June 2022
The Editors Letter
I start off my letter in this very special edition of Kirton News by expressing a huge debt of thanks to Her Majesty the Queen. 70 years of unwaivering service and during some very turbulent times. I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a ‘Royalist’ but I’m very proud to be British, of our Queen and I very much hope she’s around for a good few years yet.
Look at our amazing front cover!! The very talented Gracie Sellars won our recent front cover competition. You can also see our runners-up on the back page! We had over 70 entries which was a fantastic response. We have some very talented young artists in Kirton! All the children who are featured in this issue will win a prize. I would like to thank Kirton Primary School for being so supportive with distributing the entry forms and collating them for us.
We have our regular gardening mentor Tim Hewett who is discussing maintenance during the Summer months, see more on Page 7. In our ‘Meet the Locals’ feature on Page 4 we’re talking to Kate Harris, a Frampton based travel expert who is passionate about creating that perfect getaway or holiday of a lifetime. We also have lots of forthcoming Jubilee related events advertised on Page 26.
I’m, as ever, contactable on Editor@kirtonnews.co.uk. I’m always more than happy to receive letters, gardening questions, book recommendations, recipes, announcements or news articles! If you are, or know of a local business who would be interested in advertising with us, please ask them to get in touch with Andrew at Advertising@kirtonnews.co.uk. Our advertising rates are extremely competitive, we deliver to nearly 2,500 homes (this is ever increasing) AND we are the most widely distributed village magazine in the Boston area!
Take care of yourselves.
Meet The Locals
This issue we're talking to Kate Harris, Managing Director of Inspired Travel, the perfect person to talk to about your dream holiday!
After the hardest 2 years in my 33 year career in travel I realised that if I wanted to I could make some changes in my life and one of those was moving away from the village I had spent over 25 years in.
I had lived in my little cottage in the centre of Burbage for 17 years, it’s a large thriving village in Leicestershire on the Warwickshire border. After renting my business premises for over 14 years I bit the bullet in February 2019 and bought my shop ideally located next door but 2 to my house. Little did I know that just 1 month later the world would be turned upside down and the travel industry would suffer so much.
I was forced to lock my shop doors but continued to work full time behind closed doors, only now refunding and re-booking holidays, it was a very hard and stressful time.
A year later I met my partner an NHS theatre manager who lived in Peterborough, very quickly we took the decision to buy together and needed somewhere that would offer him a reasonable commute to work. Having now got used to dealing with clients on the phone and by Zoom or Facetime I realised that distance from where my business had always been based, was no longer important as I was confident in the relationship I have with my clients and the service I had offered them, especially through Covid (I am very proud to say not one of them lost money).
We had no knowledge of Lincolnshire but when we walked into our now home in Frampton we instantly knew. I immediately put my house and shop on the market, both selling reasonably quickly, it was fate.
7 months later I’m back to full time hours in travel and work from my beautiful home office. The year started very well with lots of new bookings, proving that there is still a demand for holidays. It was great to see Australia open back up to tourism, it’s my favourite place in the world. I first went in 2000 and have been back a further 7 times. I am recognized by tourism Australia as an “Aussie Specialist” and love putting tailor-made itineraries together.
After 2 years of no new bookings I am just as happy now selling a London break as a round the world cruise, it’s just lovely to be back talking to clients and inspiring them with travel ideas.
I have recently booked my first Lincolnshire based client, he lives locally and owns a small business, we got chatting the first week I moved into the area, and like me he wanted to support a small local business. He needed help with his proof of vaccination and the country entry rules, he’s not very savvy on the internet so I sorted all of this for him, something he was extremely grateful for.
Please contact Kate on her mobile 07702512057 or email her at kate@inspiredtraveluk.com!

Gardening Time with Tim Hewett
As we are now moving into early summer the weather is warming still and becoming drier. No longer need to protect tender plants against the cold but watering becomes more important.
‘Splash’ watering can do more harm than good, the plants roots will rise towards the surface and the driest and hottest part of the soil. It is better to water for longer times and less often. As the water penetrates deeper into the soil the roots will follow and this results in a stronger plant. The foliage of spring bulbs will be yellowing, and when this happens any clumps that are overcrowded or ‘blind’, failing to flower, can be lifted, split up and replanted.
Complete outdoor planting of annuals.
Tender perennials should be planted out by now, look for spaces in the borders where these can be used to fill gaps. In many professional gardens these, and hardy annuals will be placed in pots to fill these spaces, the pot being hidden behind existing foliage. Dahlias should be tipped, removing the top growing tips, in order to create bushier plants.
Whilst checking the borders any early flowering perennials, for example Geranium and Pulmonaria, may be cut back hard to create new and fresher foliage, and most will re-flower following this treatment. Bit like a reverse Chelsea Chop when plants are cut back early in the season to delay flowering.
Tubs and hanging baskets should be coming into flower, but will require daily watering as we move through summer, even on the occasional wet day.
Roses will be harbouring greenfly, these can be dealt with by spraying with soapy water, although in my garden we got an infestation of lupin fly this year, within a week there were some very fat sparrows and the fly had disappeared.
Kirton Church Fund
The winning numbers for the May draw will be printed in the July/August magazine.
The June draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.
Both winners this month have won before. Congratulations to you both. The first prize winner had just renewed his number this month proving that it does pay to stay in!
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. I have just handed over a cheque for £745, money raised so far this year! Well done everyone and thank you for your support. The money is used to maintain our beautiful church and with work needing to be done to replace the roof we need to raise as much as we can. We will be applying for grants to help with the cost of the work needed, however we will need to show that we are raising money ourselves before we can get grants. Can you help? There is plenty of room for more members in Kirton Church Fund and a very good chance of winning in the monthly draws.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Could you win our monthly draw? You won’t know unless you join in. Remember you have to be in it to win it! Anyone over 18 may take part. Do come and join us.
You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month (and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months.) You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529 or for more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
April 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £45.00 - TICKET NUMBER: 86
2nd PRIZE - £15.00 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Letters to the Editor
Response to Kirton Parish Council
statement in Kirton News
Not wishing to serialise the ongoing issues with Kirton Parish Council, however, I feel I must clarify some of the statements that were made, specifically aimed at, and inferred about myself.
It can be confirmed by both myself and the Councillors concerned, that it was not because of my leadership, behaviour or abilities as a Councillor as to why they resigned.
The Extraordinary meeting that is mentioned, was not, as was implied, called because of the events of the AGM, but was called myself, the Friday before the AGM, while I was still a Councillor, at the request of three Councillors to discuss staffing matters.
It is misleading to imply that Cllr Cole was voted in to replace me and take the Council forward. At the AGM (later, declared legally void) it was Cllr Peter Watson was voted in as Chairman.
I, and others believe that my removal as Chairman was political and not due to my abilities. With the events that occurred on that evening, the Council was becoming more political based, to which I was an obstacle. I think politics have no place in Parish or local Councils, their aim should be solely for the benefit of the community, and Politics of that nature should stay in Westminster.
Similarly, as with the Parish Council, I also respect the privacy of the Clerk and will not pass comment on that particular matter.
Finally, my 2½ years as a Councillor were great, and the best thing I found out about the Parish while a Councillor, was that it wants to engage with the Council, but you had to get out there and meet them, and by doing that, I met a whole new group of people, that, were just amazing.
Carl Sharp
Former Councillor, Vice Chair & Chair of Kirton Parish Council.
Kids Club
This term so far, has been spent outside and it makes such a difference to be out in the open air and have the freedom of the space.
We had a day when it was like April showers at the beginning of May – warm but a little wet – but the children had the choice of going inside or staying out with coats on – you can guess which one they chose!
They had a wonderful time dodging the showers and keeping as dry as possible without going inside.
It is good – after the last couple of years – to see children being children.
Playing , laughing and having good fun – what children should be having.
The breakfast club is full at the moment but after school have a few places if you wish to get in touch.
The road works and middle of the village closure has not been so disruptive to the club as first thought and we are very grateful for this.
Walking the children to and from school has also be less stressful than anticipated – so thank you to the construction company for keeping the Kids Club children ( and staff of course) in mind when planning out the work.
Spaces for September have nearly all gone now – way earlier than usual – but it is always worth asking if you would like a one off session – children do need to be registered for sessions though.
Please phone on 07583 762072 for more information.
Normal Service Resumed at
Kirton Parish Church
Peter and Paul are our patron saints and we celebrate this on 26th June at 11am. The Bishop of Grantham will be worshiping with us.
Now that Covid restrictions have been lifted we would like to extend a special welcome to everyone to join us on that day. Refreshments will be served.
In response to Lynne Wheatley’s “Dame Sarah Swift Park update”
Kirton Parish Council supports and very much appreciates the ongoing activities and help that the Wombles give to the community and the local environment, and the Parish and will continue to support. The PC has been active in looking into various problems but, as you are aware, this cannot be done as quickly as some may wish. That is why we have not updated the Kirton News before a second article was written by Lynne Wheatley., without questioning the PC what progress has been made.
It has to be said that upon Kirton News receiving this update from Lynne Wheatley, in Kirton News, and the Parish Council not being offered an opportunity to comment, provide updated information or defend itself in the May edition and many Councillors only becoming aware of the article on publication, our response is therefore a month behind and the PC therefore feel the people of Kirton will be thinking ‘here we go again – show enthusiasm but no action’
It is very clear that Lynne Wheatley seems to be under the impression that individual councillors are able to commit the council to spending money and seems to be unaware that research and funding estimates have to be done before bringing matters such as CCTV to the council before councillors by law are legally allowed to make an informed decision to spend any public money.
For the record, since the meeting in the park with myself, Vice Chair Colin Brotherton the following things have been actioned or are in the process of being actioned by the council.
Communication with Simon, the Inspector of the existing equipment in the park regarding various matters.
Engineers from Boston Borough Team are looking into either straightening the gate or re-inserting the gate post to solve the problem of the gate dragging along the ground.
The latch to the gate is to be replaced, which Simon will do on his next inspection visit.
The missing table from the toddler area has been traced and is being repaired to a safety standard
The skate ride, as we noticed, requires attention and discussion with a company with expertise in this field have been had with a view of adding perhaps another flat bank and quarter pipe.
There was also the suggestion of making the mounds/banks on the farthest perimeter into a BMX style track. Goal posts are almost a must.
There are currently a significant amount of tree works to be done, and potentially the product from these could be used to make a trim trail.
There is also the lack of facilities for the disabled, both children to play and parents to watch and it is hoped that this will also be addressed.
Following conversations with locals there are a couple of things we are hoping to do to stop their inconvenience.
CCTV is perhaps a major project with talks going on with BBC to see if a system could be ‘married’ to anything there. Alternatively, the Parish Council use an independent company for their cameras at the Town Hall and we have been requesting the effectiveness of anything they can provide, however one of the obstacles is that there is no access to power at the park, which of course all CCTV installations will require.
All of this costs money and we have been in touch with the Cambridge and Lincolnshire Community Foundation for grant aid, and we have a contact at the Triton Knoll Wind Farm Project.
Many of these applications require the PC to have carried out public consultation to find the needs and requirements and that is what is proposed in the near future, with perhaps the youth coming forward with their thoughts.
The PC feel these are exciting times and, although this has been a bone of contention for some, with the representatives we have on board and the resident’s patience and assistance, it is hoped that the Park can be brought to a better standard which people have pride in and will alleviate some of the vandalism issues the park has had.
When the PC has any significant news of further developments with Dame Sarah Swift Park, we will update local residents through Kirton News as well as Internet page and social media platforms. Residents are of course welcome to contact the Parish Council directly through our Acting Parish Clerk or any of our serving Councillors that are listed on the internet, and media platforms with their thoughts about the park.
In the meantime, the PC invites local residents to attend our Queens Jubilee Picnic in the Park celebrations on the 4th of June at the Town Hall Recreational area, and St Peter and St Paul’s Church that starts at 1:00PM, and runs through into the evening with activities and fun for families.
On behalf of Kirton Parish Council, Yours sincerely,
Peter Watson Chairman.