©Kirton News 2025

June 2011

The Editors Letter

Firstly I want to say a big thank you to Sam, for standing in last month at a moment’s notice, and for doing such a wonderful job. Thank you Sam.

Tony had not been well for about 12 months, but was only diagnosed just before Christmas with Motor Neurone Disease, a horrible cruel progressive illness. He never complained but he was very frightened of what was happening to him as he had no control over it.

There is a lot going on in the village this month: - Whist, Country Music, The Royal British Legion Women’s Section Coffee morning and of course the Town Hall Centenary Celebrations on the last weekend of June, all to name but a few. I think we are all in for a busy month.

We are now halfway through the year; the nights are lighter and day’s warmer, time for all those barbeques, picnics and garden parties. Have a safe and enjoyable summer, but remember to close windows and lock doors when you go out.

See you next month


Town Hall Centenary Celebrations
Friday June 24th to Sunday June 26th 2011

Come one; come all and help us celebrate the one hundreth anniversary of the foundation of Kirton Town Hall. The weekend begins with an exhibition, in the Upsall Room, of photographs and memories of events that have taken place in and around the Hall over the last century. Each one a precious memory for someone in or around Kirton. The exhibition will be open to one and all throughout the weekend.

Friday evening sees the first big event with the staging of a children’s disco. There’ll be two shows; 6pm to 7.30 for keystage 1 children (years 1 and 2) and 8pm to 9.30 for Keystage 2 (years 3/4/5 and 6). Tickets are £1.50 each and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Numbers will be limited so look out for the posters appearing at the Hall and around the village and book early!!

On Saturday there’ll be a coffee morning from 9.30am to 11.30. The exhibition continues. Kirton Library will also be staging a display of memorabelia from the last century.
Kirton Brass Band (Senior) will entertain us on Saturday evening from 7.00pm with a concert of music from the last one hundred years. Tickets will be £10 to include a ham salad supper and a glass of wine or soft drink. Again, look out for the posters around the village. Tickets will be on sale at Fossitt & Thorne, The Green.

Sunday sees the main event. Andrew Dennis of Woodlands Farm will open proceedings at 11.00 am and there’ll be a host of craft stalls, traditional games and rides. Displays by the fire brigade, a vintage cycle rally, Fancy Dress competition, music and a host of other exciting happenings.

As a guide, the programme will be something like this (though times may vary slightly):-

11.00am Opening Ceremony
11.15am Vintage Cycles set
off around the village
11.30am AJ Dance demonstration
11.45am  Cycles return
12.00am Kirton Junior Brass Band
12.30pm School Choirs concert
13.00pm Darren Rush, (extreme) wood carving
14.00pm Fancy Dress (ages 5 - 8; Nursery Rhyme theme)
14.30pm Boston Grammar School Jazz Band
15.30pm Closing Service with Father Gary

There’s something for everyone - and much more besides; so come on and make the occasion a special celebration. Keep looking out for information on posters at the Hall, Fossitt & Thorne, the library and around the village.

And one other thing; there’ll be a special item on sale at the event on Sunday. Your very own Kirton Town Hall Cook Book. A revised version of the original century old tome, first sold to raise funds for completion of the building. It’s a limited edition souvenir and will be selling at £8.95 per copy; a unique memory of a great weekend.

Out and About with the Editor
Rush Hair and Beauty Salon

This month I went to “Rush Hair and Beauty Salon” in Station Road to try out their “Mini Health Farm”. I was met by Amie and shown into a bright sunny room where I was made most comfortable.

We started off with a full manicure - my finger nails were shaped, cuticle work done, and my hands and lower arms massaged. I then picked what colour nail polish I wanted.
Amie then worked on my feet, cutting and shaping my toe nails, cuticle work, and exfoliation and rasping. My feet and lower legs were massaged next and then I again picked the colour nail polish I wanted.
Amie gave me lots of good advice about caring for my hands and feet while all this was going on.

I then had a lovely cup of herbal tea and a Danish pastry, fresh from Jessop’s.
Now it was time for my facial. I lay flat on my back, just taking my tee shirt off and slipping arms out of underwear. I was wrapped in a big fluffy towel to protect my dignity. Amie used a cleanser on my face, neck and shoulders, then a luxury cleanse and exfoliation. A deep steaming machine was used on my face and any problem areas dealt with. A soothing face mask applied and later a chest, neck, shoulder and face massage. Again Amie answered any questions I had about my skin and gave me plenty of helpful advice.

Then I turned onto my stomach and Amie massaged my back, neck and shoulders. I had a painful left shoulder and Amie worked a lot in this area to release the knots and free me of the pain I have been suffering with for a couple of months.
I came out of the “Mini Health Farm” 4 hrs later, feeling very glamorous and relaxed. I can certainly recommend this truly amazing experience.

Joan Woods - Editor

Good vibrations for fire safety

During Deaf Awareness Week, Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue are reminding people about special smoke alarms which can be fitted as part of home fire safety checks for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

The alarms use a strobe light and vibrating pads usually placed under a pillow, to alert the occupants if a smoke alarm has been activated.
Sean Taylor, Group Manager - Community Fire Safety, said: “If you’re worried that you wouldn’t hear your smoke alarms if they went off, especially at night, we can help with this equipment designed to serve this purpose.

 “We also advise that everyone should plan an escape route in case of fire, thinking about all possible escape routes you could use both during the day, or at night. Door and window keys should be kept where you can find them in an emergency, and it’s also a good idea to keep a phone in your bedroom in case you need to make an emergency call.”

Fire and Rescue staff can also signpost people to a ‘text relay’ service provided by BT that enables deaf and hard of hearing people who use text phones to make and receive calls to and from hearing people.

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue will provide a free home fire safety check including fire safety advice and fitting of free safety equipment. Call 01522 582222 or email: HFSC@lincoln.fire-uk.org providing your name, address and a telephone contact, please indicate if you require ‘text only’ contact. 

Kirton Kids Club

You have to love the English weather! Brollies up, brollies down, sun shades up, sun shades down. At least it keeps us fit and on our toes!
The fact is though – children don’t care what the weather throws at them as long as they can have fun!

Our lovely new cover for the outside area not only looks great but also extends the space the children can access in bad weather.
Paul Dawson has made a magnificent job of the cover and we all thank him for doing such a great job.

The club children sat at the tables the other day when it was warm but raining hard – and were extremely excited by the fact they could be outside but still not get wet! (Mind you I think some of them would have preferred to have been in the rain getting wet!).
The whole of the new outside area has been a total ‘god send’ to the Kids’ Club – staff and children.

It does make you wonder what we did without it. The astro turf enables children to play even when the natural grass is wet and muddy. The climbing tower and slide gives the children the chance to exercise and have fun through play.

And finally the covered space gives the children the chance to bring the inside out and the outside in, in weather we wouldn’t normally get the chance to go out in. It helps protect them not just from the rain but the sun too when it is very hot. They enjoy their snacks and lunches out there too now.

The club is open every morning and after school in term time. The next holiday sessions are weeks three, four and five of the school summer holidays. If you would like more information about any of the club sessions please phone 07583 762072- or pop in and have a chat.

A reflection from the Methodist Minister

Greetings! I love celebrating birthdays! This month there is a very special one – it is Pentecost and often referred to as the birthday of the Church. Because, on a day a few weeks after Easter an amazing thing happened; Jesus had promised that a power would come to the Disciples which would enable them to have confidence to carry on the work just as Jesus had taught them. God has been so generous, he had sent Jesus to bring new life and freedom for all the people of His creation, and now the power of God in the Holy Spirit was flowing out to everyone who wanted to receive it, so that they could have courage to face the world which so often persecuted them.

All this because God loves us and those events 2000 years ago can still change lives. We can be sceptical in the midst of all the disbelief of academics who tell us that this Bible is not true, but they have missed the point! It isn’t about the history, it is about people’s lives being changed by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I know it is true because I have met with Jesus myself – the evidence is not in archeological ‘digs’ or museum pieces, the evidence is in the lives of the people who have discovered that this Jesus is indeed alive in His people.

The Disciples struggled to stand up and tell the world the Good News without the physical presence of Jesus; that is why God sent the Holy Spirit like ‘tongues of fire’ and a ‘rushing wind’ on that day of Pentecost. It is still true today that Christians are ridiculed for their faith and persecuted all around the world for holding to the truth of God’s Word which is the Bible; that is why each year we celebrate Pentecost to remind ourselves that God is still with us and we are given the same authority that was given to the Disciples, to share our own story of faith.

No other story has so much power to change lives – how about letting God change your life? Pick up the Bible today and find out about the gift that God has given you.
Peace be with you

Royal British Legion 90th Anniversary

Kirton Women’s Section are holding a coffee morning with tombola and cake stall on Saturday 18th June at the Parish Church 9.30am – 11.30am to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Legion.

Kirton Women’s section was formed in March 1948 and we have one founder member still with us, Mrs Joan Hodgson, she was Chairman for many years, and is now our President and also our Welfare Officer. She also runs our monthly whist drives. She remembers when members organised Christmas teas served to Kirton older citizens for many years. She also remembers the help that members gave at the east coast floods in the 1950’s. For two Sunday’s a coach load of helpers went to Sutton on Sea and Mablethorpe.

In 1986 members organised a sponsored walk, the proceeds being used to purchase two wheelchairs which later with the help of the Legion were upgraded and changed to two electric battery cars which were serviced every year. One has since been sold and one is still in use.

For over 60 years Kirton Ladies have raised money for the Legion, lately from whist drives, jumble sales and bring & buys. In the last 10years we have raised £7,000, all of which helps to fund the welfare of members and ex-members of the armed forces.
As some of our members are in their 80’s and 90’s we do need some extra support from younger members of the community. Could two or three of you perhaps members of service families run a fundraising project once a year, we could help with publicity. Anyone interested please ring Joyce Williams on [01205] 722713 or Joan Hodgson on 722331.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

I have lived in Kirton village for the past 25 years and I am always proud as to how our village is kept litter free thanks to the sterling work of a handful of people.
It was very noticable in the early part of this year that areas around the village looked unkempt and full of litter. This was the time, I understand, that Mrs. Barbara Westwood was taking annual holidays.

On her return (thankfully) litter deposits returned to a very low level. So a very big “Thank You” to Mrs. Westwood and her helpers for their great work they do to keep our village looking clean and tidy in all weathers.

Let’s not make Kirton into Pooh Corner!

On the back of this excellent and much appreciated comment Kirton News feels it must make a further point.

Several members of the Committee have been approached by villagers lately to ask us to bring the rather distasteful subject of Dog Mess to your attention.
There isn’t too delicate a way to make this point, and we know that the majority of you dog owners out there are responsible people. But this needs to be said. Please, when walking your dog, take bags, rubber gloves, etc. with you and clear up after your pooch!

And, just as importantly, dispose of it properly. If there isn’t a designated bin around, then take it home and deal with it there.
If you’ve been offended by this article then, quite frankly, TUFF! I don’t think any of us want to see this filth on our streets; so show that you’re the responsible and caring villagers we know you can be. Thanks for listening.

Extracts from the minutes of the meeting of Kirton Parish Council - 17/02/11

Police Matters

PCSO Williams informed members that there had been 8 reported crimes since the last meeting. Cllr Foster queried thefts from local businesses in the area of red diesel – PCSO Williams informed Cllr Foster that the Police are checking vehicles for red diesel – spot checks have caught a number of people – and vehicles have been seized.

Cllr Ransome informed PCSO Williams that 2 residents have complained to her about the speed/parking on Hardwick Estate/Lighton Avenue which was previously informed to the police at the last Council Meeting. PCSO Williams will investigate further. It was resolved that the Clerk should also write to Mayflower and request that they put some hard standing down to remove the cars parking on the road.

Cllrs Turner and Hannay reported on the continued parking on the pavement of the delivery vehicle for the Kebab House on Station Road and also customers’ vehicles, and asked whether parking tickets could be automatically issued rather than warnings given. The

PCSO said that they would automatically give a parking ticket now.
Cllr Wright commented that despite niggling moans being heard by the Parish Council, the overall Policing in the village is excellent. All agreed.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

7 residents from Church Lane came to speak about the new recreation area. Residents were concerned about possible noise from children playing and cars parking on the verges along the lane. The Chairman informed residents that the police and councillors were working closely together and should there be a problem along Church Lane that it would be dealt with. One member of the public was concerned that trees have been cut down on the recreation field along Church Lane, he was informed that the only trees which have been removed were overgrown leylandii and that over 30 trees and over 200 hedge plants have been planted in their place. All trees planted are native. One resident enquired as to whether there would be gates to stop access to the park at night. Cllr Hannay informed the resident that gates would be erected to stop vehicles entering the park, but no plans were in place to stop access by foot as there are many ways to get in.

Another resident queried whether extra street lighting could be installed on Church Lane. The Clerk has had the same request made of her in the office some months back, she informed the resident that after speaking to Highways on this subject, that they informed her that there were no plans to put extra lighting along that road.

Cllr Turner showed the plan of the new play equipment to the residents – they were only really concerned about what could go wrong down their street and not where and what was planned for the park. Cllr Hannay offered to inform residents of future committee meetings – one resident offered to be the representative and so Cllr Hannay took his contact details.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting

1) Pot hole outside Post Office, Kirton Holme reported to LCC – ref: 1027426
2) Pot hole on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC – ref: 1027424
3) Damaged drain/manhole cover – Marketstead Estate, reported to LCC – ref: 102779
4) Pothole outside White Gables reported to LCC – ref: 1027682
All pot holes reported have now been filled.
5) Clerk has received 2 statements of interest from youngsters regarding the Youth Council

It was resolved that due to the lack of interest shown, that this matter should be put on the back burner, unless requested otherwise by residents.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

Boston Borough Council – Consultation for Pre-Application Advice – BBC asking for comments regarding this before 29th March. No further action taken.
Eon – Wayleaves – Offer increased to £3750 but lease period not reduced – discuss whether to accept this offer. It was resolved that this offer should not be accepted. Clerk to inform Eon of this decision. Email – LCC – Grit bin on Edinburgh Drive – LCC need to have the name of a nominated person

Cllr Fitzgerald will get the name of a nominated person and will inform the Clerk

Community Lincs – Best Kept Village Competition

It was resolved that Kirton and Kirton Holme would be entered separately into this year’s competition.

Quotation for watering of hanging baskets/planters in the village

Cllr Ransome declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in discussions. It was resolved that the quotation received should be accepted. Clerk to inform contractor.
Email received regarding parking of bus on driveway in Kirton End
It was resolved that the Clerk should report this to the enforcement officer at the Borough Council.

Town Hall

Cllr Hannay reported that negotiations regarding the proposed new Town Hall clock are still ongoing. Cllr Carter reported that the main topic at meetings is the centenary celebrations on 25th June. Cllr Hannay will fix the light which is not currently working at the front of the building.


Members were given copies of the amended terms for the new lease for the Chapel – Cllr Turner proposed a further amendment which should be that the emergency key holder should be local – this was agreed by the remainder.

The cemetery manager has been approached regarding buying plots in the new part of the cemetery – it was resolved that the new part should not be used until all existing plots are used. The members were shown the proposed fees being introduced by the Borough Council – it was resolved that the figures are to be adopted by Kirton too. Cllr Turner was against this – however, motion carried.

A new contractor for grass cutting has been agreed by the Cemetery Committee to take over after the untimely death of the previous contractor.

Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Lee informed members that the cemetery has now been cleared up. It was resolved that the Clerk should write a letter of thanks to George Davies for getting the plans for the new recreation area drawn up.

It was reported that the tyres reported previously to BBC as fly tipping down Drainside South are still there. Clerk to chase BBC to get them removed.

It was reported by Cllr Fitzgerald that residents have asked him to have a bin put at the A16 end of King Street. It was resolved that the Clerk should request this from BBC.
Cllr Carter reported a large pot hole on Church Lane, Kirton – Clerk to report to LCC.
Cllr Carter also reported one of the zebra crossing beacon lights outside the kebab shop on Station Road is not working. Clerk to report to LCC

Cllr Foster reported that were the pavement has been constructed at the junction of Drainside North/Donington Road that this now means that the sign is too low – Clerk to report to LCC.

Cllr Bourne reported that the youth centre is going to provide a suitable date for the litter pick scheduled for April/May and then he will organise from there.
Cllr Turner expressed his concern about the industrial land which is still vacant – it was resolved that this item should be readdressed in May.

Cllr Lee reported that although BBC is coming to the village frequently to empty the street bins, the operative is not actually emptying them. It was resolved that the Clerk should report this to BBC.

Cllr Dungworth reported that LCC has received European funding and is going to install a cycle and footpath from Hubberts Bridge to Somerfield in Boston. He also informed members that the waterway development is going to be stopping at Donington until more funds are sourced.

Parish matters - Recreation Project

All the planting has been carried out. The entrance is almost complete (block paving completed by Lindums). Cllr Foster agreed to take the remaining grass seed to the developers who will seed the repaired parts. It was resolved that the Clerk should organise with the community payback team to spread the chippings on the park.

The playing field committee has chosen 3 gates from the designs submitted by the pupils at Kirton Middlecott – Cllr Hannay will liaise with the representative from Lincoln College who will construct the gates.

Cllr Hannay proposed that there could be further planting at the park, but this will be agreed by the committee.

Pensioners Xmas Dinner

Cllr Welberry announced that she will not be standing for re-election but would still like to have an active role as previously with the dinner.

Planters & hanging baskets

It was resolved that the Clerk should contact the Borough Council to see whether there are any funds available to purchase planters for the village.

Kirton in Bloom

It was resolved that the judging decisions should be back with the committee by 10th July.

Mole Contracts

It was resolved that the contract should begin in April and that the Clerk should contact thesuccessful applicant.

Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held 21st April 2011 at 7.15 pm Christ Church Hall, Kirton Holme with the public forum at 7.00 pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.15 pm.


Potholes by Gladys Seabrook

So severe and harsh was Winter
It caused potholes to appear
On the highways and the byways
Also roads both far and near.
And their surface was appalling
Holes were large enough to fall in,
Motorists were often calling
About roads needing repair.
Sometimes they were keen to mention
Damage to their car’s suspension,
One driver stated, angrily,
He had to go to A and E.
Those in control should stop their chatter
And do the jobs that really matter.
When they do, may roads remain
Free from Winter’s stress and strain,
Not plagued with problems and the bane
Of all those potholes back again.

Our Gladys is a secret Rapper!!!, SubEd


Witch’s Brew

for cold symptoms and catah

½ inch peeled, sliced fresh root ginger
5 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
2 tbsp honey
Juice of ½ lemom
8oz water

1) Put all ingredients into a saucepan
and bring to boil
2) Simmer 15minutes, sieve and sip
3) You can add a slug of scotch


Spring Cleaning by Gladys Seabrook

Insects crawl from nook and cranny,
Panick -stricken spiders run,
Children sent away to Granny,
Means Spring-Cleaning has begun.

Frantic dog hides in the garden,
Kittens run away in fear,
With the first pale ray of sunshine,
Winter’s grime must disappear.

Windows open, breezes blowing;
Dreams of comfort overcast.
Hopefully is posed the question,
How long will Spring-Cleaning last?

Dad in tool shed is reclining,
Deaf as stone to Mother’s call.
To emerge spells hours of labour,
Decorating stairs and hall.

Meal prepared in haste, uneaten,
dishes draining in the sink.
Every room holds some confusion,
Sanity is on the brink.

Thankfully comes peace descending
Into this domestic scene.
Home’s destruction, once impending,
Now as distant as a dream.

Dad, by telly, sits; contented,
Pets and children homeward come.
Mother beams with satisfaction,
All Spring-Cleaning has been done.

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

17/04/11 Charlie Jack Edge
17/04/11 Jack Andrew Tebbutt
24/04/11 Ruby- Mac Richardson

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

16/04/11 Wayne Hadden and Lian Belcher

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

19/04/11 Mr Tony Woods
28/04/11 Mrs Mable Broughton
27/04/11 Rose Ivy Holmes - at The Methodist Church