©Kirton News 2025

June 2019

The Editors Letter

Hello everyone. I’m very happy that this is the June edition of Kirton News and we must therefore be basking in the warmth of endless Summer days and invigorating sunshine. I’m SURE by the time you read this, we will be!

In this issue, we have our second installment of our new ‘Meet The Locals’ feature and this interview is with Ambrish Chandarana from Kirton Cottage. I will be seeking out other business people in the village for future issues so keep those eyes peeled! I’ve also included a recipe for your enjoyment (I can’t have an issue without one for long), especially as those BBQs will be dragged out of solitude in the next few weeks!

I was disappointed to see that the turnout for the recent local elections was only 25.2% for Kirton and Frampton. Although it wasn’t the lowest in the Boston area, it’s still only a quarter of us. I won’t lie and say I was surprised but I always feel very strongly that we are so lucky to live in a democracy and should always use our right to vote. Whether I agree with the outcome of the vote or not, change is hopefully afoot and only if you voted can you legitimately pass comment on whether the ‘newbies’ are doing a good job or not, in my opinion. The very best of luck to all three of the elected representatives.

Phew! That’s enough of politics in this publication for at least another 12 months and don’t worry, I shan’t be mentioning the other election at any point!

I posted on my Facebook page (Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton Community page) a month or so ago, asking if there were any charitable organisations in Kirton who were in need of anything. Here at Kirton News we feel very strongly about giving back to our community and have so far supported the Friday Group (for the purchase of new tools), Kirton Fire Station (raffle prize) and St Peter & St Paul’s church (repairs to the church clock). Please get in touch by sending me an e-mail if you would like to be considered for a donation.

I hope you enjoy this issue and as always, I would love to hear from you if you have any editorial or letters you wish to share!




Weight Loss Winner
to run own Workshops

“I was always the big and funny friend.  The one that was silly and hid her upset away from everyone.  My whole family were larger and we celebrated and consoled ourselves with food.  Bad day....lets have some chocolate.  Good day...lets celebrate with a meal out or a take away.  Confidence was never an issue for me but over time my weight became a health issue.  I lost my mum 5 years ago to various illnesses - kidney failure, heart failure and diabetes all being related factors.  It was when I went to the doctors that year and they said I had pre-diabetes and high blood pressure that it hit me hard.  This....needed....to...stop.

I went to have my eyebrows waxed at the local salon and my usual beautician looked stunning.  Weight watchers being the reason for this with her losing 2 stone in a month.   A healthy diet and exercise.  Simple.

Embarassed about walking into a weight watchers workshop, I started the diet online only.   I found it so easy to follow and it worked arpund my life so easily.  Within 2 months I had lost 2 stone.  

I was so happy.  Even happier was I to become when I discovered I was pregnant.  9 months and a daughter later I had gained a stone. My why had changed.  I wanted to be an active mum.  My biggest goal being running at my daughters first sports day in the mum race.  Silly...but its my aim.

I preached weight watchers so much that everyone said to be about becoming a coach! I lost a further 3 stone (4 stone in total) and I am still on my journey.  Thats what I love - the social aspect and the support from my members.  I get so much from the workshops along with members.  

My first workshop will be on 3rd June 2019 at Wyberton Social and Sports Club at 5 30pm.  Everyone welcome.  Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to know more.  Email: atyte@weight-watchers.co.uk or phone me on 07595 456731.



Meet The Locals: This issue, we’re chatting to Ambrish Chandarana,
proprietor of Kirton Cottage.

Kirton Cottage is number 1 on Trip Advisor for the Boston area - What do you think makes you stand out from the rest?

Kirton Cottage has made it to number 1 because we endeavour to use local produce and a local butcher to supply good quality products. The service we provide here is based on the service I would expect in a good restaurant. The cottage has reached number 1 because we provide good quality food, fabulous service and good quality wine.

Is this the first restaurant you’ve owned/what’s your background?

My background was based in hotels and I spent over 25 years sorting out hotels which were not running properly (similar thing to Gordon Ramsey but no swearing)! The first hotel I owned was Woodlands in Spalding. I am a qualified accountant as my parents insisted upon it but sitting down is not for me, I always have a bee in my bonnet!

What drew you to Kirton specifically?

I was drawn to Kirton because of the diverse people and the lack of a fine dining eatery in the village. When I saw that the Villager Fruit and Veg shop was for sale I knew that was it as it’s a fantastic old building with lots of character.

Have you been made to feel welcome since opening?

The early days in Kirton were a little difficult and challenging as people did not know me and were bit sceptical about the concept of a good quality restaurant. Now I truly feel part of the community. The main issue I think is my name (I blame my parents - Ambrish is a difficult name to remember)!

Do you have any further business plans for the future, either with the Cottage or elsewhere?

The planning permission already exists to convert the garage into either a wine bar and a secondary restaurant to the Cottage. I am looking at a very healthy concept – a little restaurant with salads and calorie controlled food but am also open to other ideas (it’s a small area with no more than 4 tables).

We will be continuing our ‘Meet The Locals’ feature in the next issue! Many thanks to Ambrish for taking the time to answer my questions. If you would like to book a table at Kirton Cottage, please find them on Facebook or contact (01205) 722311.



Kirton Church Fund

The May draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July/August magazine.

The June draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.

A first time winner this month but only after pulling out the tickets for three people who no longer take part. (You really do have to be in it to win it!) Our other winner is one of our lucky ones who has won several times before. Congratulations to you both.

Prize money has gone down slightly this month with an adjustment for annual paying. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. I have just handed over a cheque for £660, money raised so far this year! Well done everyone and thank you for your support. The money is used to maintain our beautiful church and with work needing to be done to repair the roof we need to raise as much as we can. Can you help? There is plenty of room for more members and a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.

Could you win our monthly draw? You won’t know unless you join in. Remember you have to be in it to win it! Anyone over 18 may take part. Do come and join us.

You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.)

Paula, of Paula’s Cards, has very kindly agreed to have some of our registration forms available in her shop at the bottom of Station Road. So if you do pop in for form, have a look at her lovely selection of cards and gifts. They are very reasonably priced.

Registration forms are also available at the back of church, from Kirton Library or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.

April 2019 Winners

1st PRIZE - £39.98 - TICKET NUMBER:6
2nd PRIZE - £13.34 - TICKET NUMBER:66


Letters to the Editor

The View from the Vicarage

Dear parishioner, Have you made your list of resolutions for the New Year?  How about these to really make a difference?

1) Listen. Quiet your mind and take in what other people are saying as they tell you their story. Listen to their words and to their heart. Listen to their body language. Seek to understand before you seek to answer or contribute.

2) Keep the storms of life in perspective. Struggles are going to come because Jesus promised, "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33). He also said, "Take heart for I have overcome the world." Practice a non-anxious presence. 

3) Be gentle and passionate. St Paul said, "Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near" (Phil 4) Everywhere you go, in whatever circumstance you find yourself, the Lord is near. Awareness of this will keep you gentle, truthful, and hopeful.

4) When you wake up in the morning, make it your intention for the day to do what is right in the sight of God.

5) Give yourself away. The pattern of the life of Christ is one of self-sacrifice. The "given away life" The blessings that you receive are a gift. The goodness that you receive is not something to exploit for your own benefit. Rejoice and create opportunities for joy in others.

6) Extend the grace of God. As you have received freely and fully from God, so extend to those who need grace. Forgive others just as God in Christ has forgiven you (Colossians 3:13).

7) Remember that it is not your job to set everybody straight. Choose your challenges with prayer and wisdom.

8) Look for opportunities to encourage a child, to love a stranger, and to do something good for someone you don't like. Do something good for someone who doesn't even like you.

9) Love your family by making happy memories this year. Run in the rain, play in the snow, be spontaneous, and give them gifts at unexpected times.

10) Love your friends with gifts of time and attention.

11) Be a good student. Read the newspaper. Read as many books as possible. Watch less television.

12) Do unto others what God would have you do.

13) Take a Sabbath. One day out of the week the world can still turn without your work.

14) Be affectionate.

15) Be daring. Take risks for goodness sake. Use your talents with gusto!

16) Watch for answers to prayer and give God the glory. Give thanks for his love for you, a love exhibited by his rich providence.

17) Don't eat until you are hungry. Stop eating at the first sign of


18) Lean into life and be excellent.

19) Tell the story of God's great grace. "Christ died for sins, once forall the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God" (1 Peter 3:18).

Happy New Year from your parish priest.

Fr Paul

Kirton Kids Club

Congratulations to the children that took part in the ‘litter pick’ at the back of the Youth Centre. Great job! It all looked so much better after your hard work and now we can start to ‘pretty’ the place up ready for the summer term at the Kids Club.

So far we have spent quite a few sessions outside which really does makes such a difference.

The children love playing in the sand, water and mud kitchens and the new scooters are going down a bomb – the children are even learning a little road safety on our scooter layout ‘road’.

To keep our equipment safe we have now installed our full quota of CCTV cameras.

It has taken a while but we have finally got there and hope they do their job.

I would like to send a thank you to David and Silver who have shown so much kindness to myself and the children at the club – we really do appreciate all you do for us – thank you so much.

Kirton Kids Club have a few spaces, breakfast and after school on some days – if you wish to enquire please call 07583 762072 and we can arrange a visit and a chat about the days on offer.


Website: kirtonkidsclub.co.uk

Email Address: kkc09@live.co.uk.


Kirton Primary School Shortlisted For The Tes Schools Awards 2019

The most outstanding individuals and institutions that the education sector has to offer have been recognised in the shortlist for the Tes Schools Awards 2019.

It’s been revealed that Kirton Primary School has been shortlisted for two awards – ‘Maths Team of the Year’ and ‘Primary School of the Year’.

Tes editor Ann Mroz said: It is wonderful to see such great ideas and excellent practice emerging from our schools and teachers, especially at a time when schools are under financial pressure. We had a record number of entries this year and the standard was very high, so all those shortlisted should be very proud: it’s an extraordinary achievement to be on this shortlist. 

The winners will be revealed at our gala awards evening at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London on Friday 21 June 2019.


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes - March 2019

Public Forum

No public attended.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the penultimate meeting of this council before the elections. He said he knew that not everyone would be standing again and thanked them for the service they have given the Parish.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr C Rylott and M Brookes (County) sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.

Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

Cllr Austin arrived. It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 21st February 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

Police Matters

No Police attended.

Cllr Turner informed members that generally the villages had been quite quiet. He said that the Police have ongoing issues with the young man who is living rough in the village.

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

Nothing to report as no residents attended.

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Austin informed members that she had not got any further with LCC regarding the crossing on Station Road but will persevere.

She also said that she could not see any potholes on the A16 near to the roundabout. But will look again.

Cllr Austin also reported that she would ask the Highways to re-evaluate the deep dips at the side of the road just round from Graves Park on Skeldyke as members feel they are a safety issue.

Also, on Skeldyke Road, Cllr Austin will report the broken safety barrier.

The minor works team are now costing up and processing the request regarding the footpath from the A16 on Station Road (Frampton side).

Cllr Smith reported that the white line at the A52/Holmes Road junction are faded again. Clerk to report to LCC.

Accounts for payment/Finance

It was resolved to accept the payments as per payment sheet dated March 2019 12 of 12.

Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report

Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC. Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. Reported to LCC. LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further

Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the crossing issues on Station Road, I have asked for their help in enforcing the double yellow lines outside the Kebab shop plus have asked about the possibility of having the columns to the ‘z brites’ changed to illuminated ones.

Road Safety (Accident Investigation) Manager is in talks with Andy Wharf at Highways at the Borough.

He will also ask the parking Enforcement Team to visit the village over the next few months as a priority. Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up.

Potholes on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC ref:343706 – photos which Cllr Smith sent to Cllr Brookes also added to report

Cllr Brookes reported that these should have or are about to be done. Met with CCTV installers for a teaching session on using the CCTV. PCSOs Williams and Smith also attended.

Street light outside 51 King Street reported to streetlighting as not working.

Light on alleyway between Thomas Middlecott Drive and Edinburgh Drive not working reported to LCC ref 348119

Overgrown Hedge into the road on Willington Road outside Old Vicarage reported to LCC.

Ruts caused by lorries down Skeldyke Road reported to LCC .

Further report from LCC states they will not be taking any action at this time but continue to monitor as part of their safety inspections and works programmes .

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1) Query from last Chairman of the Kirton Brass Band, is there going to be a Last Night of the Proms this year. They suggest meeting up to discuss the format/way forward etc.

Cllr Danby will meet up with the Chairman – Clerk passed on his contact details.

2) Lincolnshire County Council – TROs (Traffic Regulation orders) are only being accepted by LCC if supported by the County Councillor.

3) Query received via Cllr Sharp about Dennis Estate – grass still being churned up at the entrance. It was looked into to get that entrance area widened but this has not been done.

Clerk to ask Cllr Brookes to look into this as it is his area of the village.

4) Also, from Cllr Sharp and also on Dennis Estate, concerns regarding poor visibility and the off street parking which makes 2 way traffic hazardous, is it possible to make it a one way system? Again, Clerk to ask Cllr Brookes to look into the feasibility of this happening.

Town Hall

The Town Hall are still looking into getting Wi-Fi in the building to increase its customer base for bookings..


Clerk and Cllr Brotherton recently examined the cast iron row markers and will endeavour to put them out when the weather improves.

Parish matters

a) Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

The Christmas Committee had met and updated members on progress. The OAP Xmas meal had also been discussed and the possibility of a hot meal was suggested.

b) Update on Park Inspections

Clerk and Chairman will meet at the park to discuss the reports.

c) Update on Community Speed Watch

Cllr Watson will ring round all the volunteers to get a date finally set the begin the Speed Watch.

d) To ratify the decision of the Finance Committee to award Clerk her annual increment in pay following on from recent Staff Appraisal.

This was resolved to approve the suggestions of the committee.

Planning applications:

B/19/0040 – residential development consisting of 139 dwellings, including associated roads, public open space and drainage infrastructure at Land off London Road, Kirton- No objections, however, the flood risk assessment is for 111 dwellings not 139, plus the ecology survey is out of date.

B/19/0073 – Approval of reserved matter Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale following outline approval B/18/0226 (Erect single dwelling house and paddock with details of access) at Leyland, 322A Willington Road, Kirton End – no objections.

B/19/0100 – Approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout, Scale) following outline approval B/15/0391 for residential development of 103 dwellings at Land off London Road, Kirton. – no objections

Planning Decisions:

B/18/0516 – First floor rear extension at 32 Boston Road, Kirton - grant.

B/19/0005 – Construction of 4 detached bungalows, three with detached double garages and associated site works at 62 Willington Road, Kirton – grant.


The View from the Vicarage

This month in two of our three Churches we celebrate our Patronal Festival June 30th - the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the dedication of Kirton and Algarkirk Churches .

There are many myths surrounding these two major figure of the Church. For example concerning the apostle Peter, it is said that he founded the Church of Rome. This is untrue. In fact he founded the Church of Antioch, where the disciples were first called ‘Christians’, as is related to us in the Acts of the Apostles. The Church of Rome was founded by the apostle Paul. That is why he wrote an epistle to the Romans. The apostle Peter did not write an epistle to the Romans. Indeed, it is believed that he was illiterate and dictated his memories and thoughts to St Mark, who wrote them down in a Gospel and later also wrote down from dictation the epistles of Peter.

It is also claimed that not only did the apostle Peter found the Church of Rome, but that somehow this gives the Church of Rome some special supremacy and superiority over all the other Churches. This is clearly not true, for the Church of Antioch, which was founded by St Peter, has never claimed any superiority. In reality, when our Lord says in the Gospel: ‘Thou art a rock and on this rock I will build my Church’, it refers not to some special authority given to Peter, it concerns all who confess Christ as the Son of the Living God. All who make this confession have authority, all who confess Christ truly are rocks and are granted the keys to the kingdom. 

Another foolish theory is somehow that these  apostles represent different groups of Christian. Thus, St Peter represents Roman Catholics, St Paul the Protestants and some have said St John represents the Orthodox. But how can the apostles Peter and Paul represent groups which broke away from the Church in the eleventh and sixteenth centuries, when they themselves lived and were martyred in the first century? 

 Having spoken of these myths, what then can we say of the apostles Peter and Paul?

First of all, we can say that they were very different.

Peter was one of the twelve disciples. Paul was converted after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. Peter was a fisherman, probably illiterate. Paul was a highly-educated rabbi. Peter was a provincial from the back of beyond Galilee. Paul was a Roman citizen who was able to speak in public in sophisticated Athens.

Peter’s real name was Simon, meaning ‘he who obeys’ and his nickname was ‘Cephas’ in Aramaic or Petros in Greek, meaning ‘the rock’, because his confession of faith in Christ the Son of God was rock solid. Paul’s real name was Saul, meaning ‘the destroyer’, which was changed to Paul, meaning in Latin ‘short in height’ or ‘small’, no doubt because he was short and small.

Peter renounced Jesus three times before His Crucifixion, which is why he had to repent three times after the Resurrection, answering Christ’s threefold question ‘Do you love me?’, as is related to us at the end of St John’s Gospel. Paul persecuted the Church and probably took part in the stoning of the First Martyr,  Stephen. Peter worked to convert the Jews, travelling to Egypt. Paul travelled everywhere he could and is known as ‘the apostle of the Gentiles’, the Non-Jews.

Despite all these differences, the two apostles had one vital thing in common.

This is that they both lived the miracle of repentance. The disciple Simon showed obedience and faith, was called Peter - a rock - and so was given keys to the kingdom, as all who confess the faith. And the persecutor Saul was converted on the road to Damascus, as is recounted in Acts Chapter 9, and so Saul became Paul. Thus both apostles Peter and Paul entered Rome and their repentance was crowned with martyrdom.

There was once a German girl whose family had immigrated to Pennsylvania USA at the end of the eighteenth century. She sewed the words on the sampler. A sampler is a piece of cloth embroidered with a design or motto.

I have been baptized.     Even if I die, how can the cold grave do me harm?     I know my homeland and my inheritance, which I have with God in heaven.     After I die, there is prepared for me the joy of heaven and the robes of glory.     I have been baptized.     I stand in covenant through my baptism with my God.     So say I always with glad lips     In crosses, tribulations, troubles and needs:     I have been baptized.     I rejoice in that. The joy remains forever.

 As we look at the personalities of Peter and Paul, we see that God called them to use their very different personalities to spread the Gospel. It is a reminder to us that our talents and our weaknesses too can become God’s means of helping others, if we allow. We don’t have to be perfect for God to work through us, God can work through us, faults and all, as he did with Peter and Paul. 

 Fr Paul