©Kirton News 2025

June 2021

The Editors Letter

Hello hello! As I write this, we are nearing yet another landmark on the seemingly never ending Covid roadmap. Eating or drinking inside a pub, cafe or restaurant and visiting the cinema are all things we will hopefully be able to do again very soon.

Therefore, the wait is almost over. I felt the front cover tagline applied to the easing of these restrictions (I appreciate that they were absolutely needed) but also to the fact that The Old King’s Head will soon be opening in the village. We can’t appreciate fully from the front view that most of us see everyday just how much work has been put into this beautiful building.

The photograph on the cover show some of what the interior will look like and what a transformation! Still keeping some of its original features, when it opens it will be such a boon for our village and something to be really proud of. Huge thanks to Heritage Lincolnshire for their investment and effort.

For our distributors, I will be meeting with my committee members at the Town Hall next week so will hopefully have some more information for you very soon for when we can start delivering again.

For our Meet the Locals feature this month, we’re talking to Lizzie Rowland who lives in Kirton and owns Small Town Baby, selling trendy and unique clothing for babies through to young children. See the interview on page **.

I mentioned in our last issue that I would be starting a Kirton Memories feature. I received a lovely story from Polly Champion (nee Hardy) who talks about life growing up in Kirton in the late 50’s and 60’s. Turn to Page ** for a trip down Memory Lane! I was also really pleased to receive an email from Stan Naylor, who sent through the ‘Keep Kirton Tidy Campaign’ from 30 years ago when he was the Parish Council Chairman, see page **.

I’m always contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk.

Take care of yourselves and don’t mention purple bins!


Meet The Locals

This month, we're chatting with Lizzie Rowland, who runs Small Town Baby, a clothing business for babies and young children!

1) When and why did you set up Small Town Baby?

I set up my small business back in July last year 2020, believe it or not through a global pandemic (crazy i know)! My son was one of my inspirations to create “Small Town Baby”. Being from a small town with not a big choice of baby shops, I’ve always struggled to find trendy, unique clothing for my growing toddler. This is when I thought there was definitely a market for these kind of clothes. I started to sample some clothing from my supplier and loved everything! I thought why not start a Facebook page and share all these adorable clothes with all the other Mummy’s and earn some extra cash too. I set up my Facebook page in July and after months of success this is when I decided to get my own website which launched in September 2020. Small Town Baby is trendy, affordable clothing & I only sell clothing I would dress my own children in.

2) What age range do you stock?
Sizes range from 0-3 Months - 4-5 years

3) What are your best selling items?

Our best selling items have been our rainbow jumpers, rainbow rompers & Teddybear hoodies.

4) What's the best thing about running Small Town Baby?

The best part is receiving orders - whether it's 2 orders a week or 20 every order means the world to me. I love handpicking clothing items & showcasing to my customers. Seeing photos of children in my clothing has to be the best feeling and knowing everyone loves them just as much as us!

5) How can people get in touch with you if they wish to order?

To place an order you can either visit my website -  www.smalltownbaby.co.uk or through any of my social media - Facebook: small town bab, Instagram: small.townbaby 

I also offer free collection from my home in Kirton!


Growing up in Kirton

I was born in a house down Edinburgh Drive in 1956. My brother still lives there now with a family of his own. I have very many happy memories of growing up in the village.

I went to the local primary school which was then situated down King Street. We used to walk there from an early age whatever the weather. Some of the teachers I remember are Miss Chantry, Miss Garner, Mrs Bloomfield and Mr Jowitt.

One of my earliest memories is not being able to start when everyone else did as I’d got Measles so my name was at the bottom of the register! Every Friday afternoon we were allowed to play and could take a toy in. At that time we played outside with our friends after tea, marbles, ball games, french skipping to name just a few.

We could go for long walks or bike rides without our parents having to worry about us and knew to be home before dark. We didn’t dare misbehave as PC Allen would stand at the phone box down the road from time to time to make sure we didn’t! We also used to go to Sunday School at the Methodist Chapel and then it was back home for a roast dinner. Chicken was always a rare treat and mostly we had beef with all the trimmings.

It was also family time on a Sunday when my nanny and auntie would come over for tea. Newspapers were delivered from Gwens shop, fruit and veg from Titch Burtons, meat from a butcher I can’t remember the name of (possibly Bagleys where Codfather is now ) and cheese from Robertson’s.

Fish and chips on a Friday from Borrills in the churchyard and sweeties from Dorothy’s. School uniform was always bought from Simpson’s, currently the Flower Shop. There were other shops too, all making up the heart of the village.

Pauline Champion (nee Hardy)


Kirton Church Fund

The October draw takes place on Sunday 25th October with the winning numbers printed in the December magazine. The November draw takes place on Sunday 22nd November and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.

Congratulations to both winners, who have both won before. It is however the first time number 92 has been drawn. This number belongs to a husband and wife team who both have 2 numbers and now have had wins with 3 out of the 4 of them!

Currently we only have 39 people taking part with only 48 numbers in the draw (nine of the thirty nine people have 2 numbers each.) So we really do have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.

The church is still trying to raise the money to repair the roof of both side aisles and the cancel roof which are all leaking badly, especially with all the rain we have been having recently.

You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish.

Not already a member? Then why not come and join us?

Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring or text 07598987199, or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.

April 2021 Winners

1st PRIZE - £44.52 - TICKET NUMBER: 71
2nd PRIZE - £14.84 - TICKET NUMBER: 92

Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.


Kirton Kids Club

It feels so good to be nearly normal again at the Kids Club at last. We are still following all Covid strategies but the children are enjoying more outside play, fresh air and ‘freedom’. We all hope face masks will soon be a thing of the past but even if they are not for a while – it is a small price to pay for being kept healthy and safe.

Children are very adaptable and don’t really mind that their play is ‘different’ as long as they still enjoy themselves – which is exactly what we try and encourage them to do.

We are open for breakfast club at 7.30am and after school until 5.45pm.

Breakfast and a drink is included in the morning session and after school the children are given a high tea’ at 4pm – all included in the price £4.00 b/c and £6.00 a/s per child per session.

If you would like more information please ring 07583 762072 and we will be pleased to help. There are a few places now at both after school and morning sessions.


Stanley Naylor looks back

Hi Rachael, I found this article when looking through my files, it appeared in the Village Magazine when I was Chairman of Kirton Parish Council in the early 1990’s. 

After some 30 years, litter is still a big problem.  If it is any use , you can put it in the next magazine. KEEP KIRTON TIDY CAMPAIGN. We are all guilty at some time of throwing litter on the ground. Can we not ask ourselves, what do we really do with our rubbish? Many of us eat sweets and chocolates, what do we do with the wrappers?  Those who eat lollypops, what happens to the sticks? Soft drinks are lovely in the summer, but where do the cans and plastic bottles go?  Everyone knows that fish and chips are very tasty when eaten from the paper, but what happens to the paper? Cigarette smokers - sorry folks, but what do you do with the packets and cigarette ends?  Can we not endeavour to put our rubbish in a bin - yes, I know that rubbish bins are few and far between, then why not take the rubbish home? Why not make a pledge to pick up a piece of rubbish every day, reprimand anyone seen throwing rubbish on the ground, or report them to the police, because it is an offence to drop litter on the ground.  Let us try a little bit harder to reduce the amount of rubbish that appears every day in the heart of the Village and around the Town Hall.  Your Parish Council will  be most grateful for your help.

Underground, overground:
The Wyberton Wombles

Let me introduce you to the local group Wyberton Wombles of Boston Common. This is a group of local, like minded residents who care deeply about our environment and in particular the amount of litter and rubbish that is being dumped in and around our town and villages. The group leaders are Steve Slater (you may have seen Steve in his Womble costume) and Steph Leyland who first came up with the idea of setting up a Facebook Group. Steph had, for some time, been walking around the Wyberton area with her two children litter picking. Initially the group name was Wyberton Wombles but has recently been changed. This was just over 3 months ago and at the time of writing there are 1000 members which is an absolutely amazing response. Not everyone uses social media so this monthly article will keep you up-to-date with what has been achieved. Steve and Steph have both done interviews on local radio to raise our profile. Local press has also covered our progress. We’ve had an interview with Look North which led to the opportunity to pose a question to the Police Commissioner about what the Police can do to help reduce the problem we have.

The group are working closely with Boston Borough Council and in particular a lady called Jen Moore who is the Council’s lead for initiatives to help reduce litter. Jen has been working with local schools for many years and helping educate children to be responsible about their environment and how to look after it. The Borough Council have been providing the red bags, litter pickers and gloves that are being distributed to our group members. There are a few collection points now springing up around the area to make it easier to collect more supplies. (Listed at the end of this article). Jen can be contacted at the Council on 01205 314583.

It is a fact that the majority of us hate to see the amount of litter on our streets, in the hedgerows, laybys and dykes. The number of bags containing dog poo is alarming. Why people go to all the trouble of bagging it up and then throwing in the hedge, or hanging it from a tree, is beyond comprehensible. Put it in the bins provided! A lot of litter is discarded from cars travelling down the roads, coffee cups, cans, alcohol bottles and wrappers just thrown on the pathways when finished with, rather than put in the nearest bin. We’ve all seen it, I’m sure. Wildlife is also put in danger by these irresponsible acts so no wonder people want to take action now.

You may have already seen adults and children around the villages of Kirton and Wyberton, or even as you jpurney further afield to Boston, Sutterton and Fishtoft. You cannot help but spot the Wombles, they are wearing yellow high visibility vests with the group name on the back. It is fantastic how local companies have come on board with this initiative and sponsored the printing of these vests. We have certainly been keeping Chris Cook busy over the past few weeks. Small and large companies are getting behind our efforts. Thanks must go to Costa, Burger King, Spar & Post Office Wyberton, A F Blakemore & Son Ltd for their generous donations of litter pickers, bags, bag holders and free coffee for the workers. We have also had anonymous cash donations, wooden planters and a Womble Bench on Wyberton Low Road with a sign saying “Wombles Rest” (again anonymously). We even have a road sign saying “Wyberton Wombles at work in this area”. A trailer was donated to the group which was in need of repair but this has now been done thanks to fantastic donations of timber and other things needed to restore it. 5000 leaflets have been letter box dropped all over the local area. Thanks also to Dan Ashton and his local company, DA Cleaning Services, who has been pressure washing stubborn areas on paths, bus shelters and seating areas at short notice. Kirton Leisure also donated litter pickers and have kindly offered a free hot drink for any Wombles. A permanent offer, not just a one off which is fantastic. There is a host of companies that have sponsored the yellow high viz vests, too many to mention in this initial article but we would like to thank each and everyone who has supported the group. The response has been amazing.

Some of the layby clean ups have been epic with one yielding over 100 bags of rubbish! Absolutely unbelievable. Fly tipping in laybys is an issue, one we have been trying to resolve vigorously. Steve has a few ideas which will be revealed if they come to fruition. Boston Borough Council are now emptying the laybys 3 times a week which is a big help. You may have seen all the red bags alongside public bins as you are out and about. This is a sure sign there has been a Womble or indeed a Womble family doing their best to improve our locality. The red bag count is closing in on 2000 at the time of writing this article.

There have been a few bigger clean ups by the “Kirton Crew”. These include Willington Road up to Kirton End, London Road towards Sutterton, West End Road, Bannisters Lane, Drainside and Wash Road including the enterprise park and West End Road. Two of the bigger projects in Boston included Skirbeck Church and the area at the top of the old High Street, near Nelson Way, alongside the dual carriageway. Redstone Industrial Estate is another project which needed quite a few volunteers. Greencore on Marsh Lane have contacted us and a group of Wombles and staff from the company teamed up for a clean-up.

The support we have received has been amazing, thank- yous from people walking by, refreshments, cars also stopping and “tooting” as they pass. We are truly being appreciated for all our hard work which is fantastic. We all have one goal – to clean up our towns and villages and be proud of our surroundings.

You should register with the Borough Council, a short form to be completed and you are ready to Womble. This registration is just for insurance purposes. The website is www.mybostonuk.com/eportit-action-it/ and scroll down to Litter Champion Application Form

Would you like to get involved? Not on Social Media? Hopefully you have seen the leaflet which has Steve’s contact details on if a phone call is what you prefer. His mobile number is 07595 635891.

You can do as much or as little you feel is possible.

Local red bag collection points :

23 Horseshoe Lane, 14 Craven Avenue, 21 King Street, Kirton Leisure.

53 Parthian Avenue (Steph) who also has litter pickers and gloves

79 West End Road (Steve).










The Royal British Legion
Kirton & District Branch

Hello Readers, I would like to update you on the Kirton and District Branch of the RBL fund raising campaign to install a permanent flag pole and a stone tablet in the war memorial garden, to commemorate the centenary of the Royal British Legion.

The business community of Kirton and district have been very generous but we need your help to get us over the target of £2500. The stone tablet will be laid by William Kent Memorials in the next few weeks if it has not been done so already by the time this letter is in the kirton news. To push us over the target I am now asking the residents of Kirton if they would like to donate as well, to do this I will put collection tins out in a few outlets in the village to allow you to donated what you like.

Your Kirton War Memorial Needs “YOU”

If you would like to make a donation directly please contact me Roland Reece at roland.reece@btinternet.com or send a donation to our secretary David Hodgson, 22 Grosvenor Road, Frampton, Boston PE20 1DB (Cheques should be made payable to Kirton and District Royal British Legion).

Any funds left over when all is completed will be donated to the poppy appeal.Thank you very sincerely

Challenge yourself for
The St Barnabas Hospice

For those that are seeking something more fearsome and exhilarating, why not take to the skies with St Barnabas Wing Walk and or Skydive?

We have spaces left on the following dates:

• Wing Walk – 8th August 2021

• Skydive 18th September 2021

Not found your desired challenge yet? Why not take to our adventures page and see what you can find and while your there take the opportunity to fill out our Adventure with St Barnabas Survey, allowing us to better understand your interests and hobbies. https://stbarnabashospice.co.uk/adventure/

St Barnabas Hospice are also seeking Volunteers to help in their shops. This is an ideal opportunity for people to get out and about, meet new people, gain new skills and enhance employability with job and life skills. For more information please contact volunteering@stbarnabashospice.co.uk or 01522 518221!

Paisley Paddison – Fundraising Officer
Mobile: 07468715788
Email: paisley.paddison@stbarnabashospice.co.uk


Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- March 2021 via video conference


Cllr I Cole, Councillors: S Watson, P Watson (and Borough), C Brotherton, G Cole, D Danby, S Wright, J Skinner, J Shelton, M Brookes (County)Also Present:      Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

No Residents attended.

Chairman’s comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

Apologies for absence and reason given

Apologies were received from Cllrs Austin and O’Connor and their reasons for absence were accepted.

 Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllrs I and G Cole declared that they are married to each other.

Cllr P Watson is on the Boston Borough Planning Committee and will not take part in discussions on planning applications.

Cllr S Watson declared an interest in that her husband, Cllr P Watson is on the planning committee at Boston Borough Council.

Cllrs I Cole and G Cole declared that they know the applicant of planning B-21-0085 but only on a neighbourly basis.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved after a proposal from Cllr G Cole and seconded by Cllr S Watson which was then unanimously agreed upon, that the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 18 February, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.

There were amendments to make to the recent Finance and Recreation Committee notes and as such the Clerk will make the changes and send out ready for the next meeting.

Police Matters

There were no Police attending, however, PCSO Williams had emailed the Clerk a report of recorded crimes since the last meeting which are:

1 x theft, Kings Court – undetected, 1 x assault, Hardwick Estate, under investigation, 1x assault, The Mill – under investigation, 1 x criminal damage, Craven Avenue, under investigation

Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

No public attended

Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Council/Boston Borough Council from/to County/Borough Councillors

Following on from a previous meeting and a request from Cllr Austin, the Clerk had queried all members and Borough and County Councillors and the conclusion was that the majority would like to stay on the same night. It was resolved after discussion that a decision will be made at the May meeting following on from the elections and how it affects Borough and County Councillors then.

Cllr Austin sent a report in her absence, the contents briefly were:

King Street – There will be an investigation regarding previous flooding (especially as there was sewerage in the flood water), but this could take several years.

Horseshoe Lane – Resurfacing of the footpath has dropped down the priority list due to the Station Road flooding works

Funding for businesses applying for the digital voucher and rural business grant closed early due to being over-subscribed.

Cllr Shelton arrived.

Cllr Brookes reported that the Green Lane jetting was due to start today. With regards to the Willington Road/Penny Gardens/Priestly Close flooding LCC were meeting with Black Sluice as per the report.

Cllr Brookes confirmed that the safety barrier on the pathway alongside High Street coming out of the Church footpath will be in place by the end of the month.

Cllr P Watson confirmed that the freezer on the corner of Hardwick Estate has now gone. The resident was issued with a community protection warning notice.

He also reported that the fly tipping on Horseshoe Lane was becoming a regular problem in the same spot. An officer from the Borough will attend and investigate.

Cllr P Watson thanked Cllr Shelton who reported dog fouling on Edinburgh Drive. As a result, the enforcement officers will do dog patrols.

Cllr Watson informed members that laybys are unfortunately not been emptied of litter/dumped rubbish as frequently as they should be at the moment due to the Borough’s bin staff being down on numbers due to covid/isolating.

Cllr P Watson reported that he is pushing for higher penalties to be issued for those caught fly tipping.

He is also on a group who are pushing the County Council to do away with the appointment time for the tips.

Cllr Wright asked why have the Borough stopped residents being allowed to put additional waste bags out with their household bins. Cllr P Watson will look into this.

Cllr G Cole asked why there is a limit on the new purple bins. Cllr Watson will also look into this.


Accounts for Payment – as per payment sheet dated March 2020/21 (12 of 12)

It was resolved that the payments should be made plus an additional payment of £400.18 to the Kirton Holme Church fund for the 2nd promised quarterly utility bill to be covered. This item was not on the payment sheet.

The council agreed that there should be no increase in the precept this year, however, due to a clerical error, an increase of £5000 was added on to last years figure.  The spreadsheet had shown an incorrect increase due to a mis posting which is why members agreed to the figure thinking it was the same as last year.  

The Clerk explained that the ‘safety net’ of physically checking precept request had not been done. 

Report from minutes of the previous meeting/ Clerk’s report

30.11.18 Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair. Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out. LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further. Cllr Austin agreed to chase this up. Cllr Austin informed members that this work has now been scheduled to be done

The update on the LCC site is: This fault will be assessed for the possibility of future permanent works and prioritised according to our Highways Asset Management Plan.

Clerk contacted Cllr Austin following on from a request from Cllr S Watson to chase up the signage issue at Skeldyke Road.

Cllr Austin has raised this again with Highways Manager and is waiting to find out when it will be done.

Preliminary enquiries made regarding obtaining land for allotments.

Contacted various bodies with regards to obtaining land for allotments. As of yet no success. Query made to Borough Council

for further information.

10-03-2021 Ongoing due to waiting for legal clarification as to whether the land

Already allocated to the Parish Council can be used for Allotment

Land (wording of the land registry title deeds) Grant forms completed towards getting funding from LCC for bus shelter at High Street.

Grant approved subject to the bus shelter having a timetable mounting added to the bus shelter. Bus shelter ordered and start. date given of 4th February 2021.

Highways approval needed and sought for the shelter. Residents of Businesses adjacent to the site of the bus shelter met with Highways And Parish Council.

Highways approval granted for the bus shelter. Lines for where the Shelter will be installed have been marked out. Clerk booked new Installation date of 2nd March. This is approved by grants. Bus Shelter will be installed on 11th March – this delay is due to the Contractor not getting the go ahead from Highways early enough.

Still unable to follow up getting quotations for the War Memorial Pillars and brickwork/point due to Covid restrictions.

Requested a warrant be issued with Money Claim Online To recover monies paid to contractor who didn’t do fencing.

Resident of Kells Drove contacted me via email asking for a grit Bin to be installed as many cars have come off the road this year. Application to LCC made. LCC say that the location does not score high enough and as such no grit bin will be installed on Kells Drove.

Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

1. Lincolnshire County Council – temporary Traffic restriction for Openreach Cabling Works at Meeres Lane (between London Road and a point 300m west) and on Washdike Road (between Meeres Lane and a point 300m east) between 25-03-21 and 26-03-21

2. Lincolnshire County Council – temporary traffic restriction – Kirton End – Electricity Main Works – Drainside North between 175m and 1150m south of B1391 between 12-04-2021 and 16-04-2021

3. Email received from the Kirton PCC regarding the trees in the Churchyard. They were giving approval for the tree work to go ahead but had stipulations regarding tree stumps and any discovered human remains.

4. A request was made from one person asking permission to metal detect in Dame Sarah Swift Park.

Members resolved not to approve this request.

5. The residents at Kirton Holme who are putting in the bench outside the Church have asked for the go ahead to spend the money getting the foundations in which will likely be in the region of £300. This was approved unanimously.

Town Hall

Cllr Danby reported that the work on the ceiling in the main hall has been completed. Originally it was planned to redecorate the whole of the ceiling, but it was more work than thought and has been left for now. He reported that the Upsall Room fire door has been replaced. The rear of the Kitchen door came and was the wrong size so was sent back and reordered. The side door will be done soon.

Members agreed that a letter of thanks should be sent to Peter Booth for yet again stepping in and helping out when no one else was free to do so. He had gone to the Park when the contractor couldn’t get in using the padlock. Mr Booth checked the padlock and found it to be fault and cut it off.


It was resolved not to increase cemetery fees for the next financial year.

Parish Matters

1. Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting

a. Consider whether committees who have not spent their budget allocation may carry this over to next financial year for this financial year only.

This came about due to the Recreation Committee wishing to spend their allocation but not being in time to do so. They had resolved to allocate £200 to the ‘Wombles’ when they need something. This left £100.

A bin was wanted for the play area behind the Town Hall but it was more than the £100 remaining in their budget. It was resolved by members to purchase the bin that they wished to have.

Allotment’s update

Nothing further to report at this time. The Clerk is chasing Ringrose Law to get an answer to the question ‘are allotments considered to be agriculture?’ but has heard nothing yet.

Reports for Various Bodies

Nothing to report

Planning applications

B-21-0072 Application for approval of reserved matters access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline approval B-19-0326 (outline application with all matters reserved for later approval for erection of a single dwelling) at land off Kirton Holme Road, Kirton Holme – NO OBJECTIONS

B/21/0085 - Application under s.73 for the removal of condition 3 (Agricultural Habitation Clause) of planning permission BR/0185/72 (Bungalow, garage and vehicular access) at Ardgraft, Swineshead Road, Kirton Holme, Boston, PE20 1TT – NO OBJECTIONS

B/21/0097 - Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following Outline Approval B/18/0346 (Residential Development of up to 8 dwellings) at Land west of Millview, Donington Road, Kirton End, Boston, PE20 1NX – NO OBJECTIONS

Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting

Date & Time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 15th April 2021 via Zoom beginning at 7 pm.  There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.05pm.