4 leaders travel to the Scout HQ at Gilwell for Cubjam, a weeklong camp full of activities and adventure. This can be added to the list of other camps we have organised, Christmas Camp shared with the 27th Enfield near London last December, the new Cub District camp later this year in July and the annual PGL weekend open to all uniformed Children over the age of 8 years.

Beaver scouts have been working hard at gaining a variety of badges including Healthy Eating and although Beavers can only  sleep out for one night, Squirrel (their leader, Karen) always makes sure that they have the opportunity for a sleepover at least two to three times a year. One is already planned at the Youth centre for a Saturday in June.

Apart from Camps we have made Mothers day gifts, had a taste of playing rugby, checked out our trees and played games at Westgate woods, made lovely chocolates for Valentine’s Day. In fact the list is endless. Now the better weather is here we concentrate on taking the sections outdoors and give them the chance to enjoy the beautiful countryside and marshes nearby.

Although we have the shop to help pay for our supplies, activities and camps it is still part of the Scouting ethos that we undertake a certain amount of fundraising. In this we have been very successful with bag packing at Sainsbury’s in Spalding, a jumble sale at Kirton Town Hall in November and another one planned for 14th June. We also had a Race night social that raised just over 500.00 and we are thinking of having a quiz night in the summer.

On top of all these activities Leaders give up their time to attend committee meetings, planning meetings and to undertake training modules that ensure the children are always safe.

2010 is our Centenary year and plans are already beginning to take shape for some of the celebrations including a family camp, a BBQ for current and previous members, a PGL trip to France in the summer holidays as well as lots of great activities for all three sections.
I would like to thank the people of Kirton who support us so willingly either via the shop or in other ways. I would also like to thank the shop workers, the leaders, the Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and their families who make the job of volunteering so worthwhile.

I also want to say a very big thank you, much overdue, to Martin Early at Martin Early Motors who keeps our minibus on the road and nearly always forgets to charge us. Thanks Martin, you are a star, because no matter how busy you are, you always make time to look at the bus and its always last minute!

f you would like any further information about the group or any of the activities we do or would like to become a volunteer please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lesley Lanfranco - Group Scout Leader

Kirton Youth Club

Kirton youth club wishes to thank Amy Coates the new South Holland Flower Queen for making time to be able to come and open their fun gala day on Sunday 9th August 2009. The fun day will be held at Kirton Town Hall and starts at 12. Various activities, rides and stalls will be there on the day. Also a car boot sale, for more information, or to book a stall or car boot Tel Catrina on 07804241339. Amy is a local girl from Kirton and won the title last month.

Kirton youth club is starting to grow again in numbers which is great news. We went ten pin bowling on Monday 11th may at Alleycatz in Spalding and wish to thank them and Phil Haines coaches for helping us to be able to go on this trip. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and we are hoping to arrange another trip soon.

Kirton Youth Club is open every Wed night at Kirton youth Centre from 7pm till 9pm. Admission is 50p.
